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* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
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* This file is part of Neo4j.
* Neo4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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package org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans
import org.neo4j.common.EntityType
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.CommandResultItem
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.GraphReference
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.ShowColumn
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.SubqueryCall.InTransactionsOnErrorBehaviour
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.SubqueryCall.InTransactionsOnErrorBehaviour.OnErrorFail
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.ASTCachedProperty
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.Ands
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.CachedProperty
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.Equals
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.Expression
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.LabelName
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.LabelToken
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.LogicalProperty
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.LogicalVariable
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.Parameter
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.PropertyKeyName
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.PropertyKeyToken
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.RelTypeName
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.RelationshipTypeToken
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.SemanticDirection
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.Variable
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.VariableGrouping
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.frontend.phases.ResolvedCall
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans.Expand.ExpandAll
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans.Expand.ExpandInto
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans.Expand.ExpansionMode
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans.Expand.VariablePredicate
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans.FindShortestPaths.DisallowSameNode
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans.FindShortestPaths.SameNodeMode
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans.LogicalPlan.VERBOSE_TO_STRING
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans.Prober.Probe
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans.StatefulShortestPath.LengthBounds
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans.StatefulShortestPath.Mapping
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.macros.AssertMacros
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.CancellationChecker
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.Foldable
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.Foldable.TraverseChildren
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.InputPosition
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.Repetition
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.Rewritable
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.Rewritable.IteratorEq
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.attribution.Id
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.attribution.IdGen
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.attribution.Identifiable
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.attribution.SameId
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.collection.immutable.ListSet
import org.neo4j.exceptions.InternalException
import org.neo4j.exceptions.ShortestPathCommonEndNodesForbiddenException
import org.neo4j.graphdb.schema.IndexType
import org.neo4j.util.Preconditions
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
// -------
// -------
case object Flattener extends LogicalPlans.Mapper[Seq[LogicalPlan]] {
override def onLeaf(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq(plan)
override def onOneChildPlan(plan: LogicalPlan, source: Seq[LogicalPlan]): Seq[LogicalPlan] = plan +: source
override def onTwoChildPlan(plan: LogicalPlan, lhs: Seq[LogicalPlan], rhs: Seq[LogicalPlan]): Seq[LogicalPlan] =
(plan +: lhs) ++ rhs
def create(plan: LogicalPlan, cancellationChecker: CancellationChecker): Seq[LogicalPlan] =, this)(cancellationChecker)
sealed trait IndexUsage {
def identifier: LogicalVariable
final case class SchemaLabelIndexUsage(
identifier: LogicalVariable,
labelId: Int,
label: String,
propertyTokens: Seq[PropertyKeyToken]
) extends IndexUsage
final case class SchemaRelationshipIndexUsage(
identifier: LogicalVariable,
relTypeId: Int,
relType: String,
propertyTokens: Seq[PropertyKeyToken]
) extends IndexUsage
final case class SchemaIndexLookupUsage(identifier: LogicalVariable, entityType: EntityType) extends IndexUsage
trait IndexSeekNames {
// ---------------------------------
// ---------------------------------
object LogicalPlan {
* A LogicalPlan is an algebraic query, which is represented by a query tree whose leaves are database relations and
* non-leaf nodes are algebraic operators like selections, projections, and joins. An intermediate node indicates the
* application of the corresponding operator on the relations generated by its children, the result of which is then sent
* further up. Thus, the edges of a tree represent data flow from bottom to top, i.e., from the leaves, which correspond
* to data in the database, to the root, which is the final operator producing the query answer.
sealed abstract class LogicalPlan(idGen: IdGen)
extends Product
with Foldable
with Rewritable
with Identifiable {
self =>
def lhs: Option[LogicalPlan]
def rhs: Option[LogicalPlan]
def availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable]
val distinctness: Distinctness
override val id: Id =
override val hashCode: Int = MurmurHash3.productHash(self)
override def equals(obj: scala.Any): Boolean = {
if (!obj.isInstanceOf[LogicalPlan]) false
else {
val otherPlan = obj.asInstanceOf[LogicalPlan]
if (this.eq(otherPlan)) return true
if (this.getClass != otherPlan.getClass) return false
val stack = new mutable.Stack[(Iterator[Any], Iterator[Any])]()
var p1 = this.productIterator
var p2 = otherPlan.productIterator
while (p1.hasNext && p2.hasNext) {
val continue =
(, match {
case (lp1: LogicalPlan, lp2: LogicalPlan) =>
if (lp1.getClass != lp2.getClass) {
} else {
stack.push((p1, p2))
p1 = lp1.productIterator
p2 = lp2.productIterator
case (_: LogicalPlan, _) => false
case (_, _: LogicalPlan) => false
case (a1, a2) => a1 == a2
if (!continue) return false
while (!p1.hasNext && !p2.hasNext && stack.nonEmpty) {
val (p1New, p2New) = stack.pop()
p1 = p1New
p2 = p2New
p1.isEmpty && p2.isEmpty
def leaves: Seq[LogicalPlan] = this.folder.treeFold(Seq.empty[LogicalPlan]) {
case plan: LogicalPlan if plan.lhs.isEmpty && plan.rhs.isEmpty => acc => TraverseChildren(acc :+ plan)
final def leftmostLeaf: LogicalPlan = lhs match {
case Some(plan) => plan.leftmostLeaf
case None => this
def copyPlanWithIdGen(idGen: IdGen): LogicalPlan = {
try {
val arguments = this.treeChildren.toList :+ idGen
copyConstructor.invoke(this, arguments: _*).asInstanceOf[this.type]
} catch {
case e: IllegalArgumentException if e.getMessage.startsWith("wrong number of arguments") =>
throw new InternalException(
"Logical plans need to be case classes, and have the IdGen in a separate constructor",
lazy val copyConstructor: Method = this.getClass.getMethods.find(_.getName == "copy").get
def dup(children: Seq[AnyRef]): this.type =
if (children.iterator eqElements this.treeChildren) {
} else {
val constructor = this.copyConstructor
val params = constructor.getParameterTypes
val args = children.toIndexedSeq
val resultingPlan =
if (
params.length == args.length + 1
&& params.last.isAssignableFrom(classOf[IdGen])
constructor.invoke(this, args :+ SameId( _*).asInstanceOf[this.type]
else if (
(params.length == args.length + 2)
&& params(params.length - 2).isAssignableFrom(classOf[SinglePlannerQuery])
&& params(params.length - 1).isAssignableFrom(classOf[IdGen])
constructor.invoke(this, args :+ SameId( _*).asInstanceOf[this.type]
constructor.invoke(this, args: _*).asInstanceOf[this.type]
def isLeaf: Boolean = lhs.isEmpty && rhs.isEmpty
override def toString: String = {
} else {
def verboseToString: String = {
def planRepresentation(plan: LogicalPlan): String = {
val children = plan.lhs.toIndexedSeq ++ plan.rhs.toIndexedSeq
val nonChildFields = plan.productIterator.filterNot(children.contains).mkString(", ")
val prodPrefix = plan.productPrefix
LogicalPlanTreeRenderer.render(this, "| ", planRepresentation)
def satisfiesExpressionDependencies(e: Expression): Boolean =
def debugId: String = f"0x$hashCode%08x"
def flatten(cancellationChecker: CancellationChecker): Seq[LogicalPlan] = Flattener.create(this, cancellationChecker)
* @return `true` if this plan can perform updates.
* Recurses into child plans.
def readOnly: Boolean = !this.folder.treeExists {
case p: LogicalPlan => p.isUpdatingPlan
* @return `true` if this plan can perform updates.
* Does not recurse into child plans.
def isUpdatingPlan: Boolean = this match {
case _: UpdatingPlan => true
case procedureCall: ProcedureCall =>
case _ => false
def indexUsage(): Seq[IndexUsage] = {
this.folder.fold(Seq.empty[IndexUsage]) {
case MultiNodeIndexSeek(indexPlans) =>
acc => acc ++ indexPlans.flatMap(_.indexUsage())
case NodeByLabelScan(idName, _, _, _) =>
acc => acc :+ SchemaIndexLookupUsage(idName, EntityType.NODE)
case PartitionedNodeByLabelScan(idName, _, _) =>
acc => acc :+ SchemaIndexLookupUsage(idName, EntityType.NODE)
case DirectedRelationshipTypeScan(idName, _, _, _, _, _) =>
acc => acc :+ SchemaIndexLookupUsage(idName, EntityType.RELATIONSHIP)
case UndirectedRelationshipTypeScan(idName, _, _, _, _, _) =>
acc => acc :+ SchemaIndexLookupUsage(idName, EntityType.RELATIONSHIP)
case PartitionedDirectedRelationshipTypeScan(idName, _, _, _, _) =>
acc => acc :+ SchemaIndexLookupUsage(idName, EntityType.RELATIONSHIP)
case PartitionedUndirectedRelationshipTypeScan(idName, _, _, _, _) =>
acc => acc :+ SchemaIndexLookupUsage(idName, EntityType.RELATIONSHIP)
case relIndexScan: RelationshipIndexLeafPlan =>
acc =>
acc :+
case nodeIndexPlan: NodeIndexLeafPlan =>
acc =>
acc :+
// Marker interface for all plans that aggregate inputs.
sealed trait AggregatingPlan extends LogicalPlan {
def groupingExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression]
def aggregationExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression]
def orderToLeverage: Seq[Expression]
* Adds grouping expressions to this plan.
* If the plan already has grouping expressions with the same keys, they are overridden.
def addGroupingExpressions(newGroupingExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression]): AggregatingPlan
def withNewExpressions(
newGroupingExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression],
newAggregationExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression] = Map.empty[LogicalVariable, Expression],
newOrderToLeverage: Seq[Expression] = Seq.empty[Expression]
)(idGen: IdGen): AggregatingPlan
* Marker interface for all plans that performs updates.
* This does not include write procedure calls.
* So, to exhaustively check for all plans that can perform updates,
* you have to include [[ProcedureCall]] if `!`.
* [[LogicalPlan.isUpdatingPlan]] does that check for you if needed.
sealed trait UpdatingPlan extends LogicalUnaryPlan {
override def withLhs(source: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): UpdatingPlan
final override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
// Marker trait for relationship type scans
sealed trait RelationshipTypeScan {
def idName: LogicalVariable
sealed abstract class LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalPlan(idGen) {
final lazy val hasUpdatingRhs: Boolean = !right.readOnly
final def lhs: Option[LogicalPlan] = Some(left)
final def rhs: Option[LogicalPlan] = Some(right)
def left: LogicalPlan
def right: LogicalPlan
* A copy of this plan with a new LHS
def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan
* A copy of this plan with a new LHS
def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan
object LogicalUnaryPlan {
def unapply(v: LogicalPlan): Option[LogicalPlan] = v match {
case lup: LogicalUnaryPlan => Some(lup.source)
case _ => None
sealed abstract class LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalPlan(idGen) {
final def lhs: Option[LogicalPlan] = Some(source)
final def rhs: Option[LogicalPlan] = None
def source: LogicalPlan
* A copy of this plan with a new LHS
def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan
sealed abstract class LogicalLeafPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalPlan(idGen) {
final def lhs: Option[LogicalPlan] = None
final def rhs: Option[LogicalPlan] = None
* Argument variables for this plan.
* Important! Liveness analysis depends on that these are correct, and can cause runtime failures if they are not.
def argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable]
def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable]
def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan
def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan
def removeArgumentIds(): LogicalLeafPlan
sealed abstract class NodeLogicalLeafPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalLeafPlan(idGen) {
def idName: LogicalVariable
override val distinctness: Distinctness = DistinctColumns(idName)
sealed abstract class RelationshipLogicalLeafPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalLeafPlan(idGen) {
def idName: LogicalVariable
def leftNode: LogicalVariable
def rightNode: LogicalVariable
def directed: Boolean
override val distinctness: Distinctness = if (directed) DistinctColumns(idName) else NotDistinct
sealed trait MultiEntityLogicalLeafPlan extends PhysicalPlanningPlan {
def idNames: Set[LogicalVariable]
sealed trait IndexedPropertyProvidingPlan {
* All properties
def properties: Seq[IndexedProperty]
* Indexed properties that will be retrieved from the index and cached in the row.
def cachedProperties: Seq[CachedProperty]
* Create a copy of this plan, swapping out the properties
def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): IndexedPropertyProvidingPlan
* Get a copy of this index plan where getting values is disabled
def copyWithoutGettingValues: IndexedPropertyProvidingPlan
sealed abstract class NodeIndexLeafPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends NodeLogicalLeafPlan(idGen)
with IndexedPropertyProvidingPlan {
def label: LabelToken
override def cachedProperties: Seq[CachedProperty] = properties.flatMap(_.maybeCachedProperty(idName))
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): NodeIndexLeafPlan
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: NodeIndexLeafPlan
* Index leaf plans usually provide distinct entities.
