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net.opengis.tjs.v_1_0.Columnset Maven / Gradle / Ivy

// This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, v2.2.11 
// See 
// Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema. 
// Generated on: 2016.02.26 at 05:07:06 PM AST 

package net.opengis.tjs.v_1_0;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchemaType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.CopyStrategy2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.CopyTo2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.Equals2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.EqualsStrategy2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.HashCode2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.HashCodeStrategy2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBCopyStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBEqualsStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBHashCodeStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBMergeStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBToStringStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.MergeFrom2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.MergeStrategy2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.ToString2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.ToStringStrategy2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.locator.ObjectLocator;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.locator.util.LocatorUtils;


Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

 * <complexType>
 *   <complexContent>
 *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *       <sequence>
 *         <element name="FrameworkKey">
 *           <complexType>
 *             <complexContent>
 *               <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                 <sequence>
 *                   <element name="Column" maxOccurs="unbounded">
 *                     <complexType>
 *                       <complexContent>
 *                         <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                           <attGroup ref="{}ColumnDescriptionGroup"/>
 *                         </restriction>
 *                       </complexContent>
 *                     </complexType>
 *                   </element>
 *                 </sequence>
 *                 <attribute name="relationship" use="required" type="{}anySimpleType" />
 *                 <attribute name="complete" use="required" type="{}anySimpleType" />
 *               </restriction>
 *             </complexContent>
 *           </complexType>
 *         </element>
 *         <element name="Attributes">
 *           <complexType>
 *             <complexContent>
 *               <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                 <sequence>
 *                   <element name="Column" maxOccurs="unbounded">
 *                     <complexType>
 *                       <complexContent>
 *                         <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                           <sequence>
 *                             <element ref="{}Title"/>
 *                             <element ref="{}Abstract"/>
 *                             <element ref="{}Documentation" minOccurs="0"/>
 *                             <element ref="{}Values"/>
 *                             <element ref="{}GetDataRequest"/>
 *                           </sequence>
 *                           <attGroup ref="{}ColumnDescriptionGroup"/>
 *                           <attribute name="purpose" use="required">
 *                             <simpleType>
 *                               <restriction base="{}string">
 *                                 <enumeration value="SpatialComponentIdentifier"/>
 *                                 <enumeration value="SpatialComponentProportion"/>
 *                                 <enumeration value="SpatialComponentPercentage"/>
 *                                 <enumeration value="TemporalIdentifier"/>
 *                                 <enumeration value="TemporalValue"/>
 *                                 <enumeration value="VerticalIdentifier"/>
 *                                 <enumeration value="VerticalValue"/>
 *                                 <enumeration value="OtherSpatialIdentifier"/>
 *                                 <enumeration value="NonSpatialIdentifier"/>
 *                                 <enumeration value="Attribute"/>
 *                               </restriction>
 *                             </simpleType>
 *                           </attribute>
 *                         </restriction>
 *                       </complexContent>
 *                     </complexType>
 *                   </element>
 *                 </sequence>
 *               </restriction>
 *             </complexContent>
 *           </complexType>
 *         </element>
 *       </sequence>
 *     </restriction>
 *   </complexContent>
 * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "frameworkKey", "attributes" }) @XmlRootElement(name = "Columnset") public class Columnset implements Cloneable, CopyTo2, Equals2, HashCode2, MergeFrom2, ToString2 { @XmlElement(name = "FrameworkKey", required = true) protected Columnset.FrameworkKey frameworkKey; @XmlElement(name = "Attributes", required = true) protected Columnset.Attributes attributes; /** * Gets the value of the frameworkKey property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link Columnset.FrameworkKey } * */ public Columnset.FrameworkKey getFrameworkKey() { return frameworkKey; } /** * Sets the value of the frameworkKey property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link Columnset.FrameworkKey } * */ public void setFrameworkKey(Columnset.FrameworkKey value) { this.frameworkKey = value; } public boolean isSetFrameworkKey() { return (this.frameworkKey!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the attributes property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link Columnset.Attributes } * */ public Columnset.Attributes getAttributes() { return attributes; } /** * Sets the value of the attributes property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link Columnset.Attributes } * */ public void setAttributes(Columnset.Attributes value) { this.attributes = value; } public boolean isSetAttributes() { return (this.attributes!= null); } public String toString() { final ToStringStrategy2 strategy = JAXBToStringStrategy.INSTANCE; final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); append(null, buffer, strategy); return buffer.toString(); } public StringBuilder append(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy2 strategy) { strategy.appendStart(locator, this, buffer); appendFields(locator, buffer, strategy); strategy.appendEnd(locator, this, buffer); return buffer; } public StringBuilder appendFields(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy2 strategy) { { Columnset.FrameworkKey theFrameworkKey; theFrameworkKey = this.getFrameworkKey(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "frameworkKey", buffer, theFrameworkKey, this.isSetFrameworkKey()); } { Columnset.Attributes theAttributes; theAttributes = this.getAttributes(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "attributes", buffer, theAttributes, this.isSetAttributes()); } return buffer; } public boolean equals(ObjectLocator thisLocator, ObjectLocator thatLocator, Object object, EqualsStrategy2 strategy) { if ((object == null)||(this.getClass()!= object.getClass())) { return false; } if (this == object) { return true; } final Columnset that = ((Columnset) object); { Columnset.FrameworkKey lhsFrameworkKey; lhsFrameworkKey = this.getFrameworkKey(); Columnset.FrameworkKey rhsFrameworkKey; rhsFrameworkKey = that.getFrameworkKey(); if (!strategy.equals(, "frameworkKey", lhsFrameworkKey),, "frameworkKey", rhsFrameworkKey), lhsFrameworkKey, rhsFrameworkKey, this.isSetFrameworkKey(), that.isSetFrameworkKey())) { return false; } } { Columnset.Attributes lhsAttributes; lhsAttributes = this.getAttributes(); Columnset.Attributes rhsAttributes; rhsAttributes = that.getAttributes(); if (!strategy.equals(, "attributes", lhsAttributes),, "attributes", rhsAttributes), lhsAttributes, rhsAttributes, this.isSetAttributes(), that.isSetAttributes())) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean equals(Object object) { final EqualsStrategy2 strategy = JAXBEqualsStrategy.INSTANCE; return equals(null, null, object, strategy); } public int hashCode(ObjectLocator locator, HashCodeStrategy2 strategy) { int currentHashCode = 1; { Columnset.FrameworkKey theFrameworkKey; theFrameworkKey = this.getFrameworkKey(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "frameworkKey", theFrameworkKey), currentHashCode, theFrameworkKey, this.isSetFrameworkKey()); } { Columnset.Attributes theAttributes; theAttributes = this.getAttributes(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "attributes", theAttributes), currentHashCode, theAttributes, this.isSetAttributes()); } return currentHashCode; } public int hashCode() { final HashCodeStrategy2 strategy = JAXBHashCodeStrategy.INSTANCE; return this.hashCode(null, strategy); } public Object clone() { return copyTo(createNewInstance()); } public Object copyTo(Object target) { final CopyStrategy2 strategy = JAXBCopyStrategy.INSTANCE; return copyTo(null, target, strategy); } public Object copyTo(ObjectLocator locator, Object target, CopyStrategy2 strategy) { final Object draftCopy = ((target == null)?createNewInstance():target); if (draftCopy instanceof Columnset) { final Columnset copy = ((Columnset) draftCopy); { Boolean frameworkKeyShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetFrameworkKey()); if (frameworkKeyShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { Columnset.FrameworkKey sourceFrameworkKey; sourceFrameworkKey = this.getFrameworkKey(); Columnset.FrameworkKey copyFrameworkKey = ((Columnset.FrameworkKey) strategy.copy(, "frameworkKey", sourceFrameworkKey), sourceFrameworkKey, this.isSetFrameworkKey())); copy.setFrameworkKey(copyFrameworkKey); } else { if (frameworkKeyShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.frameworkKey = null; } } } { Boolean attributesShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetAttributes()); if (attributesShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { Columnset.Attributes sourceAttributes; sourceAttributes = this.getAttributes(); Columnset.Attributes copyAttributes = ((Columnset.Attributes) strategy.copy(, "attributes", sourceAttributes), sourceAttributes, this.isSetAttributes())); copy.setAttributes(copyAttributes); } else { if (attributesShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.attributes = null; } } } } return draftCopy; } public Object createNewInstance() { return new Columnset(); } public void mergeFrom(Object left, Object right) { final MergeStrategy2 strategy = JAXBMergeStrategy.INSTANCE; mergeFrom(null, null, left, right, strategy); } public void mergeFrom(ObjectLocator leftLocator, ObjectLocator rightLocator, Object left, Object right, MergeStrategy2 strategy) { if (right instanceof Columnset) { final Columnset target = this; final Columnset leftObject = ((Columnset) left); final Columnset rightObject = ((Columnset) right); { Boolean frameworkKeyShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetFrameworkKey(), rightObject.isSetFrameworkKey()); if (frameworkKeyShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { Columnset.FrameworkKey lhsFrameworkKey; lhsFrameworkKey = leftObject.getFrameworkKey(); Columnset.FrameworkKey rhsFrameworkKey; rhsFrameworkKey = rightObject.getFrameworkKey(); Columnset.FrameworkKey mergedFrameworkKey = ((Columnset.FrameworkKey) strategy.merge(, "frameworkKey", lhsFrameworkKey),, "frameworkKey", rhsFrameworkKey), lhsFrameworkKey, rhsFrameworkKey, leftObject.isSetFrameworkKey(), rightObject.isSetFrameworkKey())); target.setFrameworkKey(mergedFrameworkKey); } else { if (frameworkKeyShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.frameworkKey = null; } } } { Boolean attributesShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetAttributes(), rightObject.isSetAttributes()); if (attributesShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { Columnset.Attributes lhsAttributes; lhsAttributes = leftObject.getAttributes(); Columnset.Attributes rhsAttributes; rhsAttributes = rightObject.getAttributes(); Columnset.Attributes mergedAttributes = ((Columnset.Attributes) strategy.merge(, "attributes", lhsAttributes),, "attributes", rhsAttributes), lhsAttributes, rhsAttributes, leftObject.isSetAttributes(), rightObject.isSetAttributes())); target.setAttributes(mergedAttributes); } else { if (attributesShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.attributes = null; } } } } } public Columnset withFrameworkKey(Columnset.FrameworkKey value) { setFrameworkKey(value); return this; } public Columnset withAttributes(Columnset.Attributes value) { setAttributes(value); return this; } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

