org.hammerlab.genomics.readsets.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.hammerlab.genomics
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.hammerlab.genomics.reads.MappedRead
import org.hammerlab.genomics.reference.Region
* This package contains functionality related to processing multiple "sets of reads" (e.g. BAM files) in the context of
* a single analysis.
* For example, a standard somatic caller will typically load and analyze separate "normal" and "tumor" samples, each
* corresponding to an [[RDD[MappedRead]]], but which will also share metadata, like the
* [[org.hammerlab.genomics.reference.ContigName]] of the reference they are mapped to.
package object readsets {
type PerSample[+A] = IndexedSeq[A]
type SampleId = Int
type NumSamples = Int
type SampleName = String
type SampleRegion = Region with HasSampleId
implicit class SampleRead(val t: (SampleId, MappedRead))
extends AnyVal
with HasSampleId {
override def sampleId: SampleId = t._1
def read: MappedRead = t._2
object SampleRead {
implicit def unpackSampleRead(sampleRead: SampleRead): MappedRead =