* Unfortunately, the "duplicate and missing read" anomaly that can occur in concurrent workloads under
* read-commited isolation level can lead to missing and duplicated entities being returned from an index.
* When MVCC is enabled, this can be reverted, since with the higher serializable isolation level
* these anomalies cannot occur anymore.
final override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
def indexType: IndexType
def indexOrder: IndexOrder
sealed abstract class RelationshipIndexLeafPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends RelationshipLogicalLeafPlan(idGen)
with IndexedPropertyProvidingPlan {
def typeToken: RelationshipTypeToken
override def cachedProperties: Seq[CachedProperty] = properties.flatMap(_.maybeCachedProperty(idName))
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): RelationshipIndexLeafPlan
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: RelationshipIndexLeafPlan
* Index leaf plans usually provide distinct entities.
* Unfortunately, the "duplicate and missing read" anomaly that can occur in concurrent workloads under
* read-commited isolation level can lead to missing and duplicated entities being returned from an index.
* When MVCC is enabled, this can be reverted, since with the higher serializable isolation level
* these anomalies cannot occur anymore.
final override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
def indexType: IndexType
def indexOrder: IndexOrder
sealed abstract class MultiNodeIndexLeafPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalLeafPlan(idGen)
with MultiEntityLogicalLeafPlan
with IndexedPropertyProvidingPlan {
* Index leaf plans usually provide distinct entities.
* Unfortunately, the "duplicate and missing read" anomaly that can occur in concurrent workloads under
* read-commited isolation level can lead to missing and duplicated entities being returned from an index.
* When MVCC is enabled, this can be reverted, since with the higher serializable isolation level
* these anomalies cannot occur anymore.
override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
sealed abstract class NodeIndexSeekLeafPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends NodeIndexLeafPlan(idGen) {
def valueExpr: QueryExpression[Expression]
def properties: Seq[IndexedProperty]
def indexOrder: IndexOrder
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): NodeIndexSeekLeafPlan
sealed abstract class MultiRelationshipIndexLeafPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends RelationshipLogicalLeafPlan(idGen)
with MultiEntityLogicalLeafPlan
with IndexedPropertyProvidingPlan {}
sealed abstract class RelationshipIndexSeekLeafPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends RelationshipIndexLeafPlan(idGen) {
def valueExpr: QueryExpression[Expression]
def properties: Seq[IndexedProperty]
def indexOrder: IndexOrder
def unique: Boolean
def withNewLeftAndRightNodes(leftNode: LogicalVariable, rightNode: LogicalVariable): RelationshipIndexSeekLeafPlan
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): RelationshipIndexSeekLeafPlan
* A plan that limits selectivity on child plans.
sealed trait LimitingLogicalPlan extends LogicalUnaryPlan
* A plan that eventually exhausts all input from LHS.
sealed trait ExhaustiveLogicalPlan extends LogicalPlan
* A plan that exhausts all input from LHS before producing it's first output.
sealed trait EagerLogicalPlan extends ExhaustiveLogicalPlan
* A plan that consumes only a single row from RHS for every row in LHS.
* It yields a subset of the LHS rows.
sealed trait SingleFromRightLogicalPlan extends LogicalBinaryPlan {
final def source: LogicalPlan = left
final def inner: LogicalPlan = right
final override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
* A leaf plan that is unaffected by changes to the transaction state after yielding the first row.
sealed trait StableLeafPlan extends LogicalLeafPlan
sealed trait ProjectingPlan extends LogicalUnaryPlan {
* override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)
def projectExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression]
sealed abstract class AbstractVarExpand(
val from: LogicalVariable,
val types: Seq[RelTypeName],
val to: LogicalVariable,
val nodePredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate],
val relationshipPredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate],
idGen: IdGen
) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) {
def withNewPredicates(
newNodePredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate],
newRelationshipPredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate]
)(idGen: IdGen): AbstractVarExpand
final override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
* Marker trait for all Apply plans. These are plans that execute their rhs
* at least once for every lhs row, and pass the lhs as the argument to the rhs.
sealed trait ApplyPlan extends LogicalBinaryPlan
object ApplyPlan {
def unapply(applyPlan: ApplyPlan): Option[(LogicalPlan, LogicalPlan)] = Some((applyPlan.left, applyPlan.right))
sealed abstract class AbstractLetSelectOrSemiApply(left: LogicalPlan, val idName: LogicalVariable)(idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with ApplyPlan with SingleFromRightLogicalPlan {
def expression: Expression
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols + idName
sealed abstract class AbstractLetSemiApply(left: LogicalPlan, right: LogicalPlan, idName: LogicalVariable)(implicit
idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with ApplyPlan with SingleFromRightLogicalPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols + idName
sealed abstract class AbstractSelectOrSemiApply(left: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with ApplyPlan with SingleFromRightLogicalPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols
def expression: Expression
sealed abstract class AbstractSemiApply(left: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with ApplyPlan with SingleFromRightLogicalPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols
* Not sealed sub-hierarchy of command plans.
abstract class CommandLogicalPlan(idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalLeafPlan(idGen = idGen) {
def defaultColumns: List[ShowColumn]
def yieldColumns: List[CommandResultItem]
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): CommandLogicalPlan = this
override def removeArgumentIds(): CommandLogicalPlan = this
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan = this
// Always the first leaf plan, so arguments is always empty
override def argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] =
if (yieldColumns.nonEmpty)
final override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
* Marker trait for all plans that are only introduced during physical planning.
* (E.g. in [[pipelinedPrePhysicalPlanRewriter]])
sealed trait PhysicalPlanningPlan extends LogicalPlan
sealed trait PartitionedScanPlan extends PhysicalPlanningPlan
* Marker trait for all plans that are only generated in tests.
sealed trait TestOnlyPlan extends LogicalPlan
* Allows non-sealed sub-hierarchies of logical plans.
abstract class LogicalPlanExtension(idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalPlan(idGen) {
override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
* Allows non-sealed sub-hierarchies of logical leaf plans.
abstract class LogicalLeafPlanExtension(idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalLeafPlan(idGen) {
override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
// ----------------
// ----------------
* Aggregation is a more advanced version of Distinct, where source rows are grouped by the
* values of the groupingsExpressions. When the source is fully consumed, one row is produced
* for every group, containing the values of the groupingExpressions for that row, as well as
* aggregates computed on all the rows in that group.
* If there are no groupingExpressions, aggregates are computed over all source rows.
case class Aggregation(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
override val groupingExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression],
override val aggregationExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with EagerLogicalPlan with AggregatingPlan with ProjectingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override def addGroupingExpressions(newGroupingExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression]): AggregatingPlan =
copy(groupingExpressions = groupingExpressions ++ newGroupingExpressions)
override val projectExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression] = groupingExpressions
val groupingKeys: Set[LogicalVariable] = groupingExpressions.keySet
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = groupingKeys ++ aggregationExpressions.keySet
override val distinctness: Distinctness = Distinctness.distinctColumnsOfAggregation(groupingKeys)
def orderToLeverage: Seq[Expression] = Seq.empty[Expression]
override def withNewExpressions(
newGroupingExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression],
newAggregationExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression],
newOrderToLeverage: Seq[Expression]
)(idGen: IdGen): AggregatingPlan = {
s"Order to leverage expressions are not allowed in ${getClass.getSimpleName}."
copy(groupingExpressions = newGroupingExpressions, aggregationExpressions = newAggregationExpressions)(idGen)
* Produce one row for every node in the graph. Each row contains the contents of argument, and
* a node assigned to the variable IdName.
case class AllNodesScan(idName: LogicalVariable, argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable])(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends NodeLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds + idName
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): AllNodesScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): AllNodesScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* Partitioned version of the AllNodesScan operator, should only be used for parallel runtime.
case class PartitionedAllNodesScan(idName: LogicalVariable, argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable])(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends NodeLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan with PartitionedScanPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds + idName
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): PartitionedAllNodesScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): PartitionedAllNodesScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* Produces exactly one row, if its source produces zero rows. Otherwise produces zero rows.
* If a row is produced, that row will only contain values in the argument columns.
* Anti can only be planned on the RHS of an Apply.
case class Anti(override val source: LogicalPlan)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen)
with PhysicalPlanningPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = AtMostOneRow
* AntiConditionalApply works like ConditionalApply, but with reversed condition.
* for ( leftRow <- left ) {
* if ( !condition( leftRow ) ) {
* produce leftRow
* } else {
* right.setArgument( leftRow )
* for ( rightRow <- right ) {
* produce rightRow
* }
* }
* }
case class AntiConditionalApply(
override val left: LogicalPlan,
override val right: LogicalPlan,
items: Seq[LogicalVariable]
implicit idGen: IdGen
) extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with ApplyPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols ++ right.availableSymbols ++ items
override val distinctness: Distinctness = Distinctness.distinctColumnsOfBinaryPlan(left, right)
* For every row in left, set that row as the argument, and produce all rows from right
* {{{
* for ( leftRow <- left ) {
* right.setArgument( leftRow )
* for ( rightRow <- right ) {
* produce rightRow
* }
* }
* }}}
case class Apply(override val left: LogicalPlan, override val right: LogicalPlan)(
implicit idGen: IdGen
) extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with ApplyPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols ++ right.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = Distinctness.distinctColumnsOfBinaryPlan(left, right)
* Produce a single row with the contents of argument
case class Argument(argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalLeafPlan(idGen)
with StableLeafPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): Argument =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): Argument =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override val distinctness: Distinctness = AtMostOneRow
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* Plan used to indicate that argument completion needs to be tracked
* NOTE: Only introduced by physical plan rewriter in pipelined runtime
case class ArgumentTracker(override val source: LogicalPlan)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen)
with PhysicalPlanningPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
* Produces one or zero rows containing the nodes with the given labels and property values.
* This operator is used on label/property combinations under uniqueness constraint, meaning that a single matching
* node is guaranteed per seek.
case class AssertingMultiNodeIndexSeek(node: LogicalVariable, nodeIndexSeeks: Seq[NodeIndexSeekLeafPlan])(implicit
idGen: IdGen)
extends MultiNodeIndexLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(nodeIndexSeeks =[NodeIndexSeekLeafPlan]))(
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] =
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = nodeIndexSeeks.flatMap(_.usedVariables).toSet
override def argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable] =
override def cachedProperties: Seq[CachedProperty] =
override def properties: Seq[IndexedProperty] =
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): MultiNodeIndexLeafPlan =
copy(nodeIndexSeeks =[NodeIndexSeekLeafPlan]))(
override def removeArgumentIds(): MultiNodeIndexLeafPlan =
copy(nodeIndexSeeks =[NodeIndexSeekLeafPlan]))(
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): MultiNodeIndexLeafPlan =
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: AssertingMultiNodeIndexSeek =
// NOTE: This is only used by a top-down rewriter (removeCachedProperties).
// Since our generalized tree rewriters will descend into children (including Seq) we do not need to do anything
override def idNames: Set[LogicalVariable] =
override val distinctness: Distinctness = AtMostOneRow
* Produces one or zero rows containing the relationships with the given labels and property values.
* This operator is used on label/property combinations under uniqueness constraint, meaning that a single matching
* relationship is guaranteed per seek.
case class AssertingMultiRelationshipIndexSeek(
relationship: LogicalVariable,
leftNode: LogicalVariable,
rightNode: LogicalVariable,
directed: Boolean,
relIndexSeeks: Seq[RelationshipIndexSeekLeafPlan]
implicit idGen: IdGen
) extends MultiRelationshipIndexLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan with PhysicalPlanningPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] =
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = relIndexSeeks.flatMap(_.usedVariables).toSet
override def argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable] =
override def cachedProperties: Seq[CachedProperty] =
override def properties: Seq[IndexedProperty] =
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): MultiRelationshipIndexLeafPlan =
copy(relIndexSeeks =[RelationshipIndexSeekLeafPlan])
override def removeArgumentIds(): MultiRelationshipIndexLeafPlan =
copy(relIndexSeeks =[RelationshipIndexSeekLeafPlan])
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(relIndexSeeks =[RelationshipIndexSeekLeafPlan]))(
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): MultiRelationshipIndexLeafPlan =
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: AssertingMultiRelationshipIndexSeek =
// NOTE: This is only used by a top-down rewriter (removeCachedProperties).
