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org.nd4j.autodiff.validation.GradCheckUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package org.nd4j.autodiff.validation;

import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.nd4j.autodiff.functions.DifferentialFunction;
import org.nd4j.autodiff.samediff.SDVariable;
import org.nd4j.autodiff.samediff.SameDiff;
import org.nd4j.autodiff.samediff.VariableType;
import org.nd4j.autodiff.samediff.internal.SameDiffOp;
import org.nd4j.autodiff.samediff.internal.Variable;
import org.nd4j.base.Preconditions;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.buffer.DataType;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.iter.NdIndexIterator;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.*;

 * Gradient check utility
 * @author Adam Gibson
public class GradCheckUtil {

    private static final boolean DEFAULT_PRINT = true;
    private static final boolean DEFAULT_EXIT_FIRST_FAILURE = false;
    private static final boolean DEFAULT_DEBUG_MODE = false;
    private static final double DEFAULT_EPS = 1e-5;
    private static final double DEFAULT_MAX_REL_ERROR = 1e-5;
    private static final double DEFAULT_MIN_ABS_ERROR = 1e-6;

    public static boolean checkGradients(TestCase t){
        return checkGradients(t.sameDiff(), t.placeholderValues(), t.gradCheckEpsilon(), t.gradCheckMaxRelativeError(), t.gradCheckMinAbsError(),
                t.gradCheckPrint(), t.gradCheckDefaultExitFirstFailure(), false, t.gradCheckDebugMode(), t.gradCheckSkipVariables(), t.gradCheckMask());

    public static boolean checkGradients(SameDiff sd, Map placeholderValues, String... skipVariables){
        Set skip = null;
        if(skipVariables != null){
            skip = new HashSet<>();
            Collections.addAll(skip, skipVariables);
                false, DEFAULT_DEBUG_MODE, skip, null);

    public static boolean checkGradients(SameDiff sd, Map placeholderValues, boolean print, boolean exitOnFirstFailure){
        return checkGradients(sd, placeholderValues, DEFAULT_EPS, DEFAULT_MAX_REL_ERROR, DEFAULT_MIN_ABS_ERROR, print, exitOnFirstFailure);

    public static boolean checkGradients(SameDiff sd, Map placeholderValues, double eps, double maxRelError, double minAbsError, boolean print,
                                         boolean exitOnFirstFailure) {
        return checkGradients(sd, placeholderValues, eps, maxRelError, minAbsError, print, exitOnFirstFailure, false, DEFAULT_DEBUG_MODE, null, null);

    public static boolean checkGradients(SameDiff sd, Map placeholderValues, double eps, double maxRelError, double minAbsError, boolean print,
                                         boolean exitOnFirstFailure, boolean skipValidation, boolean debugMode, Set skipVariables, Map gradCheckMask){

        boolean debugBefore = sd.isDebugMode();

        //Validation sanity checks:
            validateInternalState(sd, true);

        //Check data type:
        if(Nd4j.dataType() != DataType.DOUBLE){
            throw new IllegalStateException("Data type must be set to double");

        Set fnOutputs = new HashSet<>();
        for(DifferentialFunction f : sd.functions()){
            for(SDVariable s : f.outputVariables()){

        //Check that all non-Array type SDVariables have arrays associated with them
        for(Variable v : sd.getVariables().values()){
            if(v.getVariable().getVariableType() == VariableType.ARRAY){
                //OK if variable is not available for this, it'll be created during forward pass

            if(v.getVariable().getArr(true) == null){
                throw new IllegalStateException("Variable \"" + v.getName() + "\" does not have array associated with it");

        //Do forward pass, check that output is a scalar:
        List lossFnVariables = sd.getLossVariables();
        Preconditions.checkState(lossFnVariables != null && !lossFnVariables.isEmpty(), "Expected 1 or more loss function variables for gradient check, got %s", lossFnVariables);

        //TODO also check that all inputs are non-zero (otherwise: consider out = sum(x * y) with all x and y being 0
        // in this case, gradients of x and y are all 0 too

