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net.opengis.tjs.v_1_0.GetData Maven / Gradle / Ivy

// This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, v2.2.11 
// See 
// Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema. 
// Generated on: 2016.02.26 at 05:07:06 PM AST 

package net.opengis.tjs.v_1_0;

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.CopyStrategy2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.CopyTo2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.Equals2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.EqualsStrategy2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.HashCode2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.HashCodeStrategy2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBCopyStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBEqualsStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBHashCodeStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBMergeStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBToStringStrategy;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.MergeFrom2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.MergeStrategy2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.ToString2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.ToStringStrategy2;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.locator.ObjectLocator;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.locator.util.LocatorUtils;


Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

 * <complexType>
 *   <complexContent>
 *     <extension base="{}RequestBaseType">
 *       <sequence>
 *         <element ref="{}FrameworkURI"/>
 *         <element ref="{}DatasetURI"/>
 *         <element ref="{}Attributes" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element ref="{}LinkageKeys" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="FilterColumn" type="{}anyType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="FilterValue" type="{}anyType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *         <element name="XSL" type="{}anyType" minOccurs="0"/>
 *       </sequence>
 *       <attribute name="aid" type="{}boolean" default="false" />
 *     </extension>
 *   </complexContent>
 * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "frameworkURI", "datasetURI", "attributes", "linkageKeys", "filterColumn", "filterValue", "xsl" }) @XmlRootElement(name = "GetData") public class GetData extends RequestBaseType implements Cloneable, CopyTo2, Equals2, HashCode2, MergeFrom2, ToString2 { @XmlElement(name = "FrameworkURI", required = true) protected String frameworkURI; @XmlElement(name = "DatasetURI", required = true) protected String datasetURI; @XmlElement(name = "Attributes") protected String attributes; @XmlElement(name = "LinkageKeys") protected String linkageKeys; @XmlElement(name = "FilterColumn") protected Object filterColumn; @XmlElement(name = "FilterValue") protected Object filterValue; @XmlElement(name = "XSL") protected Object xsl; @XmlAttribute(name = "aid") protected Boolean aid; /** * Gets the value of the frameworkURI property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getFrameworkURI() { return frameworkURI; } /** * Sets the value of the frameworkURI property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setFrameworkURI(String value) { this.frameworkURI = value; } public boolean isSetFrameworkURI() { return (this.frameworkURI!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the datasetURI property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getDatasetURI() { return datasetURI; } /** * Sets the value of the datasetURI property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setDatasetURI(String value) { this.datasetURI = value; } public boolean isSetDatasetURI() { return (this.datasetURI!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the attributes property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getAttributes() { return attributes; } /** * Sets the value of the attributes property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setAttributes(String value) { this.attributes = value; } public boolean isSetAttributes() { return (this.attributes!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the linkageKeys property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getLinkageKeys() { return linkageKeys; } /** * Sets the value of the linkageKeys property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setLinkageKeys(String value) { this.linkageKeys = value; } public boolean isSetLinkageKeys() { return (this.linkageKeys!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the filterColumn property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link Object } * */ public Object getFilterColumn() { return filterColumn; } /** * Sets the value of the filterColumn property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link Object } * */ public void setFilterColumn(Object value) { this.filterColumn = value; } public boolean isSetFilterColumn() { return (this.filterColumn!