// Since our generalized tree rewriters will descend into children (including Seq) we do not need to do anything
override def idNames: Set[LogicalVariable] =
override def idName: LogicalVariable = relationship
override val distinctness: Distinctness = AtMostOneRow
* For every row in left, assert that all rows in right produce the same value
* for the variable IdName. Produce the rows from left.
* for ( leftRow <- left )
* for ( rightRow <- right )
* assert( leftRow(node) == rightRow(node) )
* produce leftRow
* This operator is planned for merges using unique index seeks.
case class AssertSameNode(node: LogicalVariable, override val left: LogicalPlan, override val right: LogicalPlan)(
implicit idGen: IdGen
) extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols ++ right.availableSymbols + node
override val distinctness: Distinctness = left.distinctness
* For every row in left, assert that all rows in right produce the same value
* for the variable idName. Produce the rows from left.
* {{{
* for ( leftRow <- left )
* for ( rightRow <- right )
* assert( leftRow(idName) == rightRow(idName) )
* produce leftRow
* }}}
* This operator is planned for merges using unique index seeks.
case class AssertSameRelationship(
idName: LogicalVariable,
override val left: LogicalPlan,
override val right: LogicalPlan
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols ++ right.availableSymbols + idName
override val distinctness: Distinctness = left.distinctness
* Used to solve queries like: `(start) [(innerStart)-->(innerEnd)]{i, j} (end)`,
* if both `start` and `end` are bound, with a bidirectional search.
* @param left source plan
* @param right 2 options for the inner plan to repeat
* @param repetition how many times to repeat the RHS on each partial result
* @param start the outside node variable where the quantified pattern
* starts. Assumed to be present in the output of `left`.
* [[start]] (and for subsequent iterations [[innerEnd]]) is projected to [[innerStart]].
* @param end the outside node variable where the quantified pattern
* ends. Projected in output if present.
* @param innerStart the node variable where the inner pattern starts
* @param innerEnd the node variable where the inner pattern ends.
* [[innerEnd]] will eventually be projected to [[end]] (if present).
* @param nodeVariableGroupings node variables to aggregate
* @param relationshipVariableGroupings relationship variables to aggregate
* @param innerRelationships all inner relationships, whether they get projected or not
* @param previouslyBoundRelationships all relationship variables of the same MATCH that are present in lhs
* @param previouslyBoundRelationshipGroups all relationship group variables of the same MATCH that are present in lhs
* @param reverseGroupVariableProjections if `true` reverse the group variable lists
case class BidirectionalRepeatTrail(
override val left: LogicalPlan,
override val right: RepeatOptions,
repetition: Repetition,
start: LogicalVariable,
end: LogicalVariable,
innerStart: LogicalVariable,
innerEnd: LogicalVariable,
nodeVariableGroupings: Set[VariableGrouping],
relationshipVariableGroupings: Set[VariableGrouping],
innerRelationships: Set[LogicalVariable],
previouslyBoundRelationships: Set[LogicalVariable],
previouslyBoundRelationshipGroups: Set[LogicalVariable],
reverseGroupVariableProjections: Boolean
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with ApplyPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = {
newRHS match {
case x: RepeatOptions => copy(right = x)(idGen)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("BidirectionalRepeatTrail must have RepeatOptions as its RHS.")
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] =
left.availableSymbols + end + start ++ ++
override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
* Two options that both solve the inner part of a QPP.
* @param left solves the inner part of the QPP by starting from the left node.
* @param right solves the inner part of the QPP by starting from the right node.
case class RepeatOptions(
override val left: LogicalPlan,
override val right: LogicalPlan
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
override def availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
* Reads properties of a set of nodes or relationships and caches them in the current row.
* Later accesses to this property can then read from this cache instead of reading from the store.
case class CacheProperties(override val source: LogicalPlan, properties: Set[LogicalProperty])(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
* Similar to [[CacheProperties]] but in the context of a sharded properties database.
* Retrieves properties, in batches, for the properties shards.
case class RemoteBatchProperties(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
properties: Set[LogicalProperty]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
* Cartesian Product
* {{{
* for ( leftRow <- left )
* for ( rightRow <- right )
* produce (leftRow merge rightRow)
* }}}
case class CartesianProduct(
override val left: LogicalPlan,
override val right: LogicalPlan
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols ++ right.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = Distinctness.distinctColumnsOfBinaryPlan(left, right)
* This is a variation of apply, which only executes 'right' if all variables in 'items' != NO_VALUE.
* for ( leftRow <- left ) {
* if ( condition( leftRow ) ) {
* produce leftRow
* } else {
* right.setArgument( leftRow )
* for ( rightRow <- right ) {
* produce rightRow
* }
* }
* }
case class ConditionalApply(
override val left: LogicalPlan,
override val right: LogicalPlan,
items: Seq[LogicalVariable]
implicit idGen: IdGen
) extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with ApplyPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols ++ right.availableSymbols ++ items
override val distinctness: Distinctness = Distinctness.distinctColumnsOfBinaryPlan(left, right)
* For each input row, create new nodes and relationships.
case class Create(override val source: LogicalPlan, commands: Seq[CreateCommand])(
implicit idGen: IdGen
) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
def nodes: Seq[CreateNode] = commands.collect {
case c: CreateNode => c
def relationships: Seq[CreateRelationship] = commands.collect {
case c: CreateRelationship => c
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = {
source.availableSymbols ++
* For each input row, delete the entity specified by 'expression'. Entity can be a node, relationship or path.
case class DeleteExpression(override val source: LogicalPlan, expression: Expression)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
* For each input row, delete the node specified by 'expression' from the graph.
case class DeleteNode(override val source: LogicalPlan, expression: Expression)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
* For each input row, delete the path specified by 'expression' from the graph.
case class DeletePath(override val source: LogicalPlan, expression: Expression)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
* For each input row, delete the relationship specified by 'expression' from the graph.
case class DeleteRelationship(override val source: LogicalPlan, expression: Expression)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
* For each input row, delete the entity specified by 'expression' from the graph. If the entity is a
* node) all it's relationships are also deleted
* path) all nodes in the path and all their relationships are deleted.
case class DetachDeleteExpression(override val source: LogicalPlan, expression: Expression)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
* For each input row, delete the node specified by 'expression' and all its relationships from the graph.
case class DetachDeleteNode(override val source: LogicalPlan, expression: Expression)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
* For each input row, delete the path specified by 'expression' from the graph. All nodes in the path and all their
* relationships are deleted.
case class DetachDeletePath(override val source: LogicalPlan, expression: Expression)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
* Scans all relationships and produces one row for each relationship it finds.
* Given each found `relationship`, the rows will have the following structure:
* - `{idName: relationship, startNode: relationship.startNode, endNode: relationship.endNode}`
case class DirectedAllRelationshipsScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
startNode: LogicalVariable,
endNode: LogicalVariable,
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends RelationshipLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds ++ Set(idName, leftNode, rightNode)
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): DirectedAllRelationshipsScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): DirectedAllRelationshipsScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def leftNode: LogicalVariable = startNode
override def rightNode: LogicalVariable = endNode
override def directed: Boolean = true
override val distinctness: Distinctness = DistinctColumns(idName)
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
case class PartitionedDirectedAllRelationshipsScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
startNode: LogicalVariable,
endNode: LogicalVariable,
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends RelationshipLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan with PartitionedScanPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds ++ Set(idName, leftNode, rightNode)
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): PartitionedDirectedAllRelationshipsScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): PartitionedDirectedAllRelationshipsScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def leftNode: LogicalVariable = startNode
override def rightNode: LogicalVariable = endNode
override def directed: Boolean = true
override val distinctness: Distinctness = DistinctColumns(idName)
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* For each relationship element id in 'relIds', fetch the corresponding relationship. For each relationship,
* produce one row containing:
* - argument
* - the relationship as 'idName'
* - the start node as 'startNode'
* - the end node as 'endNode'
case class DirectedRelationshipByElementIdSeek(
idName: LogicalVariable,
relIds: SeekableArgs,
startNode: LogicalVariable,
endNode: LogicalVariable,
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends RelationshipLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds ++ Set(idName, leftNode, rightNode)
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = relIds.expr.dependencies
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): DirectedRelationshipByElementIdSeek =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): DirectedRelationshipByElementIdSeek =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def leftNode: LogicalVariable = startNode
override def rightNode: LogicalVariable = endNode
override def directed: Boolean = true
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* For each relationship id in 'relIds', fetch the corresponding relationship. For each relationship,
* produce one row containing:
* - argument
* - the relationship as 'idName'
* - the start node as 'startNode'
* - the end node as 'endNode'
case class DirectedRelationshipByIdSeek(
idName: LogicalVariable,
relIds: SeekableArgs,
startNode: LogicalVariable,
endNode: LogicalVariable,
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends RelationshipLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds ++ Set(idName, leftNode, rightNode)
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = relIds.expr.dependencies
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): DirectedRelationshipByIdSeek =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): DirectedRelationshipByIdSeek =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def leftNode: LogicalVariable = startNode
override def rightNode: LogicalVariable = endNode
override def directed: Boolean = true
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* This operator does a full scan of an index, producing rows for all entries that contain a string value.
* Given each found `relationship`, the rows will have the following structure:
* - `{idName: relationship, startNode: relationship.startNode, endNode: relationship.endNode}`
case class DirectedRelationshipIndexContainsScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
startNode: LogicalVariable,
endNode: LogicalVariable,
override val typeToken: RelationshipTypeToken,
property: IndexedProperty,
valueExpr: Expression,
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
indexOrder: IndexOrder,
override val indexType: IndexType
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends RelationshipIndexLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override def properties: Seq[IndexedProperty] = Seq(property)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds ++ Set(idName, leftNode, rightNode)
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = valueExpr.dependencies
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): DirectedRelationshipIndexContainsScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): DirectedRelationshipIndexContainsScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: DirectedRelationshipIndexContainsScan =
copy(property = property.copy(getValueFromIndex = DoNotGetValue))(SameId(
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): RelationshipIndexLeafPlan =
copy(property = f(property))(SameId(
override def leftNode: LogicalVariable = startNode
override def rightNode: LogicalVariable = endNode
override def directed: Boolean = true
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* This operator does a full scan of an index, producing rows for all entries that end with a string value
* Given each found `relationship`, the rows will have the following structure:
* - `{idName: relationship, startNode: relationship.startNode, endNode: relationship.endNode}`
case class DirectedRelationshipIndexEndsWithScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
startNode: LogicalVariable,
endNode: LogicalVariable,
override val typeToken: RelationshipTypeToken,
property: IndexedProperty,
valueExpr: Expression,
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
indexOrder: IndexOrder,
override val indexType: IndexType
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends RelationshipIndexLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override def properties: Seq[IndexedProperty] = Seq(property)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds ++ Set(idName, leftNode, rightNode)
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = valueExpr.dependencies
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): DirectedRelationshipIndexEndsWithScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): DirectedRelationshipIndexEndsWithScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: DirectedRelationshipIndexEndsWithScan =
copy(property = property.copy(getValueFromIndex = DoNotGetValue))(SameId(
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): DirectedRelationshipIndexEndsWithScan =
copy(property = f(property))(SameId(
override def leftNode: LogicalVariable = startNode
override def rightNode: LogicalVariable = endNode
override def directed: Boolean = true
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* This operator does a full scan of an index, producing one row per entry.
