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import org.archive.wayback.surt.SURTTokenizer;
import org.lockss.log.L4JLogger;
import org.lockss.spring.base.BaseSpringApiServiceImpl;
import org.lockss.spring.error.LockssRestServiceException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.*;
public class WaybackApiServiceImpl extends BaseSpringApiServiceImpl implements WaybackApiDelegate {
private static L4JLogger log = L4JLogger.getLogger();
// Name of the charset used.
private static String charsetName =;
BaseLockssRepository repo;
private final HttpServletRequest request;
public WaybackApiServiceImpl(HttpServletRequest request) {
this.request = request;
// REST ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Provides the OpenWayback CDX records of a URL in a namespace.
* @param namespace
* A String with the namespace.
* @param q
* A String with the query string. Supported fields are url, type
* (urlquery/prefixquery), offset, limit, request.anchordate,
* startdate and enddate.
* @param count
* An Integer with the count of results per page to be returned.
* @param startPage
* An Integer with the page number of results, 1 based.
* @param accept
* A String with the Accept request header.
* @param acceptEncoding
* A String with the Accept-Encoding request header.
* @return a {@code ResponseEntity} with the requested OpenWayback CDX
* records.
public ResponseEntity getCdxOwb(String namespace, String q,
Integer count, Integer startPage, String accept, String acceptEncoding) {
log.debug2("namespace = {}", namespace);
log.debug2("q = {}", q);
log.debug2("count = {}", count);
log.debug2("startPage = {}", startPage);
log.debug2("accept = {}", accept);
log.debug2("acceptEncoding = {}", acceptEncoding);
Enumeration headerNames = request.getHeaderNames();
while (headerNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = headerNames.nextElement();
log.trace("header name = {}, value = {}", name, request.getHeader(name));
log.trace("parameterMap = {}", request.getParameterMap());
// The parsed request for diagnostic purposes.
String parsedRequest = getParsedRequest(request, namespace);
log.trace("Parsed request: {}", parsedRequest);
// Validate the repository.
ServiceImplUtil.checkRepositoryReady(repo, parsedRequest);
// Validate the pagination.
ServiceImplUtil.validatePagination(count, startPage, parsedRequest);
try {
// Parse the OpenWayback query.
Map openWayBackQuery = parseOpenWayBackQueryString(q);
log.trace("openWayBackQuery = {}", openWayBackQuery);
String url = openWayBackQuery.get("url");
log.trace("url = {}", url);
// Add a canonical version of the query URL.
openWayBackQuery.put("canonicalUrl", url);
// Initialize the results.
CdxRecords records = new CdxRecords(openWayBackQuery, charsetName);
// Determine whether it is a prefix query.
boolean isPrefix = openWayBackQuery.containsKey("type")
&& openWayBackQuery.get("type").toLowerCase().equals("prefixquery");
log.trace("isPrefix = {}", isPrefix);
// Get the target timestamp, if any.
String date = null;
if (openWayBackQuery.containsKey("date")
&& !openWayBackQuery.get("date").trim().isEmpty()) {
date = openWayBackQuery.get("date").trim();
log.trace("date = {}", date);
// TODO: Handle offset, limit, request.anchordate, startdate and enddate
// in the OpenWayback query.
// Get the results.
getCdxRecords(namespace, url, repo, isPrefix, count, startPage, date,
// Convert the results to XML.
String result = records.toXmlText();
log.debug2("result = {}", result);
return new ResponseEntity(result, HttpStatus.OK);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | UnsupportedEncodingException bre) {
String message = "Cannot get the CDX records for namespace = '"
+ namespace + "', q = '" + q + "'";
log.error(message, bre);
return getStringErrorResponseEntity(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, message, bre);
} catch (Exception e) {
String message = "Cannot get the CDX records for namespace = '"
+ namespace + "', q = '" + q + "'";
log.error(message, e);
return getStringErrorResponseEntity(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, message, e);
* Provides the PyWayback CDX records of a URL in a namespace.
* @param namespace A String with of the namespace.
* @param url A String with the URL for which the CDX records are requested.
* @param limit An Integer with the limit.
* @param matchType A String with the type of match requested.
* @param sort A String with the type of sort requested.
* @param closest A String with the timestamp for the sort=closest mode.
