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package.lib.labs.VTimePicker.VTimePickerControls.mjs Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import { createTextVNode as _createTextVNode, createVNode as _createVNode } from "vue";
// Styles
import "./VTimePickerControls.css";
// Components
import { VBtn } from "../../components/VBtn/index.mjs";
import { pad } from "../../components/VDatePicker/util/index.mjs"; // Composables
import { useLocale } from "../../composables/locale.mjs"; // Utilities
import { genericComponent, propsFactory, useRender } from "../../util/index.mjs"; // Types
import { SelectingTimes } from "./SelectingTimes.mjs";
export const makeVTimePickerControlsProps = propsFactory({
ampm: Boolean,
ampmInTitle: Boolean,
ampmReadonly: Boolean,
color: String,
disabled: Boolean,
hour: Number,
minute: Number,
second: Number,
period: String,
readonly: Boolean,
useSeconds: Boolean,
selecting: Number,
value: Number
}, 'VTimePickerControls');
export const VTimePickerControls = genericComponent()({
name: 'VTimePickerControls',
props: makeVTimePickerControlsProps(),
emits: {
'update:period': data => true,
'update:selecting': data => true
setup(props, _ref) {
let {
} = _ref;
const {
} = useLocale();
useRender(() => {
let hour = props.hour;
if (props.ampm) {
hour = hour ? (hour - 1) % 12 + 1 : 12;
return _createVNode("div", {
"class": "v-time-picker-controls"
}, [_createVNode("div", {
"class": {
'v-time-picker-controls__time': true,
'v-time-picker-controls__time--with-seconds': props.useSeconds
}, [_createVNode(VBtn, {
"active": props.selecting === 1,
"color": props.selecting === 1 ? props.color : undefined,
"disabled": props.disabled,
"variant": "tonal",
"class": {
'v-time-picker-controls__time__btn': true,
'v-time-picker-controls__time--with-ampm__btn': props.ampm,
'v-time-picker-controls__time--with-seconds__btn': props.useSeconds
"text": props.hour == null ? '--' : pad(`${hour}`),
"onClick": () => emit('update:selecting', SelectingTimes.Hour)
}, null), _createVNode("span", {
"class": ['v-time-picker-controls__time__separator', {
'v-time-picker-controls--with-seconds__time__separator': props.useSeconds
}, [_createTextVNode(":")]), _createVNode(VBtn, {
"active": props.selecting === 2,
"color": props.selecting === 2 ? props.color : undefined,
"class": {
'v-time-picker-controls__time__btn': true,
'v-time-picker-controls__time__btn__active': props.selecting === 2,
'v-time-picker-controls__time--with-ampm__btn': props.ampm,
'v-time-picker-controls__time--with-seconds__btn': props.useSeconds
"disabled": props.disabled,
"variant": "tonal",
"text": props.minute == null ? '--' : pad(props.minute),
"onClick": () => emit('update:selecting', SelectingTimes.Minute)
}, null), props.useSeconds && _createVNode("span", {
"class": ['v-time-picker-controls__time__separator', {
'v-time-picker-controls--with-seconds__time__separator': props.useSeconds
"key": "secondsDivider"
}, [_createTextVNode(":")]), props.useSeconds && _createVNode(VBtn, {
"key": "secondsVal",
"variant": "tonal",
"onClick": () => emit('update:selecting', SelectingTimes.Second),
"class": {
'v-time-picker-controls__time__btn': true,
'v-time-picker-controls__time__btn__active': props.selecting === 3,
'v-time-picker-controls__time--with-seconds__btn': props.useSeconds
"disabled": props.disabled,
"text": props.second == null ? '--' : pad(props.second)
}, null), props.ampm && props.ampmInTitle && _createVNode("div", {
"class": ['v-time-picker-controls__ampm', {
'v-time-picker-controls__ampm--readonly': props.ampmReadonly
}, [_createVNode(VBtn, {
"active": props.period === 'am',
"color": props.period === 'am' ? props.color : undefined,
"class": {
'v-time-picker-controls__ampm__am': true,
'v-time-picker-controls__ampm__btn': true,
'v-time-picker-controls__ampm__btn__active': props.period === 'am'
"disabled": props.disabled,
"text": t('$'),
"variant": props.disabled && props.period === 'am' ? 'elevated' : 'tonal',
"onClick": () => props.period !== 'am' ? emit('update:period', 'am') : null
}, null), _createVNode(VBtn, {
"active": props.period === 'pm',
"color": props.period === 'pm' ? props.color : undefined,
"class": {
'v-time-picker-controls__ampm__pm': true,
'v-time-picker-controls__ampm__btn': true,
'v-time-picker-controls__ampm__btn__active': props.period === 'pm'
"disabled": props.disabled,
"text": t('$'),
"variant": props.disabled && props.period === 'pm' ? 'elevated' : 'tonal',
"onClick": () => props.period !== 'pm' ? emit('update:period', 'pm') : null
}, null)])])]);
return {};