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package org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.ConfigurationProperties;
import org.infinispan.commons.configuration.Builder;
import org.infinispan.commons.configuration.Combine;
import org.infinispan.commons.configuration.attributes.AttributeSet;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.TypedProperties;
* ConnectionPoolConfigurationBuilder. Specifies connection pooling properties for the HotRod client.
* @author Tristan Tarrant
* @since 5.3
public class ConnectionPoolConfigurationBuilder extends AbstractConfigurationChildBuilder implements Builder {
private ExhaustedAction exhaustedAction = ExhaustedAction.WAIT;
private int maxActive = ConfigurationProperties.DEFAULT_MAX_ACTIVE;
private long maxWait = ConfigurationProperties.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT;
private int minIdle = ConfigurationProperties.DEFAULT_MIN_IDLE;
private long minEvictableIdleTime = ConfigurationProperties.DEFAULT_MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME;
private int maxPendingRequests = ConfigurationProperties.DEFAULT_MAX_PENDING_REQUESTS;
ConnectionPoolConfigurationBuilder(ConfigurationBuilder builder) {
public AttributeSet attributes() {
return AttributeSet.EMPTY;
* Specifies what happens when asking for a connection from a server's pool, and that pool is
* exhausted.
public ConnectionPoolConfigurationBuilder exhaustedAction(ExhaustedAction exhaustedAction) {
this.exhaustedAction = exhaustedAction;
return this;
* Returns the configured action when the pool has become exhausted.
* @return the action to perform
public ExhaustedAction exhaustedAction() {
return exhaustedAction;
* Controls the maximum number of connections per server that are allocated (checked out to
* client threads, or idle in the pool) at one time. When non-positive, there is no limit to the
* number of connections per server. When maxActive is reached, the connection pool for that
* server is said to be exhausted. The default setting for this parameter is -1, i.e. there is no
* limit.
public ConnectionPoolConfigurationBuilder maxActive(int maxActive) {
this.maxActive = maxActive;
return this;
* Returns the number of configured maximum connections per server that can be allocated. When this is non-positive
* there is no limit to the number of connections.
* @return maximum number of open connections to a server
public int maxActive() {
return maxActive;
* The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a connection to become available when the
* exhausted action is {@link ExhaustedAction#WAIT}, after which a {@link java.util.NoSuchElementException}
* will be thrown. If a negative value is supplied, the pool will block indefinitely.
public ConnectionPoolConfigurationBuilder maxWait(long maxWait) {
this.maxWait = maxWait;
return this;
* Sets a target value for the minimum number of idle connections (per server) that should always
* be available. If this parameter is set to a positive number and timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis
* > 0, each time the idle connection eviction thread runs, it will try to create enough idle
* instances so that there will be minIdle idle instances available for each server. The default
* setting for this parameter is 1.
public ConnectionPoolConfigurationBuilder minIdle(int minIdle) {
this.minIdle = minIdle;
return this;
* Specifies the minimum amount of time that an connection may sit idle in the pool before it is
* eligible for eviction due to idle time. When non-positive, no connection will be dropped from
* the pool due to idle time alone. This setting has no effect unless
* timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis > 0. Defaults to {@link ConfigurationProperties#DEFAULT_MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME}
public ConnectionPoolConfigurationBuilder minEvictableIdleTime(long minEvictableIdleTime) {
this.minEvictableIdleTime = minEvictableIdleTime;
return this;
* Specifies maximum number of requests sent over single connection at one instant.
* Connections with more concurrent requests will be ignored in the pool when choosing available connection
* and the pool will try to create a new connection if all connections are utilized. Only if the new connection
* cannot be created and the {@link #exhaustedAction(ExhaustedAction) exhausted action}
* is set to {@link ExhaustedAction#WAIT} the pool will allow sending the request over one of the over-utilized
* connections.
* The rule of thumb is that this should be set to higher values if the values are small (< 1kB) and to lower values
* if the entries are big (> 10kB).
* Default setting for this parameter is 5.
public ConnectionPoolConfigurationBuilder maxPendingRequests(int maxPendingRequests) {
this.maxPendingRequests = maxPendingRequests;
return this;
* Configures the connection pool parameter according to properties
public ConnectionPoolConfigurationBuilder withPoolProperties(Properties properties) {
TypedProperties typed = TypedProperties.toTypedProperties(properties);
exhaustedAction(typed.getEnumProperty(ConfigurationProperties.CONNECTION_POOL_EXHAUSTED_ACTION, ExhaustedAction.class,
ExhaustedAction.values()[typed.getIntProperty("whenExhaustedAction", exhaustedAction.ordinal(), true)],
typed.getIntProperty("maxActive", maxActive, true),
typed.getLongProperty("maxWait", maxWait, true),
typed.getIntProperty("minIdle", minIdle, true),
typed.getLongProperty("minEvictableIdleTimeMillis", minEvictableIdleTime, true),
typed.getIntProperty("maxPendingRequests", maxPendingRequests, true),
return this;
public ConnectionPoolConfiguration create() {
return new ConnectionPoolConfiguration(exhaustedAction, maxActive, maxWait, minIdle, minEvictableIdleTime, maxPendingRequests);
public ConnectionPoolConfigurationBuilder read(ConnectionPoolConfiguration template, Combine combine) {
exhaustedAction = template.exhaustedAction();
maxActive = template.maxActive();
maxWait = template.maxWait();
minIdle = template.minIdle();
minEvictableIdleTime = template.minEvictableIdleTime();
maxPendingRequests = template.maxPendingRequests();
return this;