org.lwjgl.opencl.CL11 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright LWJGL. All rights reserved.
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package org.lwjgl.opencl;
import java.nio.*;
import org.lwjgl.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.Checks.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.JNI.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.*;
/** The core OpenCL 1.1 functionality. */
public class CL11 {
/** Error Codes. */
public static final int
/** OpenCL Version. */
public static final int CL_VERSION_1_1 = 0x1;
/** cl_device_info. */
public static final int
/** cl_device_fp_config - bitfield. */
public static final int CL_FP_SOFT_FLOAT = 1 << 6;
/** cl_context_info. */
public static final int CL_CONTEXT_NUM_DEVICES = 0x1083;
/** cl_channel_order. */
public static final int
CL_Rx = 0x10BA,
CL_RGx = 0x10BB,
CL_RGBx = 0x10BC;
/** cl_mem_info. */
public static final int
CL_MEM_OFFSET = 0x1108;
/** cl_addressing_mode. */
public static final int CL_ADDRESS_MIRRORED_REPEAT = 0x1134;
/** cl_kernel_work_group_info. */
public static final int
/** cl_event_info. */
public static final int CL_EVENT_CONTEXT = 0x11D4;
/** cl_command_type. */
public static final int
/** cl_buffer_create_type. */
public static final int CL_BUFFER_CREATE_TYPE_REGION = 0x1220;
protected CL11() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
static boolean isAvailable(CLCapabilities caps) {
return checkFunctions(
caps.clCreateSubBuffer, caps.clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback, caps.clEnqueueReadBufferRect, caps.clEnqueueWriteBufferRect,
caps.clEnqueueCopyBufferRect, caps.clCreateUserEvent, caps.clSetUserEventStatus, caps.clSetEventCallback
// --- [ clCreateSubBuffer ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #clCreateSubBuffer CreateSubBuffer} */
public static long nclCreateSubBuffer(long buffer, long flags, int buffer_create_type, long buffer_create_info, long errcode_ret) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clCreateSubBuffer;
if ( CHECKS ) {
return callPJPPP(__functionAddress, buffer, flags, buffer_create_type, buffer_create_info, errcode_ret);
* Creates a new buffer object (referred to as a sub-buffer object) from an existing buffer object.
* NOTE: Concurrent reading from, writing to and copying between both a buffer object and its sub-buffer object(s) is undefined.
* Concurrent reading from, writing to and copying between overlapping sub-buffer objects created with the same buffer object is undefined. Only reading
* from both a buffer object and its sub-buffer objects or reading from multiple overlapping sub-buffer objects is defined.
* @param buffer a valid buffer object and cannot be a sub-buffer object
* @param flags a bit-field that is used to specify allocation and usage information about the sub-buffer memory object being created.
* If the {@link CL10#CL_MEM_READ_WRITE MEM_READ_WRITE}, {@link CL10#CL_MEM_READ_ONLY MEM_READ_ONLY} or {@link CL10#CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY MEM_WRITE_ONLY} values are not specified in flags, they are
* inherited from the corresponding memory access qualifers associated with buffer. The {@link CL10#CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR MEM_USE_HOST_PTR}, {@link CL10#CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR}
* and {@link CL10#CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR} values cannot be specified in flags but are inherited from the corresponding memory access qualifiers
* associated with buffer. If {@link CL10#CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR} is specified in the memory access qualifier values associated with buffer it does not
* imply any additional copies when the sub-buffer is created from buffer. If the {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY}, {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY}
* or {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS} values are not specified in flags, they are inherited from the corresponding memory access qualifiers
* associated with buffer.
* @param buffer_create_type the type of buffer object to be created. Must be:
* @param buffer_create_info details about the buffer object to be created.
* When {@code buffer_create_type} is {@link #CL_BUFFER_CREATE_TYPE_REGION BUFFER_CREATE_TYPE_REGION}, then {@code buffer_create_info} is a pointer to a {@link CLBufferRegion}
* structure. {@code (origin, size)} defines the offset and size in bytes in buffer.
* @param errcode_ret will return an appropriate error code. If {@code errcode_ret} is {@code NULL}, no error code is returned.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors in {@code errcode_ret}:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT INVALID_MEM_OBJECT} if {@code buffer} is not a valid buffer object or is a sub-buffer object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer} was created with {@link CL10#CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY MEM_WRITE_ONLY} and {@code flags} specifies {@link CL10#CL_MEM_READ_WRITE MEM_READ_WRITE}
* or {@link CL10#CL_MEM_READ_ONLY MEM_READ_ONLY}, or if {@code buffer} was created with {@link CL10#CL_MEM_READ_ONLY MEM_READ_ONLY} and {@code flags} specifies
* {@link CL10#CL_MEM_READ_WRITE MEM_READ_WRITE} or {@link CL10#CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY MEM_WRITE_ONLY}, or if {@code flags} specifies {@link CL10#CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR MEM_USE_HOST_PTR} or
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer} was created with {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY} and {@code flags} specify {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY},
* or if {@code buffer} was created with {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY} and {@code flags} specify {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY}, or if
* {@code buffer} was created with {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS} and {@code flags} specify {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY} or {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if value specified in {@code buffer_create_type} is not valid.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if value(s) specified in {@code buffer_create_info} (for a given {@code buffer_create_type}) is not valid or if
* {@code buffer_create_info} is {@code NULL}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE} if {@code size} is 0.
* - {@link CL10#CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE} if there is a failure to allocate memory for sub-buffer object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static long clCreateSubBuffer(long buffer, long flags, int buffer_create_type, ByteBuffer buffer_create_info, IntBuffer errcode_ret) {
if ( CHECKS )
checkBufferSafe(errcode_ret, 1);
return nclCreateSubBuffer(buffer, flags, buffer_create_type, memAddress(buffer_create_info), memAddressSafe(errcode_ret));
// --- [ clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback SetMemObjectDestructorCallback} */
public static int nclSetMemObjectDestructorCallback(long memobj, long pfn_notify, long user_data) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback;
if ( CHECKS ) {
return callPPPI(__functionAddress, memobj, pfn_notify, user_data);
* Registers a user callback function with a memory object. Each call to {@code clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback} registers the specified user callback
* function on a callback stack associated with {@code memobj}. The registered user callback functions are called in the reverse order in which they were
* registered. The user callback functions are called and then the memory object's resources are freed and the memory object is deleted. This provides a
* mechanism for the application (and libraries) using {@code memobj} to be notified when the memory referenced by {@code host_ptr}, specified when the
* memory object is created and used as the storage bits for the memory object, can be reused or freed.
* @param memobj a valid memory object
* @param pfn_notify the callback function that can be registered by the application. This callback function may be called asynchronously by the OpenCL implementation.
* It is the application's responsibility to ensure that the callback function is thread-safe.
* @param user_data will be passed as the {@code user_data} argument when {@code pfn_notify} is called. {@code user_data} can be {@code NULL}.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT INVALID_MEM_OBJECT} if {@code memobj} is not a valid memory object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code pfn_notify} is NULL.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback(long memobj, CLMemObjectDestructorCallbackI pfn_notify, long user_data) {
return nclSetMemObjectDestructorCallback(memobj, pfn_notify.address(), user_data);
// --- [ clEnqueueReadBufferRect ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #clEnqueueReadBufferRect EnqueueReadBufferRect}
* @param num_events_in_wait_list the number of events in {@code event_wait_list}
public static int nclEnqueueReadBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_read, long buffer_offset, long host_offset, long region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, long ptr, int num_events_in_wait_list, long event_wait_list, long event) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clEnqueueReadBufferRect;
if ( CHECKS ) {
return callPPPPPPPPPPPPI(__functionAddress, command_queue, buffer, blocking_read, buffer_offset, host_offset, region, buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, ptr, num_events_in_wait_list, event_wait_list, event);
* Enqueues a command to read a 2D or 3D rectangular region from a buffer object to host memory.
* Calling {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} to read a region of the buffer object with the {@code ptr} argument value set to {@code host_ptr} and
* {@code host_origin}, {@code buffer_origin} values are the same, where {@code host_ptr} is a pointer to the memory region specified when the buffer
* object being read is created with {@link CL10#CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR MEM_USE_HOST_PTR}, must meet the following requirements in order to avoid undefined behavior:
* - All commands that use this buffer object or a memory object (buffer or image) created from this buffer object have finished execution before the
* read command begins execution.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not mapped.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not used by any command-queue until the read command has finished execution.
