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package org.dominokit.domino.ui.notifications;
import elemental2.dom.DomGlobal;
import elemental2.dom.HTMLButtonElement;
import elemental2.dom.HTMLDivElement;
import elemental2.dom.HTMLElement;
import elemental2.dom.Node;
import org.dominokit.domino.ui.animations.Animation;
import org.dominokit.domino.ui.animations.Transition;
import org.dominokit.domino.ui.utils.BaseDominoElement;
import org.dominokit.domino.ui.utils.DominoElement;
import org.jboss.elemento.EventType;
import org.jboss.elemento.IsElement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static java.util.Objects.nonNull;
import static org.jboss.elemento.Elements.button;
import static org.jboss.elemento.Elements.div;
import static org.jboss.elemento.Elements.span;
public class Notification extends BaseDominoElement implements IsElement {
public static final Position TOP_LEFT = new TopLeftPosition();
public static final Position TOP_CENTER = new TopCenterPosition();
public static final Position TOP_RIGHT = new TopRightPosition();
public static final Position BOTTOM_LEFT = new BottomLeftPosition();
public static final Position BOTTOM_CENTER = new BottomCenterPosition();
public static final Position BOTTOM_RIGHT = new BottomRightPosition();
private HTMLButtonElement closeButton = button()
.attr("type", "button")
.attr("aria-hidden", "true")
.style("position: absolute; right: 10px; top: 5px; z-index: 1033;")
private HTMLElement messageSpan = span().element();
private HTMLDivElement element = div()
.attr("role", "alert")
.attr("data-position", "20")
.style("display: inline-block; position: fixed; transition: all 800ms ease-in-out; z-index: 99999999;")
private int duration = 4000;
private Transition inTransition = Transition.FADE_IN;
private Transition outTransition = Transition.FADE_OUT;
private Position position = TOP_RIGHT;
private Color background = Color.BLACK;
private String type;
private boolean closable = true;
private boolean infinite = false;
private boolean closed = true;
private final List closeHandlers = new ArrayList<>();
public Notification() {
closeButton.addEventListener(, e -> close());
* Creates a notification with danger style (red background) indicating a failed operation.
* @param message
* @return {@link Notification}
public static Notification createDanger(String message) {
return create(message, NotificationStyles.ALERT_DANGER);
* Creates a notification with success style (green background) indicating a success operation.
* @param message
* @return {@link Notification}
public static Notification createSuccess(String message) {
return create(message, NotificationStyles.ALERT_SUCCESS);
* Creates a notification with success style (green background) to show warnings.
* @param message
* @return {@link Notification}
public static Notification createWarning(String message) {
return create(message, NotificationStyles.ALERT_WARNING);
* Creates a notification with success style (green background) to informative message.
* @param message
* @return {@link Notification}
public static Notification createInfo(String message) {
return create(message, NotificationStyles.ALERT_INFO);
* Creates a notification for the message with the specified type/style
* @param message
* @param type the style to be applied on the notification, predefined types {@value NotificationStyles#ALERT_INFO},{@value NotificationStyles#ALERT_DANGER},{@value NotificationStyles#ALERT_SUCCESS},{@value NotificationStyles#ALERT_WARNING}
* @return {@link Notification}
public static Notification create(String message, String type) {
Notification notification = create(message);
return notification;
* Creates a notification for the message with no specific type and default black bacjground.
* @param message
* @return {@link Notification}
public static Notification create(String message) {
Notification notification = new Notification();
return notification;
* @return {@link DominoElement} the close button of the notification.
public DominoElement getCloseButton() {
return DominoElement.of(closeButton);
* Use to show or hide the close button.
* @return {@link Notification}
public Notification setClosable(boolean closable) {
this.closable = closable;
return this;
* @return boolean, true if the close button is visible, else false.
public boolean isClosable() {
return closable;
* for none infinite notifications, the duration defined how long the notification will remain visible after the show transition is completed before it is automatically closed.
