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* Copyright 2021 EPAM Systems, Inc
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. Licensed under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.epam.deltix.qsrv.hf.codec;
import com.epam.deltix.util.collections.CharSequenceToIntegerMap;
import com.epam.deltix.util.collections.generated.IntegerToObjectHashMap;
import com.epam.deltix.util.lang.NotFoundException;
import com.epam.deltix.util.lang.Util;
import com.epam.deltix.util.memory.MemoryDataInput;
import com.epam.deltix.util.memory.MemoryDataOutput;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
* User: BazylevD
* Date: Dec 5, 2008
* Time: 9:31:59 PM
public abstract class CodecUtils {
public static int readPackedUnsignedInt(MemoryDataInput in) {
int ret = in.readPackedUnsignedInt();
// make back shift
return (ret == 0) ? IntegerDataType.PUINT30_NULL : ret - 1;
public static void writePackedUnsignedInt(int v, MemoryDataOutput out) {
// make shift to store NULL in 1 byte
v = (v == IntegerDataType.PUINT30_NULL) ? 0 : v + 1;
public static long readPackedUnsignedLong(MemoryDataInput in) {
long ret = in.readPackedUnsignedLong();
// make back shift
return (ret == 0) ? IntegerDataType.PUINT61_NULL : ret - 1;
public static void writePackedUnsignedLong(long v, MemoryDataOutput out) {
// make shift to store NULL in 1 byte
v = (v == IntegerDataType.PUINT61_NULL) ? 0 : v + 1;
public static String getString(CharSequence value) {
return value != null ? value.toString() : null;
public static void setString(
CharSequence value,
MemoryDataOutput out,
boolean inlineEncoding
) {
if (inlineEncoding)
FwdStringCodec.write(value, out);
// used in QBEnumType
public static int getBitmaskValue(CharSequenceToIntegerMap symbolToValueMap, CharSequence value) {
int n = symbolToValueMap.get(value, -1);
if (n >= 0)
return (n);
int lv = 0;
final String[] ss = value.toString ().split("\\|");
for (String s : ss) {
lv |= symbolToValueMap.get(s, -1);
return lv;
// return enum values taking into account ECD mapping
public static Object[] getEnumValues(Class> enumClass, EnumClassDescriptor ecd) {
// if not enum, skip validation
if (Util.indexOf(ENUM_ALLOWED_CLASSES, enumClass) != -1) {
return null;
} else if (enumClass.isEnum()) {
final Object[] constants = enumClass.getEnumConstants();
if (constants.length < ecd.getValues().length)
throw new IllegalStateException(enumClass.getName() + " is not corresponded to EnumClassDescriptor mapping");
else {
final Enum[] javaConstants = new Enum[ecd.getValues().length];
for (EnumValue enumValue : ecd.getValues()) {
final Enum v = Enum.valueOf((Class) enumClass, enumValue.symbol);
javaConstants[(int) enumValue.value] = v;
return javaConstants;
} else {
return null;
private static long getLongFromEnumConstant (Field f) {
try {
if (isJavaFlagsEnumConstant (f)) {
Class > ec = f.getDeclaringClass ();
Field valueField = ec.getDeclaredField ("Value");
valueField.setAccessible (true);
return (valueField.getLong (f.get (null)));
return (f.getLong (null));
} catch (IllegalAccessException x) {
throw new RuntimeException (x);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException x) {
throw new RuntimeException (x);
private static final Class>[] ENUM_ALLOWED_CLASSES =
new Class>[]{
byte.class, short.class, int.class, long.class, CharSequence.class, String.class,
// returns map of the original ordinals to the current. returns null if mapping is not necessary
public static int[] getEnumMap(Class> enumClass, EnumClassDescriptor ecd) {
// if not enum, skip validation
if (Util.indexOf(ENUM_ALLOWED_CLASSES, enumClass) != -1) {
return null;
// if Java enum
else if (enumClass.isEnum()) {
// whether mapping is necessary?
