org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ModuleBinding Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2016, 2021 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IModuleAwareNameEnvironment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IUpdatableModule;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.HashtableOfPackage;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.SimpleLookupTable;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.SimpleSetOfCharArray;
* This class serves a dual purpose
* First, it canonically represents modules in the world of bindings.
* Secondly, it adds a graph layer on top of {@link LookupEnvironment}:
* ModuleBindins are linked through "read" edges as per JPMS (see java.lang.module.Configuration).
* Additionally, each ModuleBinding holds its own instance of LookupEnviroment,
* capturing all packages and types that are visible to the current module.
* As a subset of all visible types, the ModuleBinding knows the set of
* packages locally declared in this module.
public class ModuleBinding extends Binding implements IUpdatableModule {
/** Name of the unnamed module. */
public static final char[] UNNAMED = "".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Name to represent unnamed modules in --add-exports & --add-reads options. */
public static final char[] ALL_UNNAMED = "ALL-UNNAMED".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Module name for package/type lookup that doesn't care about modules. */
public static final char[] ANY = "".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Module name for package/type lookup that should look into all named modules. */
public static final char[] ANY_NAMED = "".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Module name for an unobservable module */
public static final char[] UNOBSERVABLE = "".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
public static class UnNamedModule extends ModuleBinding {
private static final char[] UNNAMED_READABLE_NAME = "".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
UnNamedModule(LookupEnvironment env) {
public ModuleBinding[] getAllRequiredModules() {
return Binding.NO_MODULES;
public boolean canAccess(PackageBinding pkg) {
if (pkg instanceof SplitPackageBinding) {
for (PackageBinding p : ((SplitPackageBinding) pkg).incarnations) {
if (canAccess(p)) {
return true;
return false;
} else {
ModuleBinding mod = pkg.enclosingModule;
if (mod != null && mod != this)
return mod.isPackageExportedTo(pkg, this);
return true;
public boolean isPackageExportedTo(PackageBinding pkg, ModuleBinding client) {
// per JLS 7.7.5 an unnamed module exports all its packages
return pkg.isDeclaredIn(this) && pkg.hasCompilationUnit(false);
PlainPackageBinding getDeclaredPackage(char[] flatName) {
PlainPackageBinding declaredPackage = super.getDeclaredPackage(flatName);
if (declaredPackage == null && this.environment.useModuleSystem) {
IModuleAwareNameEnvironment moduleEnv = (IModuleAwareNameEnvironment) this.environment.nameEnvironment;
char[][] compoundName = CharOperation.splitOn('.', flatName);
char[][] declaringModuleNames = moduleEnv.getUniqueModulesDeclaringPackage(compoundName, nameForLookup());
if (declaringModuleNames != null && CharOperation.containsEqual(declaringModuleNames, this.moduleName)) {
declaredPackage = getOrCreateDeclaredPackage(compoundName);
return declaredPackage;
public boolean isUnnamed() {
return true;
public char[] nameForLookup() {
return ANY;
public char[] nameForCUCheck() {
return UNNAMED;
public char[] readableName() {
public String toString() {
return "The Unnamed Module"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public char[] moduleName;
protected ModuleBinding[] requires;
protected ModuleBinding[] requiresTransitive;
protected PlainPackageBinding[] exportedPackages;
private Map exportRestrictions; // RHS is unresolved names, because unresolvable names are legal in this position
protected PlainPackageBinding[] openedPackages;
private Map openRestrictions; // RHS is unresolved names, because unresolvable names are legal in this position
protected TypeBinding[] uses;
protected TypeBinding[] services;
public Map implementations;
public char[] mainClassName;
private SimpleSetOfCharArray packageNames;
public int modifiers;
public LookupEnvironment environment;
public long tagBits;
public int defaultNullness = NO_NULL_DEFAULT;
ModuleBinding[] requiredModules = null;
boolean isAuto = false;
private boolean[] isComplete = new boolean[UpdateKind.values().length];
private Set transitiveRequires;
SimpleLookupTable storedAnnotations = null;
* Packages declared in this module (indexed by qualified name).