     * <complexType>
     *   <complexContent>
     *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *       <sequence>
     *         <element name="Column" maxOccurs="unbounded">
     *           <complexType>
     *             <complexContent>
     *               <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *                 <sequence>
     *                   <element ref="{}Title"/>
     *                   <element ref="{}Abstract"/>
     *                   <element ref="{}Documentation" minOccurs="0"/>
     *                   <element ref="{}Values"/>
     *                   <element ref="{}GetDataRequest"/>
     *                 </sequence>
     *                 <attGroup ref="{}ColumnDescriptionGroup"/>
     *                 <attribute name="purpose" use="required">
     *                   <simpleType>
     *                     <restriction base="{}string">
     *                       <enumeration value="SpatialComponentIdentifier"/>
     *                       <enumeration value="SpatialComponentProportion"/>
     *                       <enumeration value="SpatialComponentPercentage"/>
     *                       <enumeration value="TemporalIdentifier"/>
     *                       <enumeration value="TemporalValue"/>
     *                       <enumeration value="VerticalIdentifier"/>
     *                       <enumeration value="VerticalValue"/>
     *                       <enumeration value="OtherSpatialIdentifier"/>
     *                       <enumeration value="NonSpatialIdentifier"/>
     *                       <enumeration value="Attribute"/>
     *                     </restriction>
     *                   </simpleType>
     *                 </attribute>
     *               </restriction>
     *             </complexContent>
     *           </complexType>
     *         </element>
     *       </sequence>
     *     </restriction>
     *   </complexContent>
     * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "column" }) public static class Attributes implements Cloneable, CopyTo2, Equals2, HashCode2, MergeFrom2, ToString2 { @XmlElement(name = "Column", required = true) protected List column; /** * Gets the value of the column property. * *

* This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. * This is why there is not a set method for the column property. * *