* @param output A String with the output format requested.
* @param fl A String with the comma-separated list of fields to include in the
* result.
* @param accept A String with the Accept request header.
* @param acceptEncoding A String with the Accept-Encoding request header.
* @return a {@code ResponseEntity} with the requested PyWayback CDX
* records.
public ResponseEntity getCdxPywb(String namespace, String url,
Integer limit, String matchType, String sort, String closest,
String output, String fl, String accept, String acceptEncoding) {
log.debug2("namespace = {}", namespace);
log.debug2("url = {}", url);
log.debug2("limit = {}", limit);
log.debug2("matchType = {}", matchType);
log.debug2("sort = {}", sort);
log.debug2("closest = {}", closest);
log.debug2("output = {}", output);
log.debug2("fl = {}", fl);
log.debug2("accept = {}", accept);
log.debug2("acceptEncoding = {}", acceptEncoding);
Enumeration headerNames = request.getHeaderNames();
while (headerNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = headerNames.nextElement();
log.trace("header name = {}, value = {}", name, request.getHeader(name));
log.trace("parameterMap = {}", request.getParameterMap());
// The parsed request for diagnostic purposes.
String parsedRequest = getParsedRequest(request, namespace);
log.trace("Parsed request: {}", parsedRequest);
// Validate the repository.
ServiceImplUtil.checkRepositoryReady(repo, parsedRequest);
try {
// Initialize the results.
CdxRecords records = new CdxRecords();
// TODO: Handle the matchType query parameter values host, domain, range.
// Determine whether it is an exact query.
boolean isExact =
matchType == null || matchType.toLowerCase().equals("exact");
log.trace("isExact = {}", isExact);
if (!isExact) {
closest = null;
// Determine whether it is a prefix query.
boolean isPrefix =
matchType != null && matchType.toLowerCase().equals("prefix");
log.trace("isPrefix = {}", isPrefix);
Integer startPage = null;
// Check whether there is pagination involved.
if (limit != null) {
// Yes: Return the first page of results.
startPage = 1;
// Validate the pagination.
ServiceImplUtil.validatePagination(limit, startPage, parsedRequest);
// TODO: Handle the query parameters sort and fl.
// Get the results.
getCdxRecords(namespace, url, repo, isPrefix, limit, startPage,
closest, records);
// Convert the results to the right format.
String result = null;
if (output == null || output.trim().isEmpty()
|| output.trim().toLowerCase().equals("cdx")) {
result = records.toIaText();
} else if (output.trim().toLowerCase().equals("json")) {
result = records.toJson();
} else {
String errorMessage = "Invalid output request parameter: " + output;
throw new LockssRestServiceException(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
errorMessage, parsedRequest);
log.trace("records.toJson() = {}", records.toJson());
log.debug2("result = {}", result);
return new ResponseEntity(result, HttpStatus.OK);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
String message = "Cannot get the CDX records for namespace = '"
+ namespace + "', url = '" + url + "'";
log.error(message, iae);
return getStringErrorResponseEntity(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, message, iae);
} catch (Exception e) {
String message = "Cannot get the CDX records for namespace = '"
+ namespace + "', url = '" + url + "'";
log.error(message, e);
return getStringErrorResponseEntity(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, message, e);
* Provides the contents of a WARC archive.
* @param fileName
* A String with the name of the requested WARC archive.
* @param accept
* A String with the Accept request header.
* @param acceptEncoding
* A String with the Accept-Encoding request header.
* @param range
* A String with the Range request header.
* @return a {@code ResponseEntity} with the contents of the
* requested WARC archive.
public ResponseEntity getWarcArchive(String fileName, String accept,
String acceptEncoding, String range) {
log.debug2("fileName = {}", fileName);
log.debug2("accept = {}", accept);
log.debug2("acceptEncoding = {}", acceptEncoding);
log.debug2("range = {}", range);
Enumeration headerNames = request.getHeaderNames();
while (headerNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = headerNames.nextElement();
log.trace("header name = {}, value = {}", name, request.getHeader(name));
log.trace("parameterMap = {}", request.getParameterMap());
// The parsed request for diagnostic purposes.
