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package org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans
import org.neo4j.common.EntityType
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.CachedProperty
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.Expression
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.LabelToken
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.PropertyKeyToken
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.RelationshipTypeToken
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.Foldable
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.Foldable.TraverseChildren
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.Rewritable
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.Rewritable.IteratorEq
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.attribution.Id
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.attribution.IdGen
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.attribution.Identifiable
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.attribution.SameId
import org.neo4j.exceptions.InternalException
import org.neo4j.graphdb.schema.IndexType
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
object LogicalPlan {
A LogicalPlan is an algebraic query, which is represented by a query tree whose leaves are database relations and
non-leaf nodes are algebraic operators like selections, projections, and joins. An intermediate node indicates the
application of the corresponding operator on the relations generated by its children, the result of which is then sent
further up. Thus, the edges of a tree represent data flow from bottom to top, i.e., from the leaves, which correspond
to data in the database, to the root, which is the final operator producing the query answer. */
abstract class LogicalPlan(idGen: IdGen)
extends Product
with Foldable
with Rewritable
with Identifiable {
self =>
def lhs: Option[LogicalPlan]
def rhs: Option[LogicalPlan]
def availableSymbols: Set[String]
override val id: Id =
override val hashCode: Int = MurmurHash3.productHash(self)
override def equals(obj: scala.Any): Boolean = {
if (!obj.isInstanceOf[LogicalPlan]) false
else {
val otherPlan = obj.asInstanceOf[LogicalPlan]
if (this.eq(otherPlan)) return true
if (this.getClass != otherPlan.getClass) return false
val stack = new mutable.ArrayStack[(Iterator[Any], Iterator[Any])]()
var p1 = this.productIterator
var p2 = otherPlan.productIterator
while (p1.hasNext && p2.hasNext) {
val continue =
(, match {
case (lp1:LogicalPlan, lp2:LogicalPlan) =>
if (lp1.getClass != lp2.getClass) {
} else {
stack.push((p1, p2))
p1 = lp1.productIterator
p2 = lp2.productIterator
case (_:LogicalPlan, _) => false
case (_, _:LogicalPlan) => false
case (a1, a2) => a1 == a2
if (!continue) return false
while (!p1.hasNext && !p2.hasNext && stack.nonEmpty) {
val (p1New, p2New) = stack.pop
p1 = p1New
p2 = p2New
p1.isEmpty && p2.isEmpty
def leaves: Seq[LogicalPlan] = this.folder.treeFold(Seq.empty[LogicalPlan]) {
case plan: LogicalPlan
if plan.lhs.isEmpty && plan.rhs.isEmpty => acc => TraverseChildren(acc :+ plan)
final def leftmostLeaf: LogicalPlan = lhs match {
case Some(plan) => plan.leftmostLeaf
case None => this
def copyPlanWithIdGen(idGen: IdGen): LogicalPlan = {
try {
val arguments = this.treeChildren.toList :+ idGen
copyConstructor.invoke(this, arguments: _*).asInstanceOf[this.type]
} catch {
case e: IllegalArgumentException if e.getMessage.startsWith("wrong number of arguments") =>
throw new InternalException("Logical plans need to be case classes, and have the IdGen in a separate constructor", e)
lazy val copyConstructor: Method = this.getClass.getMethods.find(_.getName == "copy").get
def dup(children: Seq[AnyRef]): this.type =
if (children.iterator eqElements this.treeChildren) {
} else {
val constructor = this.copyConstructor
val params = constructor.getParameterTypes
val args = children.toIndexedSeq
val resultingPlan =
if (params.length == args.length + 1
&& params.last.isAssignableFrom(classOf[IdGen]))
constructor.invoke(this, args :+ SameId( _*).asInstanceOf[this.type]
else if ((params.length == args.length + 2)
&& params(params.length - 2).isAssignableFrom(classOf[SinglePlannerQuery])
&& params(params.length - 1).isAssignableFrom(classOf[IdGen]))
constructor.invoke(this, args :+ SameId( _*).asInstanceOf[this.type]
constructor.invoke(this, args: _*).asInstanceOf[this.type]
def isLeaf: Boolean = lhs.isEmpty && rhs.isEmpty
override def toString: String = {
def indent(level: Int, in: String): String = level match {
case 0 => in
case _ => System.lineSeparator() + " " * level + in
val childrenHeap = new mutable.ArrayStack[(String, Int, Option[LogicalPlan])]
childrenHeap.push(("", 0, Some(this)))
val sb = new StringBuilder()
while (childrenHeap.nonEmpty) {
childrenHeap.pop() match {
case (prefix, level, Some(plan)) =>
val children = plan.lhs.toIndexedSeq ++ plan.rhs.toIndexedSeq
val nonChildFields = plan.productIterator.filterNot(children.contains).mkString(", ")
val prodPrefix = plan.productPrefix
sb.append(indent(level, s"""$prefix$prodPrefix($nonChildFields) {""".stripMargin))
(plan.lhs, plan.rhs) match {
case (None, None) =>
case (Some(_), None) =>
childrenHeap.push((System.lineSeparator() + " " * level + "}", level + 1, None))
childrenHeap.push(("LHS -> ", level + 1, plan.lhs))
case _ =>
childrenHeap.push((System.lineSeparator() + " " * level + "}", level + 1, None))
childrenHeap.push(("RHS -> ", level + 1, plan.rhs))
childrenHeap.push(("LHS -> ", level + 1, plan.lhs))
case (prefix, _, _) =>
def satisfiesExpressionDependencies(e: Expression): Boolean =
def debugId: String = f"0x$hashCode%08x"
def flatten: Seq[LogicalPlan] = Flattener.create(this)
def indexUsage(): Seq[IndexUsage] = {
this.folder.fold(Seq.empty[IndexUsage]) {
case MultiNodeIndexSeek(indexPlans) =>
acc => acc ++ indexPlans.flatMap(_.indexUsage())
case NodeByLabelScan(idName, _, _, _) =>
acc => acc :+ SchemaIndexLookupUsage(idName, EntityType.NODE)
case DirectedRelationshipTypeScan(idName, _, _, _, _, _) =>
acc => acc :+ SchemaIndexLookupUsage(idName, EntityType.RELATIONSHIP)
case UndirectedRelationshipTypeScan(idName, _, _, _, _, _) =>
acc => acc :+ SchemaIndexLookupUsage(idName, EntityType.RELATIONSHIP)
case relIndexScan: RelationshipIndexLeafPlan =>
acc =>
acc :+
case nodeIndexPlan: NodeIndexLeafPlan =>
acc =>
acc :+
// Marker interface for all plans that aggregate inputs.