* - `{idName: relationship, startNode: relationship.startNode, endNode: relationship.endNode}`
case class DirectedRelationshipIndexScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
startNode: LogicalVariable,
endNode: LogicalVariable,
override val typeToken: RelationshipTypeToken,
properties: Seq[IndexedProperty],
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
indexOrder: IndexOrder,
override val indexType: IndexType,
supportPartitionedScan: Boolean
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends RelationshipIndexLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds ++ Set(idName, leftNode, rightNode)
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): DirectedRelationshipIndexScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): DirectedRelationshipIndexScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: DirectedRelationshipIndexScan =
copy(properties = = DoNotGetValue)))(SameId(
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): DirectedRelationshipIndexScan =
copy(properties =
override def leftNode: LogicalVariable = startNode
override def rightNode: LogicalVariable = endNode
override def directed: Boolean = true
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
case class PartitionedDirectedRelationshipIndexScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
startNode: LogicalVariable,
endNode: LogicalVariable,
override val typeToken: RelationshipTypeToken,
properties: Seq[IndexedProperty],
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
override val indexType: IndexType
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends RelationshipIndexLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan with PartitionedScanPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds ++ Set(idName, leftNode, rightNode)
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): PartitionedDirectedRelationshipIndexScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): PartitionedDirectedRelationshipIndexScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: PartitionedDirectedRelationshipIndexScan =
copy(properties = = DoNotGetValue)))(SameId(
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): PartitionedDirectedRelationshipIndexScan =
copy(properties =
override def leftNode: LogicalVariable = startNode
override def rightNode: LogicalVariable = endNode
override def directed: Boolean = true
override def indexOrder: IndexOrder = IndexOrderNone
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* For every relationship with the given type and property values, produces rows with that relationship.
* Given each found `relationship`, the rows will have the following structure:
* - `{idName: relationship, startNode: relationship.startNode, endNode: relationship.endNode}`
case class DirectedRelationshipIndexSeek(
idName: LogicalVariable,
startNode: LogicalVariable,
endNode: LogicalVariable,
override val typeToken: RelationshipTypeToken,
properties: Seq[IndexedProperty],
valueExpr: QueryExpression[Expression],
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
indexOrder: IndexOrder,
override val indexType: IndexType,
supportPartitionedScan: Boolean
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends RelationshipIndexSeekLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds ++ Set(idName, leftNode, rightNode)
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = valueExpr.expressions.flatMap(_.dependencies).toSet
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): DirectedRelationshipIndexSeek =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): DirectedRelationshipIndexSeek =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: DirectedRelationshipIndexSeek =
copy(properties = = DoNotGetValue)))(SameId(
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): DirectedRelationshipIndexSeek =
copy(properties =
override def leftNode: LogicalVariable = startNode
override def rightNode: LogicalVariable = endNode
override def unique: Boolean = false
override def directed: Boolean = true
override def withNewLeftAndRightNodes(
leftNode: LogicalVariable,
rightNode: LogicalVariable
): RelationshipIndexSeekLeafPlan =
copy(startNode = leftNode, endNode = rightNode)
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
case class PartitionedDirectedRelationshipIndexSeek(
idName: LogicalVariable,
startNode: LogicalVariable,
endNode: LogicalVariable,
override val typeToken: RelationshipTypeToken,
properties: Seq[IndexedProperty],
valueExpr: QueryExpression[Expression],
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
override val indexType: IndexType
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends RelationshipIndexSeekLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan with PartitionedScanPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds ++ Set(idName, leftNode, rightNode)
override def indexOrder: IndexOrder = IndexOrderNone
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = valueExpr.expressions.flatMap(_.dependencies).toSet
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): PartitionedDirectedRelationshipIndexSeek =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): PartitionedDirectedRelationshipIndexSeek =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: PartitionedDirectedRelationshipIndexSeek =
copy(properties = = DoNotGetValue)))(SameId(
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): PartitionedDirectedRelationshipIndexSeek =
copy(properties =
override def leftNode: LogicalVariable = startNode
override def rightNode: LogicalVariable = endNode
override def unique: Boolean = false
override def directed: Boolean = true
override def withNewLeftAndRightNodes(
leftNode: LogicalVariable,
rightNode: LogicalVariable
): RelationshipIndexSeekLeafPlan =
copy(startNode = leftNode, endNode = rightNode)
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
object DirectedRelationshipIndexSeek extends IndexSeekNames {
override val PLAN_DESCRIPTION_INDEX_SCAN_NAME = "DirectedRelationshipIndexScan"
override val PLAN_DESCRIPTION_INDEX_SEEK_NAME = "DirectedRelationshipIndexSeek"
override val PLAN_DESCRIPTION_INDEX_SEEK_RANGE_NAME = "DirectedRelationshipIndexSeekByRange"
override val PLAN_DESCRIPTION_UNIQUE_INDEX_SEEK_NAME = "DirectedRelationshipUniqueIndexSeek"
override val PLAN_DESCRIPTION_UNIQUE_INDEX_SEEK_RANGE_NAME = "DirectedRelationshipUniqueIndexSeekByRange"
override val PLAN_DESCRIPTION_UNIQUE_LOCKING_INDEX_SEEK_NAME = "DirectedRelationshipUniqueIndexSeek(Locking)"
* Scans the relationship by type and produces one row for each relationship it finds.
* Given each found `relationship`, the rows will have the following structure:
* - `{idName: relationship, startNode: relationship.startNode, endNode: relationship.endNode}`
case class DirectedRelationshipTypeScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
startNode: LogicalVariable,
relType: RelTypeName,
endNode: LogicalVariable,
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
indexOrder: IndexOrder
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends RelationshipLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with RelationshipTypeScan with StableLeafPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds ++ Set(idName, leftNode, rightNode)
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): DirectedRelationshipTypeScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): DirectedRelationshipTypeScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def leftNode: LogicalVariable = startNode
override def rightNode: LogicalVariable = endNode
override def directed: Boolean = true
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
case class PartitionedDirectedRelationshipTypeScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
startNode: LogicalVariable,
relType: RelTypeName,
endNode: LogicalVariable,
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends RelationshipLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with RelationshipTypeScan with StableLeafPlan with PartitionedScanPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds ++ Set(idName, leftNode, rightNode)
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): PartitionedDirectedRelationshipTypeScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): PartitionedDirectedRelationshipTypeScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def leftNode: LogicalVariable = startNode
override def rightNode: LogicalVariable = endNode
override def directed: Boolean = true
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* Produces one or zero rows containing relationship per given type and property value combination.
* This operator is used on type/property combinations under uniqueness constraint.
* Given each found `relationship`, the rows will have the following structure:
* - `{idName: relationship, startNode: relationship.startNode, endNode: relationship.endNode}`
case class DirectedRelationshipUniqueIndexSeek(
idName: LogicalVariable,
startNode: LogicalVariable,
endNode: LogicalVariable,
override val typeToken: RelationshipTypeToken,
properties: Seq[IndexedProperty],
valueExpr: QueryExpression[Expression],
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
indexOrder: IndexOrder,
override val indexType: IndexType
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends RelationshipIndexSeekLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds ++ Set(idName, leftNode, rightNode)
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = valueExpr.expressions.flatMap(_.dependencies).toSet
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): DirectedRelationshipUniqueIndexSeek =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): DirectedRelationshipUniqueIndexSeek =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: DirectedRelationshipUniqueIndexSeek =
copy(properties = = DoNotGetValue)))(SameId(
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): DirectedRelationshipUniqueIndexSeek =
copy(properties =
override def leftNode: LogicalVariable = startNode
override def rightNode: LogicalVariable = endNode
override def unique: Boolean = true
override def directed: Boolean = true
override def withNewLeftAndRightNodes(
leftNode: LogicalVariable,
rightNode: LogicalVariable
): RelationshipIndexSeekLeafPlan =
copy(startNode = leftNode, endNode = rightNode)
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* Produce one row for every relationship in the graph that has at least one of the provided types.
* This row contains the relationship (assigned to 'idName') and the contents of argument.
case class DirectedUnionRelationshipTypesScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
startNode: LogicalVariable,
types: Seq[RelTypeName],
endNode: LogicalVariable,
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
indexOrder: IndexOrder
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends RelationshipLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds ++ Set(idName, leftNode, rightNode)
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): DirectedUnionRelationshipTypesScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): DirectedUnionRelationshipTypesScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def leftNode: LogicalVariable = startNode
override def rightNode: LogicalVariable = endNode
override def directed: Boolean = true
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
case class PartitionedDirectedUnionRelationshipTypesScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
startNode: LogicalVariable,
types: Seq[RelTypeName],
endNode: LogicalVariable,
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends RelationshipLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan with PartitionedScanPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds ++ Set(idName, leftNode, rightNode)
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): PartitionedDirectedUnionRelationshipTypesScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): PartitionedDirectedUnionRelationshipTypesScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def leftNode: LogicalVariable = startNode
override def rightNode: LogicalVariable = endNode
override def directed: Boolean = true
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* Distinct produces source rows without changing them, but omitting rows
* which have been produced before. That is, the order of rows is unchanged, but each
* unique combination of values is only produced once.
case class Distinct(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
override val groupingExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression]
implicit idGen: IdGen
) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with ProjectingPlan with AggregatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override def addGroupingExpressions(newGroupingExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression]): AggregatingPlan =
copy(groupingExpressions = groupingExpressions ++ newGroupingExpressions)
override val projectExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression] = groupingExpressions
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = groupingExpressions.keySet
override val distinctness: Distinctness = Distinctness.distinctColumnsOfDistinct(source, groupingExpressions)
override def aggregationExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression] = Map.empty
def orderToLeverage: Seq[Expression] = Seq.empty[Expression]
override def withNewExpressions(
newGroupingExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression],
newAggregationExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression],
newOrderToLeverage: Seq[Expression]
)(idGen: IdGen): AggregatingPlan = {
s"Aggregation expressions are not allowed in ${getClass.getSimpleName}."
s"Order to leverage expressions are not allowed in ${getClass.getSimpleName}."
copy(groupingExpressions = newGroupingExpressions)(idGen)
* Consumes and buffers all source rows, marks the transaction as stable, and then produces all rows.
case class Eager(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
reasons: ListSet[EagernessReason] = ListSet(EagernessReason.Unknown)
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with EagerLogicalPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
* Produce zero rows, regardless of source.
case class EmptyResult(override val source: LogicalPlan)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen)
with EagerLogicalPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = AtMostOneRow
* Throws exception if evaluated.
case class ErrorPlan(override val source: LogicalPlan, exception: Exception)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
* Only produce the first 'count' rows from source but exhausts the source. Used for plan where the source has side effects that need to happen
* regardless of the limit.
case class ExhaustiveLimit(override val source: LogicalPlan, count: Expression)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with ExhaustiveLogicalPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = Distinctness.distinctColumnsOfLimit(count, source)
object Expand {
sealed trait ExpansionMode
* Expand relationships (a)-[r]-(b) for a given a, and populate r and b
case object ExpandAll extends ExpansionMode
* Expand relationships (a)-[r]-(b) for a given a and b, and populate r
case object ExpandInto extends ExpansionMode
case class VariablePredicate(variable: LogicalVariable, predicate: Expression)
* For every source row, traverse all the relationships of 'from' which fulfill the
* provided constraints. Produce one row per traversed relationships, and add the
* relationship and end node as values on the produced rows.
case class Expand(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
from: LogicalVariable,
dir: SemanticDirection,
types: Seq[RelTypeName],
to: LogicalVariable,
relName: LogicalVariable,
mode: ExpansionMode = ExpandAll
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols + relName + to
override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
* This works exactly like Expand, but if no matching relationships are found, a single
* row is produced instead populated by the argument, and the 'relName' and 'to' variables
* are set to NO_VALUE.
case class OptionalExpand(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
from: LogicalVariable,
dir: SemanticDirection,
types: Seq[RelTypeName],
to: LogicalVariable,
relName: LogicalVariable,
mode: ExpansionMode = ExpandAll,
predicate: Option[Expression] = None
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols + relName + to
override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
* For every source row, explore all homogeneous paths starting in 'from', that fulfill the provided
* criteria. Paths are homogeneous in that all relationships have to fulfill the same relationship
* predicate, and all nodes have to fulfill the same node predicate. For each explored
* path that is longer or equal to length.min, and shorter than length.max, a row is produced.
* The relationships and end node of the corresponding path are added to the produced row.
case class VarExpand(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
override val from: LogicalVariable,
dir: SemanticDirection,
projectedDir: SemanticDirection,
override val types: Seq[RelTypeName],
override val to: LogicalVariable,
relName: LogicalVariable,
length: VarPatternLength,
mode: ExpansionMode = ExpandAll,
override val nodePredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate] = Seq.empty,
override val relationshipPredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate] = Seq.empty
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends AbstractVarExpand(from, types, to, nodePredicates, relationshipPredicates, idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols + relName + to
override def withNewPredicates(
newNodePredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate],
newRelationshipPredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate]
)(idGen: IdGen): VarExpand =
copy(nodePredicates = newNodePredicates, relationshipPredicates = newRelationshipPredicates)(idGen)
* In essence a VarExpand, where some paths are not explored if they could not produce an unseen
* end node. Used to serve DISTINCT VarExpands where the individual paths are not of interest. This
* operator does not guarantee unique end nodes, but it will produce less of them than the regular
* VarExpand.
