org.daisy.dotify.formatter.impl.VolumeProvider Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.daisy.dotify.formatter.impl;
import org.daisy.dotify.api.formatter.SequenceProperties.SequenceBreakBefore;
import org.daisy.dotify.common.splitter.SplitPoint;
import org.daisy.dotify.common.splitter.SplitPointCost;
import org.daisy.dotify.common.splitter.SplitPointDataSource;
import org.daisy.dotify.common.splitter.SplitPointHandler;
import org.daisy.dotify.common.splitter.SplitPointSpecification;
import org.daisy.dotify.common.splitter.StandardSplitOption;
import org.daisy.dotify.formatter.impl.core.PaginatorException;
import org.daisy.dotify.formatter.impl.sheet.PageCounter;
import org.daisy.dotify.formatter.impl.sheet.SectionBuilder;
import org.daisy.dotify.formatter.impl.sheet.Sheet;
import org.daisy.dotify.formatter.impl.sheet.SheetDataSource;
import org.daisy.dotify.formatter.impl.sheet.SheetGroup;
import org.daisy.dotify.formatter.impl.sheet.SheetGroupManager;
import org.daisy.dotify.formatter.impl.sheet.SplitterLimit;
import org.daisy.dotify.formatter.impl.sheet.VolumeImpl;
import org.daisy.dotify.formatter.impl.volume.VolumeSequence;
import org.daisy.dotify.formatter.impl.volume.VolumeTemplate;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Given a list of {@link BlockSequence}s, produces {@link
* org.daisy.dotify.formatter.impl.common.Volume} objects one by one. The volumes are obtained
* through a {@link #nextVolume() "iterator" interface}.
* The input is a list of {@link BlockSequence}s, which are first converted to a sequence of
* "volume groups", where every group is a list of {@link BlockSequence}s, of which the first one
* has a hard volume break (break-before="volume"
). For every volume group a {@link
* SheetDataSource} is then created, which is wrapped in a {@link SheetGroup}. All groups are
* managed in a {@link SheetGroupManager}. {@link SheetDataSource}s that do not fit in a volume are
* broken, using {@link SplitPointHandler}. The cost function takes into account how much the total
* size of a volume deviates from the target size, the volume-break-priority
of the
* last sheet, and whether the {@link Sheet#isBreakable() isBreakable} constraint of the last sheet
* is violated.
* Pre- and post-content is added to every volume based on the provided {@link
* VolumeTemplate}s.
* One {@link PageCounter} is created for the body of the whole document, and one for every pre-
* or post-content of every volume.
* @author Joel Håkansson
public class VolumeProvider {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(VolumeProvider.class.getCanonicalName());
private static final int DEFAULT_SPLITTER_MAX = 50;
private final List blocks;
private final CrossReferenceHandler crh;
private SheetGroupManager groups;
private final SplitPointHandler volSplitter;
private int pageIndex = 0;
private int currentVolumeNumber = 0;
private boolean init = false;
private int j = 1;
private final SplitterLimit splitterLimit;
private final Stack volumeTemplates;
private final LazyFormatterContext context;
* Creates a new volume provider with the specifed parameters.
* @param blocks the block sequences
* @param volumeTemplates volume templates
* @param context the formatter context
VolumeProvider(List blocks, Stack volumeTemplates, LazyFormatterContext context) {
this.blocks = blocks;
this.crh = new CrossReferenceHandler();
this.splitterLimit = volumeNumber -> {
final DefaultContext c = new DefaultContext.Builder(crh)
Optional ot = -> t.appliesTo(c)).findFirst();
if (ot.isPresent()) {
return ot.get().getVolumeMaxSize();
} else {
logger.fine("Found no applicable volume template.");
this.volumeTemplates = volumeTemplates;
this.context = context;
this.volSplitter = new SplitPointHandler<>();
* Resets the volume provider to its initial state (with some information preserved).