        //Collect variables to get gradients for - we want placeholders AND variables
        Set gradVarNames = new HashSet<>();
        for(Variable v : sd.getVariables().values()){
            if(v.getVariable().dataType().isFPType() && (v.getVariable().getVariableType() == VariableType.VARIABLE || v.getVariable().getVariableType() == VariableType.PLACEHOLDER)){
                SDVariable g = v.getVariable().getGradient();
                Preconditions.checkNotNull(g, "No gradient variable found for variable %s", v.getVariable());

        sd.execBackwards(placeholderValues, new ArrayList<>(gradVarNames));
        Map grad = new HashMap<>();
        for(SDVariable v : sd.variables()){
            if (fnOutputs.contains(v.getVarName())) {
                //This is not an input to the graph
                //Skip non-fp variables, or variables that don't impact loss function value
            SDVariable g = sd.grad(v.getVarName());
            if(g == null){
                throw new IllegalStateException("Null gradient variable for \"" + v.getVarName() + "\"");
            INDArray ga = g.getArr();
            if(ga == null){
                throw new IllegalStateException("Null gradient array encountered for variable: " + v.getVarName());
            if(!Arrays.equals(v.getArr().shape(), g.getArr().shape())){
                throw new IllegalStateException("Gradient shape does not match variable shape for variable \"" +
                    v.getVarName() + "\": shape " + Arrays.toString(v.getArr().shape()) + " vs. gradient shape " +
            grad.put(v.getVarName(), ga.dup());

        //Validate gradients for each variable:
        int totalNFailures = 0;
        int totalCount = 0;
        double maxError = 0.0;
        for(SDVariable s : sd.variables()){
            if (fnOutputs.contains(s.getVarName())) {
                //This is not an input to the graph

            if(skipVariables != null && skipVariables.contains(s.getVarName())){
      "Grad check: skipping variable \"{}\"", s.getVarName());

            String name = s.getVarName();
            INDArray a = s.getArr();
            long n = a.length();
      "Starting test for variable \"{}\" with {} values", s.getVarName(), n);

            NdIndexIterator iter = new NdIndexIterator('c',a.shape());

            INDArray varMask = (gradCheckMask == null ? null : gradCheckMask.get(s.getVarName()));

            if(varMask != null){
                Preconditions.checkState(a.equalShapes(varMask), "Variable \"%s\": Gradient check mask and array shapes must be equal: got %s vs. mask shape %s", s.getVarName(), a.shape(), varMask.shape());
                Preconditions.checkState(varMask.dataType() == DataType.BOOL, "Variable \"%s\": Gradient check mask must be BOOLEAN datatype, got %s", s.getVarName(), varMask.dataType());

            int i=0;
                long[] idx =;
                String strIdx = null;
                    strIdx = Arrays.toString(idx).replaceAll(" ","");

                boolean maskValue = (varMask == null || (varMask.getDouble(idx) != 0));
                    //Skip this specific entry (masked out)

                double orig = a.getDouble(idx);
                a.putScalar(idx, orig+eps);
                double scorePlus = 0.0;
                Map m = sd.exec(placeholderValues, lossFnVariables);//.get(outName).sumNumber().doubleValue();
                for(INDArray arr : m.values()){
                    scorePlus += arr.sumNumber().doubleValue();
                a.putScalar(idx, orig-eps);
                m = sd.exec(placeholderValues, lossFnVariables);
                double scoreMinus = 0.0;
                for(INDArray arr : m.values()){
                    scoreMinus += arr.sumNumber().doubleValue();
                a.putScalar(idx, orig);

                double numericalGrad = (scorePlus - scoreMinus) / (2 * eps);
                INDArray aGrad = grad.get(s.getVarName());
                double analyticGrad = aGrad.getDouble(idx);

                if (Double.isInfinite(numericalGrad) || Double.isNaN(numericalGrad)) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Numerical gradient was " + numericalGrad + " for variable \"" + name
                            + "\", parameter " + i + " of " + n + " (position: " + strIdx + ")");
                if (Double.isInfinite(analyticGrad) || Double.isNaN(analyticGrad)) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Analytic (SameDiff) gradient was " + analyticGrad + " for variable \"" + name
                            + "\", parameter " + i + " of " + n + " (position: " + strIdx + ")");

                double relError;
                if(numericalGrad == 0.0 && analyticGrad == 0.0){
                    relError = 0.0;
                } else {
                    relError = Math.abs(analyticGrad - numericalGrad) / (Math.abs(Math.abs(analyticGrad) + Math.abs(numericalGrad)));

                if (relError > maxError)
                    maxError = relError;

