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* Copyright 2019 Dash Core Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.bitcoinj.wallet;
import org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey;
import org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters;
import org.bitcoinj.crypto.*;
import org.bitcoinj.script.Script;
import org.bitcoinj.utils.ListenerRegistration;
import org.bitcoinj.wallet.listeners.KeyChainEventListener;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static;
import static;
import static;
public class AuthenticationKeyChain extends ExternalKeyChain {
public enum KeyChainType {
KeyChainType type;
boolean hardenedChildren;
int currentIndex;
int issuedKeys;
public static class Builder> {
protected SecureRandom random;
protected int bits = DeterministicSeed.DEFAULT_SEED_ENTROPY_BITS;
protected String passphrase;
protected long creationTimeSecs = 0;
protected byte[] entropy;
protected DeterministicSeed seed;
protected boolean isFollowing = false;
protected DeterministicKey spendingKey = null;
protected ImmutableList accountPath = null;
protected KeyChainType type = null;
protected boolean hardenedChildren = false;
protected Builder() {
protected T self() {
return (T)this;
* Creates a deterministic key chain starting from the given seed. All keys yielded by this chain will be the same
* if the starting seed is the same.
public T seed(DeterministicSeed seed) {
this.seed = seed;
return self();
* Generates a new key chain with entropy selected randomly from the given {@link SecureRandom}
* object and of the requested size in bits. The derived seed is further protected with a user selected passphrase
* (see BIP 39).
* @param random the random number generator - use new SecureRandom().
* @param bits The number of bits of entropy to use when generating entropy. Either 128 (default), 192 or 256.
public T random(SecureRandom random, int bits) {
this.random = random;
this.bits = bits;
return self();
* Generates a new key chain with 128 bits of entropy selected randomly from the given {@link SecureRandom}
* object. The derived seed is further protected with a user selected passphrase
* (see BIP 39).
* @param random the random number generator - use new SecureRandom().
public T random(SecureRandom random) {
this.random = random;
return self();
* Creates a key chain that can spend from the given account key.
public T spend(DeterministicKey accountKey) {
checkState(accountPath == null, "either spend or accountPath");
this.spendingKey = accountKey;
this.isFollowing = false;
return self();
/** The passphrase to use with the generated mnemonic, or null if you would like to use the default empty string. Currently must be the empty string. */
public T passphrase(String passphrase) {
// FIXME support non-empty passphrase
this.passphrase = passphrase;
return self();
* Use an account path other than the default {@link DeterministicKeyChain#ACCOUNT_ZERO_PATH}.
public T accountPath(ImmutableList accountPath) {
this.accountPath = checkNotNull(accountPath);
return self();
public T type(KeyChainType type) {
this.type = type;
return self();
public T createHardenedChildren(boolean hardedChildren) {
this.hardenedChildren = hardedChildren;
return self();
public AuthenticationKeyChain build() {
checkState(passphrase == null || seed == null, "Passphrase must not be specified with seed");
if (accountPath == null)
accountPath = ACCOUNT_ZERO_PATH;
if (type == null)
type = KeyChainType.INVALID_KEY_CHAIN;
if (random != null)
// Default passphrase to "" if not specified
return new AuthenticationKeyChain(new DeterministicSeed(random, bits, getPassphrase()), null,
accountPath, type, hardenedChildren);
else if (entropy != null)
return new AuthenticationKeyChain(new DeterministicSeed(entropy, getPassphrase(), creationTimeSecs),
null, accountPath, type, hardenedChildren);
else if (seed != null)
return new AuthenticationKeyChain(seed, null, accountPath, type, hardenedChildren);
else if (spendingKey != null)
return new AuthenticationKeyChain(spendingKey, type, hardenedChildren);
throw new IllegalStateException();
protected String getPassphrase() {
return passphrase != null ? passphrase : DEFAULT_PASSPHRASE_FOR_MNEMONIC;
public AuthenticationKeyChain(DeterministicSeed seed, ImmutableList path) {
super(seed, null, path);
public AuthenticationKeyChain(DeterministicSeed seed, KeyCrypter keyCrypter, ImmutableList path) {
super(seed, keyCrypter, path);
public AuthenticationKeyChain(DeterministicKey key) {
super(key, false);
public AuthenticationKeyChain(DeterministicSeed seed, ImmutableList path, KeyChainType type, boolean hardenedChildren) {
this(seed, path);
this.type = type;
this.hardenedChildren = hardenedChildren;
public AuthenticationKeyChain(DeterministicSeed seed, KeyCrypter keyCrypter, ImmutableList path, KeyChainType type, boolean hardenedChildren) {
this(seed, keyCrypter, path);
this.type = type;
this.hardenedChildren = hardenedChildren;
public AuthenticationKeyChain(DeterministicKey key, KeyChainType type, boolean hardenedChildren) {
this.type = type;
this.hardenedChildren = hardenedChildren;
* For use in encryption when {@link #toEncrypted(KeyCrypter, KeyParameter)} is called, so that
* subclasses can override that method and create an instance of the right class.