* @param command_queue the command-queue in which the read command will be queued. {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} must be created with the same OpenCL context.
* @param buffer a valid buffer object
* @param blocking_read indicates if the read operation is blocking or nonblocking.
* If {@code blocking_read} is {@link CL10#CL_TRUE TRUE} i.e. the read command is blocking, {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} does not return until the buffer data has
* been read and copied into memory pointed to by {@code ptr}.
* If {@code blocking_read} is {@link CL10#CL_FALSE FALSE} i.e. the read command is non-blocking, {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} queues a non-blocking read command and
* returns. The contents of the buffer that {@code ptr} points to cannot be used until the read command has completed. The {@code event} argument
* returns an event object which can be used to query the execution status of the read command. When the read command has completed, the contents of
* the buffer that {@code ptr} points to can be used by the application.
* @param buffer_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code buffer_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as buffer_origin[2] * buffer_slice_pitch + buffer_origin[1] * buffer_row_pitch + buffer_origin[0]
* @param host_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code host_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as host_origin[2] * host_slice_pitch + host_origin[1] * host_row_pitch + host_origin[0]
* @param region the (width in bytes, height in rows, depth in slices) of the 2D or 3D rectangle being read or written. For a 2D rectangle copy, the depth value
* given by {@code region[2]} should be 1. The values in region cannot be 0.
* @param buffer_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_row_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_row_pitch} is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param buffer_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch}.
* @param host_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_row_pitch} is 0, {@code host_row_pitch}
* is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param host_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code host_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch}.
* @param ptr the pointer to buffer in host memory where data is to be read into
* @param event_wait_list a list of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL}, then this particular command
* does not wait on any event to complete. The events specified in {@code event_wait_list} act as synchronization points. The context associated with events in
* {@code event_wait_list} and {@code command_queue} must be the same.
* @param event Returns an event object that identifies this particular command and can be used to query or queue a wait for this particular command to complete.
* {@code event} can be {@code NULL} in which case it will not be possible for the application to query the status of this command or queue a wait for this command to
* complete. If the {@code event_wait_list} and the {@code event} arguments are not {@code NULL}, the event argument should not refer to an element of the
* {@code event_wait_list} array.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE} if {@code command_queue} is not a valid command-queue.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if the context associated with {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} are not the same or if the context associated
* with {@code command_queue} and events in {@code event_wait_list} are not the same.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT INVALID_MEM_OBJECT} if {@code buffer} is not a valid buffer object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if the region being read specified by {@code (buffer_origin, region, buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch)} is out of bounds.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code ptr} is a {@code NULL} value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if any {@code region} array element is 0.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code buffer_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code host_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST} if {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} > 0, or {@code event_wait_list} is not
* {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is 0, or if event objects in {@code event_wait_list} are not valid events.
* - {@link #CL_MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET} if {@code buffer} is a sub-buffer object and offset specified when the sub-buffer object is created is
* not aligned to {@link CL10#CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN} value for device associated with queue.
* - {@link #CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST} if the read operation is blocking and the execution status of any of the events in
* {@code event_wait_list} is a negative integer value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE} if there is a failure to allocate memory for data store associated with {@code buffer}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_OPERATION INVALID_OPERATION} if {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} is called on buffer which has been created with {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY} or {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clEnqueueReadBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_read, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, ByteBuffer ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return nclEnqueueReadBufferRect(command_queue, buffer, blocking_read, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, memAddress(ptr), remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
* Enqueues a command to read a 2D or 3D rectangular region from a buffer object to host memory.
* Calling {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} to read a region of the buffer object with the {@code ptr} argument value set to {@code host_ptr} and
* {@code host_origin}, {@code buffer_origin} values are the same, where {@code host_ptr} is a pointer to the memory region specified when the buffer
* object being read is created with {@link CL10#CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR MEM_USE_HOST_PTR}, must meet the following requirements in order to avoid undefined behavior:
* - All commands that use this buffer object or a memory object (buffer or image) created from this buffer object have finished execution before the
* read command begins execution.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not mapped.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not used by any command-queue until the read command has finished execution.
* @param command_queue the command-queue in which the read command will be queued. {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} must be created with the same OpenCL context.
* @param buffer a valid buffer object
* @param blocking_read indicates if the read operation is blocking or nonblocking.
* If {@code blocking_read} is {@link CL10#CL_TRUE TRUE} i.e. the read command is blocking, {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} does not return until the buffer data has
* been read and copied into memory pointed to by {@code ptr}.
* If {@code blocking_read} is {@link CL10#CL_FALSE FALSE} i.e. the read command is non-blocking, {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} queues a non-blocking read command and
* returns. The contents of the buffer that {@code ptr} points to cannot be used until the read command has completed. The {@code event} argument
* returns an event object which can be used to query the execution status of the read command. When the read command has completed, the contents of
* the buffer that {@code ptr} points to can be used by the application.
* @param buffer_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code buffer_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as buffer_origin[2] * buffer_slice_pitch + buffer_origin[1] * buffer_row_pitch + buffer_origin[0]
* @param host_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code host_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as host_origin[2] * host_slice_pitch + host_origin[1] * host_row_pitch + host_origin[0]
* @param region the (width in bytes, height in rows, depth in slices) of the 2D or 3D rectangle being read or written. For a 2D rectangle copy, the depth value
* given by {@code region[2]} should be 1. The values in region cannot be 0.
* @param buffer_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_row_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_row_pitch} is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param buffer_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch}.
* @param host_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_row_pitch} is 0, {@code host_row_pitch}
* is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param host_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code host_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch}.
* @param ptr the pointer to buffer in host memory where data is to be read into
* @param event_wait_list a list of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL}, then this particular command
* does not wait on any event to complete. The events specified in {@code event_wait_list} act as synchronization points. The context associated with events in
* {@code event_wait_list} and {@code command_queue} must be the same.
* @param event Returns an event object that identifies this particular command and can be used to query or queue a wait for this particular command to complete.
* {@code event} can be {@code NULL} in which case it will not be possible for the application to query the status of this command or queue a wait for this command to
* complete. If the {@code event_wait_list} and the {@code event} arguments are not {@code NULL}, the event argument should not refer to an element of the
* {@code event_wait_list} array.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE} if {@code command_queue} is not a valid command-queue.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if the context associated with {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} are not the same or if the context associated
* with {@code command_queue} and events in {@code event_wait_list} are not the same.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT INVALID_MEM_OBJECT} if {@code buffer} is not a valid buffer object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if the region being read specified by {@code (buffer_origin, region, buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch)} is out of bounds.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code ptr} is a {@code NULL} value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if any {@code region} array element is 0.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code buffer_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code host_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST} if {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} > 0, or {@code event_wait_list} is not
* {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is 0, or if event objects in {@code event_wait_list} are not valid events.
* - {@link #CL_MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET} if {@code buffer} is a sub-buffer object and offset specified when the sub-buffer object is created is
* not aligned to {@link CL10#CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN} value for device associated with queue.
* - {@link #CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST} if the read operation is blocking and the execution status of any of the events in
* {@code event_wait_list} is a negative integer value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE} if there is a failure to allocate memory for data store associated with {@code buffer}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_OPERATION INVALID_OPERATION} if {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} is called on buffer which has been created with {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY} or {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clEnqueueReadBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_read, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, ShortBuffer ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return nclEnqueueReadBufferRect(command_queue, buffer, blocking_read, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, memAddress(ptr), remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
* Enqueues a command to read a 2D or 3D rectangular region from a buffer object to host memory.
* Calling {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} to read a region of the buffer object with the {@code ptr} argument value set to {@code host_ptr} and
* {@code host_origin}, {@code buffer_origin} values are the same, where {@code host_ptr} is a pointer to the memory region specified when the buffer
* object being read is created with {@link CL10#CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR MEM_USE_HOST_PTR}, must meet the following requirements in order to avoid undefined behavior:
* - All commands that use this buffer object or a memory object (buffer or image) created from this buffer object have finished execution before the
* read command begins execution.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not mapped.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not used by any command-queue until the read command has finished execution.
* @param command_queue the command-queue in which the read command will be queued. {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} must be created with the same OpenCL context.
* @param buffer a valid buffer object
* @param blocking_read indicates if the read operation is blocking or nonblocking.
* If {@code blocking_read} is {@link CL10#CL_TRUE TRUE} i.e. the read command is blocking, {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} does not return until the buffer data has
* been read and copied into memory pointed to by {@code ptr}.