* @throws RestartPaginationException
void prepare() {
if (!init) {
groups = new SheetGroupManager();
// make a preliminary calculation based on a contents only
Iterable allUnits = prepareToPaginateWithVolumeGroups(
new DefaultContext.Builder(crh).space(Space.BODY).build()
int volCount = 0; // initial estimate of volume count
for (SheetDataSource data : allUnits) {
volCount += (1 + (data.getRemaining().size() - 1)
/ splitterLimit.getSplitterLimit(volCount + 1));
//if there is an error, we won't have a proper initialization and have to retry from the beginning
init = true;
Iterable allUnits = prepareToPaginateWithVolumeGroups(
new DefaultContext.Builder(crh).space(Space.BODY).build()
int i = 0;
for (SheetDataSource unit : allUnits) {
pageIndex = 0;
currentVolumeNumber = 0;
* @return returns the next volume
* @throws RestartPaginationException if pagination should be restarted
VolumeImpl nextVolume() {
VolumeImpl volume = new VolumeImpl(crh.getOverhead(currentVolumeNumber));
List ad = new ArrayList<>();
volume.setPreVolData(updateVolumeContents(currentVolumeNumber, ad, true));
volume.setBody(nextBodyContents(currentVolumeNumber, volume.getOverhead().total(), ad));
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
logger.fine("Sheets in volume " + currentVolumeNumber + ": " + (volume.getVolumeSize()) +
", content:" + volume.getBodySize() +
", overhead:" + volume.getOverhead());
volume.setPostVolData(updateVolumeContents(currentVolumeNumber, ad, false));
crh.setSheetsInVolume(currentVolumeNumber, volume.getBodySize() + volume.getOverhead().total());
//crh.setPagesInVolume(i, value);
crh.setAnchorData(currentVolumeNumber, ad);
crh.setOverhead(currentVolumeNumber, volume.getOverhead());
return volume;
* Gets the contents of the next volume.
* @param overhead the number of sheets in this volume that's not part of the main body of text
* @param ad the anchor data
* @return returns the contents of the next volume
private SectionBuilder nextBodyContents(int volumeNumber, final int overhead, List ad) {
groups.currentGroup().setOverheadCount(groups.currentGroup().getOverheadCount() + overhead);
final int targetSheetsInVolume = splitterLimit.getSplitterLimit(volumeNumber);
//Not using lambda for now, because it's noticeably slower.
SplitPointCost cost = new SplitPointCost() {
public double getCost(SplitPointDataSource units, int index, int breakpoint) {
int contentSheetTarget = targetSheetsInVolume - overhead;
Sheet lastSheet = units.get(index);
double priorityPenalty = 0;
int sheetCount = index + 1;
// Calculates a maximum offset based on the maximum possible number of sheets
double range = targetSheetsInVolume * 0.4;
if (!units.isEmpty()) {
VolumeKeepPriority avoid = lastSheet.getAvoidVolumeBreakAfterPriority();
if (avoid.hasValue()) {
// Reverses 1-9 to 9-1 with bounds control and normalizes that to [1/9, 1]
double normalized = ((10 - avoid.getValue()) / 9d);
// Calculates a number of sheets that a high priority can beat
priorityPenalty = range * normalized;
// sets the preferred value to targetSheetsInVolume, where cost will be 0
// including a small preference for bigger volumes
double distancePenalty = Math.abs(contentSheetTarget - sheetCount) +
(contentSheetTarget - sheetCount) * 0.001;
int unbreakablePenalty = lastSheet.isBreakable() ? 0 : 100;
return distancePenalty + priorityPenalty + unbreakablePenalty;
SplitPoint sp;
// The data is consumed two times. Once to find the optimal break point ("find" function),
// and once to do the actual split at that position ("split" function). We only record the
// changes made to the CrossReferenceHandler during the second pass. Note that although no
// changes are made to the CrossReferenceHandler, it can still become dirty if some info
// that is requested is not available.