String parsedRequest = String.format("fileName: %s, requestUrl: %s",
fileName, ServiceImplUtil.getFullRequestUrl(request));
log.trace("Parsed request: {}", parsedRequest);
// Validate the repository.
ServiceImplUtil.checkRepositoryReady(repo, parsedRequest);
try {
String namespace = ServiceImplUtil.getArchiveFilenameNamespace(
fileName, parsedRequest);
log.trace("namespace = {}", namespace);
// Get the artifact identifier.
String artifactId = ServiceImplUtil.getArchiveFilenameArtifactId(
fileName, parsedRequest);
log.trace("artifactId = {}", artifactId);
// Get the data for the artifact in this namespace, if it exists.
ArtifactData artifactData =
repo.getArtifactData(namespace, artifactId);
log.trace("artifactData = {}", artifactData);
// Handle a missing artifact.
if (artifactData == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No artifact '" + artifactId
+ "' in repository");
InputStream inputStream = null;
long warcRecordLength = 0L;
// The temporary file where to store the WARC record, if necessary.
File warcRecordFile = File.createTempFile("getWarcArchive", ".warc");
// Get an input stream to the WARC record to be returned.
try (DeferredFileOutputStream dfos =
new DeferredFileOutputStream((int) FileUtils.ONE_MB, warcRecordFile)) {
// Get the WARC record.
WarcArtifactDataStore.writeArtifactData(artifactData, dfos);
// Check whether the temporary file was not needed.
if (dfos.isInMemory()) {
// Yes: The InputStream comes from the byte array in memory.
log.trace("WARC record is in memory");
byte[] warcRecordBytes = dfos.getData();
warcRecordLength = warcRecordBytes.length;
inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(warcRecordBytes);
} else {
// No: The InputStream comes from the disk file.
log.trace("WARC record is in in file '{}'", warcRecordFile);
warcRecordLength = warcRecordFile.length();
inputStream = new FileInputStream(warcRecordFile);
// Get the response headers.
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.set("Content-Type", "application/warc");
//headers.set("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
log.trace("headers = {}", headers);
return new ResponseEntity(new InputStreamResource(inputStream),
headers, HttpStatus.OK);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
String message =
"Cannot get the archive for fileName = '" + fileName + "'";
log.error(message, iae);
return getResourceErrorResponseEntity(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, message, iae);
} catch (Exception e) {
String message =
"Cannot get the archive for fileName = '" + fileName + "'";
log.error(message, e);
return getResourceErrorResponseEntity(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, message, e);
// UTILITIES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Provides the requested CDX records.
* @param namespace
* A String with the namespace.
* @param url
* A String with the URL of the artifacts for which the CDX records
* are requested.
* @param repo
* A LockssRepository with the repository.
* @param isPrefix
* A boolean indicating whether the passed URL is to be used as a
* search prefix.
* @param count
* An Integer with the count of results per page to be returned, or
* null if no limit is requested.
* @param startPage
* An Integer with the page number of results, 1 based.
* @param closest
* A String with the target sorting timestamp of the results.
* @param records
* A CdxRecords where the resulting CDX records are stored.
* @throws IOException
* if there are I/O problems.
void getCdxRecords(String namespace, String url, LockssRepository repo,
boolean isPrefix, Integer count, Integer startPage, String closest,
CdxRecords records) throws IOException {
log.debug2("namespace = {}", namespace);
log.debug2("url = {}", url);
log.debug2("isPrefix = {}", isPrefix);
log.debug2("count = {}", count);
log.debug2("startPage = {}", startPage);
log.debug2("closest = {}", closest);
Iterable iterable = null;
if (isPrefix) {
// Yes: Get from the repository the artifacts for URLs with the passed prefix.
iterable = repo.getArtifactsWithUrlPrefixFromAllAus(namespace, url, ArtifactVersions.ALL);
} else {
// No: Get from the repository the artifacts for the passed URL.
iterable = repo.getArtifactsWithUrlFromAllAus(namespace, url, ArtifactVersions.ALL);
// Initialize the iterator on the collection of artifacts to be returned.
Iterator artIterator = iterable.iterator();
if (closest != null && !closest.trim().isEmpty()) {
// Yes: Return all the artifacts found sorted by temporal proximity to the target timestamp.
artIterator = getArtifactsSortedByTemporalGap(artIterator, closest).iterator();
// Get the CDX records for the selected artifacts.
getArtifactsCdxRecords(artIterator, repo, count, startPage, records);
* Provides the requested CDX records for artifacts in a namespace.