final Object[] constants = enumClass.getEnumConstants();
if (constants.length < ecd.getValues().length)
throw new IllegalStateException(enumClass.getName() + " is not corresponded to EnumClassDescriptor mapping");
boolean isOrdinalChanged = false;
for (EnumValue enumValue : ecd.getValues()) {
final Enum e = Enum.valueOf((Class) enumClass, enumValue.getNormalizedSymbol());
if (e == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(enumClass.getName() + " has no enum constant " + enumValue.symbol);
if (e.ordinal() != enumValue.value) {
isOrdinalChanged = true;
if (isOrdinalChanged) {
final int[] map = new int[constants.length];
for (EnumValue enumValue : ecd.getValues()) {
final Enum e = Enum.valueOf((Class) enumClass, enumValue.symbol);
map[e.ordinal()] = (int) enumValue.value;
return map;
} else
return null;
}else return null;
private static boolean isJavaFlagsEnumConstant(Field f) {
int mod = f.getModifiers();
return (Modifier.isStatic(mod) && Modifier.isFinal(mod) && f.getType() == f.getDeclaringClass ());
public static int compareNulls(boolean isNull1, boolean isNull2) {
if (isNull1)
if (isNull2)
return 0;
return -1;
else if (isNull2)
return 1;
return 2;
public static String getTypeBySize(int size) {
switch (size) {
case 1:
return "Byte";
case 2:
return "Short";
case 4:
return "Int";
case 6:
case 8:
return "Long";
throw new IllegalStateException(String.valueOf(size));
public static String primitiveTypeBySize(int size) {
switch (size) {
case 1:
return "byte";
case 2:
return "short";
case 4:
return "int";
case 6:
case 8:
return "long";
throw new IllegalStateException(String.valueOf(size));
public static Class> getPrimitiveClass(String className) {
if ("long".equals(className))
return long.class;
else if ("int".equals(className))
return int.class;
else if ("short".equals(className))
return short.class;
else if ("byte".equals(className))
return byte.class;
else if ("float".equals(className))
return float.class;
else if ("double".equals(className))
return double.class;
else if ("char".equals(className))
return char.class;
if ("fromString".equals(className))
return String.class;
if ("null".equals(className))
return null;
throw new IllegalStateException(className);
public static Number getMinLimit(DataType dataType, boolean isBound, Class> valueClazz) {
if (dataType instanceof IntegerDataType) {
final Class> nativeType = RecordLayout.getNativeType(dataType);
final long fieldTypeMin = getLimit4BaseClass(false, nativeType);
final long inTypeMin = ((isBound && isTheSameSize(nativeType, valueClazz)) ||
valueClazz == String.class) ? fieldTypeMin : getLimit4BaseClass(false, valueClazz);
final Number min = ((IntegerDataType) dataType).getMin();
final int idx;
return (min != null && min.longValue() > inTypeMin) ? min :
(min == null && IntegerDataType.MINS[idx = ((IntegerDataType) dataType).getIndex()] > inTypeMin) ?
IntegerDataType.MINS[idx] : null;
} else if (dataType instanceof FloatDataType) {
final Number min = ((FloatDataType) dataType).getMin();
final double inTypeMin = -(valueClazz == float.class ? Float.MAX_VALUE : Double.MAX_VALUE);
return (min != null && min.doubleValue() > inTypeMin) ? min :
(valueClazz == String.class) ||
(min == null && valueClazz == double.class && ((FloatDataType) dataType).isFloat()) ?
-Float.MAX_VALUE : null;
} else
throw new IllegalStateException(dataType.toString());
public static Number getMaxLimit(DataType dataType, boolean isBound, Class> valueClazz) {
if (dataType instanceof IntegerDataType) {
final Class> nativeType = RecordLayout.getNativeType(dataType);
final long fieldTypeMax = getLimit4BaseClass(true, nativeType);
final long inTypeMax = ((isBound && isTheSameSize(nativeType, valueClazz)) ||
valueClazz == String.class) ? fieldTypeMax : getLimit4BaseClass(true, valueClazz);
final Number max = ((IntegerDataType) dataType).getMax();
final int idx;
return (max != null && max.longValue() < inTypeMax) ? max :
(max == null && IntegerDataType.MAXS[idx = ((IntegerDataType) dataType).getIndex()] < inTypeMax) ?
IntegerDataType.MAXS[idx] : null;
} else if (dataType instanceof FloatDataType) {
final Number max = ((FloatDataType) dataType).getMax();
final double inTypeMax = valueClazz == float.class ? Float.MAX_VALUE : Double.MAX_VALUE;
return (max != null && max.doubleValue() < inTypeMax) ? max :
(valueClazz == String.class) ||
(max == null && valueClazz == double.class && ((FloatDataType) dataType).isFloat()) ?
