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* Copyright 2021 EPAM Systems, Inc
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. Licensed under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package com.epam.deltix.qsrv.hf.codec;
import com.epam.deltix.dfp.Decimal64;
import com.epam.deltix.util.collections.SmallArrays;
import com.epam.deltix.util.collections.generated.ByteArrayList;
import com.epam.deltix.util.lang.Util;
import com.epam.deltix.containers.BinaryArray;
import com.epam.deltix.containers.interfaces.BinaryArrayReadOnly;
import com.epam.deltix.containers.interfaces.BinaryArrayReadWrite;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
public abstract class BindValidator {
private final static Class>[] BINARY_TYPES = {ByteArrayList.class, BinaryArrayReadOnly.class, BinaryArrayReadWrite.class, BinaryArray.class};
// TODO: specific
private final static Class>[] BOOLEAN_TYPES = new Class>[]{boolean.class, byte.class};
private final static Class>[] CHAR_TYPES = new Class>[]{char.class};
private final static Class>[] DATETIME_TYPES = new Class>[]{long.class};
private final static Class>[] ENUM_TYPES = new Class>[] { CharSequence.class, byte.class, short.class, int.class, long.class };
private final static Class>[] FLOAT_TYPES = new Class>[] { double.class, float.class, long.class, Decimal64.class };
private final static Class>[] INTEGER_TYPES = new Class>[] { byte.class, short.class, int.class, long.class};
private final static Class>[] STRING_TYPES = new Class>[] { String.class, CharSequence.class, long.class, ByteArrayList.class};
private final static Class>[] TIMEOFDAY_TYPES = new Class>[]{int.class};
public static boolean isBinaryArray(Class> type) {
return SmallArrays.indexOf(type, BindValidator.BINARY_TYPES) != -1;
public static void validateType(DataType dataType, Field jfield) {
final Class> boundType = jfield.getType();
validateTypeInternal(dataType, boundType, jfield.getGenericType());
public static void validateType(DataType dataType, Class> boundType) {
validateTypeInternal(dataType, boundType, null);
public static void validateGenericType(DataType dataType, Class> boundType, Type genericType) {
validateTypeInternal(dataType, boundType, genericType);
private static void validateTypeInternal(DataType dataType, Class> boundType, Type genericType) {
if (dataType instanceof BinaryDataType)
validateType(dataType, boundType, BINARY_TYPES);
else if (dataType instanceof BooleanDataType)
validateTypeBoolean((BooleanDataType) dataType, boundType);
else if (dataType instanceof CharDataType)
validateType(dataType, boundType, CHAR_TYPES);
else if (dataType instanceof DateTimeDataType)
validateType(dataType, boundType, DATETIME_TYPES);
else if (dataType instanceof EnumDataType)
validateTypeEnum((EnumDataType) dataType, boundType);
else if (dataType instanceof FloatDataType)
validateTypeFloat((FloatDataType) dataType, boundType);
else if (dataType instanceof IntegerDataType)
validateTypeInteger((IntegerDataType) dataType, boundType);
else if (dataType instanceof VarcharDataType)
// in case of long isJavaUnderIKVM value doesn't matter
validateTypeString((VarcharDataType) dataType, boundType);
else if (dataType instanceof TimeOfDayDataType)
validateType(dataType, boundType, TIMEOFDAY_TYPES);
else if (dataType instanceof ArrayDataType)
validateArrayType((ArrayDataType) dataType, boundType, genericType);
else if (dataType instanceof ClassDataType) {
if (!Object.class.isAssignableFrom(boundType))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(dataType.getBaseName() + " cannot be bound to " + boundType.getName() + " field");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected underline type " + dataType.getClass().getName());
public static void validateTypeStatic(DataType dataType, Field jfield, String staticValue) {
final Class> boundType = jfield.getType();
validateTypeStatic(dataType, boundType, jfield, null, staticValue);
public static void validateTypeStatic(DataType dataType, Class> boundType, Field jfield, Method method, String staticValue) {
if (dataType instanceof BooleanDataType)
validateTypeStaticBoolean((BooleanDataType)dataType, boundType, staticValue);
else if (dataType instanceof EnumDataType)
validateTypeStaticEnum((EnumDataType) dataType, boundType, staticValue);
else if (dataType instanceof FloatDataType)
validateTypeStaticFloat((FloatDataType) dataType, boundType, staticValue);
else if (dataType instanceof IntegerDataType)
validateTypeStaticInteger((IntegerDataType) dataType, boundType, staticValue);
else if (dataType instanceof VarcharDataType)
validateTypeStaticString((VarcharDataType) dataType, boundType, staticValue);
else if (dataType instanceof ArrayDataType) {
if (jfield != null || method != null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(dataType.getBaseName() + " cannot be bound to " + ((jfield != null) ? jfield.getName() : method.getName()) +
