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org.languagetool.resource.en.confusion_set_candidates.txt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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# English confusion sets, mostly homophones
# This file is not used by LanguageTool - to activate a pair, move it to confusion_sets.txt
# Original source: After the Deadline's data/rules/homophonedb.txt
# URL: or

accesses; assesses; 1000                                                        # p=0.999, r=0.580 (2015-05-22)
ads|x; adds|y; 1000                                                             # p=0.997, r=0.503 (2015-05-22)
allowed|with permission; aloud|using the voice, not silently; 10000             # p=0.995, r=0.534 (2015-05-22)
an;and; 100000                                                                  # p=0.997, r=0.745, 1983, 3grams, 2015-08-17 - we need even better precision for such common words 
ant|an insect; aunt|the sister of your father or mother; 1000                   # p=0.995, r=0.398 (2015-05-22)
are; ate; 100000000                                                             # p=0.981, r=0.541, 1646, 3grams, 2015-09-17
as; is; 10000                                                                   # p=0.990, r=0.522, 2000, 3grams, 2015-08-24
band|music group; banned|to be excluded; 1000                                   # p=0.997, r=0.480 (2015-05-22)
county; country; 1000000                                                        # p=0.995, r=0.207, 3grams, 2015-08-03
done;did;10000000                                                               # p=0.997, r=0.553, 992+998, 3grams, 2016-04-19
fewer; less; 100000                                                             # p=0.995, r=0.985, 3grams, 2015-08-03
form; from; 100000000                                                           # p=0.993, r=0.565 (2015-08-04), 3grams
gave; have; 1000000000;                                                         # p=0.997, r=0.504, 986+978, 3grams, 2016-04-19
gays; guys; 100                                                                 # p=0.998, r=0.855 (2015-08-05), 3grams
if; is; 1000000                                                                 # p=0.993, r=0.529 (2015-06-01), 3grams
if; of; 1000000                                                                 # p=0.979, r=0.569 (2015-06-17), 3grams
in; on; 10000                                                                   # p=0.975, r=0.313 (2015-06-01), 3grams
its; it; 10000000                                                               # p=0.991, r=0.639 (2015-06-01), 3grams - "it's" must also be supported to avoid wrong suggestions
mad; made; 10000000;                                                            # p=0.991, r=0.620, 547+991, 3grams, 2016-05-20
message|x; massage|x; 1000                                                      # p=0.984, r=0.867 (2015-05-25)
off; of; 100000000000                                                           # p=0.993, r=0.408 (2015-06-17), 3grams
or; our; 100000000000;                                                          # p=0.998, r=0.236, 1000+943, 3grams, 2016-09-10
principal; principle; 1000000                                                   # p=0.991, r=0.358, 3grams, 2015-08-03
raise|transitive; rise|intransitive; 10000                                      # p=0.992, r=0.743, 3grams, 2015-08-03
sight; site; 10000                                                              # p=0.994, r=0.474, 1774, 3grams, 2015-08-05
then; the; 100000000                                                            # p=0.978, r=0.447, 1975, 3grams, 2015-09-04
the; thee; 1000000000                                                           # p=0.993, r=0.830 (2015-07-29), 3grams (only 76 examples for 'thee')
through; though; 100000                                                         # p=0.990, r=0.495 (2015-06-13), 3grams
to; too; 10000000                                                               # p=0.994, r=0.404 (2015-05-29) note the low recall