* If {@code blocking_read} is {@link CL10#CL_FALSE FALSE} i.e. the read command is non-blocking, {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} queues a non-blocking read command and
* returns. The contents of the buffer that {@code ptr} points to cannot be used until the read command has completed. The {@code event} argument
* returns an event object which can be used to query the execution status of the read command. When the read command has completed, the contents of
* the buffer that {@code ptr} points to can be used by the application.
* @param buffer_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code buffer_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as buffer_origin[2] * buffer_slice_pitch + buffer_origin[1] * buffer_row_pitch + buffer_origin[0]
* @param host_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code host_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as host_origin[2] * host_slice_pitch + host_origin[1] * host_row_pitch + host_origin[0]
* @param region the (width in bytes, height in rows, depth in slices) of the 2D or 3D rectangle being read or written. For a 2D rectangle copy, the depth value
* given by {@code region[2]} should be 1. The values in region cannot be 0.
* @param buffer_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_row_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_row_pitch} is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param buffer_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch}.
* @param host_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_row_pitch} is 0, {@code host_row_pitch}
* is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param host_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code host_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch}.
* @param ptr the pointer to buffer in host memory where data is to be read into
* @param event_wait_list a list of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL}, then this particular command
* does not wait on any event to complete. The events specified in {@code event_wait_list} act as synchronization points. The context associated with events in
* {@code event_wait_list} and {@code command_queue} must be the same.
* @param event Returns an event object that identifies this particular command and can be used to query or queue a wait for this particular command to complete.
* {@code event} can be {@code NULL} in which case it will not be possible for the application to query the status of this command or queue a wait for this command to
* complete. If the {@code event_wait_list} and the {@code event} arguments are not {@code NULL}, the event argument should not refer to an element of the
* {@code event_wait_list} array.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE} if {@code command_queue} is not a valid command-queue.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if the context associated with {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} are not the same or if the context associated
* with {@code command_queue} and events in {@code event_wait_list} are not the same.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT INVALID_MEM_OBJECT} if {@code buffer} is not a valid buffer object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if the region being read specified by {@code (buffer_origin, region, buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch)} is out of bounds.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code ptr} is a {@code NULL} value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if any {@code region} array element is 0.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code buffer_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code host_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST} if {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} > 0, or {@code event_wait_list} is not
* {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is 0, or if event objects in {@code event_wait_list} are not valid events.
* - {@link #CL_MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET} if {@code buffer} is a sub-buffer object and offset specified when the sub-buffer object is created is
* not aligned to {@link CL10#CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN} value for device associated with queue.
* - {@link #CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST} if the read operation is blocking and the execution status of any of the events in
* {@code event_wait_list} is a negative integer value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE} if there is a failure to allocate memory for data store associated with {@code buffer}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_OPERATION INVALID_OPERATION} if {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} is called on buffer which has been created with {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY} or {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clEnqueueReadBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_read, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, IntBuffer ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return nclEnqueueReadBufferRect(command_queue, buffer, blocking_read, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, memAddress(ptr), remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
* Enqueues a command to read a 2D or 3D rectangular region from a buffer object to host memory.
* Calling {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} to read a region of the buffer object with the {@code ptr} argument value set to {@code host_ptr} and
* {@code host_origin}, {@code buffer_origin} values are the same, where {@code host_ptr} is a pointer to the memory region specified when the buffer
* object being read is created with {@link CL10#CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR MEM_USE_HOST_PTR}, must meet the following requirements in order to avoid undefined behavior:
* - All commands that use this buffer object or a memory object (buffer or image) created from this buffer object have finished execution before the
* read command begins execution.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not mapped.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not used by any command-queue until the read command has finished execution.
* @param command_queue the command-queue in which the read command will be queued. {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} must be created with the same OpenCL context.
* @param buffer a valid buffer object
* @param blocking_read indicates if the read operation is blocking or nonblocking.
* If {@code blocking_read} is {@link CL10#CL_TRUE TRUE} i.e. the read command is blocking, {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} does not return until the buffer data has
* been read and copied into memory pointed to by {@code ptr}.
* If {@code blocking_read} is {@link CL10#CL_FALSE FALSE} i.e. the read command is non-blocking, {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} queues a non-blocking read command and
* returns. The contents of the buffer that {@code ptr} points to cannot be used until the read command has completed. The {@code event} argument
* returns an event object which can be used to query the execution status of the read command. When the read command has completed, the contents of
* the buffer that {@code ptr} points to can be used by the application.
* @param buffer_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code buffer_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as buffer_origin[2] * buffer_slice_pitch + buffer_origin[1] * buffer_row_pitch + buffer_origin[0]
* @param host_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code host_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as host_origin[2] * host_slice_pitch + host_origin[1] * host_row_pitch + host_origin[0]
* @param region the (width in bytes, height in rows, depth in slices) of the 2D or 3D rectangle being read or written. For a 2D rectangle copy, the depth value
* given by {@code region[2]} should be 1. The values in region cannot be 0.
* @param buffer_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_row_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_row_pitch} is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param buffer_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch}.
* @param host_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_row_pitch} is 0, {@code host_row_pitch}
* is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param host_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code host_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch}.
* @param ptr the pointer to buffer in host memory where data is to be read into
* @param event_wait_list a list of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL}, then this particular command
* does not wait on any event to complete. The events specified in {@code event_wait_list} act as synchronization points. The context associated with events in
* {@code event_wait_list} and {@code command_queue} must be the same.
* @param event Returns an event object that identifies this particular command and can be used to query or queue a wait for this particular command to complete.
* {@code event} can be {@code NULL} in which case it will not be possible for the application to query the status of this command or queue a wait for this command to
* complete. If the {@code event_wait_list} and the {@code event} arguments are not {@code NULL}, the event argument should not refer to an element of the
* {@code event_wait_list} array.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE} if {@code command_queue} is not a valid command-queue.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if the context associated with {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} are not the same or if the context associated
* with {@code command_queue} and events in {@code event_wait_list} are not the same.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT INVALID_MEM_OBJECT} if {@code buffer} is not a valid buffer object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if the region being read specified by {@code (buffer_origin, region, buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch)} is out of bounds.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code ptr} is a {@code NULL} value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if any {@code region} array element is 0.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code buffer_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code host_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST} if {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} > 0, or {@code event_wait_list} is not
* {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is 0, or if event objects in {@code event_wait_list} are not valid events.
* - {@link #CL_MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET} if {@code buffer} is a sub-buffer object and offset specified when the sub-buffer object is created is
* not aligned to {@link CL10#CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN} value for device associated with queue.
* - {@link #CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST} if the read operation is blocking and the execution status of any of the events in
* {@code event_wait_list} is a negative integer value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE} if there is a failure to allocate memory for data store associated with {@code buffer}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_OPERATION INVALID_OPERATION} if {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} is called on buffer which has been created with {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY} or {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clEnqueueReadBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_read, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, FloatBuffer ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return nclEnqueueReadBufferRect(command_queue, buffer, blocking_read, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, memAddress(ptr), remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
* Enqueues a command to read a 2D or 3D rectangular region from a buffer object to host memory.
* Calling {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} to read a region of the buffer object with the {@code ptr} argument value set to {@code host_ptr} and
* {@code host_origin}, {@code buffer_origin} values are the same, where {@code host_ptr} is a pointer to the memory region specified when the buffer
* object being read is created with {@link CL10#CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR MEM_USE_HOST_PTR}, must meet the following requirements in order to avoid undefined behavior:
* - All commands that use this buffer object or a memory object (buffer or image) created from this buffer object have finished execution before the
* read command begins execution.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not mapped.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not used by any command-queue until the read command has finished execution.
* @param command_queue the command-queue in which the read command will be queued. {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} must be created with the same OpenCL context.
* @param buffer a valid buffer object
* @param blocking_read indicates if the read operation is blocking or nonblocking.
* If {@code blocking_read} is {@link CL10#CL_TRUE TRUE} i.e. the read command is blocking, {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} does not return until the buffer data has
* been read and copied into memory pointed to by {@code ptr}.
* If {@code blocking_read} is {@link CL10#CL_FALSE FALSE} i.e. the read command is non-blocking, {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} queues a non-blocking read command and
* returns. The contents of the buffer that {@code ptr} points to cannot be used until the read command has completed. The {@code event} argument
* returns an event object which can be used to query the execution status of the read command. When the read command has completed, the contents of
* the buffer that {@code ptr} points to can be used by the application.
