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* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package org.nd4j.linalg.api.blas.impl;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.blas.Lapack;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.buffer.DataType;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.linalg.exception.ND4JArraySizeException;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j;
* Base lapack define float and double versions.
* @author Adam Gibson
* @author rcorbish
public abstract class BaseLapack implements Lapack {
public INDArray getrf(INDArray A) {
if (A.rows() > Integer.MAX_VALUE || A.columns() > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new ND4JArraySizeException();
int m = (int) A.rows();
int n = (int) A.columns();
INDArray INFO = Nd4j.createArrayFromShapeBuffer(Nd4j.getDataBufferFactory().createInt(1),
Nd4j.getShapeInfoProvider().createShapeInformation(new long[] {1, 1}, A.dataType()).getFirst());
int mn = Math.min(m, n);
INDArray IPIV = Nd4j.createArrayFromShapeBuffer(Nd4j.getDataBufferFactory().createInt(mn),
Nd4j.getShapeInfoProvider().createShapeInformation(new long[] {1, mn}, A.dataType()).getFirst());
if ( == DataType.DOUBLE)
dgetrf(m, n, A, IPIV, INFO);
else if ( == DataType.FLOAT)
sgetrf(m, n, A, IPIV, INFO);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
if (INFO.getInt(0) < 0) {
throw new Error("Parameter #" + INFO.getInt(0) + " to getrf() was not valid");
} else if (INFO.getInt(0) > 0) {
log.warn("The matrix is singular - cannot be used for inverse op. Check L matrix at row " + INFO.getInt(0));
return IPIV;
* Float/Double versions of LU decomp.
* This is the official LAPACK interface (in case you want to call this directly)
* See getrf for full details on LU Decomp
* @param M the number of rows in the matrix A
* @param N the number of cols in the matrix A
* @param A the matrix to factorize - data must be in column order ( create with 'f' ordering )
* @param IPIV an output array for the permutations ( must be int based storage )
* @param INFO error details 1 int array, a positive number (i) implies row i cannot be factored, a negative value implies paramtere i is invalid
public abstract void sgetrf(int M, int N, INDArray A, INDArray IPIV, INDArray INFO);
public abstract void dgetrf(int M, int N, INDArray A, INDArray IPIV, INDArray INFO);
public void potrf(INDArray A, boolean lower) {
if (A.columns() > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new ND4JArraySizeException();
byte uplo = (byte) (lower ? 'L' : 'U'); // upper or lower part of the factor desired ?
int n = (int) A.columns();
INDArray INFO = Nd4j.createArrayFromShapeBuffer(Nd4j.getDataBufferFactory().createInt(1),
Nd4j.getShapeInfoProvider().createShapeInformation(new long[] {1, 1}, A.dataType()).getFirst());
if ( == DataType.DOUBLE)
dpotrf(uplo, n, A, INFO);
else if ( == DataType.FLOAT)
spotrf(uplo, n, A, INFO);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
if (INFO.getInt(0) < 0) {
throw new Error("Parameter #" + INFO.getInt(0) + " to potrf() was not valid");
} else if (INFO.getInt(0) > 0) {
throw new Error("The matrix is not positive definite! (potrf fails @ order " + INFO.getInt(0) + ")");
* Float/Double versions of cholesky decomp for positive definite matrices
* A = LL*
* @param uplo which factor to return L or U
* @param A the matrix to factorize - data must be in column order ( create with 'f' ordering )
* @param INFO error details 1 int array, a positive number (i) implies row i cannot be factored, a negative value implies paramtere i is invalid
public abstract void spotrf(byte uplo, int N, INDArray A, INDArray INFO);
public abstract void dpotrf(byte uplo, int N, INDArray A, INDArray INFO);
public void geqrf(INDArray A, INDArray R) {
if (A.rows() > Integer.MAX_VALUE || A.columns() > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new ND4JArraySizeException();
int m = (int) A.rows();
int n = (int) A.columns();
INDArray INFO = Nd4j.createArrayFromShapeBuffer(Nd4j.getDataBufferFactory().createInt(1),
Nd4j.getShapeInfoProvider().createShapeInformation(new long[] {1, 1}, A.dataType()).getFirst());
if (R.rows() != A.columns() || R.columns() != A.columns()) {
throw new Error("geqrf: R must be N x N (n = columns in A)");
if ( == DataType.DOUBLE) {
dgeqrf(m, n, A, R, INFO);
} else if ( == DataType.FLOAT) {
sgeqrf(m, n, A, R, INFO);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
if (INFO.getInt(0) < 0) {
throw new Error("Parameter #" + INFO.getInt(0) + " to getrf() was not valid");
* Float/Double versions of QR decomp.