tow; two; 10000000                                                              # p=0.991, r=0.887, 1046, 3grams, 2015-11-10
used; sued; 1000000000                                                          # p=0.991, r=0.484 (2015-07-30), 3grams
use;sue; 1000000                                                                # p=0.951, r=0.487 (2015-06-13), 3grams
use; user; 1000000                                                              # p=0.987, r=0.545, 1899, 3grams, 2015-08-24 FAs: 'the user', 'a user'
wired; weird; 10000000;                                                         # p=0.985, r=0.173, 127+248, 3grams, 2016-08-25
worse; works; 10000                                                             # p=0.996, r=0.812, 1667, 3grams, 2015-08-17

sates; states    # 'sates' too rare - not enough sentences for evaluation
your|possessive pronoun; you're|you are; 10
they're; their
check; cheque (relevant only for en-GB) 

a; eh
access; assess
accessing; assessing
accessed; assessed
accede; exceed
acts; ax
ad; add
adapt; adopt
adapts; adopts
adapted; adopted
adapter; adopter
adapters; adopters
adapting; adopting
adds; ads; adze
ade; aid; aide
aerie; airy
aero; arrow
aids; aides
affects; effects
ail; ale
air; e'er; ere; err; heir
aisle; I'll; isle
all; awl
allusion; illusion
allusions; illusions
altar; alter
anecdote; antidote
angel; angle
angels; angles
ants; aunts
ante; anti; auntie
appraise; apprise
arc; ark
assay; essay
ascent; assent
ascetic; aesthetic
attain; obtain
auger; augur
aught; ought
aural; oral
auricle; oracle
averse; adverse
away; aweigh
awed; odd
aweful; awful; offal
aye; eye; I
bail; bale
bailed; baled
bailee; bailey; bailie
bailer; bailor; baler
bailing; baling
bait; bate
baited; bated
baiting; bating
baize; bays; beys
bald; balled; bawled
ball; bawl
ballet; ballot; bullet
bard; barred
bare; bear
bark; barque
barely; barley
baron; barren
Barry; berry; bury
basal; basil
base; bass
based; baste
bases; basis; basses
bask; basque
bat; batt
baud; bawd
bay; bey
be; bee
beach; beech
beat; beet
beats; beets
beau; bow
beaut; butte
been; bin
beer; bier
bel; Bel; bell; belle
berth; birth
besot; besought
better; bettor
bight; bite; byte
billed; build
bit; bitt
blew; blue
bloc; block
boar; Boer; boor; bore
board; bored
boarder; border
bode; bowed
bold; bowled
bolder; boulder
bole; boll; bowl
bond; bound
bonds; bounds
boos; booze
born; borne; bourn
borough; burrow
bough; bow
bouy; boy
bra; braw
braid; brayed
braise; brays
brake; break
brakes; breaks
breach; breech
breaches; breeches
bread; bred
breathes; breaths
brewed; brood; broad
brews; bruise
bridal; bridle
broach; brooch
brows; browse
bundt; bunt
burger; burgher
bus; buss
bussed; bust
buy; by; bye
buyer; byre
cache; cash
cached; cashed
call; caul; col
caller; collar
can't; cant
cannon; canon
canter; cantor
canvas; canvass
capital; capitol
career; courier; carrier
careers; couriers; carriers
carat; caret; carrot; karat
carol; carrel
carpal; carpel
cast; caste
caster; castor
cause; caws
cay; key; quay
cease; seize
cedar; seeder
cede; seed
ceding; seeding
ceiling; sealing
celebrate; celibate
cell; sell
cellar; seller
censer; censor; sensor
census; senses
cent; scent; sent
cents; scents; sense; since
cere; sear; seer; sere
cereal; serial
Ceres; series
cession; session
chalk; chock
chance; chants
chard; charred
chased; chaste
check; Czech
chews; choose
Chile; chili; chilly
choir; quire
choler; collar
choral; coral
chorale; corral
chord; cord; cored
chute; shoot
cite; sight; site
cited; sighted; sited
cites; sights; sites
citing; sighting
clack; claque
Claus; clause; claws
clench; clinch
clenched; clinched
clew; clue
click; clique
climb; clime
close; clothes
college; collage
College; Collage
coal; cole
coaled; cold
coarse; course
coat; cote
coax; cokes
cocks; cox; Cox
coddling; codling
coffer; cougher
coin; quoin
colonel; kernel
coma; comma
complacence; complaisance
complacent; complaisant
complement; compliment
conch; conk
conscious; conscience
coo; coup
copes; copse
copped; copt
cops; copse
core; corps
Corps; Corp
cosign; cosine
council; counsel
craft; kraft
