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org.icefaces.ace.model.chart.CartesianSeries Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2004-2014 ICEsoft Technologies Canada Corp.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language
* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.icefaces.ace.model.chart;
import org.icefaces.ace.component.chart.Axis;
import org.icefaces.ace.component.chart.AxisType;
import org.icefaces.ace.component.chart.Chart;
import org.icefaces.ace.model.SimpleEntry;
import org.icefaces.ace.util.JSONBuilder;
import javax.faces.FacesException;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import java.lang.Boolean;
import java.lang.String;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class CartesianSeries extends ChartSeries {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CartesianSeries.class.getName());
public static enum CartesianType implements ChartType {
public ChartType getDefaultType() {
return CartesianType.LINE;
Boolean pointLabels;
Integer pointLabelTolerance;
Boolean pointLabelStacked;
String[] pointLabelList;
Boolean dragable;
DragConstraintAxis dragConstraintAxis;
long fillToValue;
String fillAxis; // x or y
String fillColor; // CSS
int fillAlpha; // 0 - 100 alpha
/* next two are for both bar and line */
boolean highlightMouseOver; //True to highlight slice when mouseover
boolean highlightMouseDown; //Ture to highlight when mouse button is pressed over a slice
String[] highlightColors; // an array of colors to use when highlighting a bar
Boolean smooth;
LinePattern linePattern;
/* REST OF Props are for Bar Graph only */
/* docs on jqplot say this next one is an arragy of colors to sue when highlighting a bar */
/* note that seriesColors is not attribute of rendering optiosn but is applied when varyBarColor is true */
int barWidth = Integer.MIN_VALUE; ///Width of the bar in pixels (auto by devaul)
int barMargin = Integer.MIN_VALUE; //number of pixels between groups of bars at adjacentaxis values
int barPadding = Integer.MIN_VALUE; //number of pixels between adjacent bars at the same axis value
Boolean horizontalBar; //when true have horizontal bars, default is false translates to barDirection of 'vertical' or 'horizontal'
Boolean varyBarColor;
// String[] seriesColors; //can override colors from options
boolean waterfall;
int groups; //gorup bars into this many groups
// Add object as y-value with x-index relative to position in series vs separately determined x-axis ticks
* Add an point as a y-value with a x-value relative to the position in this series and the value at an accompanying index in a
* separately determined list of x-axis ticks.
* @param y the value of the point
public void add(Object y) {
getData().add(new SimpleEntry(null, y));
* Add an point as an explicit x and y value pair.
* @param x the x coordinate of the point
* @param y the y coordinate of the point
public void add(Object x, Object y) {
getData().add(new SimpleEntry(x, y));
* Used by the ChartRenderer to produce a JSON representation of the configuration of this series.
* @return the serialized JSON object
public JSONBuilder getDataJSON(UIComponent component) {
JSONBuilder data = super.getDataJSON(component);
Chart chart = (Chart)component;
Map xCategoryToIndexMap = null;
Map yCategoryToIndexMap = null;
Class valueType = null;
Class keyType = null;
for (Object obj : (List)getData()) {
Map.Entry point = (Map.Entry)obj;
Object key = point.getKey();
Object value = point.getValue();
// Narrow type of value to write correct JS type.
// If JS type is String for all cases (which is, and should be supported)
// x-axis is not autoscaled correctly.
Object outObj = null;
if (key != null && keyType == null) {
if (key instanceof Number) keyType = Number.class;
else if (key instanceof String) keyType = String.class;
else if (key instanceof Date) keyType = Date.class;
if (valueType == null) {
if (value instanceof Number) valueType = Number.class;
else if (value instanceof String) valueType = String.class;
else if (value instanceof Date) valueType = Date.class;
if (key != null && value != null) {
if (keyType == Number.class)
else if (keyType == String.class) {
String strKey = key.toString();
// If string and plotted against CategoryAxis with defined ticks,
// convert Strings to matching tick indicies if available.
if (areAxisTicksPredefined(chart, 'x')) {
if (xCategoryToIndexMap == null)
xCategoryToIndexMap = createCategoryToIndexMap(chart, 'x');
else if (keyType == Date.class)
if (valueType == Number.class)
else if (valueType == String.class) {
String strVal = value.toString();
// If string and plotted against CategoryAxis with defined ticks,
// convert Strings to matching tick indicies if available.