* For example, to add a new item, do as follows: *

         *    getColumn().add(newItem);
* * *

* Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list * {@link Columnset.Attributes.Column } * * */ public List getColumn() { if (column == null) { column = new ArrayList(); } return this.column; } public boolean isSetColumn() { return ((this.column!= null)&&(!this.column.isEmpty())); } public void unsetColumn() { this.column = null; } public String toString() { final ToStringStrategy2 strategy = JAXBToStringStrategy.INSTANCE; final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); append(null, buffer, strategy); return buffer.toString(); } public StringBuilder append(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy2 strategy) { strategy.appendStart(locator, this, buffer); appendFields(locator, buffer, strategy); strategy.appendEnd(locator, this, buffer); return buffer; } public StringBuilder appendFields(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy2 strategy) { { List theColumn; theColumn = (this.isSetColumn()?this.getColumn():null); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "column", buffer, theColumn, this.isSetColumn()); } return buffer; } public boolean equals(ObjectLocator thisLocator, ObjectLocator thatLocator, Object object, EqualsStrategy2 strategy) { if ((object == null)||(this.getClass()!= object.getClass())) { return false; } if (this == object) { return true; } final Columnset.Attributes that = ((Columnset.Attributes) object); { List lhsColumn; lhsColumn = (this.isSetColumn()?this.getColumn():null); List rhsColumn; rhsColumn = (that.isSetColumn()?that.getColumn():null); if (!strategy.equals(, "column", lhsColumn),, "column", rhsColumn), lhsColumn, rhsColumn, this.isSetColumn(), that.isSetColumn())) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean equals(Object object) { final EqualsStrategy2 strategy = JAXBEqualsStrategy.INSTANCE; return equals(null, null, object, strategy); } public int hashCode(ObjectLocator locator, HashCodeStrategy2 strategy) { int currentHashCode = 1; { List theColumn; theColumn = (this.isSetColumn()?this.getColumn():null); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "column", theColumn), currentHashCode, theColumn, this.isSetColumn()); } return currentHashCode; } public int hashCode() { final HashCodeStrategy2 strategy = JAXBHashCodeStrategy.INSTANCE; return this.hashCode(null, strategy); } public Object clone() { return copyTo(createNewInstance()); } public Object copyTo(Object target) { final CopyStrategy2 strategy = JAXBCopyStrategy.INSTANCE; return copyTo(null, target, strategy); } public Object copyTo(ObjectLocator locator, Object target, CopyStrategy2 strategy) { final Object draftCopy = ((target == null)?createNewInstance():target); if (draftCopy instanceof Columnset.Attributes) { final Columnset.Attributes copy = ((Columnset.Attributes) draftCopy); { Boolean columnShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetColumn()); if (columnShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { List sourceColumn; sourceColumn = (this.isSetColumn()?this.getColumn():null); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List copyColumn = ((List ) strategy.copy(, "column", sourceColumn), sourceColumn, this.isSetColumn())); copy.unsetColumn(); if (copyColumn!= null) { List uniqueColumnl = copy.getColumn(); uniqueColumnl.addAll(copyColumn); } } else { if (columnShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.unsetColumn(); } } } } return draftCopy; } public Object createNewInstance() { return new Columnset.Attributes(); } public void mergeFrom(Object left, Object right) { final MergeStrategy2 strategy = JAXBMergeStrategy.INSTANCE; mergeFrom(null, null, left, right, strategy); } public void mergeFrom(ObjectLocator leftLocator, ObjectLocator rightLocator, Object left, Object right, MergeStrategy2 strategy) { if (right instanceof Columnset.Attributes) { final Columnset.Attributes target = this; final Columnset.Attributes leftObject = ((Columnset.Attributes) left); final Columnset.Attributes rightObject = ((Columnset.Attributes) right); { Boolean columnShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetColumn(), rightObject.isSetColumn()); if (columnShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { List lhsColumn; lhsColumn = (leftObject.isSetColumn()?leftObject.getColumn():null); List rhsColumn; rhsColumn = (rightObject.isSetColumn()?rightObject.getColumn():null); List mergedColumn = ((List ) strategy.merge(, "column", lhsColumn),, "column", rhsColumn), lhsColumn, rhsColumn, leftObject.isSetColumn(), rightObject.isSetColumn())); target.unsetColumn(); if (mergedColumn!= null) { List uniqueColumnl = target.getColumn(); uniqueColumnl.addAll(mergedColumn); } } else { if (columnShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.unsetColumn(); } } } } } public void setColumn(List value) { this.column = null; if (value!= null) { List draftl = this.getColumn(); draftl.addAll(value); } } public Columnset.Attributes withColumn(Columnset.Attributes.Column... values) { if (values!= null) { for (Columnset.Attributes.Column value: values) { getColumn().add(value); } } return this; } public Columnset.Attributes withColumn(Collection values) { if (values!= null) { getColumn().addAll(values); } return this; } public Columnset.Attributes withColumn(List value) { setColumn(value); return this; } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