Float.MAX_VALUE : null;
} else
throw new IllegalStateException(dataType.toString());
private static boolean isTheSameSize(Class> type1, Class> type2) {
return MdUtil.getSize(type1) == MdUtil.getSize(type2);
public static long getLimit4BaseClass(boolean isUpper, Class> clazz) {
if (clazz == long.class || clazz == String.class) // TODO: I'm not sure
return isUpper ? Long.MAX_VALUE : (Long.MIN_VALUE + 1);
else if (clazz == int.class)
return isUpper ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1);
else if (clazz == short.class)
return isUpper ? Short.MAX_VALUE : (Short.MIN_VALUE + 1);
else if (clazz == byte.class)
return isUpper ? Byte.MAX_VALUE : (Byte.MIN_VALUE + 1);
throw new IllegalStateException(clazz.toString());
public static void storeFieldSize(int pos, MemoryDataOutput out) {
final int size = out.getPosition() - pos - 1;
final int n = MessageSizeCodec.fieldSize(size);
if (n > 1)
out.insertSpace(pos, n - 1);
final int backupPos = out.getPosition() + (n - 1);;
MessageSizeCodec.write(size, out);;
public static int limitMDI(int size, MemoryDataInput in) {
final int avail = in.getAvail();
if(size > avail)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("newAvail > oldAvail " + size + " > " + avail);
final int pos = in.getCurrentOffset();
in.setLimit(pos + size);
return avail + pos;
public static RecordLayout createFieldLayout(String fieldName, RecordLayout layout) {
DataType dt = layout.getField(fieldName).getType();
if (dt instanceof ClassDataType)
return new RecordLayout(layout.getLoader(), ((ClassDataType) dt).getFixedDescriptor());
else if (dt instanceof ArrayDataType)
return new RecordLayout(layout.getLoader(), ((ClassDataType) ((ArrayDataType) dt).getElementDataType()).getFixedDescriptor());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected data type " + dt);
public static RecordLayout createFieldLayout(String fieldName, RecordLayout layout, int index) {
DataType dt = layout.getField(fieldName).getType();
if (dt instanceof ClassDataType)
return new RecordLayout(layout.getLoader(), ((ClassDataType) dt).getDescriptors()[index]);
else if (dt instanceof ArrayDataType)
return new RecordLayout(layout.getLoader(), ((ClassDataType) ((ArrayDataType) dt).getElementDataType()).getDescriptors()[index]);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected data type " + dt);
public static PolyBoundEncoderImpl createPolyEncoder(Class>[] encoderClasses, String fieldName, RecordLayout layout) {
final FixedBoundEncoder[] encoders = new FixedBoundEncoder[encoderClasses.length];
final DataType dt = layout.getDescriptor().getField(fieldName).getType();
final RecordClassDescriptor[] rcd = (dt instanceof ClassDataType) ?
((ClassDataType) dt).getDescriptors() :
((ClassDataType) ((ArrayDataType) dt).getElementDataType()).getDescriptors();
for (int i = 0; i < encoderClasses.length; i++) {
RecordLayout rl = new RecordLayout(layout.getLoader(), rcd[i]);
encoders[i] = (FixedBoundEncoder) Util.newInstanceNoX(encoderClasses[i], rl);
return new PolyBoundEncoderImpl(encoders);
// @SuppressWarnings("unused")
// public static CompoundDecoderImpl createCompoundDecoder(RecordLayout[] layouts, Class>[] classes, boolean poly) {
// final FixedExternalDecoder[] decoders = new FixedExternalDecoder[classes.length];
// for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
// decoders[i] = (FixedExternalDecoder) Util.newInstanceNoX(classes[i], layouts[i]);
// return new CompoundDecoderImpl(poly, decoders);
// }
// @SuppressWarnings("unused")
// public static PolyBoundDecoderWithPoolImpl createPolyWithPoolDecoder(Class>[] decoderClasses, String fieldName, RecordLayout layout, ObjectPool[] pools) {
// final BoundDecoder[] decoders = new BoundDecoder[decoderClasses.length];
// final RecordClassDescriptor[] rcd = ((ClassDataType)((ArrayDataType) layout.getDescriptor().getField(fieldName).getType()).getElementDataType()).getDescriptors();
// for (int i = 0; i < decoderClasses.length; i++) {
// RecordLayout rl = new RecordLayout(layout.getLoader(), rcd[i]);
// decoders[i] = (BoundDecoder) Util.newInstanceNoX(decoderClasses[i], rl);
// }
// return new PolyBoundDecoderWithPoolImpl(decoders, pools);
// }
public static V get(IntegerToObjectHashMap map, int key) throws NotFoundException {
final V value = map.get(key, null);
if (value == null)
throw new NotFoundException(String.valueOf(key));
return value;
// validate that the bound class contains all NotNull fields (necessary to create an encoder)
public static void validateBoundClass(RecordClassInfo layout) {
NonStaticFieldInfo[] fields = layout.getNonStaticFields();
for (int i = 0; fields != null && i < fields.length; i++) {
NonStaticFieldInfo f = fields[i];
if (!f.getType().isNullable() && !f.isBound())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Encoder creation failed, because the bound class %s doesn't contain NOT NULL field %s.%s",
layout.getTargetClass().getName(), layout.getDescriptor().getName(), f.getName()));