if (areAxisTicksPredefined(chart, 'y')) {
if (yCategoryToIndexMap == null)
yCategoryToIndexMap = createCategoryToIndexMap(chart, 'y');
else if (valueType == Date.class)
if (key==null && value!=null ){
if (isNumber(value)){
return data;
private boolean isNumber(Object value){
Class c = value.getClass();
if (c == double.class || c == Double.class || c==int.class || c==Integer.class
|| c == float.class || c == Float.class || c == Long.class || c == long.class){
return true;
return false;
private Map createCategoryToIndexMap(Chart chart, char axisDir) {
Map map = new HashMap();
Axis axis = null;
if (axisDir == 'x') {
if (Integer.valueOf(2).equals(getXAxis())) axis = chart.getX2Axis();
else axis = chart.getXAxis();
else if (axisDir == 'y') {
Axis[] yAxes = chart.getYAxes();
Integer yAxisIndex = getYAxis();
// If series is not explicitly plotted against an axis
// plot it against the first axis
if (yAxisIndex == null || yAxisIndex < 2)
axis = yAxes[0];
else axis = yAxes[yAxisIndex-1];
Integer index = 0;
String[] ticks = axis.getTicks();
for (String tick : ticks)
map.put(tick, ++index);
return map;
private boolean areAxisTicksPredefined(Chart chart, char axisDir) {
Axis axis = null;
if (axisDir == 'x') {
if (Integer.valueOf(2).equals(getXAxis())) axis = chart.getX2Axis();
else axis = chart.getXAxis();
else if (axisDir == 'y') {
Axis[] yAxes = chart.getYAxes();
Integer yAxisIndex = getYAxis();
// If series is not explicitly plotted against an axis
// plot it against the first axis
if (yAxisIndex == null || yAxisIndex < 2)
axis = yAxes[0];
else axis = yAxes[yAxisIndex-1];
String[] ticks;
return (axis != null && (ticks = axis.getTicks()) != null && ticks.length > 0);
* must take into account default series which may determine barType
* @param cfg
public void encodeRendererOptions(JSONBuilder cfg){
Boolean horiz = getHorizontalBar();
Boolean varyColor = getVaryBarColor();
Boolean fill = getFill();
Boolean fillToZero = getFillToZero();
ChartType barType = getType();
/* if (barType==null){
barType = defaultChartType;
logging statement to set bar type????
if (barType !=null && barType.equals(CartesianType.BAR) && hasBarRenderOptionsSet()){
if (fillToZero != null) cfg.entry("fillToZero", fill);
if (varyColor != null) cfg.entry("varyBarColor", varyColor);
if (horiz != null) cfg.entry("barDirection", horiz ? "horizontal" : "vertical");
if (barWidth > 0){
cfg.entry("barWidth", barWidth);
if (barPadding > 0) {
cfg.entry("barPadding", barPadding);
if (barMargin > 0){
cfg.entry("barMargin", barMargin);
//" \t\t cfg after bar options ="+cfg.toString());
} else if (hasLineRenderOptionsSet()){
Boolean smooth = getSmooth();
LinePattern pattern = getLinePattern();
if (pattern != null){
cfg.entry("linePattern", pattern.toString());
if (smooth != null) cfg.entry("smooth", smooth);
if (fill != null) cfg.entry("fill", fill); //this is not a rendererOption in examples???
* Used by the ChartRenderer to produce a JSON representation of the data of this series.
* @return the JSON object
* @param component
public JSONBuilder getConfigJSON(UIComponent component) {
JSONBuilder cfg = super.getConfigJSON(component);
Chart chart = (Chart) component;
boolean isBar = false;
if (type != null) {
if (type.equals(CartesianType.BAR)){
isBar = type.equals(CartesianType.BAR);
cfg.entry("renderer", "ice.ace.jq.jqplot.BarRenderer", true) ;
else if (type.equals(CartesianType.LINE)) {
cfg.entry("renderer", "ice.ace.jq.jqplot.LineRenderer", true) ;
if (hasPointLabelOptionSet()) encodePointLabelOptions(cfg);
// dragable is only availabe in series not default!! to deal with this?
//according to supposed
//to be at top level of options...seems to work within series but not seriesDefault
Boolean dragable = getDragable();
if (dragable != null && isConfiguredForDragging(chart)) {
cfg.entry("isDragable", dragable);
if (getDragConstraintAxis() != null) {
cfg.entry("constrainTo", getDragConstraintAxis().toString());
return cfg;
private boolean isConfiguredForDragging(Chart chart) {
if (!explicitXValuesDefined()) throw new FacesException(
"Points in a dragable series must be added with an explicit x and y value.");
if (!categoryAxesHaveExplicitTicks(chart)) throw new FacesException(
"Category axes of a dragable series must have explicit ticks to prevent loss of categories during reordering.");
if (!xValuesAreSortedAscending()) throw new FacesException(
"Dragable points must be added in an ascending order of X value. This is " +
"to prevent reindexing during plotting that breaks index association of points " +
"in the model on the server and the model internal to the plot on the client.");
return true;
private boolean xValuesAreSortedAscending() {
boolean ret = true;
Date lastDate = null;
Number lastNumber = null;
Class keyType = null;
for (Object o : getData()) {
SimpleEntry entry = (SimpleEntry) o;
if (keyType == null) {
Object key = entry.getKey();
if (key instanceof Number)
keyType = Number.class;
else if (key instanceof Date)
keyType = Date.class;
else return true;
if (keyType == Date.class) {
Date key = (Date) entry.getKey();
if (lastDate != null)
ret = ret && 0 < (key.compareTo(lastDate));
lastDate = key;
} else if (keyType == Number.class) {
Number key = (Number) entry.getKey();
if (lastNumber != null)
ret = ret && (key.doubleValue() > lastNumber.doubleValue());
lastNumber = key;
return ret;
private boolean categoryAxesHaveExplicitTicks(Chart chart) {
boolean ret = true;
String[] ticks;
Axis[] ys;
Axis y;
Integer yIndex = getYAxis();
yIndex = yIndex != null && yIndex > 1 ? yIndex-1 : 0;
if ((ys = chart.getYAxes()) != null)
if ((y = ys[yIndex]) != null && y.getType() == AxisType.CATEGORY)
ret = ret && ((ticks = y.getTicks()) != null) && ticks.length > 0;
Axis x = (getXAxis() != null && getXAxis() == 2) ? chart.getX2Axis() : chart.getXAxis();
if (x != null && x.getType() == AxisType.CATEGORY)
ret = ret && ((ticks = x.getTicks()) != null) && ticks.length > 0;
return ret;
private boolean explicitXValuesDefined() {
boolean ret = true;
for (Object o : getData()) {
SimpleEntry entry = (SimpleEntry) o;
ret = ret && (entry.getKey() != null);
return ret;
private void encodePointLabelOptions(JSONBuilder cfg) {
if (pointLabels != null)
cfg.entry("show", pointLabels);
if (pointLabelList != null) {
for (String s : pointLabelList)
if (pointLabelTolerance != null)
cfg.entry("edgeTolerance", pointLabelTolerance);
if (pointLabelStacked != null)
cfg.entry("stackedValue", pointLabelStacked);
private boolean hasPointLabelOptionSet() {
return (pointLabels != null || pointLabelList != null || pointLabelTolerance != null || pointLabelStacked != null);
private boolean hasLineRenderOptionsSet(){
return (getFill() !=null || getSmooth() !=null);
private boolean hasBarRenderOptionsSet(){
return (getVaryBarColor() != null || getHorizontalBar() !=null || getFill() !=null ||
getBarWidth() > 0 || getBarMargin() > 0 || getBarPadding() > 0);
private boolean hasRenderOptionsSet() {
return (getFill() != null || getVaryBarColor() != null || getHorizontalBar() != null || getSmooth() != null);
* Determine if this series is bar type, is it horizontal?
* @return true if horizontal
public Boolean getHorizontalBar() {
return horizontalBar;
* Set if this bar series is a horizontal type.
* horizontal meaning up and down bars (default)
* vertical meaning up and down bars.
* equates to barDirection property in
* @param horizontalBar bar series horizontal
public void setHorizontalBar(Boolean horizontalBar) {
this.horizontalBar = horizontalBar;
* Get if this series has labels rendered near each point
* @return true if labels are rendered
public Boolean isPointLabels() {
return pointLabels;
* Set if this series has labels rendered near each point.
* @param pointLabels series point labelling
public void setPointLabels(Boolean pointLabels) {
this.pointLabels = pointLabels;
* Set the distances that point labels must be from a boundary
* if they are to be rendered.