* @param buffer_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code buffer_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as buffer_origin[2] * buffer_slice_pitch + buffer_origin[1] * buffer_row_pitch + buffer_origin[0]
* @param host_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code host_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as host_origin[2] * host_slice_pitch + host_origin[1] * host_row_pitch + host_origin[0]
* @param region the (width in bytes, height in rows, depth in slices) of the 2D or 3D rectangle being read or written. For a 2D rectangle copy, the depth value
* given by {@code region[2]} should be 1. The values in region cannot be 0.
* @param buffer_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_row_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_row_pitch} is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param buffer_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch}.
* @param host_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_row_pitch} is 0, {@code host_row_pitch}
* is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param host_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code host_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch}.
* @param ptr the pointer to buffer in host memory where data is to be read into
* @param event_wait_list a list of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL}, then this particular command
* does not wait on any event to complete. The events specified in {@code event_wait_list} act as synchronization points. The context associated with events in
* {@code event_wait_list} and {@code command_queue} must be the same.
* @param event Returns an event object that identifies this particular command and can be used to query or queue a wait for this particular command to complete.
* {@code event} can be {@code NULL} in which case it will not be possible for the application to query the status of this command or queue a wait for this command to
* complete. If the {@code event_wait_list} and the {@code event} arguments are not {@code NULL}, the event argument should not refer to an element of the
* {@code event_wait_list} array.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE} if {@code command_queue} is not a valid command-queue.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if the context associated with {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} are not the same or if the context associated
* with {@code command_queue} and events in {@code event_wait_list} are not the same.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT INVALID_MEM_OBJECT} if {@code buffer} is not a valid buffer object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if the region being read specified by {@code (buffer_origin, region, buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch)} is out of bounds.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code ptr} is a {@code NULL} value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if any {@code region} array element is 0.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code buffer_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code host_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST} if {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} > 0, or {@code event_wait_list} is not
* {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is 0, or if event objects in {@code event_wait_list} are not valid events.
* - {@link #CL_MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET} if {@code buffer} is a sub-buffer object and offset specified when the sub-buffer object is created is
* not aligned to {@link CL10#CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN} value for device associated with queue.
* - {@link #CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST} if the read operation is blocking and the execution status of any of the events in
* {@code event_wait_list} is a negative integer value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE} if there is a failure to allocate memory for data store associated with {@code buffer}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_OPERATION INVALID_OPERATION} if {@code clEnqueueReadBufferRect} is called on buffer which has been created with {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY} or {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clEnqueueReadBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_read, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, DoubleBuffer ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return nclEnqueueReadBufferRect(command_queue, buffer, blocking_read, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, memAddress(ptr), remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
// --- [ clEnqueueWriteBufferRect ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #clEnqueueWriteBufferRect EnqueueWriteBufferRect}
* @param num_events_in_wait_list the number of events in {@code event_wait_list}
public static int nclEnqueueWriteBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_write, long buffer_offset, long host_offset, long region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, long ptr, int num_events_in_wait_list, long event_wait_list, long event) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clEnqueueWriteBufferRect;
if ( CHECKS ) {
return callPPPPPPPPPPPPI(__functionAddress, command_queue, buffer, blocking_write, buffer_offset, host_offset, region, buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, ptr, num_events_in_wait_list, event_wait_list, event);
* Enqueues a command to write a 2D or 3D rectangular region to a buffer object from host memory.
* Calling {@code clEnqueueWriteBufferRect} to update the latest bits in a region of the buffer object with the {@code ptr} argument value set to
* {@code host_ptr} and {@code host_origin}, {@code buffer_origin} values are the same, where {@code host_ptr} is a pointer to the memory region specified
* when the buffer object being written is created with {@link CL10#CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR MEM_USE_HOST_PTR}, must meet the following requirements in order to avoid undefined
* behavior:
* - The host memory region given by {@code (buffer_origin region)} contains the latest bits when the enqueued write command begins execution.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not mapped.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not used by any command-queue until the write command has finished execution.
* @param command_queue the command-queue in which the write command will be queued. {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} must be created with the same OpenCL context.
* @param buffer a valid buffer object
* @param blocking_write indicates if the write operation is blocking or nonblocking.
* If {@code blocking_write} is {@link CL10#CL_TRUE TRUE}, the OpenCL implementation copies the data referred to by {@code ptr} and enqueues the write operation in the
* command-queue. The memory pointed to by {@code ptr} can be reused by the application after the {@code clEnqueueWriteBufferRect} call returns.
* If {@code blocking_write} is {@link CL10#CL_FALSE FALSE}, the OpenCL implementation will use {@code ptr} to perform a non-blocking write. As the write is non-blocking
* the implementation can return immediately. The memory pointed to by {@code ptr} cannot be reused by the application after the call returns. The
* {@code event} argument returns an event object which can be used to query the execution status of the write command. When the write command has
* completed, the memory pointed to by {@code ptr} can then be reused by the application.
* @param buffer_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code buffer_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as buffer_origin[2] * buffer_slice_pitch + buffer_origin[1] * buffer_row_pitch + buffer_origin[0]
* @param host_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code host_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as host_origin[2] * host_slice_pitch + host_origin[1] * host_row_pitch + host_origin[0]
* @param region the (width in bytes, height in rows, depth in slices) of the 2D or 3D rectangle being read or written. For a 2D rectangle copy, the depth value
* given by {@code region[2]} should be 1. The values in region cannot be 0.
* @param buffer_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_row_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_row_pitch} is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param buffer_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch}.
* @param host_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_row_pitch} is 0, {@code host_row_pitch}
* is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param host_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code host_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch}.
* @param ptr the pointer to buffer in host memory where data is to be written from
* @param event_wait_list a list of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL}, then this particular command
* does not wait on any event to complete. The events specified in {@code event_wait_list} act as synchronization points. The context associated with events in
* {@code event_wait_list} and {@code command_queue} must be the same.
* @param event Returns an event object that identifies this particular command and can be used to query or queue a wait for this particular command to complete.
* {@code event} can be {@code NULL} in which case it will not be possible for the application to query the status of this command or queue a wait for this command to
* complete. If the {@code event_wait_list} and the {@code event} arguments are not {@code NULL}, the event argument should not refer to an element of the
* {@code event_wait_list} array.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE} if {@code command_queue} is not a valid command-queue.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if the context associated with {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} are not the same or if the context associated
* with {@code command_queue} and events in {@code event_wait_list} are not the same.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT INVALID_MEM_OBJECT} if {@code buffer} is not a valid buffer object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if the region being written specified by {@code (buffer_origin, region, buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch)} is out of bounds.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code ptr} is a {@code NULL} value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if any {@code region} array element is 0.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code buffer_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code host_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST} if {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} > 0, or {@code event_wait_list} is not
* {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is 0, or if event objects in {@code event_wait_list} are not valid events.
* - {@link #CL_MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET} if {@code buffer} is a sub-buffer object and offset specified when the sub-buffer object is created is
* not aligned to {@link CL10#CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN} value for device associated with queue.
* - {@link #CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST} if the write operation is blocking and the execution status of any of the events in
* {@code event_wait_list} is a negative integer value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE} if there is a failure to allocate memory for data store associated with {@code buffer}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_OPERATION INVALID_OPERATION} if {@code clEnqueueWriteBufferRect} is called on buffer which has been created with {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY} or {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clEnqueueWriteBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_write, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, ByteBuffer ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return nclEnqueueWriteBufferRect(command_queue, buffer, blocking_write, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, memAddress(ptr), remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
* Enqueues a command to write a 2D or 3D rectangular region to a buffer object from host memory.
* Calling {@code clEnqueueWriteBufferRect} to update the latest bits in a region of the buffer object with the {@code ptr} argument value set to
* {@code host_ptr} and {@code host_origin}, {@code buffer_origin} values are the same, where {@code host_ptr} is a pointer to the memory region specified
* when the buffer object being written is created with {@link CL10#CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR MEM_USE_HOST_PTR}, must meet the following requirements in order to avoid undefined
* behavior:
* - The host memory region given by {@code (buffer_origin region)} contains the latest bits when the enqueued write command begins execution.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not mapped.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not used by any command-queue until the write command has finished execution.
* @param command_queue the command-queue in which the write command will be queued. {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} must be created with the same OpenCL context.
* @param buffer a valid buffer object
* @param blocking_write indicates if the write operation is blocking or nonblocking.