         * <complexType>
         *   <complexContent>
         *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
         *       <sequence>
         *         <element ref="{}Title"/>
         *         <element ref="{}Abstract"/>
         *         <element ref="{}Documentation" minOccurs="0"/>
         *         <element ref="{}Values"/>
         *         <element ref="{}GetDataRequest"/>
         *       </sequence>
         *       <attGroup ref="{}ColumnDescriptionGroup"/>
         *       <attribute name="purpose" use="required">
         *         <simpleType>
         *           <restriction base="{}string">
         *             <enumeration value="SpatialComponentIdentifier"/>
         *             <enumeration value="SpatialComponentProportion"/>
         *             <enumeration value="SpatialComponentPercentage"/>
         *             <enumeration value="TemporalIdentifier"/>
         *             <enumeration value="TemporalValue"/>
         *             <enumeration value="VerticalIdentifier"/>
         *             <enumeration value="VerticalValue"/>
         *             <enumeration value="OtherSpatialIdentifier"/>
         *             <enumeration value="NonSpatialIdentifier"/>
         *             <enumeration value="Attribute"/>
         *           </restriction>
         *         </simpleType>
         *       </attribute>
         *     </restriction>
         *   </complexContent>
         * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "title", "_abstract", "documentation", "values", "getDataRequest" }) public static class Column implements Cloneable, CopyTo2, Equals2, HashCode2, MergeFrom2, ToString2 { @XmlElement(name = "Title", required = true) protected String title; @XmlElement(name = "Abstract", required = true) protected AbstractType _abstract; @XmlElement(name = "Documentation") @XmlSchemaType(name = "anyURI") protected String documentation; @XmlElement(name = "Values", required = true) protected Values values; @XmlElement(name = "GetDataRequest", required = true) protected GetDataRequest getDataRequest; @XmlAttribute(name = "purpose", required = true) protected String purpose; @XmlAttribute(name = "name", required = true) protected String name; @XmlAttribute(name = "type", required = true) protected String type; @XmlAttribute(name = "length", required = true) @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger") protected BigInteger length; @XmlAttribute(name = "decimals") @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger") protected BigInteger decimals; /** * Gets the value of the title property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getTitle() { return title; } /** * Sets the value of the title property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setTitle(String value) { this.title = value; } public boolean isSetTitle() { return (this.title!= null); } /** * One or more paragraphs of human-readable text describing the attribute and suitable for display in a pop-up window. * * @return * possible object is * {@link AbstractType } * */ public AbstractType getAbstract() { return _abstract; } /** * Sets the value of the abstract property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link AbstractType } * */ public void setAbstract(AbstractType value) { this._abstract = value; } public boolean isSetAbstract() { return (this._abstract!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the documentation property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getDocumentation() { return documentation; } /** * Sets the value of the documentation property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setDocumentation(String value) { this.documentation = value; } public boolean isSetDocumentation() { return (this.documentation!= null); } /** * Type of values and valid values for the contents of this column. * * @return * possible object is * {@link Values } * */ public Values getValues() { return values; } /** * Sets the value of the values property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link Values } * */ public void setValues(Values value) { this.values = value; } public boolean isSetValues() { return (this.values!= null); } /** * URL reference to the GetData request for this column. The request shall include any other columns that describe or quantify the values in this attribute column (i.e. where the "purpose" of the column is SpatialComponentIdentifier, TemporalIdentfier, etc). * * @return * possible object is * {@link GetDataRequest } * */ public GetDataRequest getGetDataRequest() { return getDataRequest; } /** * Sets the value of the getDataRequest property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link GetDataRequest } * */ public void setGetDataRequest(GetDataRequest value) { this.getDataRequest = value; } public boolean isSetGetDataRequest() { return (this.getDataRequest!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the purpose property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getPurpose() { return purpose; } /** * Sets the value of the purpose property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setPurpose(String value) { this.purpose = value; } public boolean isSetPurpose() { return (this.purpose!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the name property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Sets the value of the name property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setName(String value) { = value; } public boolean isSetName() { return (!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the type property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getType() { return type; } /** * Sets the value of the type property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setType(String value) { this.type = value; } public boolean isSetType() { return (this.type!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the length property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link BigInteger } * */ public BigInteger getLength() { return length; } /** * Sets the value of the length property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link BigInteger } * */ public void setLength(BigInteger value) { this.length = value; } public boolean isSetLength() { return (this.length!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the decimals property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link BigInteger } * */ public BigInteger getDecimals() { return decimals; } /** * Sets the value of the decimals property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link BigInteger } * */ public void setDecimals(BigInteger value) { this.decimals = value; } public boolean isSetDecimals() { return (this.decimals!= null); } public String toString() { final ToStringStrategy2 strategy = JAXBToStringStrategy.INSTANCE; final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); append(null, buffer, strategy); return buffer.toString(); } public StringBuilder append(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy2 strategy) { strategy.appendStart(locator, this, buffer); appendFields(locator, buffer, strategy); strategy.appendEnd(locator, this, buffer); return buffer; } public StringBuilder appendFields(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy2 strategy) { { String theTitle; theTitle = this.getTitle(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "title", buffer, theTitle, this.isSetTitle()); } { AbstractType theAbstract; theAbstract = this.getAbstract(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "_abstract", buffer, theAbstract, this.isSetAbstract()); } { String theDocumentation; theDocumentation = this.getDocumentation(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "documentation", buffer, theDocumentation, this.isSetDocumentation()); } { Values theValues; theValues = this.getValues(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "values", buffer, theValues, this.isSetValues()); } { GetDataRequest theGetDataRequest; theGetDataRequest = this.getGetDataRequest(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "getDataRequest", buffer, theGetDataRequest, this.isSetGetDataRequest()); } { String thePurpose; thePurpose = this.getPurpose(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "purpose", buffer, thePurpose, this.isSetPurpose()); } { String theName; theName = this.getName(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "name", buffer, theName, this.isSetName()); } { String theType; theType = this.getType(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "type", buffer, theType, this.isSetType()); } { BigInteger theLength; theLength = this.getLength(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "length", buffer, theLength, this.isSetLength()); } { BigInteger theDecimals; theDecimals = this.getDecimals(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "decimals", buffer, theDecimals, this.isSetDecimals()); } return buffer; } public boolean equals(ObjectLocator thisLocator, ObjectLocator thatLocator, Object object, EqualsStrategy2 strategy) { if ((object == null)||(this.getClass()!