* @return distance in pixels
public Integer getPointLabelTolerance() {
return pointLabelTolerance;
* Get the distance that point labels must be from a boundary
* if they are to be rendered,
* @param pointLabelTolerance distance in pixels
public void setPointLabelTolerance(Integer pointLabelTolerance) {
this.pointLabelTolerance = pointLabelTolerance;
* Get if the point labels are to be rendered in a stacked plot.
* @return true if the point labels are intended for a stacked plot.
public Boolean getPointLabelStacked() {
return pointLabelStacked;
* Set if the point labels are to be rendered in a stacked plot.
* @param pointLabelStacked if the labels are intended for a stacked plot
public void setPointLabelStacked(Boolean pointLabelStacked) {
this.pointLabelStacked = pointLabelStacked;
* Get the list of labels for the points of this series.
* @return list of labels to be applied to points of associated index.
public String[] getPointLabelList() {
return pointLabelList;
* Set the list of labels for the points of this series.
* @param pointLabelList list of labels to be applied to points of associated index
public void setPointLabelList(String[] pointLabelList) {
this.pointLabelList = pointLabelList;
* Get if the points of this series are draggable.
* @return true, if the points of this series are draggable.
public Boolean getDragable() {
return dragable;
* Enable dragging for the points of this series. Enables dragStart / dragStop client
* behaviour events as well as raising PointValueChangeEvents on the on the server. Note that
* enabling this mode causes several restrictions to be checked (and possibly raised as FacesExceptions)
* due to the requirements of communicating edits to server model. In particular, the data points of this series must have explicit x values,
* if this series has a category type axis, the axis must define its own ticks rather than deriving them from the data and the data points of
* must be sorted ascending in the x axis to prevent reindexing during plotting.
* @param dragable if the points of this series are dragale.
public void setDragable(Boolean dragable) {
this.dragable = dragable;
* Get the configured axis that dragging of points is confined to.
* @return enum representation of the X, Y, or no axis.
public DragConstraintAxis getDragConstraintAxis() {
return dragConstraintAxis;
* Set the configured axis that dragging of points is confined to.
* @param dragConstraintAxis enum representation of the X, Y, or no axis.
public void setDragConstraintAxis(DragConstraintAxis dragConstraintAxis) {
this.dragConstraintAxis = dragConstraintAxis;
* Get the pattern of stroke applied to the lines of this series.
* @return the LinePattern object representing the stoke type
public LinePattern getLinePattern() {
return linePattern;
* Set the pattern of stroke applied to the lines of this series.
* @param linePattern enum representation of the stroke type
public void setLinePattern(LinePattern linePattern) {
this.linePattern = linePattern;
* Get if the lines of this series have curves rendered between points rather than straight line segments.
* @return if the lines of this series are smoothed
public Boolean getSmooth() {
return smooth;
* Set if the lines of this series have curves rendered between points rather than straight line segments.
* @param smooth if the lines of this series are smoothed
public void setSmooth(Boolean smooth) {
this.smooth = smooth;
public Boolean getVaryBarColor() {
return varyBarColor;
* Ture to color each bar of a series separately rather than have every bar of a given series the same color.
* If used for non-stacked multiple series bar plots, user should specify a separate 'seriesColors' array for each
* series. Otherwise, erach series will set tehir bars tot he same color array. This option has no Effect for
* stacked bar charts and is disabled.
* @param varyBarColor
public void setVaryBarColor(Boolean varyBarColor) {
this.varyBarColor = varyBarColor;
public int getBarWidth() {
return barWidth;
* Width of the bar in pixels (auto by default). null = calculated automatically.
* @param barWidth
public void setBarWidth(int barWidth) {
this.barWidth = barWidth;
public String[] getHighlightColors() {
return highlightColors;
public void setHighlightColors(String[] highlightColors) {
this.highlightColors = highlightColors;
public int getBarMargin() {
return barMargin;
* Number of pixels between groups of bars at adjacent axis values
* @param barMargin
public void setBarMargin(int barMargin) {
this.barMargin = barMargin;
public int getBarPadding() {
return barPadding;
* Number of pixels between adjacent bars at the same axis value
* @param barPadding
public void setBarPadding(int barPadding) {
this.barPadding = barPadding;