package.cjs.configs.eslint.index.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A package encapsulating common code across neeto projects including initializers, utility functions, common components and hooks and so on.
module.exports = {
env: {
browser: true, // window object etc part of browser are made available globally.
es2020: true, // to include BigInt support
es6: true,
commonjs: true,
node: true,
* The order of extending each plugin matters a LOT!!
* Thus don't change order of items in this array
* unless you're sure of it.
extends: [
settings: {
react: { version: "detect" },
// We need this for the import/extensions rule to work:
"import/resolver": {
node: {
extensions: [".js", ".jsx", ".ts", ".tsx", ".svg", ".json"],
parserOptions: {
ecmaFeatures: { jsx: true },
ecmaVersion: 2018,
sourceType: "module",
// babel-eslint is deprecated now. This is the latest package.
parser: "@babel/eslint-parser",
plugins: [
rules: {
// auto-fixable: Respect all Prettier rules and apply it.
"prettier/prettier": "error",
// not-auto-fixable: No unused variables allowed.
"no-unused-vars": [
args: "all",
argsIgnorePattern: "^_",
destructuredArrayIgnorePattern: "^_",
caughtErrors: "all",
// not-auto-fixable: No undefined variables allowed.
"no-undef": "error",
// not-auto-fixable: Dont use console statements. Use logger which babel will remove during bundling.
"no-console": "error",
// not-auto-fixable: require `return` statements to either always or never specify values.
"consistent-return": "error",
// auto-fixable: disallows repeating variable name when declaring object properties.
"object-shorthand": "error",
// auto-fixable: sadly this doesn't support guard clauses yet.
"padding-line-between-statements": [
{ blankLine: "always", prev: "if", next: ["if", "return"] },
// The newline-before-return rule is deprecated in favor of the following:
{ blankLine: "always", prev: "*", next: "return" },
// Add newline between function declarations
blankLine: "always",
prev: [
next: ["function", "iife", "multiline-const", "multiline-expression"],
// auto-fixable: Single line statements needn't have any braces. But in all other cases enforce curly braces.
curly: ["error", "multi-line"],
// auto-fixable: Remove the else part, if the "if" or "else-if" chain has a return statement
"no-else-return": "error",
// not-auto-fixable: Prevent un-sanitized dangerouslySetInnerHTML.
"jam3/no-sanitizer-with-danger": [
{ wrapperName: ["dompurify", "sanitizer", "sanitize"] },
// auto-fixable: Requires trailing commas when the last element or property is in a different line than the closing ] or }
"comma-dangle": [
arrays: "always-multiline",
objects: "always-multiline",
imports: "always-multiline",
exports: "always-multiline",
functions: "never",
// auto-fixable: If a variable is never reassigned, using the const declaration is better.
"prefer-const": "error",
// auto-fixable: It is considered good practice to use the type-safe equality operators === and !==.
eqeqeq: "error",
// not-auto-fixable: Rule flags optional chaining expressions in positions where short-circuiting to undefined causes throwing a TypeError afterward.
"no-unsafe-optional-chaining": "error",
// auto-fixable: Remove all unused imports.
"unused-imports/no-unused-imports": "error",
// auto-fixable-1-level-deep: Using nested ternary operators make the code unreadable. Use if/else or switch with if/else. If it's JSX then move it out into a function or a variable. It's fine to use nestedTernary in JSX when it makes code more readable.
"no-nested-ternary": "warn",
// auto-fixable: Enforces no braces where they can be omitted.
"arrow-body-style": ["error", "as-needed"],
// auto-fixable: Suggests using template literals instead of string concatenation.
"prefer-template": "error",
// auto-fixable: Disallows ternary operators when simpler alternatives exist.
"no-unneeded-ternary": ["error", { defaultAssignment: false }],
// not-auto-fixable: Enforces declaring default params last
"default-param-last": "error",
// not-auto-fixable: Remove redundant async-awaits
"no-return-await": "warn",
// not-auto-fixable: Disallow empty block statements
"no-empty": ["error", { allowEmptyCatch: true }],
// not-auto-fixable: Enforce return statements in callbacks of array methods.
"array-callback-return": ["error"],
// auto-fixable: Partially fixable. Unless there's a need to the this keyword, there's no advantage of using a plain function.
"prefer-arrow-callback": ["error", { allowUnboundThis: true }],
// not-auto-fixable: Convert multiple imports from same module into a single import.
"no-duplicate-imports": ["error", { includeExports: true }],
// auto-fixable: Partially fixable. In JavaScript, there are a lot of different ways to convert value types. Allow only readable coercions.
"no-implicit-coercion": ["error", { allow: ["!!"] }],
// auto-fixable: Require let or const instead of var.
"no-var": "error",
// auto-fixable: This rule conflicts with prettier rules. Thus we've NOT kept this rule in react file. This rule ensures we don't add blank lines in JSX.
"react/jsx-newline": ["error", { prevent: true }],
// not-auto-fixable: Disallow async functions which have no await expression
"require-await": "error",
// auto-fixable: This rule ensures immediate returns in functions where constants are declared and then directly returned.
"sonarjs/prefer-immediate-return": "error",
// not-auto-fixable: This rule enforces merging adjacent collapsible if statements.
"sonarjs/no-collapsible-if": "error",
// not-auto-fixable: This rule prevents identical conditions inside if-else statements.
"sonarjs/no-identical-conditions": "error",
// not-auto-fixable: This rule prevents using a function with no return as output, passing it to another function, or assigning its result to a variable.
"sonarjs/no-use-of-empty-return-value": "error",
// not-auto-fixable: This rule prevents using loops with at most one iteration.
"sonarjs/no-one-iteration-loop": "error",
// not-auto-fixable: This rule prevents using catch clause that only throws an error.
"sonarjs/no-useless-catch": "error",
// not-auto-fixable: This rule warns against "eval(variable)" which can allow an attacker to run arbitrary code inside your process.
"security/detect-eval-with-expression": "warn",
// not-auto-fixable: This rule ensures that you are calling escape function before location.href assignment.
"xss/no-location-href-assign": ["error", { escapeFunc: "sanitize" }],