trait AggregatingPlan extends LogicalPlan {
def groupingExpressions: Map[String, Expression]
def aggregationExpressions: Map[String, Expression]
* Adds grouping expressions to this plan.
* If the plan already has grouping expressions with the same keys, they are overridden.
def addGroupingExpressions(newGroupingExpressions: Map[String, Expression]): AggregatingPlan
// Marker interface for all plans that performs updates
trait UpdatingPlan extends LogicalUnaryPlan {
override def withLhs(source: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): UpdatingPlan
// Marker trait for relationship type scans
trait RelationshipTypeScan {
def idName: String
abstract class LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalPlan(idGen) {
final def lhs: Option[LogicalPlan] = Some(left)
final def rhs: Option[LogicalPlan] = Some(right)
def left: LogicalPlan
def right: LogicalPlan
* A copy of this plan with a new LHS
def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan
* A copy of this plan with a new LHS
def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan
abstract class LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalPlan(idGen) {
final def lhs: Option[LogicalPlan] = Some(source)
final def rhs: Option[LogicalPlan] = None
def source: LogicalPlan
* A copy of this plan with a new LHS
def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan
abstract class LogicalLeafPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalPlan(idGen) {
final def lhs: Option[LogicalPlan] = None
final def rhs: Option[LogicalPlan] = None
def argumentIds: Set[String]
def usedVariables: Set[String]
def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[String]): LogicalLeafPlan
def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[String]): LogicalLeafPlan
abstract class NodeLogicalLeafPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalLeafPlan(idGen) {
def idName: String
abstract class RelationshipLogicalLeafPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalLeafPlan(idGen) {
def idName: String
def leftNode: String
def rightNode: String
abstract class MultiNodeLogicalLeafPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalLeafPlan(idGen) {
def idNames: Set[String]
trait IndexedPropertyProvidingPlan {
* All properties
def properties: Seq[IndexedProperty]
* Indexed properties that will be retrieved from the index and cached in the row.
def cachedProperties: Seq[CachedProperty]
* Create a copy of this plan, swapping out the properties
def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): IndexedPropertyProvidingPlan
* Get a copy of this index plan where getting values is disabled
def copyWithoutGettingValues: IndexedPropertyProvidingPlan
abstract class NodeIndexLeafPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends NodeLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with IndexedPropertyProvidingPlan {
def label: LabelToken
override def cachedProperties: Seq[CachedProperty] = properties.flatMap(_.maybeCachedProperty(idName))
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): NodeIndexLeafPlan
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: NodeIndexLeafPlan
def indexType: IndexType
abstract class RelationshipIndexLeafPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends RelationshipLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with IndexedPropertyProvidingPlan {
def typeToken: RelationshipTypeToken
override def cachedProperties: Seq[CachedProperty] = properties.flatMap(_.maybeCachedProperty(idName))
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): RelationshipIndexLeafPlan
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: RelationshipIndexLeafPlan
def indexType: IndexType
abstract class MultiNodeIndexLeafPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends MultiNodeLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with IndexedPropertyProvidingPlan {
abstract class NodeIndexSeekLeafPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends NodeIndexLeafPlan(idGen) {
def valueExpr: QueryExpression[Expression]
def properties: Seq[IndexedProperty]
def indexOrder: IndexOrder
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): NodeIndexSeekLeafPlan
case object Flattener extends LogicalPlans.Mapper[Seq[LogicalPlan]] {
override def onLeaf(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq(plan)
override def onOneChildPlan(plan: LogicalPlan, source: Seq[LogicalPlan]): Seq[LogicalPlan] = plan +: source
override def onTwoChildPlan(plan: LogicalPlan, lhs: Seq[LogicalPlan], rhs: Seq[LogicalPlan]): Seq[LogicalPlan] = (plan +: lhs) ++ rhs
def create(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[LogicalPlan] =, this)
sealed trait IndexUsage {
def identifier:String
final case class SchemaLabelIndexUsage(identifier: String, labelId: Int, label: String, propertyTokens: Seq[PropertyKeyToken]) extends IndexUsage
final case class SchemaRelationshipIndexUsage(identifier: String, relTypeId: Int, relType: String, propertyTokens: Seq[PropertyKeyToken]) extends IndexUsage
final case class SchemaIndexLookupUsage(identifier: String, entityType: EntityType) extends IndexUsage