* Only the end node is added to produced rows.
case class PruningVarExpand(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
override val from: LogicalVariable,
dir: SemanticDirection,
override val types: Seq[RelTypeName],
override val to: LogicalVariable,
minLength: Int,
maxLength: Int,
override val nodePredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate] = Seq.empty,
override val relationshipPredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate] = Seq.empty
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends AbstractVarExpand(from, types, to, nodePredicates, relationshipPredicates, idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols + to
override def withNewPredicates(
newNodePredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate],
newRelationshipPredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate]
)(idGen: IdGen): PruningVarExpand =
copy(nodePredicates = newNodePredicates, relationshipPredicates = newRelationshipPredicates)(idGen)
* In essence a VarExpand, where some paths are not explored if they could not produce an unseen
* end node. Used to serve DISTINCT VarExpands where the individual paths are not of interest. This
* operator does guarantee unique end nodes for a given input, and it will produce less of them than the regular
* VarExpand.
* Only the end node is added to produced rows.
case class BFSPruningVarExpand(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
override val from: LogicalVariable,
dir: SemanticDirection,
override val types: Seq[RelTypeName],
override val to: LogicalVariable,
includeStartNode: Boolean,
maxLength: Int,
depthName: Option[LogicalVariable],
mode: ExpansionMode,
override val nodePredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate] = Seq.empty,
override val relationshipPredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate] = Seq.empty
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends AbstractVarExpand(from, types, to, nodePredicates, relationshipPredicates, idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols + to ++ depthName
override def withNewPredicates(
newNodePredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate],
newRelationshipPredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate]
)(idGen: IdGen): BFSPruningVarExpand =
copy(nodePredicates = newNodePredicates, relationshipPredicates = newRelationshipPredicates)(idGen)
case class PathPropagatingBFS(
left: LogicalPlan,
right: LogicalPlan,
from: LogicalVariable,
dir: SemanticDirection,
projectedDir: SemanticDirection,
types: Seq[RelTypeName],
to: LogicalVariable,
relName: LogicalVariable,
length: VarPatternLength,
nodePredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate] = Seq.empty,
relationshipPredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate] = Seq.empty
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with ApplyPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols + relName + to ++ right.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
def withNewPredicates(
newNodePredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate],
newRelationshipPredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate]
)(idGen: IdGen): PathPropagatingBFS =
copy(nodePredicates = newNodePredicates, relationshipPredicates = newRelationshipPredicates)(idGen)
* Find the shortest paths between two nodes, as specified by 'shortestPath'. For each shortest path found produce a
* row containing the source row and the found path.
case class FindShortestPaths(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
pattern: ShortestRelationshipPattern,
perStepNodePredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate] = Seq.empty,
perStepRelPredicates: Seq[VariablePredicate] = Seq.empty,
pathPredicates: Seq[Expression] = Seq.empty,
withFallBack: Boolean = false,
sameNodeMode: SameNodeMode = DisallowSameNode
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols ++ pattern.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
object FindShortestPaths {
sealed trait SameNodeMode {
* Return `true`, if the algorithm should return an empty result.
* Return `false`, if the algorithm should attempt to find the shortest paths between source and target.
* Throw if it is forbidden to have same nodes and `sourceId == targetId`.
def shouldReturnEmptyResult(sourceId: Long, targetId: Long, allowZeroLength: Boolean): Boolean
case object DisallowSameNode extends SameNodeMode {
override def shouldReturnEmptyResult(sourceId: Long, targetId: Long, allowZeroLength: Boolean): Boolean =
if (!allowZeroLength && sourceId == targetId) {
throw new ShortestPathCommonEndNodesForbiddenException
} else {
case object SkipSameNode extends SameNodeMode {
override def shouldReturnEmptyResult(sourceId: Long, targetId: Long, allowZeroLength: Boolean): Boolean =
!allowZeroLength && sourceId == targetId
case object AllowSameNode extends SameNodeMode {
override def shouldReturnEmptyResult(sourceId: Long, targetId: Long, allowZeroLength: Boolean): Boolean =
object StatefulShortestPath {
* Defines the paths to find for each combination of start and end nodes.
sealed trait Selector {
def k: Long
def isGroup: Boolean
object Selector {
* Returns the shortest, second-shortest, etc. up to k paths.
* If there are multiple paths of same length, picks arbitrarily.
case class Shortest(k: Long) extends Selector {
def isGroup: Boolean = false
* Finds all shortest paths, all second shortest paths, etc. up to all Kth shortest paths.
* ALL SHORTEST is represented as SHORTEST 1 GROUPS.
case class ShortestGroups(k: Long) extends Selector {
def isGroup: Boolean = true
* Singleton node & relationship variables in the NFA are namespaced to avoid clashing with row variables.
* This class provides the mappings between those renames for the purposes of writing the singletons to the row.
* Group variables are also namespaced but those are already handled by [[VariableGrouping]].
* Note that the source node variable is _not_ mapped in this way because it already exists in the input row.
case class Mapping(nfaExprVar: LogicalVariable, rowVar: LogicalVariable)
case class LengthBounds(min: Int, max: Option[Int])
object LengthBounds {
val none: LengthBounds = LengthBounds(0, None)
* @param sourceNode the source node of the shortest path algorithm
* @param targetNode the target node of the shortest path algorithm
* @param nfa the NFA describing the valid paths
* @param nonInlinedPreFilters all filters that were not inlined into the NFA
* @param nodeVariableGroupings node variables to aggregate
* @param relationshipVariableGroupings relationship variables to aggregate
* @param singletonNodeVariables all node singletons of the path pattern that should get projected into the outgoing row.
* @param singletonRelationshipVariables all relationship singletons of the path pattern that should get projected into the outgoing row.
* @param selector the selector for the shortest path algorithm
* @param solvedExpressionAsString the string for EXPLAIN
* @param reverseGroupVariableProjections if `true` reverse the group variable lists
case class StatefulShortestPath(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
sourceNode: LogicalVariable,
targetNode: LogicalVariable,
nfa: NFA,
mode: ExpansionMode,
nonInlinedPreFilters: Option[Expression],
override val nodeVariableGroupings: Set[VariableGrouping],
override val relationshipVariableGroupings: Set[VariableGrouping],
singletonNodeVariables: Set[Mapping],
singletonRelationshipVariables: Set[Mapping],
selector: StatefulShortestPath.Selector,
solvedExpressionAsString: String,
reverseGroupVariableProjections: Boolean,
bounds: LengthBounds
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with PlanWithVariableGroupings {
// With ExpandInto, we must not have predicates on the target node
mode != ExpandInto || nfa.finalState.variablePredicate.isEmpty,
"Expand into and predicates on the target node are forbidden: \n" + nfa.toDotString
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withVariableGroupings(
nodeVariableGroupings: Set[VariableGrouping],
relationshipVariableGroupings: Set[VariableGrouping]
)(idGen: IdGen): PlanWithVariableGroupings = copy(
nodeVariableGroupings = nodeVariableGroupings,
relationshipVariableGroupings = relationshipVariableGroupings
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols ++ ++ ++ ++
override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
* Foreach is an operator that performs the provided side-effects for each item in the provided list.
case class Foreach(
source: LogicalPlan,
variable: LogicalVariable,
expression: Expression,
mutations: collection.Seq[SimpleMutatingPattern]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override def availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] =
source.availableSymbols // NOTE: variable is not available outside
* ForeachApply is a side-effect type apply, which operates on a list value. Each left row is used to compute a
* list, and each value in this list applied as the argument to right. Left rows are produced unchanged.
* {{{
* for ( leftRow <- left)
* list <- expression.evaluate( leftRow )
* for ( value <- list )
* right.setArgument( value )
* for ( rightRow <- right )
* // just consume
* produce leftRow
* }}}
case class ForeachApply(
override val left: LogicalPlan,
override val right: LogicalPlan,
variable: LogicalVariable,
expression: Expression
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with ApplyPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] =
left.availableSymbols // NOTE: right.availableSymbols and variable are not available outside
override val distinctness: Distinctness = left.distinctness
* Produce rows from a query state input stream. Only one input operator can
* exist per logical plan tree, and it has to be the left-most leaf.
* @param nullable if there can be null values among the nodes, relationships or variables
case class Input(
nodes: Seq[LogicalVariable],
relationships: Seq[LogicalVariable],
variables: Seq[LogicalVariable],
nullable: Boolean
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = nodes.toSet ++ relationships ++ variables
override def argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): Input = this
override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan = this
override def removeArgumentIds(): LogicalLeafPlan = this
object Input {
def apply(variables: Seq[String])(implicit idGen: IdGen): Input =
new Input(Seq.empty, Seq.empty,, true)(idGen)
* Produce one row for every node in the graph that has all of the provided labels. This row contains the node (assigned to 'idName')
* and the contents of argument.
case class IntersectionNodeByLabelsScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
labels: Seq[LabelName],
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
indexOrder: IndexOrder
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends NodeLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds + idName
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): IntersectionNodeByLabelsScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): IntersectionNodeByLabelsScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
case class PartitionedIntersectionNodeByLabelsScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
labels: Seq[LabelName],
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends NodeLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan with PartitionedScanPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds + idName
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): PartitionedIntersectionNodeByLabelsScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): PartitionedIntersectionNodeByLabelsScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* Variant of NodeHashJoin. Also builds a hash table using 'left' and produces merged left and right rows using this
* table. In addition, also produces left rows with missing key values, and left rows that were not matched
* by any right row. In these additional rows, variables from the opposing stream are set to NO_VALUE.
* This is equivalent to a left outer join in relational algebra.
case class LeftOuterHashJoin(
nodes: Set[LogicalVariable],
override val left: LogicalPlan,
override val right: LogicalPlan
implicit idGen: IdGen
) extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with EagerLogicalPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols ++ right.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = Distinctness.distinctColumnsOfBinaryPlan(left, right)
* Like LetSemiApply, but with a precondition 'expr'. If 'expr' is true, 'idName' will be set to true without
* executing right.
* for ( leftRow <- left ) {
* if ( leftRow.evaluate( expr) ) {
* leftRow('idName') = true
* produce leftRow
* } else {
* right.setArgument( leftRow )
* leftRow('idName') = right.nonEmpty ? true : (expr.isNull ? NULL : false)
* produce leftRow
* }
* }
case class LetSelectOrSemiApply(
override val left: LogicalPlan,
override val right: LogicalPlan,
override val idName: LogicalVariable,
override val expression: Expression
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends AbstractLetSelectOrSemiApply(left, idName)(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
* Like LetAntiSemiApply, but with a precondition 'expr'. If 'expr' is true, 'idName' will be set to true without
* executing right.
* for ( leftRow <- left ) {
* if ( leftRow.evaluate( expr) ) {
* leftRow('idName') = true
* produce leftRow
* } else {
* right.setArgument( leftRow )
* leftRow('idName') = right.isEmpty ? true : (expr.isNull ? NULL : false)
* produce leftRow
* }
* }
* }}}
case class LetSelectOrAntiSemiApply(
override val left: LogicalPlan,
override val right: LogicalPlan,
override val idName: LogicalVariable,
override val expression: Expression
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends AbstractLetSelectOrSemiApply(left, idName)(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
* For every row in left, set that row as the argument, and apply to right. Produce left row, and set 'idName' =
* true if right contains at least one row.
* for ( leftRow <- left ) {
* right.setArgument( leftRow )
* leftRow('idName') = right.nonEmpty
* produce leftRow
* }
* }}}
case class LetSemiApply(override val left: LogicalPlan, override val right: LogicalPlan, idName: LogicalVariable)(
implicit idGen: IdGen
) extends AbstractLetSemiApply(left, right, idName)(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
* For every row in left, set that row as the argument, and apply to right. Produce left row, and set 'idName' =
* true if right contains no rows.
* for ( leftRow <- left ) {
* right.setArgument( leftRow )
* leftRow('idName') = right.isEmpty
* produce leftRow
* }
* }}}
case class LetAntiSemiApply(override val left: LogicalPlan, override val right: LogicalPlan, idName: LogicalVariable)(
implicit idGen: IdGen
) extends AbstractLetSemiApply(left, right, idName)(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
* Only produce the first 'count' rows from source.
case class Limit(override val source: LogicalPlan, count: Expression)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with LimitingLogicalPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = Distinctness.distinctColumnsOfLimit(count, source)
* Operator which loads a CSV from some URL. For every source row, the CSV is loaded. Each CSV line is produced as a
* row consisting of the current source row + one value holding the CSV line data.
