commonMain.ByteStrings.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
import kotlin.math.min
* Writes subsequence of data from [byteString] starting at [startIndex] and ending at [endIndex] into a sink.
* @param byteString the byte string whose subsequence should be written to a sink.
* @param startIndex the first index (inclusive) to copy data from the [byteString].
* @param endIndex the last index (exclusive) to copy data from the [byteString]
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of [byteString] indices.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when `startIndex > endIndex`.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the sink is closed.
* @throws IOException when some I/O error occurs.
* @sample
@OptIn(DelicateIoApi::class, UnsafeByteStringApi::class, UnsafeIoApi::class)
public fun Sink.write(byteString: ByteString, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = byteString.size) {
checkBounds(byteString.size, startIndex, endIndex)
if (endIndex == startIndex) {
writeToInternalBuffer { buffer ->
var offset = startIndex
UnsafeByteStringOperations.withByteArrayUnsafe(byteString) { data ->
while (offset < endIndex) {
var written = 0
UnsafeBufferOperations.writeToTail(buffer, 1) { segData, pos, limit ->
written = min(endIndex - offset, limit - pos)
data.copyInto(segData, pos, offset, offset + written)
offset += written
* Consumes all bytes from this source and wraps it into a byte string.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the source is closed.
* @throws IOException when some I/O error occurs.
* @sample
public fun Source.readByteString(): ByteString {
return UnsafeByteStringOperations.wrapUnsafe(readByteArray())
* Consumes exactly [byteCount] bytes from this source and wraps it into a byte string.
* @param byteCount the number of bytes to read from the source.
* @throws EOFException when the source is exhausted before reading [byteCount] bytes from it.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when [byteCount] is negative.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the source is closed.
* @throws IOException when some I/O error occurs.
* @sample
public fun Source.readByteString(byteCount: Int): ByteString {
return UnsafeByteStringOperations.wrapUnsafe(readByteArray(byteCount))
* Returns the index of the first match for [byteString] in the source at or after [startIndex]. This
* expands the source's buffer as necessary until [byteString] is found. This reads an unbounded number of
* bytes into the buffer. Returns `-1` if the stream is exhausted before the requested bytes are found.
* @param byteString the sequence of bytes to find within the source.
* @param startIndex the index into the source to start searching from.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if [startIndex] is negative.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the source is closed.
* @throws IOException when some I/O error occurs.
* @sample
@OptIn(InternalIoApi::class, UnsafeByteStringApi::class)
public fun Source.indexOf(byteString: ByteString, startIndex: Long = 0): Long {
require(startIndex >= 0) { "startIndex: $startIndex" }
if (byteString.isEmpty()) {
return 0
var offset = startIndex
while (request(offset + byteString.size)) {
val idx = buffer.indexOf(byteString, offset)
if (idx < 0) {
// The buffer does not contain the pattern, let's try fetching at least one extra byte
// and start a new search attempt so that the pattern would fit in the suffix of
// the current buffer + 1 extra byte.
offset = buffer.size - byteString.size + 1
} else {
return idx
return -1
public fun Buffer.indexOf(byteString: ByteString, startIndex: Long = 0): Long {
require(startIndex <= size) {
"startIndex ($startIndex) should not exceed size ($size)"
if (byteString.isEmpty()) return 0
if (startIndex > size - byteString.size) return -1L
UnsafeByteStringOperations.withByteArrayUnsafe(byteString) { byteStringData ->
seek(startIndex) { seg, o ->
if (o == -1L) {
return -1L
var segment: Segment? = seg
var offset = o
do {
// If start index within this segment, the diff will be positive and
// we'll scan the segment starting from the corresponding offset.
// Otherwise, the diff will be negative and we'll scan the segment from the beginning.
val startOffset = maxOf((startIndex - offset).toInt(), 0)
// Try to search the pattern within the current segment.
val idx = segment.indexOfBytesInbound(byteStringData, startOffset)
if (idx != -1) {
// The offset corresponds to the segment's start, idx - to offset within the segment.
return offset + idx.toLong()
// firstOutboundOffset corresponds to a first byte starting reading the pattern from which
// will result in running out of the current segment bounds.
val firstOutboundOffset = maxOf(startOffset, segment.size - byteStringData.size + 1)
// Try to find a pattern in all suffixes shorter than the pattern. These suffixes start
// in the current segment, but ends in the following segments; thus we're using outbound function.
val idx1 = segment.indexOfBytesOutbound(byteStringData, firstOutboundOffset)
if (idx1 != -1) {
// Offset corresponds to the segment's start, idx - to offset within the segment.
return offset + idx1.toLong()
// We scanned the whole segment, so let's go to the next one
offset += segment.size
segment =
} while (segment != null && offset + byteString.size <= size)
return -1L
return -1