= object.getClass())) { return false; } if (this == object) { return true; } final Columnset.Attributes.Column that = ((Columnset.Attributes.Column) object); { String lhsTitle; lhsTitle = this.getTitle(); String rhsTitle; rhsTitle = that.getTitle(); if (!strategy.equals(, "title", lhsTitle),, "title", rhsTitle), lhsTitle, rhsTitle, this.isSetTitle(), that.isSetTitle())) { return false; } } { AbstractType lhsAbstract; lhsAbstract = this.getAbstract(); AbstractType rhsAbstract; rhsAbstract = that.getAbstract(); if (!strategy.equals(, "_abstract", lhsAbstract),, "_abstract", rhsAbstract), lhsAbstract, rhsAbstract, this.isSetAbstract(), that.isSetAbstract())) { return false; } } { String lhsDocumentation; lhsDocumentation = this.getDocumentation(); String rhsDocumentation; rhsDocumentation = that.getDocumentation(); if (!strategy.equals(, "documentation", lhsDocumentation),, "documentation", rhsDocumentation), lhsDocumentation, rhsDocumentation, this.isSetDocumentation(), that.isSetDocumentation())) { return false; } } { Values lhsValues; lhsValues = this.getValues(); Values rhsValues; rhsValues = that.getValues(); if (!strategy.equals(, "values", lhsValues),, "values", rhsValues), lhsValues, rhsValues, this.isSetValues(), that.isSetValues())) { return false; } } { GetDataRequest lhsGetDataRequest; lhsGetDataRequest = this.getGetDataRequest(); GetDataRequest rhsGetDataRequest; rhsGetDataRequest = that.getGetDataRequest(); if (!strategy.equals(, "getDataRequest", lhsGetDataRequest),, "getDataRequest", rhsGetDataRequest), lhsGetDataRequest, rhsGetDataRequest, this.isSetGetDataRequest(), that.isSetGetDataRequest())) { return false; } } { String lhsPurpose; lhsPurpose = this.getPurpose(); String rhsPurpose; rhsPurpose = that.getPurpose(); if (!strategy.equals(, "purpose", lhsPurpose),, "purpose", rhsPurpose), lhsPurpose, rhsPurpose, this.isSetPurpose(), that.isSetPurpose())) { return false; } } { String lhsName; lhsName = this.getName(); String rhsName; rhsName = that.getName(); if (!strategy.equals(, "name", lhsName),, "name", rhsName), lhsName, rhsName, this.isSetName(), that.isSetName())) { return false; } } { String lhsType; lhsType = this.getType(); String rhsType; rhsType = that.getType(); if (!strategy.equals(, "type", lhsType),, "type", rhsType), lhsType, rhsType, this.isSetType(), that.isSetType())) { return false; } } { BigInteger lhsLength; lhsLength = this.getLength(); BigInteger rhsLength; rhsLength = that.getLength(); if (!strategy.equals(, "length", lhsLength),, "length", rhsLength), lhsLength, rhsLength, this.isSetLength(), that.isSetLength())) { return false; } } { BigInteger lhsDecimals; lhsDecimals = this.getDecimals(); BigInteger rhsDecimals; rhsDecimals = that.getDecimals(); if (!strategy.equals(, "decimals", lhsDecimals),, "decimals", rhsDecimals), lhsDecimals, rhsDecimals, this.isSetDecimals(), that.isSetDecimals())) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean equals(Object object) { final EqualsStrategy2 strategy = JAXBEqualsStrategy.INSTANCE; return equals(null, null, object, strategy); } public int hashCode(ObjectLocator locator, HashCodeStrategy2 strategy) { int currentHashCode = 1; { String theTitle; theTitle = this.getTitle(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "title", theTitle), currentHashCode, theTitle, this.isSetTitle()); } { AbstractType theAbstract; theAbstract = this.getAbstract(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "_abstract", theAbstract), currentHashCode, theAbstract, this.isSetAbstract()); } { String theDocumentation; theDocumentation = this.getDocumentation(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "documentation", theDocumentation), currentHashCode, theDocumentation, this.isSetDocumentation()); } { Values theValues; theValues = this.getValues(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "values", theValues), currentHashCode, theValues, this.isSetValues()); } { GetDataRequest theGetDataRequest; theGetDataRequest = this.getGetDataRequest(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "getDataRequest", theGetDataRequest), currentHashCode, theGetDataRequest, this.isSetGetDataRequest()); } { String thePurpose; thePurpose = this.getPurpose(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "purpose", thePurpose), currentHashCode, thePurpose, this.isSetPurpose()); } { String theName; theName = this.getName(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "name", theName), currentHashCode, theName, this.isSetName()); } { String theType; theType = this.getType(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "type", theType), currentHashCode, theType, this.isSetType()); } { BigInteger theLength; theLength = this.getLength(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "length", theLength), currentHashCode, theLength, this.isSetLength()); } { BigInteger theDecimals; theDecimals = this.getDecimals(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "decimals", theDecimals), currentHashCode, theDecimals, this.isSetDecimals()); } return currentHashCode; } public int hashCode() { final HashCodeStrategy2 strategy = JAXBHashCodeStrategy.INSTANCE; return this.hashCode(null, strategy); } public Object clone() { return copyTo(createNewInstance()); } public Object copyTo(Object target) { final CopyStrategy2 strategy = JAXBCopyStrategy.INSTANCE; return copyTo(null, target, strategy); } public Object copyTo(ObjectLocator locator, Object target, CopyStrategy2 strategy) { final Object draftCopy = ((target == null)?createNewInstance():target); if (draftCopy instanceof Columnset.Attributes.Column) { final Columnset.Attributes.Column copy = ((Columnset.Attributes.Column) draftCopy); { Boolean titleShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetTitle()); if (titleShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String sourceTitle; sourceTitle = this.getTitle(); String copyTitle = ((String) strategy.copy(, "title", sourceTitle), sourceTitle, this.isSetTitle())); copy.setTitle(copyTitle); } else { if (titleShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.title = null; } } } { Boolean _abstractShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetAbstract()); if (_abstractShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { AbstractType sourceAbstract; sourceAbstract = this.getAbstract(); AbstractType copyAbstract = ((AbstractType) strategy.copy(, "_abstract", sourceAbstract), sourceAbstract, this.isSetAbstract())); copy.setAbstract(copyAbstract); } else { if (_abstractShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy._abstract = null; } } } { Boolean documentationShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetDocumentation()); if (documentationShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String sourceDocumentation; sourceDocumentation = this.getDocumentation(); String copyDocumentation = ((String) strategy.copy(, "documentation", sourceDocumentation), sourceDocumentation, this.isSetDocumentation())); copy.setDocumentation(copyDocumentation); } else { if (documentationShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.documentation = null; } } } { Boolean valuesShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetValues()); if (valuesShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { Values sourceValues; sourceValues = this.getValues(); Values copyValues = ((Values) strategy.copy(, "values", sourceValues), sourceValues, this.isSetValues())); copy.setValues(copyValues); } else { if (valuesShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.values = null; } } } { Boolean getDataRequestShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetGetDataRequest()); if (getDataRequestShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { GetDataRequest sourceGetDataRequest; sourceGetDataRequest = this.getGetDataRequest(); GetDataRequest copyGetDataRequest = ((GetDataRequest) strategy.copy(, "getDataRequest", sourceGetDataRequest), sourceGetDataRequest, this.isSetGetDataRequest())); copy.setGetDataRequest(copyGetDataRequest); } else { if (getDataRequestShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.getDataRequest = null; } } } { Boolean purposeShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetPurpose()); if (purposeShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String sourcePurpose; sourcePurpose = this.getPurpose(); String copyPurpose = ((String) strategy.copy(, "purpose", sourcePurpose), sourcePurpose, this.isSetPurpose())); copy.setPurpose(copyPurpose); } else { if (purposeShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.purpose = null; } } } { Boolean nameShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetName()); if (nameShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String sourceName; sourceName = this.getName(); String copyName = ((String) strategy.copy(, "name", sourceName), sourceName, this.isSetName())); copy.setName(copyName); } else { if (nameShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { = null; } } } { Boolean typeShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetType()); if (typeShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String sourceType; sourceType = this.getType(); String