* @param artIterator
* An Iterator to the artifacts for which the CDX records
* are requested.
* @param count
* An Integer with the count of results per page to be returned, or
* null if no limit is requested.
* @param startPage
* An Integer with the page number of results, 1 based.
* @param records
* A CdxRecords where the resulting CDX records are stored.
* @throws IOException
* if there are I/O problems.
void getArtifactsCdxRecords(Iterator artIterator,
LockssRepository repo, Integer count, Integer startPage,
CdxRecords records) throws IOException {
log.debug2("count = {}", count);
log.debug2("startPage = {}", startPage);
int lastArticleSkipped = -1;
int lastArticleIncluded = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// Check whether the results are bounded in quantity.
if (count != null) {
// Yes: Determine the boundaries of the results to be returned.
lastArticleSkipped = count * (startPage - 1) - 1;
log.trace("lastArticleSkipped = {}", lastArticleSkipped);
lastArticleIncluded = lastArticleSkipped + count;
log.trace("lastArticleIncluded = {}", lastArticleIncluded);
// Loop through all the artifacts that are potential results.
int iteratorCounter = 0;
while (artIterator.hasNext()) {
// Get the next artifact.
Artifact artifact =;
log.trace("artifact = {}", artifact);
// Check whether this artifact needs to be included in the results.
if (iteratorCounter > lastArticleSkipped) {
// Yes: Get the artifact identifier.
String artifactUuid = artifact.getUuid();
log.trace("artifactUuid = {}", artifactUuid);
// Create the result for this artifact.
CdxRecord record = getCdxRecord(
repo.getArtifactData(artifact, LockssRepository.IncludeContent.NEVER));
log.trace("record = {}", record);
// Add this artifact to the results.
log.trace("recordsCount = {}", records.getCdxRecordCount());
// Check whether all the results to be returned have been processed.
if (iteratorCounter > lastArticleIncluded) {
// Yes: Stop the loop.
* Provides the CDX record of an artifact.
* @param artifactData
* An ArtifactData with the artifact data.
* @return a CdxRecord with the CDX record of the artifact.
* @throws IOException if there are I/O problems.
CdxRecord getCdxRecord(ArtifactData artifactData) throws IOException {
log.debug2("artifactData = {}", artifactData);
// Initialize the result for this artifact.
CdxRecord record = new CdxRecord();
String artifactUrl = artifactData.getIdentifier().getUri();
log.trace("artifactUrl = {}", artifactUrl);
// Set the sort key.
String urlSortKey = SURTTokenizer.exactKey(artifactUrl);
log.trace("urlSortKey = {}", urlSortKey);
// Set the artifact timestamp.
long timestamp =
log.trace("timestamp = {}", timestamp);
// Set the artifact URL.
// Set the artifact MIME type.
MediaType ctype = artifactData.getHttpHeaders().getContentType();
if (ctype != null) {
// Set the artifact HTTP status.
// Set the artifact digest.
// Set the artifact content length.
// Set the artifact offset. Each artifact has its own archive.
ArtifactIdentifier artifactIdentifier = artifactData.getIdentifier();
// Set the artifact archive name.
artifactIdentifier.getNamespace(), artifactIdentifier.getUuid()));
log.debug2("record = {}", record);
return record;
* Provides a copy of a collection of artifacts that is sorted by increasing
* temporal gap from a target timestamp.
* @param artIterator
* An Iterator for the original collection of artifacts.
* @param closest
* A String with the target timestamp.
* @return a List with the sorted collection of artifacts.
* @throws IOException
* if there are problems getting the artifact data from the
* repository.
List getArtifactsSortedByTemporalGap(Iterator artIterator,
String closest) throws IOException {
log.debug2("closest = {}", closest);
// Convert the passed CDX record timestamp to the one stored in the
// repository.
long targetTimestamp = CdxRecord.computeCollectiondate(closest);
log.trace("targetTimestamp = {}", targetTimestamp);
// Get a copy of a collection of objects that are suitable for sorting by
// their temporal gap with respect to the target timestamp.
