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* Copyright 2010-2015 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package kotlin.text
import kotlin.text.js.*
import java.util.ArrayList
* Provides enumeration values to use to set regular expression options.
public enum class RegexOption(val value: String) {
/** Enables case-insensitive matching. */
/** Enables multiline mode.
* In multiline mode the expressions `^` and `$` match just after or just before,
* respectively, a line terminator or the end of the input sequence. */
* Represents the results from a single capturing group within a [MatchResult] of [Regex].
* @param value The value of captured group.
public data class MatchGroup(val value: String)
/** A compiled representation of a regular expression.
* For pattern syntax reference see [] and []
public class Regex(pattern: String, options: Set) {
/** The pattern string of this regular expression. */
public val pattern: String = pattern
/** The set of options that were used to create this regular expression. */
public val options: Set = options.toSet()
private val nativePattern: RegExp = RegExp(pattern, { it.value }.joinToString(separator = "") + "g")
/** Indicates whether the regular expression matches the entire [input]. */
public fun matches(input: CharSequence): Boolean {
val match = nativePattern.exec(input.toString())
return match != null && (match as RegExpMatch).index == 0 && nativePattern.lastIndex == input.length()
/** Indicates whether the regular expression can find at least a match in the specified [input]. */
public fun hasMatch(input: CharSequence): Boolean {
return nativePattern.test(input.toString())
/** Returns the first match of a regular expression in the [input], beginning at the specified [startIndex].
* @param startIndex An index to start search with, by default 0. Must be not less than zero and not greater than `input.length()`
* @return An instance of [MatchResult] if match was found or `null` otherwise.
public fun match(input: CharSequence, startIndex: Int = 0): MatchResult? = nativePattern.findNext(input.toString(), startIndex)
/** Returns a sequence of all occurrences of a regular expression within the [input] string, beginning at the specified [startIndex].
public fun matchAll(input: CharSequence, startIndex: Int = 0): Sequence = sequence({ match(input, startIndex) }, { match -> })
* Replaces all occurrences of this regular expression in the specified [input] string with specified [replacement] expression.
* @param replacement A replacement expression that can include substitutions. See [] for details.
public fun replace(input: CharSequence, replacement: String): String = input.toString().nativeReplace(nativePattern, replacement)
* Replaces all occurrences of this regular expression in the specified [input] string with the result of
* the given function [transform] that takes [MatchResult] and returns a string to be used as a
* replacement for that match.
public inline fun replace(input: CharSequence, transform: (MatchResult) -> String): String {
var match = match(input)
if (match == null) return input.toString()
var lastStart = 0
val length = input.length()
val sb = StringBuilder(length)
do {
val foundMatch = match!!
sb.append(input, lastStart, foundMatch.range.start)
lastStart = foundMatch.range.end + 1
match =
} while (lastStart < length && match != null)
if (lastStart < length) {
sb.append(input, lastStart, length)
return sb.toString()
* Replaces the first occurrence of this regular expression in the specified [input] string with specified [replacement] expression.
* @param replacement A replacement expression that can include substitutions. See [Matcher.appendReplacement] for details.
public fun replaceFirst(input: CharSequence, replacement: String): String {
val nonGlobalOptions = { it.value }.joinToString(separator = "")
return input.toString().nativeReplace(RegExp(pattern, nonGlobalOptions), replacement)
* Splits this string around matches of the given regular expression.
* @param limit The maximum number of times the split can occur.
public fun split(input: CharSequence, limit: Int = 0): List {
require(limit >= 0, { "Limit must be non-negative, but was $limit" } )
val matches = matchAll(input).let { if (limit == 0) it else it.take(limit - 1) }
val result = ArrayList()
var lastStart = 0
for (match in matches) {
result.add(input.subSequence(lastStart, match.range.start).toString())
lastStart = match.range.end + 1
result.add(input.subSequence(lastStart, input.length()).toString())
return result
/** Returns the string representation of this regular expression. */
public override fun toString(): String = nativePattern.toString()
companion object {
/** Returns a literal regex for the specified [literal] string. */
public fun fromLiteral(literal: String): Regex = Regex(escape(literal))
/** Returns a literal pattern for the specified [literal] string. */
public fun escape(literal: String): String = literal.nativeReplace(patternEscape, "\\$&")
/** Returns a literal replacement exression for the specified [literal] string. */
public fun escapeReplacement(literal: String): String = literal.nativeReplace(replacementEscape, "$$$$")
private val patternEscape = RegExp("""[-\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]""", "g")
private val replacementEscape = RegExp("""\$""", "g")
/** Creates a regular expression from the specified [pattern] string and the specified single [option]. */
public fun Regex(pattern: String, option: RegexOption): Regex = Regex(pattern, setOf(option))
/** Creates a regular expression from the specified [pattern] string and the default options. */
public fun Regex(pattern: String): Regex = Regex(pattern, emptySet())
private fun RegExp.findNext(input: String, from: Int): MatchResult? {
this.lastIndex = from
val match = exec(input)
if (match == null) return null
val reMatch = match as RegExpMatch
val range = reMatch.index..lastIndex-1
return object : MatchResult {
override val range: IntRange = range
override val value: String
get() = match[0]!!
override val groups: MatchGroupCollection = object : MatchGroupCollection {
override fun size(): Int = match.size()
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = size() == 0
override fun contains(o: Any?): Boolean = this.any { it == o }
override fun containsAll(c: Collection): Boolean = c.all({contains(it)})
override fun iterator(): Iterator = indices.asSequence().map { this[it] }.iterator()
override fun get(index: Int): MatchGroup? = match[index]?.let { MatchGroup(it) }
override fun next(): MatchResult? = [email protected](input, if (range.isEmpty()) range.start + 1 else range.end + 1)