* If {@code blocking_write} is {@link CL10#CL_TRUE TRUE}, the OpenCL implementation copies the data referred to by {@code ptr} and enqueues the write operation in the
* command-queue. The memory pointed to by {@code ptr} can be reused by the application after the {@code clEnqueueWriteBufferRect} call returns.
* If {@code blocking_write} is {@link CL10#CL_FALSE FALSE}, the OpenCL implementation will use {@code ptr} to perform a non-blocking write. As the write is non-blocking
* the implementation can return immediately. The memory pointed to by {@code ptr} cannot be reused by the application after the call returns. The
* {@code event} argument returns an event object which can be used to query the execution status of the write command. When the write command has
* completed, the memory pointed to by {@code ptr} can then be reused by the application.
* @param buffer_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code buffer_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as buffer_origin[2] * buffer_slice_pitch + buffer_origin[1] * buffer_row_pitch + buffer_origin[0]
* @param host_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code host_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as host_origin[2] * host_slice_pitch + host_origin[1] * host_row_pitch + host_origin[0]
* @param region the (width in bytes, height in rows, depth in slices) of the 2D or 3D rectangle being read or written. For a 2D rectangle copy, the depth value
* given by {@code region[2]} should be 1. The values in region cannot be 0.
* @param buffer_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_row_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_row_pitch} is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param buffer_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch}.
* @param host_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_row_pitch} is 0, {@code host_row_pitch}
* is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param host_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code host_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch}.
* @param ptr the pointer to buffer in host memory where data is to be written from
* @param event_wait_list a list of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL}, then this particular command
* does not wait on any event to complete. The events specified in {@code event_wait_list} act as synchronization points. The context associated with events in
* {@code event_wait_list} and {@code command_queue} must be the same.
* @param event Returns an event object that identifies this particular command and can be used to query or queue a wait for this particular command to complete.
* {@code event} can be {@code NULL} in which case it will not be possible for the application to query the status of this command or queue a wait for this command to
* complete. If the {@code event_wait_list} and the {@code event} arguments are not {@code NULL}, the event argument should not refer to an element of the
* {@code event_wait_list} array.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE} if {@code command_queue} is not a valid command-queue.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if the context associated with {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} are not the same or if the context associated
* with {@code command_queue} and events in {@code event_wait_list} are not the same.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT INVALID_MEM_OBJECT} if {@code buffer} is not a valid buffer object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if the region being written specified by {@code (buffer_origin, region, buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch)} is out of bounds.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code ptr} is a {@code NULL} value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if any {@code region} array element is 0.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code buffer_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code host_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST} if {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} > 0, or {@code event_wait_list} is not
* {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is 0, or if event objects in {@code event_wait_list} are not valid events.
* - {@link #CL_MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET} if {@code buffer} is a sub-buffer object and offset specified when the sub-buffer object is created is
* not aligned to {@link CL10#CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN} value for device associated with queue.
* - {@link #CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST} if the write operation is blocking and the execution status of any of the events in
* {@code event_wait_list} is a negative integer value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE} if there is a failure to allocate memory for data store associated with {@code buffer}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_OPERATION INVALID_OPERATION} if {@code clEnqueueWriteBufferRect} is called on buffer which has been created with {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY} or {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clEnqueueWriteBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_write, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, ShortBuffer ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return nclEnqueueWriteBufferRect(command_queue, buffer, blocking_write, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, memAddress(ptr), remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
* Enqueues a command to write a 2D or 3D rectangular region to a buffer object from host memory.
* Calling {@code clEnqueueWriteBufferRect} to update the latest bits in a region of the buffer object with the {@code ptr} argument value set to
* {@code host_ptr} and {@code host_origin}, {@code buffer_origin} values are the same, where {@code host_ptr} is a pointer to the memory region specified
* when the buffer object being written is created with {@link CL10#CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR MEM_USE_HOST_PTR}, must meet the following requirements in order to avoid undefined
* behavior:
* - The host memory region given by {@code (buffer_origin region)} contains the latest bits when the enqueued write command begins execution.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not mapped.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not used by any command-queue until the write command has finished execution.
* @param command_queue the command-queue in which the write command will be queued. {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} must be created with the same OpenCL context.
* @param buffer a valid buffer object
* @param blocking_write indicates if the write operation is blocking or nonblocking.
* If {@code blocking_write} is {@link CL10#CL_TRUE TRUE}, the OpenCL implementation copies the data referred to by {@code ptr} and enqueues the write operation in the
* command-queue. The memory pointed to by {@code ptr} can be reused by the application after the {@code clEnqueueWriteBufferRect} call returns.
* If {@code blocking_write} is {@link CL10#CL_FALSE FALSE}, the OpenCL implementation will use {@code ptr} to perform a non-blocking write. As the write is non-blocking
* the implementation can return immediately. The memory pointed to by {@code ptr} cannot be reused by the application after the call returns. The
* {@code event} argument returns an event object which can be used to query the execution status of the write command. When the write command has
* completed, the memory pointed to by {@code ptr} can then be reused by the application.
* @param buffer_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code buffer_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as buffer_origin[2] * buffer_slice_pitch + buffer_origin[1] * buffer_row_pitch + buffer_origin[0]
* @param host_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code host_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as host_origin[2] * host_slice_pitch + host_origin[1] * host_row_pitch + host_origin[0]
* @param region the (width in bytes, height in rows, depth in slices) of the 2D or 3D rectangle being read or written. For a 2D rectangle copy, the depth value
* given by {@code region[2]} should be 1. The values in region cannot be 0.
* @param buffer_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_row_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_row_pitch} is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param buffer_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch}.
* @param host_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_row_pitch} is 0, {@code host_row_pitch}
* is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param host_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code host_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch}.
* @param ptr the pointer to buffer in host memory where data is to be written from
* @param event_wait_list a list of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL}, then this particular command
* does not wait on any event to complete. The events specified in {@code event_wait_list} act as synchronization points. The context associated with events in
* {@code event_wait_list} and {@code command_queue} must be the same.
* @param event Returns an event object that identifies this particular command and can be used to query or queue a wait for this particular command to complete.
* {@code event} can be {@code NULL} in which case it will not be possible for the application to query the status of this command or queue a wait for this command to
* complete. If the {@code event_wait_list} and the {@code event} arguments are not {@code NULL}, the event argument should not refer to an element of the
* {@code event_wait_list} array.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE} if {@code command_queue} is not a valid command-queue.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if the context associated with {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} are not the same or if the context associated
* with {@code command_queue} and events in {@code event_wait_list} are not the same.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT INVALID_MEM_OBJECT} if {@code buffer} is not a valid buffer object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if the region being written specified by {@code (buffer_origin, region, buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch)} is out of bounds.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code ptr} is a {@code NULL} value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if any {@code region} array element is 0.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code buffer_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code host_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST} if {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} > 0, or {@code event_wait_list} is not
* {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is 0, or if event objects in {@code event_wait_list} are not valid events.
* - {@link #CL_MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET} if {@code buffer} is a sub-buffer object and offset specified when the sub-buffer object is created is
* not aligned to {@link CL10#CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN} value for device associated with queue.
* - {@link #CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST} if the write operation is blocking and the execution status of any of the events in
* {@code event_wait_list} is a negative integer value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE} if there is a failure to allocate memory for data store associated with {@code buffer}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_OPERATION INVALID_OPERATION} if {@code clEnqueueWriteBufferRect} is called on buffer which has been created with {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY} or {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clEnqueueWriteBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_write, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, IntBuffer ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return nclEnqueueWriteBufferRect(command_queue, buffer, blocking_write, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, memAddress(ptr), remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
* Enqueues a command to write a 2D or 3D rectangular region to a buffer object from host memory.
* Calling {@code clEnqueueWriteBufferRect} to update the latest bits in a region of the buffer object with the {@code ptr} argument value set to
* {@code host_ptr} and {@code host_origin}, {@code buffer_origin} values are the same, where {@code host_ptr} is a pointer to the memory region specified
* when the buffer object being written is created with {@link CL10#CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR MEM_USE_HOST_PTR}, must meet the following requirements in order to avoid undefined
* behavior:
* - The host memory region given by {@code (buffer_origin region)} contains the latest bits when the enqueued write command begins execution.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not mapped.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not used by any command-queue until the write command has finished execution.
* @param command_queue the command-queue in which the write command will be queued. {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} must be created with the same OpenCL context.
* @param buffer a valid buffer object
* @param blocking_write indicates if the write operation is blocking or nonblocking.