copyType = ((String) strategy.copy(, "type", sourceType), sourceType, this.isSetType())); copy.setType(copyType); } else { if (typeShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.type = null; } } } { Boolean lengthShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetLength()); if (lengthShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { BigInteger sourceLength; sourceLength = this.getLength(); BigInteger copyLength = ((BigInteger) strategy.copy(, "length", sourceLength), sourceLength, this.isSetLength())); copy.setLength(copyLength); } else { if (lengthShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.length = null; } } } { Boolean decimalsShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetDecimals()); if (decimalsShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { BigInteger sourceDecimals; sourceDecimals = this.getDecimals(); BigInteger copyDecimals = ((BigInteger) strategy.copy(, "decimals", sourceDecimals), sourceDecimals, this.isSetDecimals())); copy.setDecimals(copyDecimals); } else { if (decimalsShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.decimals = null; } } } } return draftCopy; } public Object createNewInstance() { return new Columnset.Attributes.Column(); } public void mergeFrom(Object left, Object right) { final MergeStrategy2 strategy = JAXBMergeStrategy.INSTANCE; mergeFrom(null, null, left, right, strategy); } public void mergeFrom(ObjectLocator leftLocator, ObjectLocator rightLocator, Object left, Object right, MergeStrategy2 strategy) { if (right instanceof Columnset.Attributes.Column) { final Columnset.Attributes.Column target = this; final Columnset.Attributes.Column leftObject = ((Columnset.Attributes.Column) left); final Columnset.Attributes.Column rightObject = ((Columnset.Attributes.Column) right); { Boolean titleShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetTitle(), rightObject.isSetTitle()); if (titleShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String lhsTitle; lhsTitle = leftObject.getTitle(); String rhsTitle; rhsTitle = rightObject.getTitle(); String mergedTitle = ((String) strategy.merge(, "title", lhsTitle),, "title", rhsTitle), lhsTitle, rhsTitle, leftObject.isSetTitle(), rightObject.isSetTitle())); target.setTitle(mergedTitle); } else { if (titleShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.title = null; } } } { Boolean _abstractShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetAbstract(), rightObject.isSetAbstract()); if (_abstractShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { AbstractType lhsAbstract; lhsAbstract = leftObject.getAbstract(); AbstractType rhsAbstract; rhsAbstract = rightObject.getAbstract(); AbstractType mergedAbstract = ((AbstractType) strategy.merge(, "_abstract", lhsAbstract),, "_abstract", rhsAbstract), lhsAbstract, rhsAbstract, leftObject.isSetAbstract(), rightObject.isSetAbstract())); target.setAbstract(mergedAbstract); } else { if (_abstractShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target._abstract = null; } } } { Boolean documentationShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetDocumentation(), rightObject.isSetDocumentation()); if (documentationShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String lhsDocumentation; lhsDocumentation = leftObject.getDocumentation(); String rhsDocumentation; rhsDocumentation = rightObject.getDocumentation(); String mergedDocumentation = ((String) strategy.merge(, "documentation", lhsDocumentation),, "documentation", rhsDocumentation), lhsDocumentation, rhsDocumentation, leftObject.isSetDocumentation(), rightObject.isSetDocumentation())); target.setDocumentation(mergedDocumentation); } else { if (documentationShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.documentation = null; } } } { Boolean valuesShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetValues(), rightObject.isSetValues()); if (valuesShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { Values lhsValues; lhsValues = leftObject.getValues(); Values rhsValues; rhsValues = rightObject.getValues(); Values mergedValues = ((Values) strategy.merge(, "values", lhsValues),, "values", rhsValues), lhsValues, rhsValues, leftObject.isSetValues(), rightObject.isSetValues())); target.setValues(mergedValues); } else { if (valuesShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.values = null; } } } { Boolean getDataRequestShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetGetDataRequest(), rightObject.isSetGetDataRequest()); if (getDataRequestShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { GetDataRequest lhsGetDataRequest; lhsGetDataRequest = leftObject.getGetDataRequest(); GetDataRequest rhsGetDataRequest; rhsGetDataRequest = rightObject.getGetDataRequest(); GetDataRequest mergedGetDataRequest = ((GetDataRequest) strategy.merge(, "getDataRequest", lhsGetDataRequest),, "getDataRequest", rhsGetDataRequest), lhsGetDataRequest, rhsGetDataRequest, leftObject.isSetGetDataRequest(), rightObject.isSetGetDataRequest())); target.setGetDataRequest(mergedGetDataRequest); } else { if (getDataRequestShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.getDataRequest = null; } } } { Boolean purposeShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetPurpose(), rightObject.isSetPurpose()); if (purposeShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String lhsPurpose; lhsPurpose = leftObject.getPurpose(); String rhsPurpose; rhsPurpose = rightObject.getPurpose(); String mergedPurpose = ((String) strategy.merge(, "purpose", lhsPurpose),, "purpose", rhsPurpose), lhsPurpose, rhsPurpose, leftObject.isSetPurpose(), rightObject.isSetPurpose())); target.setPurpose(mergedPurpose); } else { if (purposeShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.purpose = null; } } } { Boolean nameShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetName(), rightObject.isSetName()); if (nameShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String lhsName; lhsName = leftObject.getName(); String rhsName; rhsName = rightObject.getName(); String mergedName = ((String) strategy.merge(, "name", lhsName),, "name", rhsName), lhsName, rhsName, leftObject.isSetName(), rightObject.isSetName())); target.setName(mergedName); } else { if (nameShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { = null; } } } { Boolean typeShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetType(), rightObject.isSetType()); if (typeShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String lhsType; lhsType = leftObject.getType(); String rhsType; rhsType = rightObject.getType(); String mergedType = ((String) strategy.merge(, "type", lhsType),, "type", rhsType), lhsType, rhsType, leftObject.isSetType(), rightObject.isSetType())); target.setType(mergedType); } else { if (typeShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.type = null; } } } { Boolean lengthShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetLength(), rightObject.isSetLength()); if (lengthShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { BigInteger lhsLength; lhsLength = leftObject.getLength(); BigInteger rhsLength; rhsLength = rightObject.getLength(); BigInteger mergedLength = ((BigInteger) strategy.merge(, "length", lhsLength),, "length", rhsLength), lhsLength, rhsLength, leftObject.isSetLength(), rightObject.isSetLength())); target.setLength(mergedLength); } else { if (lengthShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.length = null; } } } { Boolean decimalsShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetDecimals(), rightObject.isSetDecimals()); if (decimalsShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { BigInteger lhsDecimals; lhsDecimals = leftObject.getDecimals(); BigInteger rhsDecimals; rhsDecimals = rightObject.getDecimals(); BigInteger mergedDecimals = ((BigInteger) strategy.merge(, "decimals", lhsDecimals),, "decimals", rhsDecimals), lhsDecimals, rhsDecimals, leftObject.isSetDecimals(), rightObject.isSetDecimals())); target.setDecimals(mergedDecimals); } else { if (decimalsShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.decimals = null; } } } } } public Columnset.Attributes.Column withTitle(String value) { setTitle(value); return this; } public Columnset.Attributes.Column withAbstract(AbstractType value) { setAbstract(value); return this; } public Columnset.Attributes.Column withDocumentation(String value) { setDocumentation(value); return this; } public Columnset.Attributes.Column withValues(Values value) { setValues(value); return this; } public Columnset.Attributes.Column withGetDataRequest(GetDataRequest value) { setGetDataRequest(value); return this; } public Columnset.Attributes.Column withPurpose(String value) { setPurpose(value); return this; } public Columnset.Attributes.Column withName(String value) { setName(value); return this; } public Columnset.Attributes.Column withType(String value) { setType(value); return this; } public Columnset.Attributes.Column withLength(BigInteger value) { setLength(value); return this; } public Columnset.Attributes.Column withDecimals(BigInteger value) { setDecimals(value); return this; } } } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