                if (relError > maxRelError || Double.isNaN(relError)) {
                    double absError = Math.abs(analyticGrad - numericalGrad);
                    if (absError < minAbsError) {
                        if(print) {
                  "Param " + i + " (" + name + strIdx + ") passed: grad= " + analyticGrad
                                    + ", numericalGrad= " + numericalGrad + ", relError= " + relError
                                    + "; absolute error = " + absError + " < minAbsoluteError = " + minAbsError);
                    } else {
                        if (print)
                  "Param " + i + " (" + name + strIdx + ") FAILED: grad= " + analyticGrad
                                    + ", numericalGrad= " + numericalGrad + ", relError= " + relError
                                    + ", absError=" + absError
                                    + ", scorePlus=" + scorePlus + ", scoreMinus= " + scoreMinus);
                        if (exitOnFirstFailure)
                            return false;
                } else if (print) {
          "Param " + i + " (" + name + strIdx + ") passed: grad= " + analyticGrad + ", numericalGrad= "
                            + numericalGrad + ", relError= " + relError);

        if (print) {
            int nPass = totalCount - totalNFailures;
  "GradCheckUtil.checkGradients(): " + totalCount + " params checked, " + nPass + " passed, "
                    + totalNFailures + " failed. Largest relative error = " + maxError);

        if(debugMode && !debugBefore){

        return totalNFailures == 0;

    public static void validateInternalState(SameDiff sd, boolean generateAndCheckGradFn){

        Some conditions that should always hold:
        1. incomingArgsReverse and outgoingArgsReverse:
            (a) all differential functions should be present here exactly once
            (b) The values should be valid variable names
        2. variableMap: should contain all variables, and only all variables
        3. functionArgsFor should contain all variables, all functions... same for functionOutputsFor
        4. Gradient function: should contain all of the existing functions, and more

        DifferentialFunction[] dfs = sd.functions();
        List vars = sd.variables();

        Set varsSet = new HashSet<>(vars);
        Preconditions.checkState(vars.size() == varsSet.size(), "Duplicate variables in variables() list");
        Set varSetStr = new HashSet<>();
        for(SDVariable v : vars){
                throw new IllegalStateException("Variable with name " + v.getVarName() + " already encountered");

        //1. Check incomingArgsReverse and outgoingArgsReverse
        Map ops = sd.getOps();
        Preconditions.checkState(dfs.length == ops.size(), "All functions not present in incomingArgsReverse");
        for(DifferentialFunction df : dfs){
            Preconditions.checkState(ops.containsKey(df.getOwnName()), df.getOwnName() + " not present in ops map");

            List str = ops.get(df.getOwnName()).getInputsToOp();
            if(str != null) {
                for (String s : str) {
                    Preconditions.checkState(varSetStr.contains(s), "Variable " + s + " in op inputs not a known variable name");

            str = ops.get(df.getOwnName()).getOutputsOfOp();
            if(str != null) {
                for (String s : str) {
                    Preconditions.checkState(varSetStr.contains(s), "Variable " + s + " in op outputs not a known variable name");

        //Also check that outgoingArgsReverse values are unique: i.e., shouldn't have the same op appearing multiple times
        Map seen = new HashMap<>();
        for(Map.Entry e : ops.entrySet()){
            List varNames = e.getValue().getOutputsOfOp();
            if(varNames != null) {
                for (String s : varNames) {
                    if (seen.containsKey(s)) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Already saw variable \"" + s + "\" as output for op \"" + seen.get(s)
                                + "\": expected variables to be present as an output only once; also seen as output for op \"" +
                                e.getKey() + "\"");
                    seen.put(s, e.getKey());

        //2. Check variableMap
        Map variableMap = sd.getVariables();
        Preconditions.checkState(vars.size() == variableMap.size(), "Variable map size check failed");
        for(Map.Entry e : variableMap.entrySet()){
            Preconditions.checkState(e.getKey().equals(e.getValue().getVariable().getVarName()), "Name not equal");

        if(generateAndCheckGradFn) {
            //3. Check gradient function
            if(sd.getFunction("grad") == null){

            SameDiff gradFn = sd.getFunction("grad");
            //Run same validation for gradient fn...
            validateInternalState(gradFn, false);

            //Check that all original functions are present in the gradient function
            for(DifferentialFunction dfOrig : dfs){
                Preconditions.checkNotNull(gradFn.getFunctionById(dfOrig.getOwnName()), "DifferentialFunction " + dfOrig.getOwnName()
                        + " from original SameDiff instance not present in grad fn");

    private static  T getObject(String fieldName, Object from, Class fromClass){
        try {
            Field f = fromClass.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
            return (T)f.get(from);
        } catch (Exception e){
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

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