* If {@code blocking_write} is {@link CL10#CL_TRUE TRUE}, the OpenCL implementation copies the data referred to by {@code ptr} and enqueues the write operation in the
* command-queue. The memory pointed to by {@code ptr} can be reused by the application after the {@code clEnqueueWriteBufferRect} call returns.
* If {@code blocking_write} is {@link CL10#CL_FALSE FALSE}, the OpenCL implementation will use {@code ptr} to perform a non-blocking write. As the write is non-blocking
* the implementation can return immediately. The memory pointed to by {@code ptr} cannot be reused by the application after the call returns. The
* {@code event} argument returns an event object which can be used to query the execution status of the write command. When the write command has
* completed, the memory pointed to by {@code ptr} can then be reused by the application.
* @param buffer_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code buffer_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as buffer_origin[2] * buffer_slice_pitch + buffer_origin[1] * buffer_row_pitch + buffer_origin[0]
* @param host_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code host_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as host_origin[2] * host_slice_pitch + host_origin[1] * host_row_pitch + host_origin[0]
* @param region the (width in bytes, height in rows, depth in slices) of the 2D or 3D rectangle being read or written. For a 2D rectangle copy, the depth value
* given by {@code region[2]} should be 1. The values in region cannot be 0.
* @param buffer_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_row_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_row_pitch} is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param buffer_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch}.
* @param host_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_row_pitch} is 0, {@code host_row_pitch}
* is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param host_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code host_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch}.
* @param ptr the pointer to buffer in host memory where data is to be written from
* @param event_wait_list a list of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL}, then this particular command
* does not wait on any event to complete. The events specified in {@code event_wait_list} act as synchronization points. The context associated with events in
* {@code event_wait_list} and {@code command_queue} must be the same.
* @param event Returns an event object that identifies this particular command and can be used to query or queue a wait for this particular command to complete.
* {@code event} can be {@code NULL} in which case it will not be possible for the application to query the status of this command or queue a wait for this command to
* complete. If the {@code event_wait_list} and the {@code event} arguments are not {@code NULL}, the event argument should not refer to an element of the
* {@code event_wait_list} array.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE} if {@code command_queue} is not a valid command-queue.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if the context associated with {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} are not the same or if the context associated
* with {@code command_queue} and events in {@code event_wait_list} are not the same.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT INVALID_MEM_OBJECT} if {@code buffer} is not a valid buffer object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if the region being written specified by {@code (buffer_origin, region, buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch)} is out of bounds.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code ptr} is a {@code NULL} value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if any {@code region} array element is 0.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code buffer_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code host_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST} if {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} > 0, or {@code event_wait_list} is not
* {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is 0, or if event objects in {@code event_wait_list} are not valid events.
* - {@link #CL_MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET} if {@code buffer} is a sub-buffer object and offset specified when the sub-buffer object is created is
* not aligned to {@link CL10#CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN} value for device associated with queue.
* - {@link #CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST} if the write operation is blocking and the execution status of any of the events in
* {@code event_wait_list} is a negative integer value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE} if there is a failure to allocate memory for data store associated with {@code buffer}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_OPERATION INVALID_OPERATION} if {@code clEnqueueWriteBufferRect} is called on buffer which has been created with {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY} or {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clEnqueueWriteBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_write, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, FloatBuffer ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return nclEnqueueWriteBufferRect(command_queue, buffer, blocking_write, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, memAddress(ptr), remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
* Enqueues a command to write a 2D or 3D rectangular region to a buffer object from host memory.
* Calling {@code clEnqueueWriteBufferRect} to update the latest bits in a region of the buffer object with the {@code ptr} argument value set to
* {@code host_ptr} and {@code host_origin}, {@code buffer_origin} values are the same, where {@code host_ptr} is a pointer to the memory region specified
* when the buffer object being written is created with {@link CL10#CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR MEM_USE_HOST_PTR}, must meet the following requirements in order to avoid undefined
* behavior:
* - The host memory region given by {@code (buffer_origin region)} contains the latest bits when the enqueued write command begins execution.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not mapped.
* - The buffer object or memory objects created from this buffer object are not used by any command-queue until the write command has finished execution.
* @param command_queue the command-queue in which the write command will be queued. {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} must be created with the same OpenCL context.
* @param buffer a valid buffer object
* @param blocking_write indicates if the write operation is blocking or nonblocking.
* If {@code blocking_write} is {@link CL10#CL_TRUE TRUE}, the OpenCL implementation copies the data referred to by {@code ptr} and enqueues the write operation in the
* command-queue. The memory pointed to by {@code ptr} can be reused by the application after the {@code clEnqueueWriteBufferRect} call returns.
* If {@code blocking_write} is {@link CL10#CL_FALSE FALSE}, the OpenCL implementation will use {@code ptr} to perform a non-blocking write. As the write is non-blocking
* the implementation can return immediately. The memory pointed to by {@code ptr} cannot be reused by the application after the call returns. The
* {@code event} argument returns an event object which can be used to query the execution status of the write command. When the write command has
* completed, the memory pointed to by {@code ptr} can then be reused by the application.
* @param buffer_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code buffer_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as buffer_origin[2] * buffer_slice_pitch + buffer_origin[1] * buffer_row_pitch + buffer_origin[0]
* @param host_offset the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code host_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as host_origin[2] * host_slice_pitch + host_origin[1] * host_row_pitch + host_origin[0]
* @param region the (width in bytes, height in rows, depth in slices) of the 2D or 3D rectangle being read or written. For a 2D rectangle copy, the depth value
* given by {@code region[2]} should be 1. The values in region cannot be 0.
* @param buffer_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_row_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_row_pitch} is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param buffer_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code buffer}. If {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch}.
* @param host_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_row_pitch} is 0, {@code host_row_pitch}
* is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param host_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region pointed to by {@code ptr}. If {@code host_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code host_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch}.
* @param ptr the pointer to buffer in host memory where data is to be written from
* @param event_wait_list a list of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL}, then this particular command
* does not wait on any event to complete. The events specified in {@code event_wait_list} act as synchronization points. The context associated with events in
* {@code event_wait_list} and {@code command_queue} must be the same.
* @param event Returns an event object that identifies this particular command and can be used to query or queue a wait for this particular command to complete.
* {@code event} can be {@code NULL} in which case it will not be possible for the application to query the status of this command or queue a wait for this command to
* complete. If the {@code event_wait_list} and the {@code event} arguments are not {@code NULL}, the event argument should not refer to an element of the
* {@code event_wait_list} array.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE} if {@code command_queue} is not a valid command-queue.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if the context associated with {@code command_queue} and {@code buffer} are not the same or if the context associated
* with {@code command_queue} and events in {@code event_wait_list} are not the same.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT INVALID_MEM_OBJECT} if {@code buffer} is not a valid buffer object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if the region being written specified by {@code (buffer_origin, region, buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch)} is out of bounds.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code ptr} is a {@code NULL} value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if any {@code region} array element is 0.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code buffer_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * buffer_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code buffer_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code host_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * host_row_pitch} and not a multiple of {@code host_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST} if {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} > 0, or {@code event_wait_list} is not
* {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is 0, or if event objects in {@code event_wait_list} are not valid events.
* - {@link #CL_MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET} if {@code buffer} is a sub-buffer object and offset specified when the sub-buffer object is created is
* not aligned to {@link CL10#CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN} value for device associated with queue.
* - {@link #CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST} if the write operation is blocking and the execution status of any of the events in
* {@code event_wait_list} is a negative integer value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE} if there is a failure to allocate memory for data store associated with {@code buffer}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_OPERATION INVALID_OPERATION} if {@code clEnqueueWriteBufferRect} is called on buffer which has been created with {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY} or {@link CL12#CL_MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clEnqueueWriteBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_write, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, DoubleBuffer ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return nclEnqueueWriteBufferRect(command_queue, buffer, blocking_write, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, memAddress(ptr), remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
// --- [ clEnqueueCopyBufferRect ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #clEnqueueCopyBufferRect EnqueueCopyBufferRect}
* @param num_events_in_wait_list the number of events in {@code event_wait_list}
public static int nclEnqueueCopyBufferRect(long command_queue, long src_buffer, long dst_buffer, long src_origin, long dst_origin, long region, long src_row_pitch, long src_slice_pitch, long dst_row_pitch, long dst_slice_pitch, int num_events_in_wait_list, long event_wait_list, long event) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clEnqueueCopyBufferRect;
if ( CHECKS ) {
return callPPPPPPPPPPPPI(__functionAddress, command_queue, src_buffer, dst_buffer, src_origin, dst_origin, region, src_row_pitch, src_slice_pitch, dst_row_pitch, dst_slice_pitch, num_events_in_wait_list, event_wait_list, event);
* Enqueues a command to copy a 2D or 3D rectangular region from the buffer object identified by {@code src_buffer} to a 2D or 3D region in the buffer
* object identified by {@code dst_buffer}. Copying begins at the source offset and destination offset which are computed as described below in the
* description for {@code src_origin} and {@code dst_origin}. Each byte of the region's width is copied from the source offset to the destination offset.