* We consider a package as declared in a module,
* if a compilation unit associated with the module
* declares the package or a subpackage thereof.
* A package in this structures is always represented by a {@link PlainPackageBinding},
* as opposed to {@link SplitPackageBinding}, which are only maintained in the trees
* below {@link LookupEnvironment#knownPackages}.
* This structure is populated early during compilation with all packages that
* are referenced in exports and opens directives, plus their parent packages.
public HashtableOfPackage declaredPackages;
/** Constructor for the unnamed module. */
ModuleBinding(LookupEnvironment env) {
this.moduleName = ModuleBinding.UNNAMED;
this.environment = env;
this.requires = Binding.NO_MODULES;
this.requiresTransitive = Binding.NO_MODULES;
this.exportedPackages = Binding.NO_PLAIN_PACKAGES;
this.openedPackages = Binding.NO_PLAIN_PACKAGES;
this.declaredPackages = new HashtableOfPackage();
Arrays.fill(this.isComplete, true);
/* For error binding and sub class SourceModuleBinding. */
ModuleBinding(char[] moduleName) {
this.moduleName = moduleName;
this.requires = Binding.NO_MODULES;
this.requiresTransitive = Binding.NO_MODULES;
this.exportedPackages = Binding.NO_PLAIN_PACKAGES;
this.openedPackages = Binding.NO_PLAIN_PACKAGES;
this.uses = Binding.NO_TYPES; = Binding.NO_TYPES;
this.declaredPackages = new HashtableOfPackage(5);
/* For sub class BinaryModuleBinding */
protected ModuleBinding(char[] moduleName, LookupEnvironment existingEnvironment) {
this.moduleName = moduleName;
this.requires = Binding.NO_MODULES;
this.requiresTransitive = Binding.NO_MODULES;
this.environment = new LookupEnvironment(existingEnvironment.root, this);
this.declaredPackages = new HashtableOfPackage(5);
public PlainPackageBinding[] getExports() {
return this.exportedPackages;
public String[] getExportRestrictions(PackageBinding pack) {
if (this.exportRestrictions != null) {
SimpleSetOfCharArray set = this.exportRestrictions.get(pack);
if (set != null) {
char[][] names = new char[set.elementSize][];
return CharOperation.charArrayToStringArray(names);
return CharOperation.NO_STRINGS;
public PlainPackageBinding[] getOpens() {
return this.openedPackages;
public String[] getOpenRestrictions(PackageBinding pack) {
if (this.openRestrictions != null) {
SimpleSetOfCharArray set = this.openRestrictions.get(pack);
if (set != null) {
char[][] names = new char[set.elementSize][];
return CharOperation.charArrayToStringArray(names);
return CharOperation.NO_STRINGS;
public TypeBinding[] getImplementations(TypeBinding binding) {
if (this.implementations != null) {
return this.implementations.get(binding);
return null;
public ModuleBinding[] getRequires() {
return this.requires;
public ModuleBinding[] getRequiresTransitive() {
return this.requiresTransitive;
public TypeBinding[] getUses() {
return this.uses;
public TypeBinding[] getServices() {
void completeIfNeeded(IUpdatableModule.UpdateKind kind) {
if (!this.isComplete[kind.ordinal()]) {
this.isComplete[kind.ordinal()] = true;
if (this.environment.nameEnvironment instanceof IModuleAwareNameEnvironment) {
((IModuleAwareNameEnvironment) this.environment.nameEnvironment).applyModuleUpdates(this, kind);
// --- Implement IUpdatableModule: ---
public void addReads(char[] requiredModuleName) {
ModuleBinding requiredModule = this.environment.getModule(requiredModuleName);
if (requiredModule != null) {
int len = this.requires.length;
if (len == 0) {
this.requires = new ModuleBinding[] { requiredModule };
} else {
System.arraycopy(this.requires, 0, this.requires = new ModuleBinding[len+1], 0, len);
this.requires[len] = requiredModule;
} else {
public void addExports(char[] packageName, char[][] targetModules) {
PlainPackageBinding declaredPackage = getOrCreateDeclaredPackage(CharOperation.splitOn('.', packageName));