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the filterValue property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link Object } * */ public Object getFilterValue() { return filterValue; } /** * Sets the value of the filterValue property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link Object } * */ public void setFilterValue(Object value) { this.filterValue = value; } public boolean isSetFilterValue() { return (this.filterValue!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the xsl property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link Object } * */ public Object getXSL() { return xsl; } /** * Sets the value of the xsl property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link Object } * */ public void setXSL(Object value) { this.xsl = value; } public boolean isSetXSL() { return (this.xsl!= null); } /** * Gets the value of the aid property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link Boolean } * */ public boolean isAid() { if (aid == null) { return false; } else { return aid; } } /** * Sets the value of the aid property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link Boolean } * */ public void setAid(boolean value) { this.aid = value; } public boolean isSetAid() { return (this.aid!= null); } public void unsetAid() { this.aid = null; } public String toString() { final ToStringStrategy2 strategy = JAXBToStringStrategy.INSTANCE; final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); append(null, buffer, strategy); return buffer.toString(); } public StringBuilder append(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy2 strategy) { strategy.appendStart(locator, this, buffer); appendFields(locator, buffer, strategy); strategy.appendEnd(locator, this, buffer); return buffer; } public StringBuilder appendFields(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy2 strategy) { super.appendFields(locator, buffer, strategy); { String theFrameworkURI; theFrameworkURI = this.getFrameworkURI(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "frameworkURI", buffer, theFrameworkURI, this.isSetFrameworkURI()); } { String theDatasetURI; theDatasetURI = this.getDatasetURI(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "datasetURI", buffer, theDatasetURI, this.isSetDatasetURI()); } { String theAttributes; theAttributes = this.getAttributes(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "attributes", buffer, theAttributes, this.isSetAttributes()); } { String theLinkageKeys; theLinkageKeys = this.getLinkageKeys(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "linkageKeys", buffer, theLinkageKeys, this.isSetLinkageKeys()); } { Object theFilterColumn; theFilterColumn = this.getFilterColumn(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "filterColumn", buffer, theFilterColumn, this.isSetFilterColumn()); } { Object theFilterValue; theFilterValue = this.getFilterValue(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "filterValue", buffer, theFilterValue, this.isSetFilterValue()); } { Object theXSL; theXSL = this.getXSL(); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "xsl", buffer, theXSL, this.isSetXSL()); } { boolean theAid; theAid = (this.isSetAid()?this.isAid():false); strategy.appendField(locator, this, "aid", buffer, theAid, this.isSetAid()); } return buffer; } public boolean equals(ObjectLocator thisLocator, ObjectLocator thatLocator, Object object, EqualsStrategy2 strategy) { if ((object == null)||(this.getClass()!= object.getClass())) { return false; } if (this == object) { return true; } if (!super.equals(thisLocator, thatLocator, object, strategy)) { return false; } final GetData that = ((GetData) object); { String lhsFrameworkURI; lhsFrameworkURI = this.getFrameworkURI(); String rhsFrameworkURI; rhsFrameworkURI = that.getFrameworkURI(); if (!strategy.equals(, "frameworkURI", lhsFrameworkURI),, "frameworkURI", rhsFrameworkURI), lhsFrameworkURI, rhsFrameworkURI, this.isSetFrameworkURI(), that.isSetFrameworkURI())) { return false; } } { String lhsDatasetURI; lhsDatasetURI = this.getDatasetURI(); String rhsDatasetURI; rhsDatasetURI = that.getDatasetURI(); if (!strategy.equals(, "datasetURI", lhsDatasetURI),, "datasetURI", rhsDatasetURI), lhsDatasetURI, rhsDatasetURI, this.isSetDatasetURI(), that.isSetDatasetURI())) { return false; } } { String lhsAttributes; lhsAttributes = this.getAttributes(); String rhsAttributes; rhsAttributes = that.getAttributes(); if (!strategy.equals(, "attributes", lhsAttributes),, "attributes", rhsAttributes), lhsAttributes, rhsAttributes, this.isSetAttributes(), that.isSetAttributes())) { return false; } } { String lhsLinkageKeys; lhsLinkageKeys = this.getLinkageKeys(); String