crater; krater
Crays; craze
Cypress; Cyprus
creak; creek
crewed; crude
crewel; cruel
crews; cruise
cue; Kew; queue
currant; current
curser; cursor
cygnet; signet
cymbal; symbol
dairy; diary
dam; damn
dammed; damned
darn; darne
days; daze
dear; deer
deducible; deductible
deserts; desserts
device; devise
deviate; deviant
dew; do; due
die; dye
died; dyed
dies; dyes
diffuse; defuse
diffused; defused
dine; dyne
dire; dyer
disburse; disperse
disc; disk
discreet; discrete
discussed; disgust
doe; dough
doc; dock
does; doughs; doze; dose
done; dun
dos; dues
draft; draught
drier; dryer
dual; duel
dying; dyeing
earl; URL
earn; urn
edition; addition
elicit; illicit
allude; elude; illude
ensure; insure
ensured; insured
emit; omit
emitting; omitting
envelop; envelope
envelops; envelopes
epic; epoch
epics; epochs
eunuchs; Unix
evaporate; evacuate
ewe; yew; you
ewes; use; yews
exact; extract
expend; expand
expends; expands
expended; expanded
expending; expanding
extent; extant
eyelet; islet
facts; fax
fain; feign
faint; feint
fair; fare
fairs; fares
fairing; faring
fairy; ferry
faker; fakir
farrow; pharoah
faux; foe
fay; Faye; fey
fays; faze; phase
fazed; phased
feat; feet
feel; fell
ferrate; ferret
feted; fetid
few; phew
file; phial
fills; fils
filter; philter
find; fined; fine
finds; fines
finish; Finnish
fir; fur; furr
fiscal; physical
fisher; fissure
fission; fusion
flair; flare
flea; flee
flecks; flex
flew; flu; flue
Flo; floe; flow
flocks; phlox
floes; flows
floor; fluor
flour; flower
for; fore; four; fro
forego; forgo
foreword; forward
formally; formerly
fort; forte
forth; fourth
foul; fowl
frees; freeze; frieze
friar; fryer
from; form
gaff; gaffe
gaffs; gaffes
gage; gauge; gouge
gait; gate
gaited; gated
galley; gally
gallop; galop
gays; gaze
gene; jean
gild; gilled; guild
gilt; guilt
gin; jinn
gnawed; nod
gneiss; nice
gnu; knew; new
gnus; news
gored; gourd
gorilla; guerrilla
grade; grayed
graft; graphed
grate; great
grays; graze
grease; Greece
greave; grieve
greaves; grieves
grill; grille
groan; grown
groans; growns
groaning; growing
guessed; guest
guide; guyed
guise; guys
gunnel; gunwale
gym; Jim
hail; hale
hair; hare
hairs; hares
hairy; Harry; harry
hall; haul
halve; half; have
halves; haves
hammock; hummock
hangar; hanger
Harold; herald
hart; heart
haut; ho; hoe
hay; hey
hays; haze
he'd; heed
he'll; heal
he'll; hill
heal; heel
hear; here
heard; herd
heigh; hi; hie; high
heroin; heroine
hew; hue; Hugh
hide; hied
higher; hire
him; hymn
hoar; whore
hoard; horde; whored
hoarse; horse
hoes; hose
hold; holed
hole; whole
holey; holy; wholly
hostel; hostile
hours; ours
humerus; humorous
hypercritical; hypocritical
idle; idol; idyl
imminent; eminent
imminently; eminently
improve; improvise
improves; improvises
improved; improvised
improving; improvising
in; inn
inc; ink
incite; insight
incites; insights
innocence; innocents
inns; ins
jam; jamb
jewel; joule
juggler; jugular
knap; nap
knead; need
knickers; nickers
knight; night
knights; nights
knit; nit
knits; nits
knob; nob
knock; nock
knot; naught; not
know; no; now
knows; noes; nose
lacks; lax
lain; lane
lam; lamb
laps; lapse
lay; lei
lays; laze; leis
later; latter; ladder
lea; lee; li
leach; leech
lead; led
leak; leek
lean; lien
leas; lees
leased; least
lends; lens
lessen; lesson
levy; levee
liar; lyre
liable; libel
lichen; liken
lie; lye
lieu; loo; Lou
lightening; lightning
limb; limn
limbs; limns
links; lynx
literal; littoral
lo; low
load; lode; lowed
loads; lodes
loan; lone
loch; lock
lochs; locks; lox
loon; lune
loop; loupe
loos; lose; loose
loot; lute
lumbar; lumber
mach; mock
made; maid
mail; male
main; mane
maize; maze
mall; maul; moll
manager; manger
managers; mangers
manner; manor
mantle; mantel
marc; mark; marque
marital; martial; marshal
marquee; marquis
marry; merry
massed; mast
Mays; maze
me; mi; em
mean; mein
meat; meet; mete
medal; meddle
medium; median
men's; mends
message; massage
messages; massages
metal; mettle
mewl; mule
mews; muse
might; mite
militate; mitigate
mince; mints
mind; mined
minding; mining
miner; minor
missal; missile
missed; mist
misses; Mrs.