     * <complexType>
     *   <complexContent>
     *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *       <sequence>
     *         <element name="Column" maxOccurs="unbounded">
     *           <complexType>
     *             <complexContent>
     *               <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *                 <attGroup ref="{}ColumnDescriptionGroup"/>
     *               </restriction>
     *             </complexContent>
     *           </complexType>
     *         </element>
     *       </sequence>
     *       <attribute name="relationship" use="required" type="{}anySimpleType" />
     *       <attribute name="complete" use="required" type="{}anySimpleType" />
     *     </restriction>
     *   </complexContent>
     * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "column" }) public static class FrameworkKey implements Cloneable, CopyTo2, Equals2, HashCode2, MergeFrom2, ToString2 { @XmlElement(name = "Column", required = true) protected List column; @XmlAttribute(name = "relationship", required = true) @XmlSchemaType(name = "anySimpleType") protected String relationship; @XmlAttribute(name = "complete", required = true) @XmlSchemaType(name = "anySimpleType") protected String complete; /** * Gets the value of the column property. * *

* This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. * This is why there is not a set method for the column property. * *

* For example, to add a new item, do as follows: *

         *    getColumn().add(newItem);
* * *

* Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list * {@link Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column } * * */ public List getColumn() { if (column == null) { column = new ArrayList(); } return this.column; } public boolean isSetColumn() { return ((this.column!= null)&&(!this.column.isEmpty())); } public void unsetColumn() { this.column = null; } /** * Gets the value of the relationship property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getRelationship() { return relationship; } /** * Sets the value of the relationship property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setRelationship(String value) { this.relationship = value; } public boolean isSetRelationship() { return (this.relationship!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the complete property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getComplete() { return complete; } /** * Sets the value of the complete property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setComplete(String value) { this.complete = value; } public boolean isSetComplete() { return (this.complete!= null); } public String toString() { final ToStringStrategy2 strategy = JAXBToStringStrategy.INSTANCE; final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); append(null, buffer, strategy); return buffer.toString(); } public StringBuilder append(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy2 strategy) { strategy.appendStart(locator, this, buffer); appendFields(locator, buffer, strategy); strategy.appendEnd(locator, this, buffer); return buffer; } public StringBuilder appendFields(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy2 strategy) { { List theColumn; theColumn = (this.isSetColumn()?this.getColumn():null); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "column", buffer, theColumn, this.isSetColumn()); } { String theRelationship; theRelationship = this.getRelationship(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "relationship", buffer, theRelationship, this.isSetRelationship()); } { String theComplete; theComplete = this.getComplete(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "complete", buffer, theComplete, this.isSetComplete()); } return buffer; } public boolean equals(ObjectLocator thisLocator, ObjectLocator thatLocator, Object object, EqualsStrategy2 strategy) { if ((object == null)||(this.getClass()!= object.getClass())) { return false; } if (this == object) { return true; } final Columnset.FrameworkKey that = ((Columnset.FrameworkKey) object); { List lhsColumn; lhsColumn = (this.isSetColumn()?this.getColumn():null); List rhsColumn; rhsColumn = (that.isSetColumn()?that.getColumn():null); if (!strategy.equals(, "column", lhsColumn),, "column", rhsColumn), lhsColumn, rhsColumn, this.isSetColumn(), that.isSetColumn())) { return false; } } { String lhsRelationship; lhsRelationship = this.getRelationship(); String rhsRelationship; rhsRelationship = that.getRelationship(); if (!strategy.equals(, "relationship", lhsRelationship),, "relationship", rhsRelationship), lhsRelationship, rhsRelationship, this.isSetRelationship(), that.isSetRelationship())) { return false; } } { String lhsComplete; lhsComplete = this.getComplete(); String rhsComplete; rhsComplete = that.getComplete(); if (!strategy.equals(, "complete", lhsComplete),, "complete", rhsComplete), lhsComplete, rhsComplete, this.isSetComplete(), that.isSetComplete())) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean equals(Object object) { final EqualsStrategy2 strategy = JAXBEqualsStrategy.INSTANCE; return equals(null, null, object, strategy); } public int hashCode(ObjectLocator locator, HashCodeStrategy2 strategy) { int currentHashCode = 1; { List theColumn; theColumn = (this.isSetColumn()?this.getColumn():null); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "column", theColumn), currentHashCode, theColumn, this.isSetColumn()); } { String theRelationship; theRelationship = this.getRelationship(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "relationship", theRelationship), currentHashCode, theRelationship, this.isSetRelationship()); } { String theComplete; theComplete = this.getComplete(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "complete", theComplete), currentHashCode, theComplete, this.isSetComplete()); } return currentHashCode; } public int hashCode() { final HashCodeStrategy2 strategy = JAXBHashCodeStrategy.INSTANCE; return this.hashCode(null, strategy); } public Object clone() { return copyTo(createNewInstance()); } public Object copyTo(Object target) { final CopyStrategy2 strategy = JAXBCopyStrategy.INSTANCE; return copyTo(null, target, strategy); } public Object copyTo(ObjectLocator locator, Object target, CopyStrategy2 strategy) { final Object draftCopy = ((target == null)?createNewInstance():target); if (draftCopy instanceof Columnset.FrameworkKey) { final Columnset.FrameworkKey copy = ((Columnset.FrameworkKey) draftCopy); { Boolean columnShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetColumn()); if (columnShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { List sourceColumn; sourceColumn = (this.isSetColumn()?this.getColumn():null); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List copyColumn = ((List ) strategy.copy(, "column", sourceColumn), sourceColumn, this.isSetColumn())); copy.unsetColumn(); if (copyColumn!= null) { List uniqueColumnl = copy.getColumn(); uniqueColumnl.addAll(copyColumn); } } else { if (columnShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.unsetColumn(); } } } { Boolean relationshipShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetRelationship()); if (relationshipShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String sourceRelationship; sourceRelationship = this.getRelationship(); String copyRelationship = ((String) strategy.copy(, "relationship", sourceRelationship), sourceRelationship, this.isSetRelationship())); copy.setRelationship(copyRelationship); } else { if (relationshipShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.relationship = null; } } } { Boolean completeShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetComplete()); if (completeShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String sourceComplete; sourceComplete = this.getComplete(); String copyComplete = ((String) strategy.copy(, "complete", sourceComplete), sourceComplete, this.isSetComplete())); copy.setComplete(copyComplete); } else { if (completeShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.complete = null; } } } } return draftCopy; } public Object createNewInstance() { return new Columnset.FrameworkKey(); } public void mergeFrom(Object left, Object right) { final MergeStrategy2 strategy = JAXBMergeStrategy.INSTANCE; mergeFrom(null, null, left, right, strategy); } public void mergeFrom(ObjectLocator leftLocator, ObjectLocator rightLocator, Object left, Object right, MergeStrategy2 strategy) { if (right instanceof Columnset.FrameworkKey) { final Columnset.FrameworkKey target = this; final Columnset.FrameworkKey leftObject = ((Columnset.FrameworkKey) left); final Columnset.FrameworkKey rightObject = ((Columnset.FrameworkKey) right); { Boolean columnShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetColumn(), rightObject.isSetColumn()); if (columnShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { List lhsColumn; lhsColumn = (leftObject.isSetColumn()?leftObject.getColumn():null); List rhsColumn; rhsColumn = (rightObject.isSetColumn()?rightObject.getColumn():null); List mergedColumn = ((List ) strategy.merge(, "column", lhsColumn),, "column", rhsColumn), lhsColumn, rhsColumn, leftObject.isSetColumn(), rightObject.isSetColumn())); target.unsetColumn(); if (mergedColumn!= null) { List uniqueColumnl = target.getColumn(); uniqueColumnl.addAll(mergedColumn); } } else { if (columnShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.unsetColumn(); } } } { Boolean relationshipShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetRelationship(), rightObject.isSetRelationship()); if (relationshipShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String lhsRelationship; lhsRelationship = leftObject.getRelationship(); String rhsRelationship; rhsRelationship = rightObject.getRelationship(); String mergedRelationship = ((String) strategy.merge(, "relationship", lhsRelationship),, "relationship", rhsRelationship), lhsRelationship, rhsRelationship, leftObject.isSetRelationship(), rightObject.isSetRelationship())); target.setRelationship(mergedRelationship); } else { if (relationshipShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.relationship = null; } } } { Boolean completeShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetComplete(), rightObject.isSetComplete()); if (completeShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String lhsComplete; lhsComplete = leftObject.getComplete(); String rhsComplete; rhsComplete = rightObject.getComplete(); String mergedComplete = ((String) strategy.merge(, "complete", lhsComplete),, "complete", rhsComplete), lhsComplete, rhsComplete, leftObject.isSetComplete(), rightObject.isSetComplete())); target.setComplete(mergedComplete); } else { if (completeShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.complete = null; } } } } } public void setColumn(List value) { this.column = null; if (value!= null) { List draftl = this.getColumn(); draftl.addAll(value); } } public Columnset.FrameworkKey withColumn(Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column... values) { if (values!= null) { for (Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column value: values) { getColumn().add(value); } } return this; } public Columnset.FrameworkKey withColumn(Collection values) { if (values!= null) { getColumn().addAll(values); } return this; } public Columnset.FrameworkKey withRelationship(String value) { setRelationship(value); return this; } public Columnset.FrameworkKey withComplete(String value) { setComplete(value); return this; } public Columnset.FrameworkKey withColumn(List value) { setColumn(value); return this; } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