* If the CSV file has headers, each line will represented in Cypher as a MapValue, if the file has no header, each
* line will be a ListValue.
case class LoadCSV(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
url: Expression,
variableName: LogicalVariable,
format: CSVFormat,
fieldTerminator: Option[String],
legacyCsvQuoteEscaping: Boolean,
csvBufferSize: Int
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols + variableName
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
* Merge executes the inner plan and on each found row it executes `onMatch`. If there are no found rows
* it will first run `createNodes` and `createRelationships` followed by `onCreate`
case class Merge(
read: LogicalPlan,
createNodes: Seq[CreateNode],
createRelationships: Seq[CreateRelationship],
onMatch: Seq[SetMutatingPattern],
onCreate: Seq[SetMutatingPattern],
nodesToLock: Set[LogicalVariable]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def source: LogicalPlan = read
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(read = newLHS)(idGen)
override def availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = read.availableSymbols
* Produces one or zero rows containing the nodes per given labels and property value combination.
* This operator is used on label/property combinations under uniqueness constraint, meaning that a single matching
* node is guaranteed per seek.
case class MultiNodeIndexSeek(nodeIndexSeeks: Seq[NodeIndexSeekLeafPlan])(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends MultiNodeIndexLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] =
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = nodeIndexSeeks.flatMap(_.usedVariables).toSet
override def argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable] =
override def cachedProperties: Seq[CachedProperty] =
override def properties: Seq[IndexedProperty] =
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): MultiNodeIndexLeafPlan =
override def removeArgumentIds(): MultiNodeIndexLeafPlan =
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(nodeIndexSeeks =[NodeIndexSeekLeafPlan]))(
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): MultiNodeIndexLeafPlan =
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: MultiNodeIndexSeek =
// NOTE: This is only used by a top-down rewriter (removeCachedProperties).
// Since our generalized tree rewriters will descend into children (including Seq) we do not need to do anything
override def idNames: Set[LogicalVariable] =
* For each node element id in 'nodeIds', fetch the corresponding node. Produce one row with the contents of argument and
* the node (assigned to 'idName').
case class NodeByElementIdSeek(idName: LogicalVariable, nodeIds: SeekableArgs, argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable])(
implicit idGen: IdGen
) extends NodeLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds + idName
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = nodeIds.expr.dependencies
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): NodeByElementIdSeek =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): NodeByElementIdSeek =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* For each nodeId in 'nodeIds', fetch the corresponding node. Produce one row with the contents of argument and
* the node (assigned to 'idName').
case class NodeByIdSeek(idName: LogicalVariable, nodeIds: SeekableArgs, argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable])(implicit
idGen: IdGen)
extends NodeLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds + idName
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = nodeIds.expr.dependencies
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): NodeByIdSeek =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): NodeByIdSeek =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* Produce one row for every node in the graph labelled 'label'. This row contains the node (assigned to 'idName')
* and the contents of argument.
case class NodeByLabelScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
label: LabelName,
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
indexOrder: IndexOrder
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends NodeLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds + idName
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): NodeByLabelScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): NodeByLabelScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* Partitioned version of the NodeByLabelsScan operator, should only be used for parallel runtime.
case class PartitionedNodeByLabelScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
label: LabelName,
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends NodeLogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan with PartitionedScanPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds + idName
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): PartitionedNodeByLabelScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): PartitionedNodeByLabelScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* Produce a single row with the contents of argument and a new value 'idName'. For each label in 'labelNames' the
* number of nodes with that label is fetched from the counts store. These counts are multiplied together, and the
* result is assigned to 'idName'
* Returns only a single row, thus a StableLeafPlan.
case class NodeCountFromCountStore(
idName: LogicalVariable,
labelNames: List[Option[LabelName]],
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable]
implicit idGen: IdGen
) extends LogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds + idName
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): NodeCountFromCountStore =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): NodeCountFromCountStore =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override val distinctness: Distinctness = AtMostOneRow
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* Join two result streams using a hash table. 'Left' is completely consumed and buffered in a hash table, using a
* tuple consisting of the values assigned to 'nodes'. For every 'right' row, lookup the corresponding 'left' rows
* based on 'nodes'. For each corresponding left row, merge that with the current right row and produce.
* hashTable = {}
* for ( leftRow <- left )
* group = hashTable.getOrUpdate( key( leftRow, nodes ), List[Row]() )
* group += leftRow
* for ( rightRow <- right )
* group = hashTable.get( key( rightRow, nodes ) )
* for ( leftRow <- group )
* produce (leftRow merge rightRow)
case class NodeHashJoin(nodes: Set[LogicalVariable], override val left: LogicalPlan, override val right: LogicalPlan)(
implicit idGen: IdGen
) extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with EagerLogicalPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols ++ right.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = Distinctness.distinctColumnsOfBinaryPlan(left, right)
* This operator does a full scan of an index, producing rows for all entries that contain a string value
* It's much slower than an index seek, since all index entries must be examined, but also much faster than an
* all-nodes scan or label scan followed by a property value filter.
case class NodeIndexContainsScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
override val label: LabelToken,
property: IndexedProperty,
valueExpr: Expression,
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
indexOrder: IndexOrder,
override val indexType: IndexType
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends NodeIndexLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override def properties: Seq[IndexedProperty] = Seq(property)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds + idName
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = valueExpr.dependencies
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): NodeIndexContainsScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): NodeIndexContainsScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: NodeIndexContainsScan =
copy(property = property.copy(getValueFromIndex = DoNotGetValue))(SameId(
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): NodeIndexLeafPlan =
copy(property = f(property))(SameId(
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* This operator does a full scan of an index, producing rows for all entries that end with a string value
* It's much slower than an index seek, since all index entries must be examined, but also much faster than an
* all-nodes scan or label scan followed by a property value filter.
case class NodeIndexEndsWithScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
override val label: LabelToken,
property: IndexedProperty,
valueExpr: Expression,
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
indexOrder: IndexOrder,
override val indexType: IndexType
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends NodeIndexLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override def properties: Seq[IndexedProperty] = Seq(property)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds + idName
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = valueExpr.dependencies
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): NodeIndexEndsWithScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): NodeIndexEndsWithScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: NodeIndexEndsWithScan =
copy(property = property.copy(getValueFromIndex = DoNotGetValue))(SameId(
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): NodeIndexLeafPlan =
copy(property = f(property))(SameId(
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* This operator does a full scan of an index, producing one row per entry.
case class NodeIndexScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
override val label: LabelToken,
properties: Seq[IndexedProperty],
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
indexOrder: IndexOrder,
override val indexType: IndexType,
supportPartitionedScan: Boolean
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends NodeIndexLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds + idName
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): NodeIndexScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): NodeIndexScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: NodeIndexScan =
copy(properties = = DoNotGetValue)))(SameId(
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): NodeIndexLeafPlan =
copy(properties =
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* Partitioned version of the NodeIndexScan operator, should only be used for parallel runtime.
case class PartitionedNodeIndexScan(
idName: LogicalVariable,
override val label: LabelToken,
properties: Seq[IndexedProperty],
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
override val indexType: IndexType
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends NodeIndexLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan with PartitionedScanPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds + idName
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def indexOrder: IndexOrder = IndexOrderNone
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): PartitionedNodeIndexScan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): PartitionedNodeIndexScan =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: PartitionedNodeIndexScan =
copy(properties = = DoNotGetValue)))(SameId(
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): PartitionedNodeIndexScan =
copy(properties =
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* For every node with the given label and property values, produces rows with that node.
case class NodeIndexSeek(
idName: LogicalVariable,
override val label: LabelToken,
properties: Seq[IndexedProperty],
valueExpr: QueryExpression[Expression],
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
indexOrder: IndexOrder,
override val indexType: IndexType,
supportPartitionedScan: Boolean
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends NodeIndexSeekLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan with PartitionedScanPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds + idName
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = valueExpr.expressions.flatMap(_.dependencies).toSet
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): NodeIndexSeek =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): NodeIndexSeek =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: NodeIndexSeek =
copy(properties = = DoNotGetValue)))(SameId(
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): NodeIndexSeek =
copy(properties =
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
case class PartitionedNodeIndexSeek(
idName: LogicalVariable,
override val label: LabelToken,
properties: Seq[IndexedProperty],
valueExpr: QueryExpression[Expression],
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
override val indexType: IndexType
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends NodeIndexSeekLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan with PartitionedScanPlan {
override def indexOrder: IndexOrder = IndexOrderNone
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds + idName
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = valueExpr.expressions.flatMap(_.dependencies).toSet
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): PartitionedNodeIndexSeek =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): PartitionedNodeIndexSeek =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: PartitionedNodeIndexSeek =
copy(properties = = DoNotGetValue)))(SameId(
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): PartitionedNodeIndexSeek =
copy(properties =
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
object NodeIndexSeek extends IndexSeekNames {
override val PLAN_DESCRIPTION_INDEX_SCAN_NAME: String = "NodeIndexScan"
override val PLAN_DESCRIPTION_INDEX_SEEK_NAME = "NodeIndexSeek"
override val PLAN_DESCRIPTION_INDEX_SEEK_RANGE_NAME = "NodeIndexSeekByRange"
override val PLAN_DESCRIPTION_UNIQUE_INDEX_SEEK_NAME = "NodeUniqueIndexSeek"
override val PLAN_DESCRIPTION_UNIQUE_LOCKING_INDEX_SEEK_NAME = "NodeUniqueIndexSeek(Locking)"
* Produces one or zero rows containing the node per given label and property value combination.
* This operator is used on label/property combinations under uniqueness constraint, meaning that a single matching
* node is guaranteed.
case class NodeUniqueIndexSeek(
idName: LogicalVariable,
override val label: LabelToken,
properties: Seq[IndexedProperty],
valueExpr: QueryExpression[Expression],
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable],
indexOrder: IndexOrder,
override val indexType: IndexType,
supportPartitionedScan: Boolean
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends NodeIndexSeekLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = argumentIds + idName
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = valueExpr.expressions.flatMap(_.dependencies).toSet
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): NodeUniqueIndexSeek =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): NodeUniqueIndexSeek =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override def copyWithoutGettingValues: NodeUniqueIndexSeek =
copy(properties = = DoNotGetValue)))(SameId(
override def withMappedProperties(f: IndexedProperty => IndexedProperty): NodeUniqueIndexSeek =
copy(properties =
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* NOTE: This plan is only for testing
case class NonFuseable(override val source: LogicalPlan)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen)
with TestOnlyPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
* NOTE: This plan is only for testing
case class InjectCompilationError(override val source: LogicalPlan)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with TestOnlyPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
* NOTE: This plan is only for testing
case class NonPipelined(override val source: LogicalPlan)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen)
with TestOnlyPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
* NOTE: This plan is only for testing
case class NonPipelinedStreaming(override val source: LogicalPlan, expandFactor: Long)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with TestOnlyPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
case class NullifyMetadata(override val source: LogicalPlan, key: String, planId: Int)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with PhysicalPlanningPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override def availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
* Produces source rows, unless source is empty. In that case, a single row is produced containing argument and any
* non-argument variables set to NO_VALUE.
case class Optional(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
protectedSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
* OrderedAggregation is like Aggregation, except that it relies on the input coming
* in a particular order, which it can leverage by keeping less state to aggregate at any given time.
case class OrderedAggregation(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
override val groupingExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression],
override val aggregationExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression],
override val orderToLeverage: Seq[Expression]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with AggregatingPlan with ProjectingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override def addGroupingExpressions(newGroupingExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression]): AggregatingPlan =
copy(groupingExpressions = groupingExpressions ++ newGroupingExpressions)
override def withNewExpressions(
newGroupingExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression],
newAggregationExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression],
newOrderToLeverage: Seq[Expression]
)(idGen: IdGen): AggregatingPlan = {
groupingExpressions = newGroupingExpressions,
aggregationExpressions = newAggregationExpressions,
orderToLeverage = newOrderToLeverage
override val projectExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression] = groupingExpressions
val groupingKeys: Set[LogicalVariable] = groupingExpressions.keySet
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = groupingKeys ++ aggregationExpressions.keySet
orderToLeverage.forall(exp => groupingExpressions.values.exists(_ == exp)),
s"""orderToLeverage expressions can only be grouping expression values, i.e. the expressions _before_ the aggregation.
|Grouping expressions: $groupingExpressions
| Order to leverage: $orderToLeverage
| """.stripMargin
override val distinctness: Distinctness = Distinctness.distinctColumnsOfAggregation(groupingKeys)
* OrderedDistinct is like Distinct, except that it relies on the input coming
* * in a particular order, which it can leverage by keeping less state to aggregate at any given time.
case class OrderedDistinct(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
override val groupingExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression],
override val orderToLeverage: Seq[Expression]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with ProjectingPlan with AggregatingPlan {
override val projectExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression] = groupingExpressions
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = groupingExpressions.keySet
override val distinctness: Distinctness = Distinctness.distinctColumnsOfDistinct(source, groupingExpressions)
override def aggregationExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression] = Map.empty
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override def addGroupingExpressions(newGroupingExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression]): AggregatingPlan =
copy(groupingExpressions = groupingExpressions ++ newGroupingExpressions)
override def withNewExpressions(
newGroupingExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression],
newAggregationExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression],
newOrderToLeverage: Seq[Expression]
)(idGen: IdGen): AggregatingPlan = {
s"Aggregation expressions are not allowed in ${getClass.getSimpleName}."
copy(groupingExpressions = newGroupingExpressions, orderToLeverage = newOrderToLeverage)(idGen)
orderToLeverage.forall(exp => groupingExpressions.values.exists(_ == exp)),
s"""orderToLeverage expressions can only be grouping expression values, i.e. the expressions _before_ the distinct.
|Grouping expressions: $groupingExpressions
| Order to leverage: $orderToLeverage
| """.stripMargin
* Given two inputs that are both sorted on the same columns (`sortedColumns`),
* produce the 'left' rows, and the 'right' rows merged in that order.