* See also {@link #makeKeyChainFromSeed(DeterministicSeed, ImmutableList, Script.ScriptType)}
protected AuthenticationKeyChain(KeyCrypter crypter, KeyParameter aesKey, AuthenticationKeyChain chain) {
super(crypter, aesKey, chain);
this.type = chain.type;
this.hardenedChildren = chain.hardenedChildren;
public static Builder> authenticationBuilder() {
return new Builder();
* Sets the KeyChainType of this AuthenticationKeyChain. Used by Wallet when loading from a protobuf
* @param type the type of authentication key chain
/* package */
void setType(KeyChainType type) {
this.type = type;
public DeterministicKey getKey(KeyPurpose purpose) {
return getKeys(purpose, 1).get(0);
public List getKeys(KeyPurpose purpose, int numberOfKeys) {
checkArgument(numberOfKeys > 0);
try {
DeterministicKey parentKey;
int index;
switch (purpose) {
issuedKeys += numberOfKeys;
index = issuedKeys;
parentKey = getKeyByPath(getAccountPath());
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
//TODO: do we need to look ahead here, even for one key? Does anything get saved?
/** Optimization: see {@link DeterministicKeyChain.getKeys(org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChain.KeyPurpose, int)} */
List lookahead = maybeLookAhead(parentKey, index, 0, 0);
List keys = new ArrayList(numberOfKeys);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfKeys; i++) {
ImmutableList path = HDUtils.append(parentKey.getPath(), new ChildNumber(index - numberOfKeys + i, false));
DeterministicKey k = hierarchy.get(path, false, false);
return keys;
} finally {
public DeterministicKey getKey(int index, boolean isHardened) {
return getKeyByPath(new ImmutableList.Builder().addAll(getAccountPath()).addAll(ImmutableList.of(new ChildNumber(index, isHardened))).build(), true);
public DeterministicKey getKey(int index) {
return getKeyByPath(new ImmutableList.Builder().addAll(getAccountPath()).addAll(ImmutableList.of(new ChildNumber(index, hardenedChildren))).build(), true);
public int getCurrentIndex() {
return currentIndex;
public DeterministicKey freshAuthenticationKey(boolean isHardened) {
return getKey(KeyPurpose.AUTHENTICATION);
public DeterministicKey currentAuthenticationKey(boolean isHardened) {
return getKey(currentIndex, isHardened);
public DeterministicKey getKeyByPubKeyHash(byte [] hash160) {
Preconditions.checkState(hash160.length == 20);
return (DeterministicKey)basicKeyChain.findKeyFromPubHash(hash160);
public String toString(boolean includeLookahead, boolean includePrivateKeys, @Nullable KeyParameter aesKey, NetworkParameters params) {
return "Authentication Key Chain: " + (type != null ? type.toString() : "unknown") + "\n" +
super.toString(includeLookahead, includePrivateKeys, aesKey, params);
public AuthenticationKeyChain toEncrypted(KeyCrypter keyCrypter, KeyParameter aesKey) {
return new AuthenticationKeyChain(keyCrypter, aesKey, this);
public AuthenticationKeyChain toDecrypted(KeyParameter aesKey) {
checkState(getKeyCrypter() != null, "Key chain not encrypted");
checkState(getSeed() != null, "Can't decrypt a watching chain");
String passphrase = DEFAULT_PASSPHRASE_FOR_MNEMONIC; // FIXME allow non-empty passphrase
DeterministicSeed decSeed = getSeed().decrypt(getKeyCrypter(), passphrase, aesKey);
AuthenticationKeyChain chain = new AuthenticationKeyChain(decSeed, getAccountPath(), type, hardenedChildren);
// Now double check that the keys match to catch the case where the key is wrong but padding didn't catch it.
if (!chain.getWatchingKey().getPubKeyPoint().equals(getWatchingKey().getPubKeyPoint()))
throw new KeyCrypterException.PublicPrivateMismatch("Provided AES key is wrong");
chain.lookaheadSize = lookaheadSize;
// Now copy the (pubkey only) leaf keys across to avoid rederiving them. The private key bytes are missing
// anyway so there's nothing to decrypt.
for (ECKey eckey : basicKeyChain.getKeys()) {
DeterministicKey key = (DeterministicKey) eckey;
if (key.getPath().size() != getAccountPath().size() + 2) continue; // Not a leaf key.
DeterministicKey parent = chain.hierarchy.get(checkNotNull(key.getParent()).getPath(), false, false);
// Clone the key to the new decrypted hierarchy.
key = new DeterministicKey(key.dropPrivateBytes(), parent);
chain.issuedExternalKeys = issuedExternalKeys;
chain.issuedInternalKeys = issuedInternalKeys;
for (ListenerRegistration listener : basicKeyChain.getListeners()) {
return chain;
public KeyChainType getType() {
return type;
public void setHardenedChildren(boolean hardenedChildren) {
this.hardenedChildren = hardenedChildren;