* After copying each width, the source and destination offsets are incremented by their respective source and destination row pitches. After copying each
* 2D rectangle, the source and destination offsets are incremented by their respective source and destination slice pitches.
* NOTE: If {@code src_buffer} and {@code dst_buffer} are the same buffer object, {@code src_row_pitch} must equal {@code dst_row_pitch}
* and {@code src_slice_pitch} must equal {@code dst_slice_pitch}.
* @param command_queue the command-queue in which the copy command will be queued. The OpenCL context associated with {@code command_queue}, {@code src_buffer} and
* {@code dst_buffer} must be the same.
* @param src_buffer the source buffer
* @param dst_buffer the destination buffer
* @param src_origin the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region associated with {@code src_buffer}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code src_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as src_origin[2] * src_slice_pitch + src_origin[1] * src_row_pitch + src_origin[0]
* @param dst_origin the {@code (x, y, z)} offset in the memory region associated with {@code dst_buffer}. For a 2D rectangle region, the z value given by {@code dst_origin[2]}
* should be 0. The offset in bytes is computed as dst_origin[2] * dst_slice_pitch + dst_origin[1] * dst_row_pitch + dst_origin[0]
* @param region the ({@code width} in bytes, {@code height} in rows, {@code depth} in slices) of the 2D or 3D rectangle being copied. For a 2D rectangle, the depth
* value given by {@code region[2]} should be 1. The values in {@code region} cannot be 0.
* @param src_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code src_buffer}. If {@code src_row_pitch} is 0, {@code src_row_pitch}
* is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param src_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code src_buffer}. If {@code src_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code src_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * src_row_pitch}.
* @param dst_row_pitch the length of each row in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code dst_buffer}. If {@code dst_row_pitch} is 0, {@code dst_row_pitch}
* is computed as {@code region[0]}.
* @param dst_slice_pitch the length of each 2D slice in bytes to be used for the memory region associated with {@code dst_buffer}. If {@code dst_slice_pitch} is 0,
* {@code dst_slice_pitch} is computed as {@code region[1] * dst_row_pitch}.
* @param event_wait_list a list of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL}, then this particular command
* does not wait on any event to complete. The events specified in {@code event_wait_list} act as synchronization points. The context associated with events in
* {@code event_wait_list} and {@code command_queue} must be the same.
* @param event Returns an event object that identifies this particular command and can be used to query or queue a wait for this particular command to complete.
* {@code event} can be {@code NULL} in which case it will not be possible for the application to query the status of this command or queue a wait for this command to
* complete. If the {@code event_wait_list} and the {@code event} arguments are not {@code NULL}, the event argument should not refer to an element of the
* {@code event_wait_list} array.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE} if {@code command_queue} is not a valid command-queue.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if the context associated with {@code command_queue}, {@code src_buffer} and {@code dst_buffer} are not the same or
* if the context associated with {@code command_queue} and events in {@code event_wait_list} are not the same.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT INVALID_MEM_OBJECT} if {@code src_buffer} and {@code dst_buffer} are not valid buffer objects.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code (src_origin, region, src_row_pitch, src_slice_pitch)} or {@code (dst_origin, region, dst_row_pitch, dst_slice_pitch)}
* require accessing elements outside the {@code src_buffer} and {@code dst_buffer} buffer objects respectively.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if any {@code region} array element is 0.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code src_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code dst_row_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[0]}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code src_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * src_row_pitch} or if {@code src_slice_pitch}
* is not 0 and is not a multiple of {@code src_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code dst_slice_pitch} is not 0 and is less than {@code region[1] * dst_row_pitch} or if {@code dst_slice_pitch}
* is not 0 and is not a multiple of {@code dst_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code src_buffer} and {@code dst_buffer} are the same buffer object and {@code src_slice_pitch} is not equal to
* {@code dst_slice_pitch} and {@code src_row_pitch} is not equal to {@code dst_row_pitch}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST} if {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} > 0, or {@code event_wait_list} is not
* {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is 0, or if event objects in {@code event_wait_list} are not valid events.
* - {@link CL10#CL_MEM_COPY_OVERLAP MEM_COPY_OVERLAP} if {@code src_buffer} and {@code dst_buffer} are the same buffer or subbuffer object and the source and destination
* regions overlap or if {@code src_buffer} and {@code dst_buffer} are different sub-buffers of the same associated buffer object and they overlap.
* - {@link #CL_MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET} if {@code src_buffer} is a sub-buffer object and offset specified when the sub-buffer object is created is
* not aligned to {@link CL10#CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN} value for device associated with queue.
* - {@link #CL_MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET} if {@code dst_buffer} is a sub-buffer object and offset specified when the sub-buffer object is created is
* not aligned to {@link CL10#CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN} value for device associated with queue.
* - {@link CL10#CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE} if there is a failure to allocate memory for data store associated with {@code src_buffer} or {@code dst_buffer}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clEnqueueCopyBufferRect(long command_queue, long src_buffer, long dst_buffer, PointerBuffer src_origin, PointerBuffer dst_origin, PointerBuffer region, long src_row_pitch, long src_slice_pitch, long dst_row_pitch, long dst_slice_pitch, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(src_origin, 3);
checkBuffer(dst_origin, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return nclEnqueueCopyBufferRect(command_queue, src_buffer, dst_buffer, memAddress(src_origin), memAddress(dst_origin), memAddress(region), src_row_pitch, src_slice_pitch, dst_row_pitch, dst_slice_pitch, remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
// --- [ clCreateUserEvent ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #clCreateUserEvent CreateUserEvent} */
public static long nclCreateUserEvent(long context, long errcode_ret) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clCreateUserEvent;
if ( CHECKS ) {
return callPPP(__functionAddress, context, errcode_ret);
* Creates a user event object. User events allow applications to enqueue commands that wait on a user event to finish before the command is executed by
* the device.
* The execution status of the user event object created is set to {@link CL10#CL_SUBMITTED SUBMITTED}.
* @param context a valid OpenCL context
* @param errcode_ret will return an appropriate error code. If {@code errcode_ret} is {@code NULL}, no error code is returned.
* @return a valid non-zero event object and {@code errcode_ret} is set to {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the user event object is created successfully. Otherwise, it returns a {@code NULL}
* value with one of the following error values returned in {@code errcode_ret}:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if {@code context} is not a valid context.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static long clCreateUserEvent(long context, IntBuffer errcode_ret) {
if ( CHECKS )
checkBufferSafe(errcode_ret, 1);
return nclCreateUserEvent(context, memAddressSafe(errcode_ret));
// --- [ clSetUserEventStatus ] ---
* Sets the execution status of a user event object.
* NOTE: Enqueued commands that specify user events in the {@code event_wait_list} argument of {@code clEnqueue***} commands must ensure
* that the status of these user events being waited on are set using {@code clSetUserEventStatus} before any OpenCL APIs that release OpenCL objects
* except for event objects are called; otherwise the behavior is undefined.
* For example, the following code sequence will result in undefined behavior of {@link CL10#clReleaseMemObject ReleaseMemObject}.
* ev1 = clCreateUserEvent(ctx, NULL);
clEnqueueWriteBuffer(cq, buf1, CL_FALSE, ..., 1, &ev1, NULL);
clEnqueueWriteBuffer(cq, buf2, CL_FALSE, ...);
clSetUserEventStatus(ev1, CL_COMPLETE);
* The following code sequence, however, works correctly.