* @param duration in millisecond
* @return {@link Notification}
public Notification duration(int duration) {
this.duration = duration;
return this;
* Defines the animation transition to be applied to show up the notification when {@link Notification#show()} is called.
* @param inTransition {@link Transition}
* @return {@link Notification}
public Notification inTransition(Transition inTransition) {
this.inTransition = inTransition;
return this;
* Defines the animation transition to be applied to close up the notification when {@link Notification#close()} is called, or the duration ends.
* @param outTransition {@link Transition}
* @return {@link Notification}
public Notification outTransition(Transition outTransition) {
this.outTransition = outTransition;
return this;
* The text content of the notification
* @param message
* @return {@link Notification}
public Notification setMessage(String message) {
this.messageSpan.textContent = message;
return this;
* Sets specified type/style
* @param type the style to be applied on the notification, predefined types {@value NotificationStyles#ALERT_INFO},{@value NotificationStyles#ALERT_DANGER},{@value NotificationStyles#ALERT_SUCCESS},{@value NotificationStyles#ALERT_WARNING}
* @return {@link Notification}
public Notification setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
return this;
* Appends any kind of content to the notification body.
* @param content {@link Node}
* @return {@link Notification}
public Notification appendContent(Node content) {
return this;
* Defines the location in which the notification will show up when {@link Notification#show()} is called.
* @param position {@link Position}
* @return {@link Notification}
public Notification setPosition(Position position) {
this.position = position;
return this;
* Apply a custom background color to the notification.
* this will override styles applied from the notification types.
* @param background {@link Color}
* @return {@link Notification}
public Notification setBackground(Color background) {
if (nonNull(type)) {
this.background = background;
return this;
* When true, duration will be ignored, and the notification will only close if the {@link Notification#close()} is called or close button is clicked.
* @param infinite
* @return {@link Notification}
public Notification setInfinite(boolean infinite) {
this.infinite = infinite;
return this;
* @return boolean, true if notification is finite
public boolean isInfinite() {
return infinite;
* Show up the notification and apply the IN transtion animation.
* @return {@link Notification}
public Notification show() {
this.closed = false;
.callback(e -> {
if (!infinite) {
return this;
* Closes the notification based on the applied notification position and apply the close animation.
public final void close() {
* Closes the notification based on the applied notification position and apply the close animation after the specified duration.
* @param after time to wait before starting the close animation in milliseconds
public final void close(int after) {
if(!closed) {
int dataPosition = Integer.parseInt(element().getAttribute("data-position"));
int height = element().offsetHeight;
animateClose(after, () -> {
position.onRemoveElement(dataPosition, height);
this.closed = true;
private void animateClose(int after, Runnable onComplete) {
.callback(e2 -> {
* @return List of {@link CloseHandler} to be called when a notification is closed.
public List getCloseHandlers() {
return closeHandlers;
* Add a handler to be called when a notification is closed
* @param closeHandler {@link CloseHandler}
* @return {@link Notification}
public Notification addCloseHandler(CloseHandler closeHandler){
return this;
* Removes a {@link CloseHandler} from the currently existing close handlers.
* @param closeHandler
* @return {@link Notification}
public Notification removeCloseHandler(CloseHandler closeHandler){
return this;
* @return {@link HTMLDivElement} the root element that represent this notification instance.
public HTMLDivElement element() {
return element;
* An interface for the required API to implement new position classes for notifications
public interface Position {
* this method will be called before attaching the notification element to the dom.
* @param element the notification element
void onBeforeAttach(HTMLElement element);
* this method will be called everytime we try to show a new notification.
* @param element the notification element
void onNewElement(HTMLElement element);
* this method will be called once the notification is completed and the notification element is removed from the dom
* @param dataPosition
* @param height
void onRemoveElement(int dataPosition, int height);
* functionl interface to handle close event
public interface CloseHandler {
void onClose();