moan; mown
moat; mote
mode; mowed
moire; moray
mood; mooed
moor; more
moose; mousse
moral; morel; morale
morn; mourn
morning; mourning
muscle; mussel
muscles; mussels
mussed; must
mustard; mustered
mute; moot
naval; navel
nay; neigh
nays; neighs
neap; neep
none; nun
oar; or; ore
oh; owe
ohs; owes
one; won
oohs; ooze
opposition; apposition
ordinance; ordnance
overdo; overdue
overhead; overheard
paced; paste
packed; pact
pail; pale
pails; pales
pain; pane
pains; panes
pair; pare; pear
pairs; pares; pears
palate; pallet; pallette
pall; Paul; pawl
passed; past
passable; possible
patience; patients
pause; paws
pea; pee
peak; peek; pique
peaked; peeked; piqued
peaking; peeking
peal; peel
pealed; peeled
pearl; purl; perl
peasant; pheasant
pedal; peddle
peer; pier
peers; piers
pencil; pensil
per; purr
pursue; peruse
phantom; fathom
phrase; frays
pi; pie
picnic; pyknic
pieced; piste
pigeon; pidgin
pincer; pincher; pinscher
pistil; pistol
place; plaice
plain; plane
plains; planes
plait; plate
planar; planer
pleaded; pleated
pleas; please
pleural; plural
plum; plumb
polar; poler
Pole; pole; poll
poled; polled
populace; populous
pull; pool
pulls; pools
pulled; pooled
pulling; pooling
pone; pony
poor; pore; pour
popery; potpourri
pores; pours
pored; poured
portable; potable
portrait; portray
portraits; portrays
praise; prays; preys
praised; prayed; preyed
precedence; precedents; presidents
preposition; proposition
prepositions; propositions
presence; presents
pride; pryed
pries; prize
prince; prints
principal; principle
principals; principles
proceed; precede
proceeds; precedes
proceeded; preceded
proceeding; preceding
profit; prophet
profits; prophets
pros; prose
prostrate; prostate
psi; sigh; xi
quarts; quartz
quince; quints
rabbet; rabbit
rack; wrack
racked; wracked
racking; wracking
racket; racquet
rackets; racquets
rain; reign; rein
raise; rays; raze
rampant; rampart
rap; wrap
raps; wraps
rapping; wrapping
rapper; wrapper
rapped; rapt; wrapped
ray; re
read; red
read; rede; reed
reading; reeding
reads; reeds
real; reel
recede; reseed
reck; wreck
reek; wreak
reeked; wreaked
register; registrar
resinate; resonate
resisters; resistors
rest; wrest
resting; wresting
rested; wrested
retch; wretch
review; revue
rheum; room
rheumy; roomie; roomy
rho; roe; row
rhumb; rum
rhyme; rime
ridged; rigid
rigger; rigor
right; rite; wright; write
rights; writes; rites
righting; writing
ring; wring
ringing; wringing
ringer; wringer
rise; ryes
road; rode; rowed
roam; Rome
roil; royal
role; roll
roles; rolls
rood; rude
roomer; rumor
root; route
rooted; routed
roots; routes
rooting; routing
rose; rows
rot; wrought
rote; wrote
rouge; rogue
rough; ruff
rout; route
roux; rue
rude; rued
rye; wry
sachet; sashay
sacks; sax
sacred; scared
sail; sale
sails; sales
sane; seine
saner; seiner
saver; savor