* This operator does not guarantee row uniqueness.
case class OrderedUnion(left: LogicalPlan, right: LogicalPlan, sortedColumns: Seq[ColumnOrder])(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols intersect right.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
* Given an input that is sorted on a prefix of columns, e.g. [a],
* produce an output that is sorted on more columns, e.g. [a, b, c].
* @param skipSortingPrefixLength skip sorting so many rows at the beginning.
* This is an improvement if we know that these rows are skipped afterwards anyway.
case class PartialSort(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
alreadySortedPrefix: Seq[ColumnOrder],
stillToSortSuffix: Seq[ColumnOrder],
skipSortingPrefixLength: Option[Expression] = None
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
* Consume rows that are already sorted by `alreadySortedPrefix`. Sort, in chunks, by `stillToSortSuffix`.
* Only retain the first 'limit' rows, which are produced once the TopTable is full and the current
* chunk is read completely.
case class PartialTop(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
alreadySortedPrefix: Seq[ColumnOrder],
stillToSortSuffix: Seq[ColumnOrder],
limit: Expression,
skipSortingPrefixLength: Option[Expression] = None
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with LimitingLogicalPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = Distinctness.distinctColumnsOfLimit(limit, source)
* Plan used to indicate that order needs to be preserved.
case class PreserveOrder(override val source: LogicalPlan)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen)
with EagerLogicalPlan with PhysicalPlanningPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
* Install a probe to observe data flowing through the query
* NOTE: This plan is only for testing
case class Prober(override val source: LogicalPlan, probe: Probe)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with TestOnlyPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
object Prober {
trait Probe {
* Called on each row that passes through this operator.
* NOTE: The row and state objects are transient and any data that needs to be stored
* should be copied before the call returns.
* @param row a CypherRow representation
* @param state the QueryState
def onRow(row: AnyRef, state: AnyRef): Unit
* A name to identify the prober in debug information.
* E.g. in pipelined runtime, the name will be included in the WorkIdentity.workDescription of the operator
def name: String = ""
object NoopProbe extends Probe {
override def onRow(row: AnyRef, state: AnyRef): Unit = {}
* For every source row, call the procedure 'call'.
* If the procedure returns a stream, produce one row per result in this stream with result appended to the row
* If the procedure returns void, produce the source row
case class ProcedureCall(override val source: LogicalPlan, call: ResolvedCall)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols ++
override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
* Column to return in ProduceResult.
* For queries like `MATCH (n:L {p:1}) RETURN n` need to know what properties are cached
* so that we can use them when doing "value-population" of `n`.
case class Column(variable: LogicalVariable, cachedProperties: Set[ASTCachedProperty])
* For every source row, produce a row containing only the variables in 'columns'. The ProduceResult operator is
* always planned as the root operator in a logical plan tree.
case class ProduceResult(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
returnColumns: Seq[Column]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) {
def columns: Seq[LogicalVariable] =
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
def withNewReturnColumns(newColumns: Seq[Column]): ProduceResult =
copy(returnColumns = newColumns)(SameId(
object ProduceResult {
def withNoCachedProperties(source: LogicalPlan, columns: Seq[LogicalVariable])(implicit
idGen: IdGen): ProduceResult = {
new ProduceResult(source, => Column(c, Set.empty)))(idGen)
* This operator adheres to the following semantics. When we have a relationship list in scope and want retrieve the end
* nodes of the resulting path like,
* {{{
* WITH ... AS rels
* MATCH (start)-[rels*]->(end)
* }}}
* it should be equivalent to
* {{{
* WITH ... AS rels
* MATCH (start)-[rels2*]->(end)
* WHERE rels = rels2
* }}}
* ProjectEndpoints accepts some parameters who together describe a path:
* - a single relationship or a relationship list,
* - a list of relationship types,
* - the direction of the path,
* - length quantifiers if it's a var-length path,
* - the names of the start and end nodes, and whether they are in scope or not,
* It then returns the start and end nodes of any paths which are induced by the relationship(s) and matches the pattern.
* Just like in the example above. There are a couple of different cases that should be considered:
* - If 'rels == NO_VALUE', or 'rels' doesn't induce a valid path, or 'rels' does not match the specified 'types',
* the operator will return nothing.
* - If 'direction' is OUTGOING, then produce one row where start is set to the source node of the first relationship
* in rels, and end is set to the target node of the last relationship. If a given node is in scope, say start. Then
* we require that the node in scope is equal to the source node of the first relationship of the relationship list.
* Otherwise return nothing.
* - If 'direction' is INCOMING, produce one row where start is set to the target node of the first relationship in
* the list, and end is set to the source node of the last relationship. If a given node is in scope, say start. Then
* we require that the node in scope is equal to the target node of the first relationship of the relationship list.
* Otherwise return nothing.
* - if 'direction' is BOTH, produce rows for each path for which the relationship list is a valid path where
* the internal relationships may be oriented in any order. In most cases, this will only produce one row. I.e
* if for example,
* rels = `[(0)-[0]->(1), (2)-[1]->(1)]`,
* then there is only one way to orient the relationships to build a valid undirected path,
* `(0)-[0]->(1)<-[1]-(2)`
* and we would return one row where start = 0, end = 2. There are cases which will produce two rows. Consider
* for example a scenario where
* rels = `[(0)-[0]->(1), (1)-[1]->(0)]`,
* then there it's possible to create two valid undirected paths with the given relationship list,
* `(0)-[0]->(1)-[1]->(0)`,
* `(1)<-[0]-(0)<-[1]-(1)`,
* in which case we'd return two rows, one with start=end=0, and one with start=end=1.
* If neither the start or end node is in scope, then it's guaranteed that the relationship list is non-empty.
* Otherwise we'd essentially need to implement an all node scan inside projectEndpoints, as with nothing in scope
* the following
* {{{
* WITH [] AS rels
* MATCH (a)-[rels2*0..]->(b)
* WHERE rels = rels2
* return a, b
* }}},
* would return every single pair of nodes (a, a) in the graph.
case class ProjectEndpoints(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
rels: LogicalVariable,
start: LogicalVariable,
startInScope: Boolean,
end: LogicalVariable,
endInScope: Boolean,
types: Seq[RelTypeName],
direction: SemanticDirection,
length: PatternLength
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) {
startInScope || endInScope || length.isSimple || length.asInstanceOf[VarPatternLength].min > 0,
"Var length pattern including length 0, with no start or end node in scope, must not be solved by ProjectEndpoints."
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols + rels + start + end
override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
* For each source row produce:
* - the projected expressions (`projectExpressions`)
* - all columns from the source
* For each entry in 'expressions', the produced row get an extra variable
* name as the key, with the value of the expression.
* Implementations are allowed to ignore the `discardSymbols`
* (for performance reasons for example).
case class Projection(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
projectExpressions: Map[LogicalVariable, Expression]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with ProjectingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols ++ projectExpressions.keySet
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness.renameColumns(projectExpressions)
* Produce a single row with the contents of argument and a new value 'idName'. For each
* relationship type in 'typeNames', the number of relationship matching
* (:startLabel)-[:type]->(:endLabel)
* is fetched from the counts store. These counts are summed, and the result is
* assigned to 'idName'.
* Returns only a single row, thus a StableLeafPlan.
case class RelationshipCountFromCountStore(
idName: LogicalVariable,
startLabel: Option[LabelName],
typeNames: Seq[RelTypeName],
endLabel: Option[LabelName],
argumentIds: Set[LogicalVariable]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalLeafPlan(idGen) with StableLeafPlan {
override val availableSymbols = Set(idName)
override def usedVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set.empty
override def withoutArgumentIds(argsToExclude: Set[LogicalVariable]): RelationshipCountFromCountStore =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds -- argsToExclude)(SameId(
override def removeArgumentIds(): RelationshipCountFromCountStore =
copy(argumentIds = Set.empty)(SameId(
override val distinctness: Distinctness = AtMostOneRow
override def addArgumentIds(argsToAdd: Set[LogicalVariable]): LogicalLeafPlan =
copy(argumentIds = argumentIds ++ argsToAdd)(SameId(
* For each source row, the labels in 'labelNamed' are removed from the node 'idName'.
* The source row is produced.
case class RemoveLabels(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
idName: LogicalVariable,
labelNames: Set[LabelName],
labelExpressions: Set[Expression]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols + idName
* Variant of NodeHashJoin. Also builds a hash table using 'left' and produces merged left and right rows using this
* table. In addition, also produces left rows with missing key values, and right rows that were not matched
* in the hash table. In these additional rows, variables from the opposing stream are set to NO_VALUE.
* This is equivalent to a right outer join in relational algebra.
case class RightOuterHashJoin(
nodes: Set[LogicalVariable],
override val left: LogicalPlan,
override val right: LogicalPlan
implicit idGen: IdGen
) extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with EagerLogicalPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols ++ right.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = Distinctness.distinctColumnsOfBinaryPlan(left, right)
* RollUp is the inverse of the Unwind operator. For each left row,
* right is executed. For each right row produced, a single column value
* is extracted and inserted into a collection. which is assigned to 'collectionName'.
* The left row is produced.
* It is used for sub queries that return collections, such as pattern expressions (returns
* a collection of paths) and pattern comprehension.
case class RollUpApply(
override val left: LogicalPlan,
override val right: LogicalPlan,
collectionName: LogicalVariable,
variableToCollect: LogicalVariable
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with ApplyPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols + collectionName
override val distinctness: Distinctness = left.distinctness
* Fragment of a composite query to be executed on a component.
* @param query a standalone Cypher query to execute on the component
* @param graphReference the component on which to execute the query fragment
* @param parameters query parameters used inside of the query fragment
* @param importsAsParameters variables imported from the outer query inside of the query fragment are passed via additional parameters; mapping from the parameters to the original variables
* @param columns values returned by the query fragment
case class RunQueryAt(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
query: String,
graphReference: GraphReference,
parameters: Set[Parameter],
importsAsParameters: Map[Parameter, LogicalVariable],
columns: Set[LogicalVariable]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override def availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols.union(columns)
override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
* For each source row, produce it if all predicates are true.
case class Selection(predicate: Ands, override val source: LogicalPlan)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) {
assert(predicate.exprs.nonEmpty, "A selection plan should never be created without predicates")
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
object Selection {
def apply(predicates: Seq[Expression], source: LogicalPlan)(implicit idGen: IdGen): Selection = {
assert(predicates.nonEmpty, "A selection plan should never be created without predicates")
Selection(Ands(predicates)(predicates.head.position), source)
case class LabelAndRelTypeInfo(
labelInfo: Map[LogicalVariable, Set[LabelName]],
relTypeInfo: Map[LogicalVariable, RelTypeName]
* Like SemiApply, but with a precondition 'expr'. If 'expr' is true, left row will be produced without
* executing right.