* This is the official LAPACK interface (in case you want to call this directly)
* See geqrf for full details on LU Decomp
* @param M the number of rows in the matrix A
* @param N the number of cols in the matrix A
* @param A the matrix to factorize - data must be in column order ( create with 'f' ordering )
* @param R an output array for other part of factorization
* @param INFO error details 1 int array, a positive number (i) implies row i cannot be factored, a negative value implies paramtere i is invalid
public abstract void sgeqrf(int M, int N, INDArray A, INDArray R, INDArray INFO);
public abstract void dgeqrf(int M, int N, INDArray A, INDArray R, INDArray INFO);
public int syev(char jobz, char uplo, INDArray A, INDArray V) {
if (A.rows() != A.columns()) {
throw new Error("syev: A must be square.");
if (A.rows() != V.length()) {
throw new Error("syev: V must be the length of the matrix dimension.");
if (A.rows() > Integer.MAX_VALUE || A.columns() > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new ND4JArraySizeException();
int status = -1;
if ( == DataType.DOUBLE) {
status = dsyev(jobz, uplo, (int) A.rows(), A, V);
} else if ( == DataType.FLOAT) {
status = ssyev(jobz, uplo, (int) A.rows(), A, V);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return status;
* Float/Double versions of eigen value/vector calc.
* @param jobz 'N' - no eigen vectors, 'V' - return eigenvectors
* @param uplo upper or lower part of symmetric matrix to use
* @param N the number of rows & cols in the matrix A
* @param A the matrix to calculate eigenvectors
* @param R an output array for eigenvalues ( may be null )
public abstract int ssyev(char jobz, char uplo, int N, INDArray A, INDArray R);
public abstract int dsyev(char jobz, char uplo, int N, INDArray A, INDArray R);
public void gesvd(INDArray A, INDArray S, INDArray U, INDArray VT) {
if (A.rows() > Integer.MAX_VALUE || A.columns() > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new ND4JArraySizeException();
int m = (int) A.rows();
int n = (int) A.columns();
byte jobu = (byte) (U == null ? 'N' : 'A');
byte jobvt = (byte) (VT == null ? 'N' : 'A');
INDArray INFO = Nd4j.createArrayFromShapeBuffer(Nd4j.getDataBufferFactory().createInt(1),
Nd4j.getShapeInfoProvider().createShapeInformation(new long[] {1, 1}, DataType.INT).getFirst());
if ( == DataType.DOUBLE)
dgesvd(jobu, jobvt, m, n, A, S, U, VT, INFO);
else if ( == DataType.FLOAT)
sgesvd(jobu, jobvt, m, n, A, S, U, VT, INFO);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
if (INFO.getInt(0) < 0) {
throw new Error("Parameter #" + INFO.getInt(0) + " to gesvd() was not valid");
} else if (INFO.getInt(0) > 0) {
log.warn("The matrix contains singular elements. Check S matrix at row " + INFO.getInt(0));
public abstract void sgesvd(byte jobu, byte jobvt, int M, int N, INDArray A, INDArray S, INDArray U, INDArray VT,
public abstract void dgesvd(byte jobu, byte jobvt, int M, int N, INDArray A, INDArray S, INDArray U, INDArray VT,
public INDArray getPFactor(int M, INDArray ipiv) {
// The simplest permutation is the identity matrix
INDArray P = Nd4j.eye(M); // result is a square matrix with given size
for (int i = 0; i < ipiv.length(); i++) {
int pivot = ipiv.getInt(i) - 1; // Did we swap row #i with anything?
if (pivot > i) { // don't reswap when we get lower down in the vector
INDArray v1 = P.getColumn(i).dup(); // because of row vs col major order we'll ...
INDArray v2 = P.getColumn(pivot); // ... make a transposed matrix immediately
P.putColumn(i, v2);
P.putColumn(pivot, v1); // note dup() above is required - getColumn() is a 'view'
return P; // the permutation matrix - contains a single 1 in any row and column
/* TODO: consider doing this in place to save memory. This implies U is taken out first
L is the same shape as the input matrix. Just the lower triangular with a diagonal of 1s
public INDArray getLFactor(INDArray A) {
if (A.rows() > Integer.MAX_VALUE || A.columns() > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new ND4JArraySizeException();
int m = (int) A.rows();
int n = (int) A.columns();
INDArray L = Nd4j.create(m, n);
for (int r = 0; r < m; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < n; c++) {
if (r > c && r < m && c < n) {
L.putScalar(r, c, A.getFloat(r, c));
} else if (r < c) {
L.putScalar(r, c, 0.f);
} else {
L.putScalar(r, c, 1.f);
return L;
public INDArray getUFactor(INDArray A) {
if (A.rows() > Integer.MAX_VALUE || A.columns() > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new ND4JArraySizeException();
int m = (int) A.rows();
int n = (int) A.columns();
INDArray U = Nd4j.create(n, n);
for (int r = 0; r < n; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < n; c++) {
if (r <= c && r < m && c < n) {
U.putScalar(r, c, A.getFloat(r, c));
} else {
U.putScalar(r, c, 0.f);
return U;