if (declaredPackage != null && declaredPackage.isValidBinding())
addResolvedExport(declaredPackage, targetModules);
public void setMainClassName(char[] mainClassName) {
this.mainClassName = mainClassName;
public void setPackageNames(SimpleSetOfCharArray packageNames) {
this.packageNames = packageNames;
// for code gen:
/** @return array of names, which may contain nulls. */
public char[][] getPackageNamesForClassFile() {
if (this.packageNames == null)
return null;
for (PlainPackageBinding packageBinding : this.exportedPackages)
for (PlainPackageBinding packageBinding : this.openedPackages)
if (this.implementations != null)
for (TypeBinding[] types : this.implementations.values())
for (TypeBinding typeBinding : types)
return this.packageNames.values;
// ---
PlainPackageBinding createDeclaredToplevelPackage(char[] name) {
PlainPackageBinding packageBinding = new PlainPackageBinding(name, this.environment, this);
this.declaredPackages.put(name, packageBinding);
return packageBinding;
PlainPackageBinding createDeclaredPackage(char[][] compoundName, PackageBinding parent) {
PlainPackageBinding packageBinding = new PlainPackageBinding(compoundName, parent, this.environment, this);
this.declaredPackages.put(CharOperation.concatWith(compoundName, '.'), packageBinding);
return packageBinding;
public PlainPackageBinding getOrCreateDeclaredPackage(char[][] compoundName) {
char[] flatName = CharOperation.concatWith(compoundName, '.');
PlainPackageBinding pkgBinding = this.declaredPackages.get(flatName);
if (pkgBinding != null)
return pkgBinding;
if (compoundName.length > 1) {
PlainPackageBinding parent = getOrCreateDeclaredPackage(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, compoundName.length-1));
pkgBinding = new PlainPackageBinding(compoundName, parent, this.environment, this);
parent.addPackage(pkgBinding, this);
} else {
pkgBinding = new PlainPackageBinding(compoundName[0], this.environment, this);
PackageBinding problemPackage = this.environment.getPackage0(compoundName[0]);
if (problemPackage == LookupEnvironment.TheNotFoundPackage)
this.environment.knownPackages.put(compoundName[0], null); // forget TheNotFoundPackage if package was detected late (e.g. with APT in the loop)
this.declaredPackages.put(flatName, pkgBinding);
return pkgBinding;
public void addResolvedExport(PlainPackageBinding declaredPackage, char[][] targetModules) {
if (declaredPackage == null || !declaredPackage.isValidBinding()) {
// TODO(SHMOD) use a problem binding (if needed by DOM clients)? See
if (this.exportedPackages == null || this.exportedPackages.length == 0) {
this.exportedPackages = new PlainPackageBinding[] { declaredPackage };
} else {
int len = this.exportedPackages.length;
System.arraycopy(this.exportedPackages, 0, this.exportedPackages = new PlainPackageBinding[len+1], 0, len);
this.exportedPackages[len] = declaredPackage;
declaredPackage.isExported = Boolean.TRUE;
recordExportRestrictions(declaredPackage, targetModules);
public void addResolvedOpens(PlainPackageBinding declaredPackage, char[][] targetModules) {
int len = this.openedPackages.length;
if (declaredPackage == null || !declaredPackage.isValidBinding()) {
// TODO(SHMOD) use a problem binding (if needed by DOM clients)? See
if (len == 0) {
this.openedPackages = new PlainPackageBinding[] { declaredPackage };
} else {
System.arraycopy(this.openedPackages, 0, this.openedPackages = new PlainPackageBinding[len+1], 0, len);
this.openedPackages[len] = declaredPackage;
recordOpensRestrictions(declaredPackage, targetModules);
protected void recordExportRestrictions(PlainPackageBinding exportedPackage, char[][] targetModules) {
if (targetModules != null && targetModules.length > 0) {
SimpleSetOfCharArray targetModuleSet = null;
if (this.exportRestrictions != null) {
targetModuleSet = this.exportRestrictions.get(exportedPackage);
} else {
this.exportRestrictions = new HashMap<>();
if (targetModuleSet == null) {
targetModuleSet = new SimpleSetOfCharArray(targetModules.length);
this.exportRestrictions.put(exportedPackage, targetModuleSet);
for (int i = 0; i < targetModules.length; i++) {
protected void recordOpensRestrictions(PlainPackageBinding openedPackage, char[][] targetModules) {
if (targetModules != null && targetModules.length > 0) {
SimpleSetOfCharArray targetModuleSet = null;
if (this.openRestrictions != null) {
targetModuleSet = this.openRestrictions.get(openedPackage);
} else {
this.openRestrictions = new HashMap<>();
if (targetModuleSet == null) {
targetModuleSet = new SimpleSetOfCharArray(targetModules.length);
this.openRestrictions.put(openedPackage, targetModuleSet);
for (int i = 0; i < targetModules.length; i++) {
Stream getRequiredModules(boolean transitiveOnly) {
return Stream.of(transitiveOnly ? this.getRequiresTransitive() : this.getRequires());
private void collectAllDependencies(Set deps) {
getRequiredModules(false).forEach(m -> {
if (deps.add(m)) {
private void collectTransitiveDependencies(Set deps) {
getRequiredModules(true).forEach(m -> {
if (deps.add(m)) {
// All modules required by this module, either directly or indirectly
public Supplier> dependencyGraphCollector() {
return () -> getRequiredModules(false)
(set, mod) -> {
// All direct and transitive dependencies of this module
public Supplier> dependencyCollector() {
return () -> getRequiredModules(false)
(set, mod) -> {
* Get all the modules required by this module
* All required modules include modules explicitly specified as required in the module declaration
* as well as implicit dependencies - those specified as ' requires transitive ' by one of the
* dependencies
* @return
* An array of all required modules
public ModuleBinding[] getAllRequiredModules() {
if (this.requiredModules != null)
return this.requiredModules;
Collection allRequires = dependencyCollector().get();
if (allRequires.contains(this)) {
return NO_MODULES; // avoid entering unbounded recursion due to cyclic requires
ModuleBinding javaBase = this.environment.javaBaseModule();
// add java.base?
if (!CharOperation.equals(this.moduleName, TypeConstants.JAVA_BASE) // ... not if this *is* java.base
&& javaBase != null // ... nor when java.base is absent
&& javaBase != this.environment.UnNamedModule) // ..... or faked by the unnamed module
return this.requiredModules = allRequires.size() > 0 ? allRequires.toArray(new ModuleBinding[allRequires.size()]) : Binding.NO_MODULES;
/** Answer the name of this module. The unnamed module is identified by {@link #UNNAMED}. */
public char[] name() {
return this.moduleName;
* Answer the name of this module as it should be used for package or type lookup.
* Unnamed and automatic modules answer {@link #ANY} or {@link #ANY_NAMED} resp.,
* to signal that lookup should search in all accessible (named) modules.
public char[] nameForLookup() {
return this.moduleName;
* Answer the name of this module as it should be used for hasCompilationUnit() checks.
public char[] nameForCUCheck() {
return nameForLookup();
* Check if the specified package is owned by the current module and exported to the client module.
* True if the package appears in the list of exported packages and when the export is targeted,
* the module appears in the targets of the exports statement.
* @param pkg - the package whose visibility is to be checked
* @param client - the module that wishes to use the package
* @return true if the package is visible to the client module, false otherwise
public boolean isPackageExportedTo(PackageBinding pkg, ModuleBinding client) {
// TODO(SHMOD): cache the result?