* for ( leftRow <- left ) {
* if ( leftRow.evaluate( expr) ) {
* produce leftRow
* } else {
* right.setArgument( leftRow )
* if ( right.nonEmpty ) {
* produce leftRow
* }
* }
* }
* }}}
case class SelectOrSemiApply(override val left: LogicalPlan, override val right: LogicalPlan, expression: Expression)(
implicit idGen: IdGen
) extends AbstractSelectOrSemiApply(left)(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
* Like AntiSemiApply, but with a precondition 'expr'. If 'expr' is true, left row will be produced without
* executing right.
* for ( leftRow <- left ) {
* if ( leftRow.evaluate( expr) ) {
* produce leftRow
* } else {
* right.setArgument( leftRow )
* if ( right.isEmpty ) {
* produce leftRow
* }
* }
* }
case class SelectOrAntiSemiApply(
override val left: LogicalPlan,
override val right: LogicalPlan,
expression: Expression
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends AbstractSelectOrSemiApply(left)(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
* For every row in 'left', set that row as the argument, and apply to 'right'. Produce left row, but only if right
* produces at least one row.
* for ( leftRow <- left ) {
* right.setArgument( leftRow )
* if ( right.nonEmpty ) {
* produce leftRow
* }
* }
case class SemiApply(override val left: LogicalPlan, override val right: LogicalPlan)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends AbstractSemiApply(left)(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
* For every row in 'left', set that row as the argument, and apply to 'right'. Produce left row, but only if right
* produces no rows.
* for ( leftRow <- left ) {
* right.setArgument( leftRow )
* if ( right.isEmpty ) {
* produce leftRow
* }
* }
case class AntiSemiApply(override val left: LogicalPlan, override val right: LogicalPlan)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends AbstractSemiApply(left)(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
* For each source row, add the labels in 'labelNamed' to the node 'idName'.
* The source row is produced.
case class SetLabels(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
idName: LogicalVariable,
labelNames: Set[LabelName],
labelExpressions: Set[Expression]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols + idName
case class SetNodeProperties(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
idName: LogicalVariable,
items: Seq[(PropertyKeyName, Expression)]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols + idName
* for ( row <- source )
* node = row.get(idName)
* for ( (key,value) <- row.evaluate( expression ) )
* node.setProperty( key, value )
* node.clearUntouchedProperties() // Clear properties which weren't set above
* produce row
case class SetNodePropertiesFromMap(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
idName: LogicalVariable,
expression: Expression,
removeOtherProps: Boolean
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols + idName
* for ( row <- source )
* node = row.get(idName)
* node.setProperty( propertyKey, row.evaluate(value) )
* produce row
case class SetNodeProperty(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
idName: LogicalVariable,
propertyKey: PropertyKeyName,
value: Expression
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols + idName
case class SetProperties(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
entity: Expression,
items: Seq[(PropertyKeyName, Expression)]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
* for ( row <- source )
* thing = row.get(idName)
* for ( (key,value) <- row.evaluate( expression ) )
* thing.setProperty( key, value )
* produce row
case class SetPropertiesFromMap(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
entity: Expression,
expression: Expression,
removeOtherProps: Boolean
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
* for ( row <- source )
* entity = row.get(idName)
* entity.setProperty( propertyKey, row.evaluate(value) )
* produce row
case class SetProperty(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
entity: Expression,
propertyKey: PropertyKeyName,
value: Expression
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
case class SetDynamicProperty(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
entityExpression: Expression,
propertyExpression: Expression,
valueExpression: Expression
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
case class SetRelationshipProperties(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
idName: LogicalVariable,
items: Seq[(PropertyKeyName, Expression)]
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols + idName
* for ( row <- source )
* rel = row.get(idName)
* for ( (key,value) <- row.evaluate( expression ) )
* rel.setProperty( key, value )
* rel.clearUntouchedProperties() // Clear properties which weren't set above
* produce row
case class SetRelationshipPropertiesFromMap(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
idName: LogicalVariable,
expression: Expression,
removeOtherProps: Boolean
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols + idName
* for ( row <- source )
* rel = row.get(idName)
* rel.setProperty( propertyKey, row.evaluate(value) )
* produce row
case class SetRelationshipProperty(
override val source: LogicalPlan,
idName: LogicalVariable,
propertyKey: PropertyKeyName,
expression: Expression
)(implicit idGen: IdGen) extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with UpdatingPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan with UpdatingPlan =
copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols + idName
* Produce source rows except the first 'count' rows, which are ignored.
case class Skip(override val source: LogicalPlan, count: Expression)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
* Buffer all source rows and sort them according to 'sortItems'. Produce the rows in sorted order.
case class Sort(override val source: LogicalPlan, sortItems: Seq[ColumnOrder])(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with EagerLogicalPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
* SubqueryForeach is a side-effect type Apply. Each left row is applied as the argument to right. Left rows are produced unchanged.
* {{{
* for ( leftRow <- left)
* right.setArgument( leftRow )
* for ( rightRow <- right )
* // just consume
* produce leftRow
* }}}
case class SubqueryForeach(override val left: LogicalPlan, override val right: LogicalPlan)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with ApplyPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] =
left.availableSymbols // NOTE: right.availableSymbols are not available outside
override val distinctness: Distinctness = left.distinctness
* Sort source rows according to the ordering in 'sortItems'. Only retain the first 'limit' rows, which are
* produced once source if fully consumed.
case class Top(override val source: LogicalPlan, sortItems: Seq[ColumnOrder], limit: Expression)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with EagerLogicalPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = Distinctness.distinctColumnsOfLimit(limit, source)
* Special case TOP for the case when we only want one element, and all others that have the same value (tied for first place)
case class Top1WithTies(override val source: LogicalPlan, sortItems: Seq[ColumnOrder])(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with EagerLogicalPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
* Common class for all plans that need to project group variables.
sealed trait PlanWithVariableGroupings extends LogicalPlan {
* @return node variables to aggregate
def nodeVariableGroupings: Set[VariableGrouping]
* @return relationship variables to aggregate
def relationshipVariableGroupings: Set[VariableGrouping]
* @return a copy with updated variable groupings
def withVariableGroupings(
nodeVariableGroupings: Set[VariableGrouping],
relationshipVariableGroupings: Set[VariableGrouping]
)(idGen: IdGen): PlanWithVariableGroupings
* Used to solve queries like: `(start) [(innerStart)-->(innerEnd)]{i, j} (end)`
* @param left source plan
* @param right inner plan to repeat
* @param repetition how many times to repeat the RHS on each partial result
* @param start the outside node variable where the quantified pattern
* starts. Assumed to be present in the output of `left`.
* [[start]] (and for subsequent iterations [[innerEnd]]) is projected to [[innerStart]].
* @param end the outside node variable where the quantified pattern
* ends. Projected in output if present.
* @param innerStart the node variable where the inner pattern starts
* @param innerEnd the node variable where the inner pattern ends.
* [[innerEnd]] will eventually be projected to [[end]] (if present).
* @param nodeVariableGroupings node variables to aggregate
* @param relationshipVariableGroupings relationship variables to aggregate
* @param innerRelationships all inner relationships, whether they get projected or not
* @param previouslyBoundRelationships all relationship variables of the same MATCH that are present in lhs that are not provably disjoint
* @param previouslyBoundRelationshipGroups all relationship group variables of the same MATCH that are present in lhs that are not provably disjoint
* @param reverseGroupVariableProjections if `true` reverse the group variable lists
case class Trail(
override val left: LogicalPlan,
override val right: LogicalPlan,
repetition: Repetition,
start: LogicalVariable,
end: LogicalVariable,
innerStart: LogicalVariable,
innerEnd: LogicalVariable,
override val nodeVariableGroupings: Set[VariableGrouping],
override val relationshipVariableGroupings: Set[VariableGrouping],
innerRelationships: Set[LogicalVariable],
previouslyBoundRelationships: Set[LogicalVariable],
previouslyBoundRelationshipGroups: Set[LogicalVariable],
reverseGroupVariableProjections: Boolean
)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with ApplyPlan with PlanWithVariableGroupings {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalBinaryPlan = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
def withEnd(newEnd: LogicalVariable)(idGen: IdGen): Trail = copy(end = newEnd)(idGen)
override def withVariableGroupings(
nodeVariableGroupings: Set[VariableGrouping],
relationshipVariableGroupings: Set[VariableGrouping]
)(idGen: IdGen): PlanWithVariableGroupings = copy(
nodeVariableGroupings = nodeVariableGroupings,
relationshipVariableGroupings = relationshipVariableGroupings
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] =
left.availableSymbols + end + start ++ ++
override val distinctness: Distinctness = NotDistinct
* For every batchSize rows in left:
* Begin a new transaction
* For every row in batch:
* Evaluate RHS with left row as an argument
* Record right output rows
* Once the output from RHS is depleted:
* Commit transaction
* Produce all recorded output rows
* {{{
* for ( batch <- left.grouped(batchSize) {
* beginTx()
* for ( leftRow <- batch ) {
* right.setArgument( leftRow )
* for ( rightRow <- right ) {
* record( rightRow )
* }
* }
* commitTx()
* for ( r <- recordedRows ) {
* produce r
* }
* }
* }}}
case class TransactionApply(
override val left: LogicalPlan,
override val right: LogicalPlan,
batchSize: Expression,
concurrency: TransactionConcurrency,
onErrorBehaviour: InTransactionsOnErrorBehaviour,
maybeReportAs: Option[LogicalVariable]
implicit idGen: IdGen
) extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with ApplyPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): TransactionApply = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): TransactionApply = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] =
left.availableSymbols ++ right.availableSymbols ++ maybeReportAs.toList
override val distinctness: Distinctness = Distinctness.distinctColumnsOfBinaryPlan(left, right)
* Plan used to indicate that argument completion needs to be tracked
* NOTE: Only introduced by physical plan rewriter in pipelined runtime
case class TransactionCommit(override val source: LogicalPlan, batchSize: Expression)(implicit idGen: IdGen)
extends LogicalUnaryPlan(idGen) with PhysicalPlanningPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): LogicalUnaryPlan = copy(source = newLHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = source.availableSymbols
override val distinctness: Distinctness = source.distinctness
* For every batchSize rows in left:
* Begin a new transaction
* For every row in batch:
* Evaluate RHS with left row as an argument
* Record the original left row
* Once the output from all RHS in batch is depleted:
* Commit transaction
* Produce all recorded output rows
* {{{
* for ( batch <- left.grouped(batchSize) ) {
* beginTx()
* for ( leftRow <- batch ) {
* right.setArgument( leftRow )
* for ( rightRow <- right ) {
* // just consume
* }
* record( leftRow )
* }
* commitTx()
* for ( r <- recordedRows ) {
* produce r
* }
* }
* }}}
case class TransactionForeach(
override val left: LogicalPlan,
override val right: LogicalPlan,
batchSize: Expression,
concurrency: TransactionConcurrency,
onErrorBehaviour: InTransactionsOnErrorBehaviour,
maybeReportAs: Option[LogicalVariable]
implicit idGen: IdGen
) extends LogicalBinaryPlan(idGen) with ApplyPlan {
override def withLhs(newLHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): TransactionForeach = copy(left = newLHS)(idGen)
override def withRhs(newRHS: LogicalPlan)(idGen: IdGen): TransactionForeach = copy(right = newRHS)(idGen)
override val availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = left.availableSymbols ++ maybeReportAs.toList
override val distinctness: Distinctness = left.distinctness
object TransactionForeach {
val defaultBatchSize: Long = 1000L
val defaultOnErrorBehaviour: InTransactionsOnErrorBehaviour = OnErrorFail
* Triadic selection is used to solve a common query pattern:
* MATCH (a)-->(b)-->(c) WHERE NOT (a)-->(c)
* If this query can be solved by starting from (a) and expand first (a)-->(b)
* and expanding (b)-->(c), we can replace the filter with a triadic selection
* that runs the (a)-->(b) as its left hand side, caching the results for use in
* filtering the results of its right hand side which is the (b)-->(c) expands.
* The filtering is based on the pattern expression predicate. The classical
* example is the friend of a friend that is not already a friend, as shown above,
* but this works for other cases too, like fof that is a friend.
* Since the two expands are done by sub-plans, they can be substantially more
* complex than single expands. However, what patterns actually get here need to
* be identified by the triadic selection finder.
* In effect the triadic selection interprets the predicate pattern in: