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org.emmalanguage.api.FlinkDataSet.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright © 2014 TU Berlin ([email protected] )
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.emmalanguage
package api
import alg.Alg
import compiler.RuntimeCompiler
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.RichMapPartitionFunction
import org.apache.flink.api.scala.DataSet
import org.apache.flink.api.scala.utils.DataSetUtils
import org.apache.flink.api.scala.{ExecutionEnvironment => FlinkEnv}
import org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration
import org.apache.flink.core.fs.FileSystem
import org.apache.flink.util.Collector
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
import java.lang
/** A `DataBag` implementation backed by a Flink `DataSet`. */
class FlinkDataSet[A: Meta] private[api]
@transient private[emmalanguage] val rep: DataSet[A]
) extends DataBag[A] {
import FlinkDataSet.typeInfoForType
import FlinkDataSet.wrap
import Meta.Projections._
@transient override val m = implicitly[Meta[A]]
private[emmalanguage] implicit def env = this.rep.getExecutionEnvironment
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Structural recursion
// -----------------------------------------------------
override def fold[B: Meta](alg: Alg[A, B]): B = {
val collected = => alg.init(x)).reduce(
assert(collected.size <= 1)
if (collected.isEmpty)
else collected.head
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Monad Ops
// -----------------------------------------------------
override def map[B: Meta](f: (A) => B): DataBag[B] =
override def flatMap[B: Meta](f: (A) => DataBag[B]): DataBag[B] =
rep.flatMap((x: A) => f(x).collect())
def withFilter(p: (A) => Boolean): DataBag[A] =
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Grouping
// -----------------------------------------------------
override def groupBy[K: Meta](k: (A) => K): DataBag[Group[K, DataBag[A]]] =
rep.groupBy(k).reduceGroup((it: Iterator[A]) => {
val buffer = it.toBuffer // This is because the iterator might not be serializable
Group(k(buffer.head), DataBag(buffer))
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Set operations
// -----------------------------------------------------
override def union(that: DataBag[A]): DataBag[A] = that match {
case dbag: ScalaSeq[A] => this union FlinkDataSet(dbag.rep)
case dbag: FlinkDataSet[A] => this.rep union dbag.rep
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported rhs for `union` of type: ${that.getClass}")
override def distinct: DataBag[A] =
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Partition-based Ops
// -----------------------------------------------------
def sample(k: Int, seed: Long = 5394826801L): Vector[A] = {
// sample per partition and sorted by partition ID
val Seq(hd, tl@_*) = new DataSetUtils(rep).zipWithIndex
.mapPartition(new RichMapPartitionFunction[(Long, A), (Int, Array[Option[A]])] {
@transient private var pid = 0
override def open(parameters: Configuration) = {
pid = getRuntimeContext.getIndexOfThisSubtask
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
def mapPartition(it: lang.Iterable[(Long, A)], out: Collector[(Int, Array[Option[A]])]) = {
val sample = Array.fill(k)(Option.empty[A])
for ((i, e) <- it) {
if (i >= k) {
val j = util.RanHash(seed).at(i).nextLong(i + 1)
if (j < k) sample(j.toInt) = Some(e)
} else sample(i.toInt) = Some(e)
out.collect(pid -> sample)
// merge the sequence of samples and filter None values
val rs = for {
Some(v) <- tl.foldLeft(hd)((xs, ys) => for ((x, y) <- xs zip ys) yield y orElse x)
} yield v
// convert result to vector
def zipWithIndex(): DataBag[(A, Long)] =
wrap(new DataSetUtils(rep).zipWithIndex).map(_.swap)
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Sinks
// -----------------------------------------------------
override def writeCSV(path: String, format: CSV)(implicit converter: CSVConverter[A]): Unit = {
rep.mapPartition((it: Iterator[A]) => new Traversable[String] {
def foreach[U](f: (String) => U): Unit = {
val csv = CSVScalaSupport[A](format).writer()
val con = CSVConverter[A]
val rec = Array.ofDim[String](con.size)
for (x <- it) {
con.write(x, rec, 0)(format)
}).writeAsText(path, FileSystem.WriteMode.OVERWRITE)
override def writeText(path: String): Unit =
filePath = path,
writeMode = FileSystem.WriteMode.OVERWRITE
def writeParquet(path: String, format: Parquet)(implicit converter: ParquetConverter[A]): Unit =
override def collect(): Seq[A] = collected
private lazy val collected: Seq[A] =
// -----------------------------------------------------
// equals and hashCode
// -----------------------------------------------------
override def equals(o: Any) =
override def hashCode(): Int = {
val (a, b, c, n) = rep
.mapPartition(it => {
var a, b, n = 0
var c = 1
it foreach { x =>
val h = x.##
a += h
b ^= h
if (h != 0) c *= h
n += 1
Some((a, b, c, n)).iterator
.fold((0, 0, 1, 0))((x, r) => (x, r) match {
case ((a1, b1, c1, n1), (a2, b2, c2, n2)) => (a1 + a2, b1 ^ b2, c1 * c2, n1 + n2)
var h = MurmurHash3.traversableSeed
h = MurmurHash3.mix(h, a)
h = MurmurHash3.mix(h, b)
h = MurmurHash3.mixLast(h, c)
MurmurHash3.finalizeHash(h, n)
object FlinkDataSet extends DataBagCompanion[FlinkEnv] {
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation
val compiler = new RuntimeCompiler()
import compiler.u._
private lazy val memo = collection.mutable.Map.empty[Any, Any]
implicit def typeInfoForType[T: Meta]: TypeInformation[T] = {
val ttag = implicitly[Meta[T]].ttag
// The dynamic cast in the following line is necessary, because the compiler can't see statically that
// these path-dependent types are actually the same.
import Meta.Projections._
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
def empty[A: Meta](
implicit flink: FlinkEnv
): DataBag[A] = flink.fromElements[A]()
def apply[A: Meta](values: Seq[A])(
implicit flink: FlinkEnv
): DataBag[A] = flink.fromCollection(values)
def readText(path: String)(
implicit flink: FlinkEnv
): DataBag[String] = flink.readTextFile(path)
def readCSV[A: Meta : CSVConverter](path: String, format: CSV)(
implicit flink: FlinkEnv
): DataBag[A] = flink
.readTextFile(path, format.charset)
.mapPartition((it: Iterator[String]) => new Traversable[A] {
def foreach[U](f: (A) => U): Unit = {
val csv = CSVScalaSupport[A](format).parser()
val con = CSVConverter[A]
for (line <- it) f(, 0)(format))
def readParquet[A: Meta : ParquetConverter](path: String, format: Parquet)(
implicit flink: FlinkEnv
): DataBag[A] = ???
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implicit Rep -> DataBag conversion
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
implicit def wrap[A: Meta](rep: DataSet[A]): DataBag[A] =
new FlinkDataSet(rep)