PackageBinding resolved = pkg.getIncarnation(this);
if (resolved != null) {
if (this.isAuto) { // all packages are exported by an automatic module
return pkg.enclosingModule == this; // no transitive export
PackageBinding[] initializedExports = getExports();
for (int i = 0; i < initializedExports.length; i++) {
PackageBinding export = initializedExports[i];
if (export.subsumes(resolved)) {
if (this.exportRestrictions != null) {
SimpleSetOfCharArray restrictions = this.exportRestrictions.get(export);
if (restrictions != null) {
if (client.isUnnamed())
return restrictions.includes(ALL_UNNAMED);
return restrictions.includes(;
return true;
return false;
* Return a package binding if there exists a package named name in this module's context and it can be seen by this module.
* A package can be seen by this module if it is declared in this module or any other module read by this module
* (JLS 7.4.3 for packages based on JLS 7.3 for compilation units).
* Package exports are not considered for visibility check (only when checking "uniquely visible" (JLS 7.4.3)).
* The returned package may be a {@link SplitPackageBinding}, if more than one package of the given name is visible.
* When asked via the unnamed module or an automatic module all other named modules are considered visible.
public PackageBinding getTopLevelPackage(char[] name) {
return getVisiblePackage(null, name);
PlainPackageBinding getDeclaredPackage(char[] flatName) {
return this.declaredPackages.get(flatName);
// Given parent is visible in this module, see if there is sub package named name visible in this module
PackageBinding getVisiblePackage(PackageBinding parent, char[] name) {
// check caches in PackageBinding/LookupEnvironment, which contain the full SplitPackageBinding if appropriate:
PackageBinding pkg;
if (parent != null)
pkg = parent.getPackage0(name);
pkg = this.environment.getPackage0(name);
if (pkg != null) {
if (pkg == LookupEnvironment.TheNotFoundPackage)
return null;
return pkg;
// check cached plain PackageBinding in declaredPackages (which may need combining with siblings):
char[][] parentName = parent == null ? CharOperation.NO_CHAR_CHAR : parent.compoundName;
char[][] subPkgCompoundName = CharOperation.arrayConcat(parentName, name);
char[] fullFlatName = CharOperation.concatWith(subPkgCompoundName, '.');
PackageBinding binding = this.declaredPackages.get(fullFlatName);
char[][] declaringModuleNames = null;
if (this.environment.useModuleSystem) {
IModuleAwareNameEnvironment moduleEnv = (IModuleAwareNameEnvironment) this.environment.nameEnvironment;
declaringModuleNames = moduleEnv.getUniqueModulesDeclaringPackage(subPkgCompoundName, nameForLookup());
if (binding == null) {
if (declaringModuleNames != null) {
if (CharOperation.containsEqual(declaringModuleNames, this.moduleName)) {
if (parent != null) {
PackageBinding singleParent = parent.getIncarnation(this);
if (singleParent != null && singleParent != parent) {
// parent.getPackage0() may have been too shy, so drill into the split:
binding = singleParent.getPackage0(name);
if (binding == null) {
// declared here, not yet known, so create it now:
binding = this.createDeclaredPackage(subPkgCompoundName, parent);
} else {
// visible but foreign (when current is unnamed or auto):
for (char[] declaringModuleName : declaringModuleNames) {
ModuleBinding declaringModule = this.environment.root.getModule(declaringModuleName);
if (declaringModule != null) {
PlainPackageBinding declaredPackage = declaringModule.getDeclaredPackage(fullFlatName);
binding = SplitPackageBinding.combine(declaredPackage, binding, this);
} else {
if (this.environment.nameEnvironment.isPackage(parentName, name))
binding = this.createDeclaredPackage(subPkgCompoundName, parent);
binding = combineWithPackagesFromOtherRelevantModules(binding, subPkgCompoundName, declaringModuleNames);
assert binding == null || binding instanceof PlainPackageBinding || binding.enclosingModule == this;
if (binding == null || !binding.isValidBinding()) {
if (parent != null) {
if (binding == null) {
} else {
parent.knownPackages.put(name, binding);
} else {
this.environment.knownPackages.put(name, LookupEnvironment.TheNotFoundPackage);
return null;
// remember
if (parentName.length == 0) {
this.environment.knownPackages.put(name, binding);
} else if (parent != null) {
binding = parent.addPackage(binding, this);
return binding;
* Answer the package of the given qualified name and visible in this module,
* or {@code null} if no such package exists.