* ev1 = clCreateUserEvent(ctx, NULL);
clEnqueueWriteBuffer(cq, buf1, CL_FALSE, ..., 1, &ev1, NULL);
clEnqueueWriteBuffer(cq, buf2, CL_FALSE, ...);
clSetUserEventStatus(ev1, CL_COMPLETE);
* @param event a user event object created using {@link #clCreateUserEvent CreateUserEvent}
* @param execution_status the new execution status to be set and can be {@link CL10#CL_COMPLETE COMPLETE} or a negative integer value to indicate an error. A negative integer value
* causes all enqueued commands that wait on this user event to be terminated. {@code clSetUserEventStatus} can only be called once to change the
* execution status of event.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function was executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_EVENT INVALID_EVENT} if {@code event} is not a valid user event object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if the {@code execution_status} is not {@link CL10#CL_COMPLETE COMPLETE} or a negative integer value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_OPERATION INVALID_OPERATION} if the {@code execution_status} for event has already been changed by a previous call to {@code clSetUserEventStatus}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clSetUserEventStatus(long event, int execution_status) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clSetUserEventStatus;
if ( CHECKS ) {
return callPI(__functionAddress, event, execution_status);
// --- [ clSetEventCallback ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #clSetEventCallback SetEventCallback} */
public static int nclSetEventCallback(long event, int command_exec_callback_type, long pfn_notify, long user_data) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clSetEventCallback;
if ( CHECKS ) {
return callPPPI(__functionAddress, event, command_exec_callback_type, pfn_notify, user_data);
* Registers a user callback function for a specific command execution status. The registered callback function will be called when the execution status of
* command associated with event changes to an execution status equal to or past the status specified by {@code command_exec_status}.
* Each call to {@code clSetEventCallback} registers the specified user callback function on a callback stack associated with event. The order in which the
* registered user callback functions are called is undefined.
* All callbacks registered for an event object must be called. All enqueued callbacks shall be called before the event object is destroyed. Callbacks must
* return promptly. The behavior of calling expensive system routines, OpenCL API calls to create contexts or command-queues, or blocking OpenCL operations
* from the following list below, in a callback is undefined.
* - {@link CL10#clFinish Finish},
* - {@link CL10#clWaitForEvents WaitForEvents},
* - blocking calls to {@link CL10#clEnqueueReadBuffer EnqueueReadBuffer}, {@link #clEnqueueReadBufferRect EnqueueReadBufferRect}, {@link CL10#clEnqueueWriteBuffer EnqueueWriteBuffer}, {@link #clEnqueueWriteBufferRect EnqueueWriteBufferRect},
* - blocking calls to {@link CL10#clEnqueueReadImage EnqueueReadImage} and {@link CL10#clEnqueueWriteImage EnqueueWriteImage},
* - blocking calls to {@link CL10#clEnqueueMapBuffer EnqueueMapBuffer} and {@link CL10#clEnqueueMapImage EnqueueMapImage},
* - blocking calls to {@link CL10#clBuildProgram BuildProgram}, {@link CL12#clCompileProgram CompileProgram} or {@link CL12#clLinkProgram LinkProgram}
* If an application needs to wait for completion of a routine from the above list in a callback, please use the non-blocking form of the function, and
* assign a completion callback to it to do the remainder of your work. Note that when a callback (or other code) enqueues commands to a command-queue, the
* commands are not required to begin execution until the queue is flushed. In standard usage, blocking enqueue calls serve this role by implicitly
* flushing the queue. Since blocking calls are not permitted in callbacks, those callbacks that enqueue commands on a command queue should either call
* {@link CL10#clFlush Flush} on the queue before returning or arrange for {@link CL10#clFlush Flush} to be called later on another thread.
* @param event a valid event object
* @param command_exec_callback_type the command execution status for which the callback is registered. There is no guarantee that the callback functions registered for various
* execution status values for an event will be called in the exact order that the execution status of a command changes. Furthermore, it should be
* noted that receiving a call back for an event with a status other than {@link CL10#CL_COMPLETE COMPLETE}, in no way implies that the memory model or
* execution model as defined by the OpenCL specification has changed. For example, it is not valid to assume that a corresponding memory transfer has
* completed unless the event is in a state {@link CL10#CL_COMPLETE COMPLETE}. One of:
* @param pfn_notify the event callback function that can be registered by the application. This callback function may be called asynchronously by the OpenCL
* implementation. It is the application's responsibility to ensure that the callback function is thread-safe.
* @param user_data will be passed as the {@code user_data} argument when {@code pfn_notify} is called. {@code user_data} can be {@code NULL}.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_EVENT INVALID_EVENT} if {@code event} is not a valid event object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code pfn_event_notify} is {@code NULL} or if {@code command_exec_callback_type} is not {@link CL10#CL_SUBMITTED SUBMITTED},
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code event} is a user event object and {@code command_exec_callback_type} is not {@link CL10#CL_COMPLETE COMPLETE}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clSetEventCallback(long event, int command_exec_callback_type, CLEventCallbackI pfn_notify, long user_data) {
return nclSetEventCallback(event, command_exec_callback_type, pfn_notify.address(), user_data);
/** Array version of: {@link #clCreateSubBuffer CreateSubBuffer} */
public static long clCreateSubBuffer(long buffer, long flags, int buffer_create_type, ByteBuffer buffer_create_info, int[] errcode_ret) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clCreateSubBuffer;
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBufferSafe(errcode_ret, 1);
return callPJPPP(__functionAddress, buffer, flags, buffer_create_type, memAddress(buffer_create_info), errcode_ret);
/** Array version of: {@link #clEnqueueReadBufferRect EnqueueReadBufferRect} */
public static int clEnqueueReadBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_read, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, short[] ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clEnqueueReadBufferRect;
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return callPPPPPPPPPPPPI(__functionAddress, command_queue, buffer, blocking_read, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, ptr, remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
/** Array version of: {@link #clEnqueueReadBufferRect EnqueueReadBufferRect} */
public static int clEnqueueReadBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_read, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, int[] ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clEnqueueReadBufferRect;
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return callPPPPPPPPPPPPI(__functionAddress, command_queue, buffer, blocking_read, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, ptr, remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
/** Array version of: {@link #clEnqueueReadBufferRect EnqueueReadBufferRect} */
public static int clEnqueueReadBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_read, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, float[] ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clEnqueueReadBufferRect;
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return callPPPPPPPPPPPPI(__functionAddress, command_queue, buffer, blocking_read, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, ptr, remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
/** Array version of: {@link #clEnqueueReadBufferRect EnqueueReadBufferRect} */
public static int clEnqueueReadBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_read, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, double[] ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clEnqueueReadBufferRect;
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return callPPPPPPPPPPPPI(__functionAddress, command_queue, buffer, blocking_read, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, ptr, remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
/** Array version of: {@link #clEnqueueWriteBufferRect EnqueueWriteBufferRect} */
public static int clEnqueueWriteBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_write, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, short[] ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clEnqueueWriteBufferRect;
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return callPPPPPPPPPPPPI(__functionAddress, command_queue, buffer, blocking_write, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, ptr, remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
/** Array version of: {@link #clEnqueueWriteBufferRect EnqueueWriteBufferRect} */
public static int clEnqueueWriteBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_write, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, int[] ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clEnqueueWriteBufferRect;
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return callPPPPPPPPPPPPI(__functionAddress, command_queue, buffer, blocking_write, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, ptr, remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
/** Array version of: {@link #clEnqueueWriteBufferRect EnqueueWriteBufferRect} */
public static int clEnqueueWriteBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_write, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, float[] ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clEnqueueWriteBufferRect;
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return callPPPPPPPPPPPPI(__functionAddress, command_queue, buffer, blocking_write, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, ptr, remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
/** Array version of: {@link #clEnqueueWriteBufferRect EnqueueWriteBufferRect} */
public static int clEnqueueWriteBufferRect(long command_queue, long buffer, int blocking_write, PointerBuffer buffer_offset, PointerBuffer host_offset, PointerBuffer region, long buffer_row_pitch, long buffer_slice_pitch, long host_row_pitch, long host_slice_pitch, double[] ptr, PointerBuffer event_wait_list, PointerBuffer event) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clEnqueueWriteBufferRect;
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBuffer(buffer_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(host_offset, 3);
checkBuffer(region, 3);
checkBufferSafe(event, 1);
return callPPPPPPPPPPPPI(__functionAddress, command_queue, buffer, blocking_write, memAddress(buffer_offset), memAddress(host_offset), memAddress(region), buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch, host_slice_pitch, ptr, remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
/** Array version of: {@link #clCreateUserEvent CreateUserEvent} */
public static long clCreateUserEvent(long context, int[] errcode_ret) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clCreateUserEvent;
if ( CHECKS ) {
checkBufferSafe(errcode_ret, 1);
return callPPP(__functionAddress, context, errcode_ret);