" field, because ARRAY static fields are not supported for now");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(dataType.getBaseName() + " cannot be bound, because ARRAY static fields are not supported for now");
validateTypeInternal(dataType, boundType, null);
private static void validateType(DataType dataType, Class> boundType, Class>[] supportedTypes) {
if (dataType instanceof ClassDataType) {
if (boundType.isInterface())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(dataType.getBaseName() + " cannot be bound to " + boundType.getName() + " field");
} else {
if (Util.indexOf(supportedTypes, boundType) == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(dataType.getBaseName() + " cannot be bound to " + boundType.getName() + " field");
private static void validateTypeEnum(EnumDataType dataType, Class> type) {
if (!type.isEnum() ){
validateType(dataType, type, ENUM_TYPES);
// encoding value size must be <= bound type size
if (MdUtil.isIntegerType(type) && dataType.descriptor.computeStorageSize() > MdUtil.getSize(type))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(dataType.descriptor.getName() + " cannot be bound to " + type.getName() + " field");
private static void validateTypeStaticEnum(EnumDataType dataType, Class> type, String staticValue) {
if (!type.isEnum()) {
validateType(dataType, type, ENUM_TYPES);
if (staticValue != null) {
if (MdUtil.isIntegerType(type)) {
final long v = dataType.descriptor.stringToLong(staticValue);
MdUtil.validateIntegerRange(type, v);
private static void validateTypeFloat(FloatDataType dataType, Class> type) {
validateType(dataType, type, FLOAT_TYPES);
// any float type supported
if (dataType.isDecimal64())
// float can be bound only to IEEE32
if ((dataType.isFloat() && type != float.class))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(dataType.getEncoding() + " cannot be bound to " + type.getName() + " field");
if (!dataType.isFloat() && type != double.class)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(dataType.getEncoding() + " cannot be bound to " + type.getName() + " field");
private static void validateTypeStaticFloat(FloatDataType dataType, Class> type, String staticValue) {
validateType(dataType, type, FLOAT_TYPES);
if (staticValue != null) {
final Object v = dataType.parse (staticValue);
// validate that static value can fit into the bound type
MdUtil.validateFloatRange(type, (Number) v);
private static void validateTypeInteger(IntegerDataType dataType, Class> type) {
validateType(dataType, type, INTEGER_TYPES);
// encoding value size must be <= bound type size
if (dataType.getNativeTypeSize() > MdUtil.getSize(type))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(dataType.getEncoding() + " cannot be bound to " + type.getName() + " field");
private static void validateTypeStaticInteger(IntegerDataType dataType, Class> type, String staticValue) {
validateType(dataType, type, INTEGER_TYPES);
final Object v;
if (staticValue != null && (v = dataType.parse (staticValue)) != null) {
// validate that static value can fit into the bound type
MdUtil.validateIntegerRange(type, (Number) v);
private static void validateTypeString(VarcharDataType dataType, Class> type) {
validateType(dataType, type, STRING_TYPES);
// long can be bound only if n<=10
if ((type == long.class ) && (dataType.getEncodingType() != VarcharDataType.ALPHANUMERIC || dataType.getLength() > 10))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(dataType.getEncoding() + " cannot be bound to " + type.getName() + " field");
private static void validateTypeStaticString(VarcharDataType dataType, Class> type, String staticValue) {
validateType(dataType, type, STRING_TYPES);
// validate that value can be encoded as ALPHANUMERIC(10)
if (staticValue != null && type == long.class) {
private static void validateTypeBoolean(BooleanDataType dataType, Class> type) {
validateType(dataType, type, BOOLEAN_TYPES);
if (type == boolean.class && dataType.isNullable())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nullable BOOLEAN cannot be bound to " + type.getName() + " field");
private static void validateTypeStaticBoolean(BooleanDataType dataType, Class> type, String staticValue) {
validateType(dataType, type, BOOLEAN_TYPES);
if (type == boolean.class && staticValue == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nullable BOOLEAN cannot be bound to " + type.getName() + " field");
private static void validateArrayType(ArrayDataType dataType, Class> boundType, Type genericType) {
// special case is System.Collections.Generic.List
final Class> baseType;
if (ArrayTypeUtil.isSupported(boundType))
baseType = ArrayTypeUtil.getUnderline(boundType, genericType);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(dataType.getBaseName() + " cannot be bound to " + boundType.getName() + " field");
// validate underline
try {
validateType(dataType.getElementDataType(), baseType);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(dataType.getBaseName() + " cannot be bound to " + boundType.getName() + " field, because " + e.getMessage());