* Accessibility (based on package exports) is not checked.
* May answer a {@link SplitPackageBinding}.
public PackageBinding getVisiblePackage(char[][] qualifiedPackageName) {
if (qualifiedPackageName == null || qualifiedPackageName.length == 0) {
return this.environment.defaultPackage;
PackageBinding parent = getTopLevelPackage(qualifiedPackageName[0]);
if (parent == null)
return null;
// check each sub package
for (int i = 1; i < qualifiedPackageName.length; i++) {
PackageBinding binding = getVisiblePackage(parent, qualifiedPackageName[i]);
if (binding == null) {
return null;
parent = binding;
return parent;
PackageBinding combineWithPackagesFromOtherRelevantModules(PackageBinding currentBinding, char[][] compoundName, char[][] declaringModuleNames) {
for (ModuleBinding moduleBinding : otherRelevantModules(declaringModuleNames)) {
PlainPackageBinding nextBinding = moduleBinding.getDeclaredPackage(CharOperation.concatWith(compoundName, '.'));
currentBinding = SplitPackageBinding.combine(nextBinding, currentBinding, this);
return currentBinding;
List otherRelevantModules(char[][] declaringModuleNames) {
if (isUnnamed() && declaringModuleNames != null) {
// unnamed module reads all named modules,
// so all modules declaring the given package are relevant:
.filter(modName -> modName != UNNAMED)
.map(modName -> this.environment.getModule(modName))
} else {
return Arrays.asList(getAllRequiredModules());
* Check if the given package is accessible by this module. True when the package is declared in
* this module or exported by some required module to this module.
* See {@link #isPackageExportedTo(PackageBinding, ModuleBinding)}
* @param pkg
* @return True, if the package is accessible by this module, false otherwise
public boolean canAccess(PackageBinding pkg) {
if (pkg.isDeclaredIn(this))
return true;
for (ModuleBinding requiredModule : getAllRequiredModules()) {
// If pkg is a SplitPackageBinding, we actually ask the intersection of all required modules
// and modules declaring the package, if any of them exports the package to this module.
// The intersection is computed when inside isPackageExportedTo we ask for pkg's incarnation in requiredModule.
if (requiredModule.isPackageExportedTo(pkg, ModuleBinding.this))
return true;
// TODO(SHMOD): store export status in the PackageBinding?
return false;
public char[] computeUniqueKey(boolean isLeaf) {
return CharOperation.prepend('"', this.moduleName);
public int kind() {
return Binding.MODULE;
public char[] readableName() {
return this.moduleName;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(30);
if (isOpen())
buffer.append("open "); //$NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append("module " + new String(readableName())); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (this.requires.length > 0) {
buffer.append("\n/* requires */\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < this.requires.length; i++) {
buffer.append("\n\t"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (this.requiresTransitive != null) {
for (ModuleBinding reqTrans : this.requiresTransitive) {
if (reqTrans == this.requires[i]) {
buffer.append("transitive "); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
buffer.append("\nNo Requires"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (this.exportedPackages != null && this.exportedPackages.length > 0) {
buffer.append("\n/* exports */\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < this.exportedPackages.length; i++) {
PackageBinding export = this.exportedPackages[i];
buffer.append("\n\t"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (export == null) {
buffer.append(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
SimpleSetOfCharArray restrictions = this.exportRestrictions != null ? this.exportRestrictions.get(export) : null;
if (restrictions != null) {
buffer.append(" to "); //$NON-NLS-1$
String sep = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
char[][] allNames = new char[restrictions.elementSize][];
for (char[] targetModule : allNames) {
sep = ", "; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
buffer.append("\nNo Exports"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (this.openedPackages != null && this.openedPackages.length > 0) {
buffer.append("\n/* exports */\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < this.openedPackages.length; i++) {