SheetDataSource data = groups.currentGroup().getUnits();
SheetDataSource copySource = new SheetDataSource(data);
SplitPointSpecification spec = volSplitter.find(targetSheetsInVolume - overhead,
cost, StandardSplitOption.ALLOW_FORCE);
sp = volSplitter.split(spec, data);
sp = volSplitter.split(targetSheetsInVolume-overhead,
cost, StandardSplitOption.ALLOW_FORCE);
List contents = sp.getHead();
int pageCount = Sheet.countPages(contents);
crh.setVolumeScope(volumeNumber, pageIndex, pageIndex + pageCount);
pageIndex += pageCount;
SectionBuilder sb = new SectionBuilder();
boolean atFirstPageOfContents = true;
for (Sheet sheet : contents) {
for (PageImpl p : sheet.getPages()) {
if (atFirstPageOfContents) {
crh.setPageNumberOfFirstContentPageOfVolume(volumeNumber, p.getPageNumber());
List contentIdentifiers = p.getContentIdentifiers();
for (String id : p.getIdentifiers()) {
boolean atStartOfPage = !contentIdentifiers.contains(id);
crh.setVolumeData(id, new VolumeData(volumeNumber, atStartOfPage));
} else {
for (String id : p.getIdentifiers()) {
crh.setVolumeData(id, new VolumeData(volumeNumber, false));
if (p.getAnchors().size() > 0) {
ad.add(new AnchorData(p.getAnchors(), p.getPageNumber()));
atFirstPageOfContents = false;
groups.currentGroup().setSheetCount(groups.currentGroup().getSheetCount() + contents.size());
return sb;
private SectionBuilder updateVolumeContents(int volumeNumber, List ad, boolean pre) {
DefaultContext c = new DefaultContext.Builder(crh)
.space(pre ? Space.PRE_CONTENT : Space.POST_CONTENT)
try {
List ib = new ArrayList<>();
for (VolumeTemplate t : volumeTemplates) {
if (t.appliesTo(c)) {
for (VolumeSequence seq : (pre ? t.getPreVolumeContent() : t.getPostVolumeContent())) {
BlockSequence s = seq.getBlockSequence(context.getFormatterContext(), c, crh);
if (s != null) {
List ret = prepareToPaginatePrePostVolumeContent(ib, c).getRemaining();
SectionBuilder sb = new SectionBuilder();
for (Sheet ps : ret) {
for (PageImpl p : ps.getPages()) {
for (String id : p.getIdentifiers()) {
crh.setVolumeData(id, new VolumeData(volumeNumber, false));
if (p.getAnchors().size() > 0) {
ad.add(new AnchorData(p.getAnchors(), p.getPageNumber()));
return sb;
} catch (PaginatorException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Convert a list of {@link BlockSequence}s from a pre- or post-content to a {@link SheetDataSource}.
private SheetDataSource prepareToPaginatePrePostVolumeContent(
List fs,
DefaultContext rcontext
) throws PaginatorException {
return prepareToPaginate(new PageCounter(), rcontext, null, fs);
* Process hard volume breaks.
* Convert a list of {@link BlockSequence}s to a sequence of {@link SheetDataSource}. At
* every BlockSequence
with a hard volume break
* (break-before="volume"
) a new SheetDataSource
is started.
private Iterable prepareToPaginateWithVolumeGroups(
List fs,
DefaultContext rcontext
) {
List> volGroups = new ArrayList<>();
List currentGroup = new ArrayList<>();
for (BlockSequence bs : fs) {
if (bs.getSequenceProperties().getBreakBeforeType() == SequenceBreakBefore.VOLUME) {
currentGroup = new ArrayList<>();
PageCounter pageCounter = new PageCounter();
return new Iterable() {
public Iterator iterator() {
try {
return prepareToPaginateWithVolumeGroups(pageCounter, rcontext, volGroups).iterator();
} catch (PaginatorException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Convert a list of {@link BlockSequence}s, grouped in "volume groups" that start with a hard
* volume break, to a list of {@link SheetDataSource}.
private List prepareToPaginateWithVolumeGroups(
PageCounter pageCounter,
DefaultContext rcontext,
Iterable> volGroups
) throws PaginatorException {
List ret = new ArrayList<>();
int i = 0;
for (List glist : volGroups) {
ret.add(prepareToPaginate(pageCounter, rcontext, i++, glist));
return ret;
* Convert a list of {@link BlockSequence}s to a single {@link SheetDataSource}.
private SheetDataSource prepareToPaginate(
PageCounter pageCounter,
DefaultContext rcontext,
Integer volumeGroup,
List seqs
) throws PaginatorException {
return new SheetDataSource(pageCounter, context.getFormatterContext(), rcontext, volumeGroup, seqs);
* Informs the volume provider that the caller has finished requesting volumes.
* Note: only use after all volumes have been calculated.
* @return returns true if the volumes can be accepted, false otherwise
boolean done() {
if (!crh.isDirty()) {
return true;
} else {
crh.setDirty(false);"Things didn't add up, running another iteration (" + j + ")");
return false;
boolean hasNext() {
return groups.hasNext();