org.jooq.Param Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Other licenses:
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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package org.jooq;
import org.jooq.conf.ParamType;
import org.jooq.conf.Settings;
import org.jooq.exception.DataTypeException;
import org.jooq.impl.DSL;
import org.jooq.impl.QOM;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus.Experimental;
* A named parameter and/or bind value.
* A lot of jOOQ API accepts user input values, such as for example when
* creating a {@link Condition} using {@link Field#eq(Object)}, where a column
* expression is being compared with a value.
* Behind the scenes, jOOQ wraps the value in a bind value expression using
* {@link DSL#val(Object)}. The generated SQL of such an expression depends on
* things like {@link Settings#getStatementType()} or {@link ParamType} being
* passed to configurations or {@link Query#getSQL(ParamType)} calls, etc. By
* default, a parameter marker ?
is generated.
* Users can create parameters explicitly using {@link DSL} API, which is useful
* in a few cases where the value cannot be passed to jOOQ directly, e.g.
* - When the value is at the left hand side of an operator
* - When {@link Field} references and {@link Param} values are mixed
* Example:
* // Assuming import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.*;
* // The bind value is the first operand of an expression, in case of which it
* // needs to be wrapped in a Param explicitly
* using(configuration)
* .select()
* .from(RENTALS)
* .where(val(
* .fetch();
* // The bind value is mixed with other types of Field expressions in a statement
* using(configuration)
* .insertInto(ACTOR)
* .values(val("John"), val("Doe"), currentTimestamp())
* .execute();
* Instances can be created using {@link DSL#param(String, Object)},
* {@link DSL#val(Object)}, {@link DSL#inline(Object)} and respective overloads.
* @author Lukas Eder
* @see DSL#param(String, Object)
public non-sealed interface Param extends ParamOrVariable {
* The parameter name. This name is useful for two things:
* - Named parameters in frameworks that support them, such as Spring's
* - Accessing the parameter from the {@link Query} API, with
* {@link Query#getParam(String)}, {@link Query#getParams()}
String getParamName();
* Get the parameter's underlying value. This returns null
* no value has been set yet.
T getValue();
* Set the parameter's underlying value. This is the same as
* {@link #setConverted(Object)}, but ensures generic type-safety.
* @see #setConverted(Object)
* @deprecated - 3.8.0 - [#4991] In jOOQ 4.0, {@link Param} will be made
* immutable. Modifying {@link Param} values is strongly
* discouraged.
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "3.8")
void setValue(T value);
* Sets a converted value, using this {@link Param}'s underlying
* {@link DataType}, obtained from {@link #getDataType()}
* @throws DataTypeException If value
cannot be converted into
* this parameter's data type.
* @deprecated - 3.8.0 - [#4991] In jOOQ 4.0, {@link Param} will be made
* immutable. Modifying {@link Param} values is strongly
* discouraged.
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "3.8")
void setConverted(Object value) throws DataTypeException;
* A flag on the bind value to force it to be inlined in rendered SQL
* @deprecated - 3.8.0 - [#4991] In jOOQ 4.0, {@link Param} will be made
* immutable. Modifying {@link Param} values is strongly
* discouraged.
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "3.8")
void setInline(boolean inline);
* A flag on the bind value to force it to be inlined in rendered SQL
boolean isInline();
* The parameter type.
ParamType getParamType();
* The parameter mode.
ParamMode getParamMode();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// XXX: Query Object Model
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Experimental query object model accessor method, see also {@link QOM}.
* Subject to change in future jOOQ versions, use at your own risk.
T $value();
* Experimental query object model accessor method, see also {@link QOM}.
* Subject to change in future jOOQ versions, use at your own risk.
@NotNull Param $value(T value);
* Experimental query object model accessor method, see also {@link QOM}.
* Subject to change in future jOOQ versions, use at your own risk.
boolean $inline();
* Experimental query object model accessor method, see also {@link QOM}.
* Subject to change in future jOOQ versions, use at your own risk.
@NotNull Param $inline(boolean inline);