List cas = new ArrayList<>();
while (artIterator.hasNext()) {
cas.add(new ClosestArtifact(, targetTimestamp));
log.trace("cas.size() = {}", cas.size());
// Sort the collection of objects by their temporal gap with respect to the
// target timestamp.
// Get the list of artifacts soted by their temporal proximity to the target
// timestamp.
List sortedArtifacts = new ArrayList<>();
Iterator caIterator = cas.iterator();
while (caIterator.hasNext()) {
// Return all the artifacts found sorted by their temporal proximity to the
// target timestamp.
return sortedArtifacts;
* Provides the parsed request for diagnostic purposes.
* @param request
* An HttpServletRequest with the HTTP request.
* @param namespace
* A String with the namespace.
* @return a String with the parsed request.
private String getParsedRequest(HttpServletRequest request,
String namespace) {
return String.format("namespace: %s, requestUrl: %s", namespace,
* Parses an OpenWayBack query into its components.
* @param q
* A String with the OpenWayBack query.
* @return a Map with the parsed elements of the OpenWayBack
* query.
* @exception UnsupportedEncodingException
* if there are problems parsing the query.
private static Map parseOpenWayBackQueryString(String q)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
log.debug2("q = {}", q);
try {
Map queryMap = new HashMap<>();
// Loop through the query elements.
for (String queryElement : q.split(" ")) {
log.trace("queryElement = {}", queryElement);
// Parse this element.
String[] elementFields = queryElement.split(":", 2);
log.trace("elementFields[0] = {}", elementFields[0]);
// Get the value of this element.
String value = URLDecoder.decode(elementFields[1], charsetName);
log.trace("value = {}", value);
// Add this element to the map.
queryMap.put(elementFields[0], value);
log.debug2("queryMap = {}", queryMap);
return queryMap;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
log.error("Exception caught parsing query", uee);
throw uee;
* Provides the response entity when there is an error.
* @param status
* An HttpStatus with the error HTTP status.
* @param message
* A String with the error message.
* @param e
* An Exception with the error exception.
* @return a {@code ResponseEntity>} with the error response
* entity.
private ResponseEntity getStringErrorResponseEntity(HttpStatus status,
String message, Exception e) {
String errorMessage = message;
if (e != null) {
if (errorMessage == null) {
errorMessage = e.getMessage();
} else {
errorMessage = errorMessage + " - " + e.getMessage();
return new ResponseEntity(ServiceImplUtil.toJsonError(
status.value(), errorMessage), status);
* Provides the response entity when there is an error.
* @param status
* An HttpStatus with the error HTTP status.
* @param message
* A String with the error message.
* @param e
* An Exception with the error exception.
* @return a {@code ResponseEntity>} with the error response
* entity.
private ResponseEntity getResourceErrorResponseEntity(HttpStatus status,
String message, Exception e) {
String errorMessage = message;
if (e != null) {
if (errorMessage == null) {
errorMessage = e.getMessage();
} else {
errorMessage = errorMessage + " - " + e.getMessage();
String result = ServiceImplUtil.toJsonError(status.value(), errorMessage);
InputStream is =
new ByteArrayInputStream(result.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
return new ResponseEntity(new InputStreamResource(is), status);
* An artifact with temporal proximity to a target timestamp.
static class ClosestArtifact {
// The artifact for which the temporal proximity to a target timestamp is
// requested.
private final Artifact artifact;
// The temporal gap between the artifact timestamp and the target timestamp
// as an absolute value in milliseconds.
private final long gap;
* Constructor.
* @param artifact
* An Artifact with the artifact for which the temporal proximity
* to a target timestamp is requested.
* @param targetTimestamp
* A long with the target timestamp expressed as milliseconds since
* the epoch.
ClosestArtifact(Artifact artifact, long targetTimestamp) {
this.artifact = artifact;
// Calculate the temporal gap.
gap = Math.abs(artifact.getCollectionDate() - targetTimestamp);
* Provides the artifact.
* @return an Artifact with the artifact in this object.
Artifact getArtifact() {
return artifact;
* Provides the temporal gap between the artifact timestamp and the target
* timestamp as an absolute value in milliseconds.
* @return a long with the temporal gap.
long getGap() {
return gap;