         * <complexType>
         *   <complexContent>
         *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
         *       <attGroup ref="{}ColumnDescriptionGroup"/>
         *     </restriction>
         *   </complexContent>
         * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "") public static class Column implements Cloneable, CopyTo2, Equals2, HashCode2, MergeFrom2, ToString2 { @XmlAttribute(name = "name", required = true) protected String name; @XmlAttribute(name = "type", required = true) protected String type; @XmlAttribute(name = "length", required = true) @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger") protected BigInteger length; @XmlAttribute(name = "decimals") @XmlSchemaType(name = "nonNegativeInteger") protected BigInteger decimals; /** * Gets the value of the name property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Sets the value of the name property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setName(String value) { = value; } public boolean isSetName() { return (!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the type property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getType() { return type; } /** * Sets the value of the type property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setType(String value) { this.type = value; } public boolean isSetType() { return (this.type!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the length property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link BigInteger } * */ public BigInteger getLength() { return length; } /** * Sets the value of the length property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link BigInteger } * */ public void setLength(BigInteger value) { this.length = value; } public boolean isSetLength() { return (this.length!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the decimals property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link BigInteger } * */ public BigInteger getDecimals() { return decimals; } /** * Sets the value of the decimals property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link BigInteger } * */ public void setDecimals(BigInteger value) { this.decimals = value; } public boolean isSetDecimals() { return (this.decimals!= null); } public String toString() { final ToStringStrategy2 strategy = JAXBToStringStrategy.INSTANCE; final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); append(null, buffer, strategy); return buffer.toString(); } public StringBuilder append(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy2 strategy) { strategy.appendStart(locator, this, buffer); appendFields(locator, buffer, strategy); strategy.appendEnd(locator, this, buffer); return buffer; } public StringBuilder appendFields(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy2 strategy) { { String theName; theName = this.getName(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "name", buffer, theName, this.isSetName()); } { String theType; theType = this.getType(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "type", buffer, theType, this.isSetType()); } { BigInteger theLength; theLength = this.getLength(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "length", buffer, theLength, this.isSetLength()); } { BigInteger theDecimals; theDecimals = this.getDecimals(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "decimals", buffer, theDecimals, this.isSetDecimals()); } return buffer; } public boolean equals(ObjectLocator thisLocator, ObjectLocator thatLocator, Object object, EqualsStrategy2 strategy) { if ((object == null)||(this.getClass()!= object.getClass())) { return false; } if (this == object) { return true; } final Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column that = ((Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column) object); { String lhsName; lhsName = this.getName(); String rhsName; rhsName = that.getName(); if (!strategy.equals(, "name", lhsName),, "name", rhsName), lhsName, rhsName, this.isSetName(), that.isSetName())) { return false; } } { String lhsType; lhsType = this.getType(); String rhsType; rhsType = that.getType(); if (!strategy.equals(, "type", lhsType),, "type", rhsType), lhsType, rhsType, this.isSetType(), that.isSetType())) { return false; } } { BigInteger lhsLength; lhsLength = this.getLength(); BigInteger rhsLength; rhsLength = that.getLength(); if (!strategy.equals(, "length", lhsLength),, "length", rhsLength), lhsLength, rhsLength, this.isSetLength(), that.isSetLength())) { return false; } } { BigInteger lhsDecimals; lhsDecimals = this.getDecimals(); BigInteger rhsDecimals; rhsDecimals = that.getDecimals(); if (!strategy.equals(, "decimals", lhsDecimals),, "decimals", rhsDecimals), lhsDecimals, rhsDecimals, this.isSetDecimals(), that.isSetDecimals())) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean equals(Object object) { final EqualsStrategy2 strategy = JAXBEqualsStrategy.INSTANCE; return equals(null, null, object, strategy); } public int hashCode(ObjectLocator locator, HashCodeStrategy2 strategy) { int currentHashCode = 1; { String theName; theName = this.getName(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "name", theName), currentHashCode, theName, this.isSetName()); } { String theType; theType = this.getType(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "type", theType), currentHashCode, theType, this.isSetType()); } { BigInteger theLength; theLength = this.getLength(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "length", theLength), currentHashCode, theLength, this.isSetLength()); } { BigInteger theDecimals; theDecimals = this.getDecimals(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "decimals", theDecimals), currentHashCode, theDecimals, this.isSetDecimals()); } return currentHashCode; } public int hashCode() { final HashCodeStrategy2 strategy = JAXBHashCodeStrategy.INSTANCE; return this.hashCode(null, strategy); } public Object clone() { return copyTo(createNewInstance()); } public Object copyTo(Object target) { final CopyStrategy2 strategy = JAXBCopyStrategy.INSTANCE; return copyTo(null, target, strategy); } public Object copyTo(ObjectLocator locator, Object target, CopyStrategy2 strategy) { final Object draftCopy = ((target == null)?createNewInstance():target); if (draftCopy instanceof Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column) { final Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column copy = ((Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column) draftCopy); { Boolean nameShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetName()); if (nameShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String sourceName; sourceName = this.getName(); String copyName = ((String) strategy.copy(, "name", sourceName), sourceName, this.isSetName())); copy.setName(copyName); } else { if (nameShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { = null; } } } { Boolean typeShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetType()); if (typeShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String sourceType; sourceType = this.getType(); String copyType = ((String) strategy.copy(, "type", sourceType), sourceType, this.isSetType())); copy.setType(copyType); } else { if (typeShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.type = null; } } } { Boolean lengthShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetLength()); if (lengthShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { BigInteger sourceLength; sourceLength = this.getLength(); BigInteger copyLength = ((BigInteger) strategy.copy(, "length", sourceLength), sourceLength, this.isSetLength())); copy.setLength(copyLength); } else { if (lengthShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.length = null; } } } { Boolean decimalsShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetDecimals()); if (decimalsShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { BigInteger sourceDecimals; sourceDecimals = this.getDecimals(); BigInteger copyDecimals = ((BigInteger) strategy.copy(, "decimals", sourceDecimals), sourceDecimals, this.isSetDecimals())); copy.setDecimals(copyDecimals); } else { if (decimalsShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.decimals = null; } } } } return draftCopy; } public Object createNewInstance() { return new Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column(); } public void mergeFrom(Object left, Object right) { final MergeStrategy2 strategy = JAXBMergeStrategy.INSTANCE; mergeFrom(null, null, left, right, strategy); } public void mergeFrom(ObjectLocator leftLocator, ObjectLocator rightLocator, Object left, Object right, MergeStrategy2 strategy) { if (right instanceof Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column) { final Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column target = this; final Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column leftObject = ((Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column) left); final Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column rightObject = ((Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column) right); { Boolean nameShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetName(), rightObject.isSetName()); if (nameShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String lhsName; lhsName = leftObject.getName(); String rhsName; rhsName = rightObject.getName(); String mergedName = ((String) strategy.merge(, "name", lhsName),, "name", rhsName), lhsName, rhsName, leftObject.isSetName(), rightObject.isSetName())); target.setName(mergedName); } else { if (nameShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { = null; } } } { Boolean typeShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetType(), rightObject.isSetType()); if (typeShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String lhsType; lhsType = leftObject.getType(); String rhsType; rhsType = rightObject.getType(); String mergedType = ((String) strategy.merge(, "type", lhsType),, "type", rhsType), lhsType, rhsType, leftObject.isSetType(), rightObject.isSetType())); target.setType(mergedType); } else { if (typeShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.type = null; } } } { Boolean lengthShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetLength(), rightObject.isSetLength()); if (lengthShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { BigInteger lhsLength; lhsLength = leftObject.getLength(); BigInteger rhsLength; rhsLength = rightObject.getLength(); BigInteger mergedLength = ((BigInteger) strategy.merge(, "length", lhsLength),, "length", rhsLength), lhsLength, rhsLength, leftObject.isSetLength(), rightObject.isSetLength())); target.setLength(mergedLength); } else { if (lengthShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.length = null; } } } { Boolean decimalsShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetDecimals(), rightObject.isSetDecimals()); if (decimalsShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { BigInteger lhsDecimals; lhsDecimals = leftObject.getDecimals(); BigInteger rhsDecimals; rhsDecimals = rightObject.getDecimals(); BigInteger mergedDecimals = ((BigInteger) strategy.merge(, "decimals", lhsDecimals),, "decimals", rhsDecimals), lhsDecimals, rhsDecimals, leftObject.isSetDecimals(), rightObject.isSetDecimals())); target.setDecimals(mergedDecimals); } else { if (decimalsShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.decimals = null; } } } } } public Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column withName(String value) { setName(value); return this; } public Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column withType(String value) { setType(value); return this; } public Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column withLength(BigInteger value) { setLength(value); return this; } public Columnset.FrameworkKey.Column withDecimals(BigInteger value) { setDecimals(value); return this; } } } }

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