sawed; sod
scene; seen
scull; skull
sea; see
seam; seem
seamen; semen
seams; seems
sear; seer
seas; sees; seize
sects; sex
seek; Sikh
serf; surf
serfs; surfs
serge; surge
serpent; servant
sue; sew; so; sow
sewer; sower
sewer; suer
shake; sheik
shall; shell
she'll; shill
sheaf; sheath
shear; sheer
shears; sheers
sheave; shiv
shoe; shoo
shoes; shoos
shone; shown
sic; sick
sics; six
side; sighed
sighs; size
sign; sine
sink; synch
sinking; synching
Sioux; sou; sough; sue
slay; sleigh
sleight; slight
slew; slough; slue
sloe; slow
soar; sore
soared; sword
solace; soulless
sole; soul
soles; souls
some; sum
son; sun
sons; suns
sonny; sunny
soot; suit
sordid; sorted
spade; spayed
spoor; spore
stable; stabile
staid; stayed
stair; stare
stake; steak
stakes; steaks
stared; starred
staring; starring
statice; status
stationary; stationery
statue; statute
statues; statutes
steal; steel
steals; steels
step; steppe
stile; style
stoop; stoup
storey; story
straight; strait
straights; straits
subsided; subsidized
subside; subsidize
succor; sucker
suede; swayed
suite; sweet
suites; sweets
sure; shore
summary; summery
sundae; Sunday
tach; tack; tact
tacks; tax
tail; tale
tails; tales
tailer; tailor
taper; tapir
tare; tear
taught; taunt; taut
tea; tee; ti
team; teem
teams; teems
teaming; teeming
tear; tier
teared; tiered
tears; tiers
teas; tease; tees
tenant; tenet
tenner; tenor
tense; tents
tern; terne; turn
Thai; tie
therefor; therefore
threw; through
throe; throw
throes; throws
throne; thrown
thyme; time
tic; tick
ticks; tics
tide; tied
tighten; titan
tightens; titans
timber; timbre
tire; tyer
tired; tried
toad; toed; towed
tocsin; toxin
tocsins; toxins
toe; tow
told; tolled
tole; toll
ton; Tun
tongue; tung
too; to
toon; tune
tort; torte
tough; tuff
tracked; tract
tray; trey
troop; troup
trooper; trouper
troopers; troupers
trussed; trust
vain; vane; vein
vale; veil
vales; veils
vary; very
verses; versus
vial; vile; viol
vice; vise
vicious; viscous
vintage; vantage
WACs; wax; whacks
wade; weighed
wail; wale; whale
wain; wane; Wayne
waist; waste
wait; weight
waive; wave
waived; waved
waives; waves
waiver; waver
Wales; wales; whales
walk; wok
walks; woks
war; wore
warn; worn
warrantee; warranty
warship; worship
wary; wherry
way; weigh; whey
ways; weighs
we; wee
we'd; weed
we'll; wheel
we've; weave
weak; week
weal; wheel
weald; wheeled; wield
weary; wary
weather; wether; whether
weld; welled
wen; when
wet; whet
what; watt
which; witch
whig; wig
while; wile
whiled; wild
whine; wine
whines; wines
whined; wind; wined
whirled; world
whirred; word
whit; wit; with
whither; wither
whoa; woe
why; wye
wonder; wander
wonders; wanders
wondered; wandered
wondering; wandering
worst; wurst
y'all; yawl
yack; yak
yoke; yolk
yokes; yolks

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