PackageBinding opens = this.openedPackages[i];
buffer.append("\n\t"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (opens == null) {
buffer.append(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
SimpleSetOfCharArray restrictions = this.openRestrictions != null ? this.openRestrictions.get(opens) : null;
if (restrictions != null) {
buffer.append(" to "); //$NON-NLS-1$
String sep = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
char[][] allNames = new char[restrictions.elementSize][];
for (char[] targetModule : allNames) {
sep = ", "; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
buffer.append("\nNo Opens"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (this.uses != null && this.uses.length > 0) {
buffer.append("\n/* uses /*\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < this.uses.length; i++) {
buffer.append("\n\t"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
buffer.append("\nNo Uses"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if ( != null && > 0) {
buffer.append("\n/* Services */\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {
buffer.append("\n\t"); //$NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append("provides "); //$NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append(" with "); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (this.implementations != null && this.implementations.containsKey([i])) {
String sep = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
for (TypeBinding impl : this.implementations.get([i])) {
sep = ", "; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
buffer.append(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
buffer.append("\nNo Services"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return buffer.toString();
public boolean isUnnamed() {
return false;
public boolean isAutomatic() {
return this.isAuto;
public boolean isOpen() {
return (this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.ACC_OPEN) != 0;
public boolean isDeprecated() {
return (this.tagBits & TagBits.AnnotationDeprecated) != 0;
public boolean hasUnstableAutoName() {
return false;
public boolean isTransitivelyRequired(ModuleBinding otherModule) {
if (this.transitiveRequires == null) {
Set transitiveDeps = new HashSet<>();
this.transitiveRequires = transitiveDeps;
return this.transitiveRequires.contains(otherModule);
public int getDefaultNullness() {
getAnnotationTagBits(); // ensure annotations are initialized
return this.defaultNullness;
SimpleLookupTable storedAnnotations(boolean forceInitialize, boolean forceStore) {
if (forceInitialize && this.storedAnnotations == null) {
if (!this.environment.globalOptions.storeAnnotations && !forceStore)
return null; // not supported during this compile
this.storedAnnotations = new SimpleLookupTable(3);
return this.storedAnnotations;
public AnnotationHolder retrieveAnnotationHolder(Binding binding, boolean forceInitialization) {
SimpleLookupTable store = storedAnnotations(forceInitialization, false);
return store == null ? null : (AnnotationHolder) store.get(binding);
AnnotationBinding[] retrieveAnnotations(Binding binding) {
AnnotationHolder holder = retrieveAnnotationHolder(binding, true);
return holder == null ? Binding.NO_ANNOTATIONS : holder.getAnnotations();
public void setAnnotations(AnnotationBinding[] annotations, boolean forceStore) {
storeAnnotations(this, annotations, forceStore);
void storeAnnotationHolder(Binding binding, AnnotationHolder holder) {
if (holder == null) {
SimpleLookupTable store = storedAnnotations(false, false);
if (store != null)
} else {
SimpleLookupTable store = storedAnnotations(true, false);
if (store != null)
store.put(binding, holder);
void storeAnnotations(Binding binding, AnnotationBinding[] annotations, boolean forceStore) {
AnnotationHolder holder = null;
if (annotations == null || annotations.length == 0) {
SimpleLookupTable store = storedAnnotations(false, forceStore);
if (store != null)
holder = (AnnotationHolder) store.get(binding);
if (holder == null) return; // nothing to delete
} else {
SimpleLookupTable store = storedAnnotations(true, forceStore);
if (store == null) return; // not supported
holder = (AnnotationHolder) store.get(binding);
if (holder == null)
holder = new AnnotationHolder();
storeAnnotationHolder(binding, holder.setAnnotations(annotations));