rhsLinkageKeys; rhsLinkageKeys = that.getLinkageKeys(); if (!strategy.equals(, "linkageKeys", lhsLinkageKeys),, "linkageKeys", rhsLinkageKeys), lhsLinkageKeys, rhsLinkageKeys, this.isSetLinkageKeys(), that.isSetLinkageKeys())) { return false; } } { Object lhsFilterColumn; lhsFilterColumn = this.getFilterColumn(); Object rhsFilterColumn; rhsFilterColumn = that.getFilterColumn(); if (!strategy.equals(, "filterColumn", lhsFilterColumn),, "filterColumn", rhsFilterColumn), lhsFilterColumn, rhsFilterColumn, this.isSetFilterColumn(), that.isSetFilterColumn())) { return false; } } { Object lhsFilterValue; lhsFilterValue = this.getFilterValue(); Object rhsFilterValue; rhsFilterValue = that.getFilterValue(); if (!strategy.equals(, "filterValue", lhsFilterValue),, "filterValue", rhsFilterValue), lhsFilterValue, rhsFilterValue, this.isSetFilterValue(), that.isSetFilterValue())) { return false; } } { Object lhsXSL; lhsXSL = this.getXSL(); Object rhsXSL; rhsXSL = that.getXSL(); if (!strategy.equals(, "xsl", lhsXSL),, "xsl", rhsXSL), lhsXSL, rhsXSL, this.isSetXSL(), that.isSetXSL())) { return false; } } { boolean lhsAid; lhsAid = (this.isSetAid()?this.isAid():false); boolean rhsAid; rhsAid = (that.isSetAid()?that.isAid():false); if (!strategy.equals(, "aid", lhsAid),, "aid", rhsAid), lhsAid, rhsAid, this.isSetAid(), that.isSetAid())) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean equals(Object object) { final EqualsStrategy2 strategy = JAXBEqualsStrategy.INSTANCE; return equals(null, null, object, strategy); } public int hashCode(ObjectLocator locator, HashCodeStrategy2 strategy) { int currentHashCode = super.hashCode(locator, strategy); { String theFrameworkURI; theFrameworkURI = this.getFrameworkURI(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "frameworkURI", theFrameworkURI), currentHashCode, theFrameworkURI, this.isSetFrameworkURI()); } { String theDatasetURI; theDatasetURI = this.getDatasetURI(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "datasetURI", theDatasetURI), currentHashCode, theDatasetURI, this.isSetDatasetURI()); } { String theAttributes; theAttributes = this.getAttributes(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "attributes", theAttributes), currentHashCode, theAttributes, this.isSetAttributes()); } { String theLinkageKeys; theLinkageKeys = this.getLinkageKeys(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "linkageKeys", theLinkageKeys), currentHashCode, theLinkageKeys, this.isSetLinkageKeys()); } { Object theFilterColumn; theFilterColumn = this.getFilterColumn(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "filterColumn", theFilterColumn), currentHashCode, theFilterColumn, this.isSetFilterColumn()); } { Object theFilterValue; theFilterValue = this.getFilterValue(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "filterValue", theFilterValue), currentHashCode, theFilterValue, this.isSetFilterValue()); } { Object theXSL; theXSL = this.getXSL(); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "xsl", theXSL), currentHashCode, theXSL, this.isSetXSL()); } { boolean theAid; theAid = (this.isSetAid()?this.isAid():false); currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "aid", theAid), currentHashCode, theAid, this.isSetAid()); } return currentHashCode; } public int hashCode() { final HashCodeStrategy2 strategy = JAXBHashCodeStrategy.INSTANCE; return this.hashCode(null, strategy); } public Object clone() { return copyTo(createNewInstance()); } public Object copyTo(Object target) { final CopyStrategy2 strategy = JAXBCopyStrategy.INSTANCE; return copyTo(null, target, strategy); } public Object copyTo(ObjectLocator locator, Object target, CopyStrategy2 strategy) { final Object draftCopy = ((target == null)?createNewInstance():target); super.copyTo(locator, draftCopy, strategy); if (draftCopy instanceof GetData) { final GetData copy = ((GetData) draftCopy); { Boolean frameworkURIShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetFrameworkURI()); if (frameworkURIShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String sourceFrameworkURI; sourceFrameworkURI = this.getFrameworkURI(); String copyFrameworkURI = ((String) strategy.copy(, "frameworkURI", sourceFrameworkURI), sourceFrameworkURI, this.isSetFrameworkURI())); copy.setFrameworkURI(copyFrameworkURI); } else { if (frameworkURIShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.frameworkURI = null; } } } { Boolean datasetURIShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetDatasetURI()); if (datasetURIShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String sourceDatasetURI; sourceDatasetURI = this.getDatasetURI(); String copyDatasetURI = ((String) strategy.copy(, "datasetURI", sourceDatasetURI), sourceDatasetURI, this.isSetDatasetURI())); copy.setDatasetURI(copyDatasetURI); } else { if (datasetURIShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.datasetURI = null; } } } { Boolean attributesShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetAttributes()); if (attributesShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String sourceAttributes; sourceAttributes = this.getAttributes(); String copyAttributes = ((String) strategy.copy(, "attributes", sourceAttributes), sourceAttributes, this.isSetAttributes())); copy.setAttributes(copyAttributes); } else { if (attributesShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.attributes = null; } } } { Boolean linkageKeysShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetLinkageKeys()); if (linkageKeysShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String sourceLinkageKeys; sourceLinkageKeys = this.getLinkageKeys(); String copyLinkageKeys = ((String) strategy.copy(, "linkageKeys", sourceLinkageKeys), sourceLinkageKeys, this.isSetLinkageKeys())); copy.setLinkageKeys(copyLinkageKeys); } else { if (linkageKeysShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.linkageKeys = null; } } } { Boolean filterColumnShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetFilterColumn()); if (filterColumnShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { Object sourceFilterColumn; sourceFilterColumn = this.getFilterColumn(); Object copyFilterColumn = ((Object) strategy.copy(, "filterColumn", sourceFilterColumn), sourceFilterColumn, this.isSetFilterColumn())); copy.setFilterColumn(copyFilterColumn); } else { if (filterColumnShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.filterColumn = null; } } } { Boolean filterValueShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetFilterValue()); if (filterValueShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { Object sourceFilterValue; sourceFilterValue = this.getFilterValue(); Object copyFilterValue = ((Object) strategy.copy(, "filterValue", sourceFilterValue), sourceFilterValue, this.isSetFilterValue())); copy.setFilterValue(copyFilterValue); } else { if (filterValueShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.filterValue = null; } } } { Boolean xslShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetXSL()); if (xslShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { Object sourceXSL; sourceXSL = this.getXSL(); Object copyXSL = ((Object) strategy.copy(, "xsl", sourceXSL), sourceXSL, this.isSetXSL())); copy.setXSL(copyXSL); } else { if (xslShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.xsl = null; } } } { Boolean aidShouldBeCopiedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeCopiedAndSet(locator, this.isSetAid()); if (aidShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { boolean sourceAid; sourceAid = (this.isSetAid()?this.isAid():false); boolean copyAid = strategy.copy(, "aid", sourceAid), sourceAid, this.isSetAid()); copy.setAid(copyAid); } else { if (aidShouldBeCopiedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { copy.unsetAid(); } } } } return draftCopy; } public Object createNewInstance() { return new GetData(); } public void mergeFrom(Object left, Object right) { final MergeStrategy2 strategy = JAXBMergeStrategy.INSTANCE; mergeFrom(null, null, left, right, strategy); } public void mergeFrom(ObjectLocator leftLocator, ObjectLocator rightLocator, Object left, Object right, MergeStrategy2 strategy) { super.mergeFrom(leftLocator, rightLocator, left, right, strategy); if (right instanceof GetData) { final GetData target = this; final GetData leftObject = ((GetData) left); final GetData rightObject = ((GetData) right); { Boolean frameworkURIShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetFrameworkURI(), rightObject.isSetFrameworkURI()); if (frameworkURIShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String lhsFrameworkURI; lhsFrameworkURI = leftObject.getFrameworkURI(); String rhsFrameworkURI; rhsFrameworkURI = rightObject.getFrameworkURI(); String mergedFrameworkURI = ((String) strategy.merge(, "frameworkURI", lhsFrameworkURI),, "frameworkURI", rhsFrameworkURI), lhsFrameworkURI, rhsFrameworkURI, leftObject.isSetFrameworkURI(), rightObject.isSetFrameworkURI())); target.setFrameworkURI(mergedFrameworkURI); } else { if (frameworkURIShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.frameworkURI = null; } } } { Boolean datasetURIShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetDatasetURI(), rightObject.isSetDatasetURI()); if (datasetURIShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String lhsDatasetURI; lhsDatasetURI = leftObject.getDatasetURI(); String rhsDatasetURI; rhsDatasetURI = rightObject.getDatasetURI(); String mergedDatasetURI = ((String) strategy.merge(, "datasetURI", lhsDatasetURI),, "datasetURI", rhsDatasetURI), lhsDatasetURI, rhsDatasetURI, leftObject.isSetDatasetURI(), rightObject.isSetDatasetURI())); target.setDatasetURI(mergedDatasetURI); } else { if (datasetURIShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.datasetURI = null; } } } { Boolean attributesShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetAttributes(), rightObject.isSetAttributes()); if (attributesShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String lhsAttributes; lhsAttributes = leftObject.getAttributes(); String rhsAttributes; rhsAttributes = rightObject.getAttributes(); String mergedAttributes = ((String) strategy.merge(, "attributes", lhsAttributes),, "attributes", rhsAttributes), lhsAttributes, rhsAttributes, leftObject.isSetAttributes(), rightObject.isSetAttributes())); target.setAttributes(mergedAttributes); } else { if (attributesShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.attributes = null; } } } { Boolean linkageKeysShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetLinkageKeys(), rightObject.isSetLinkageKeys()); if (linkageKeysShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { String lhsLinkageKeys; lhsLinkageKeys = leftObject.getLinkageKeys(); String rhsLinkageKeys; rhsLinkageKeys = rightObject.getLinkageKeys(); String mergedLinkageKeys = ((String) strategy.merge(, "linkageKeys", lhsLinkageKeys),, "linkageKeys", rhsLinkageKeys), lhsLinkageKeys, rhsLinkageKeys, leftObject.isSetLinkageKeys(), rightObject.isSetLinkageKeys())); target.setLinkageKeys(mergedLinkageKeys); } else { if (linkageKeysShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.linkageKeys = null; } } } { Boolean filterColumnShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetFilterColumn(), rightObject.isSetFilterColumn()); if (filterColumnShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { Object lhsFilterColumn; lhsFilterColumn = leftObject.getFilterColumn(); Object rhsFilterColumn; rhsFilterColumn = rightObject.getFilterColumn(); Object mergedFilterColumn = ((Object) strategy.merge(, "filterColumn", lhsFilterColumn),, "filterColumn", rhsFilterColumn), lhsFilterColumn, rhsFilterColumn, leftObject.isSetFilterColumn(), rightObject.isSetFilterColumn())); target.setFilterColumn(mergedFilterColumn); } else { if (filterColumnShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.filterColumn = null; } } } { Boolean filterValueShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetFilterValue(), rightObject.isSetFilterValue()); if (filterValueShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { Object lhsFilterValue; lhsFilterValue = leftObject.getFilterValue(); Object rhsFilterValue; rhsFilterValue = rightObject.getFilterValue(); Object mergedFilterValue = ((Object) strategy.merge(, "filterValue", lhsFilterValue),, "filterValue", rhsFilterValue), lhsFilterValue, rhsFilterValue, leftObject.isSetFilterValue(), rightObject.isSetFilterValue())); target.setFilterValue(mergedFilterValue); } else { if (filterValueShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.filterValue = null; } } } { Boolean xslShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetXSL(), rightObject.isSetXSL()); if (xslShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { Object lhsXSL; lhsXSL = leftObject.getXSL(); Object rhsXSL; rhsXSL = rightObject.getXSL(); Object mergedXSL = ((Object) strategy.merge(, "xsl", lhsXSL),, "xsl", rhsXSL), lhsXSL, rhsXSL, leftObject.isSetXSL(), rightObject.isSetXSL())); target.setXSL(mergedXSL); } else { if (xslShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.xsl = null; } } } { Boolean aidShouldBeMergedAndSet = strategy.shouldBeMergedAndSet(leftLocator, rightLocator, leftObject.isSetAid(), rightObject.isSetAid()); if (aidShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.TRUE) { boolean lhsAid; lhsAid = (leftObject.isSetAid()?leftObject.isAid():false); boolean rhsAid; rhsAid = (rightObject.isSetAid()?rightObject.isAid():false); boolean mergedAid = ((boolean) strategy.merge(, "aid", lhsAid),, "aid", rhsAid), lhsAid, rhsAid, leftObject.isSetAid(), rightObject.isSetAid())); target.setAid(mergedAid); } else { if (aidShouldBeMergedAndSet == Boolean.FALSE) { target.unsetAid(); } } } } } public GetData withFrameworkURI(String value) { setFrameworkURI(value); return this; } public GetData withDatasetURI(String value) { setDatasetURI(value); return this; } public GetData withAttributes(String value) { setAttributes(value); return this; } public GetData withLinkageKeys(String value) { setLinkageKeys(value); return this; } public GetData withFilterColumn(Object value) { setFilterColumn(value); return this; } public GetData withFilterValue(Object value) { setFilterValue(value); return this; } public GetData withXSL(Object value) { setXSL(value); return this; } public GetData withAid(boolean value) { setAid(value); return this; } @Override public GetData withVersion(String value) { setVersion(value); return this; } @Override public GetData withLanguage(String value) { setLanguage(value); return this; } }

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