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* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
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package org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.CancellationChecker
import scala.collection.mutable
object LogicalPlans {
trait Mapper[T] {
def onLeaf(plan: LogicalPlan): T
def onOneChildPlan(plan: LogicalPlan, source: T): T
def onTwoChildPlan(plan: LogicalPlan, lhs: T, rhs: T): T
* Traverses the logical plan tree structure and maps the tree in a bottom up fashion.
* Given a logical plan such as:
* a
* / \
* b c
* / / \
* d e f
* the mapper will be called in the following sequence:
* F = mapLeaf(f)
* E = mapLeaf(e)
* C = mapTwoChildPlan(c, E, F)
* D = mapLeaf(d)
* B = mapOneChildPlan(b, D)
* A = mapTwoChildPlan(a, B, C)
def map[T](plan: LogicalPlan, mapper: Mapper[T])(cancellationChecker: CancellationChecker): T = {
val planStack = new mutable.Stack[LogicalPlan]()
val resultStack = new mutable.Stack[T]()
var comingFrom = plan
def populate(plan: LogicalPlan): Unit = {
var current = plan
while (!current.isLeaf) {
(current.lhs, current.rhs) match {
case (Some(_), Some(right)) =>
current = right
case (Some(left), None) =>
current = left
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("This must not be!")
comingFrom = current
while (planStack.nonEmpty) {
val current = planStack.pop()
(current.lhs, current.rhs) match {
case (None, None) =>
val result = mapper.onLeaf(current)
case (Some(_), None) =>
val source = resultStack.pop()
val result = mapper.onOneChildPlan(current, source)
case (Some(left), Some(right)) if right eq left =>
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Tried to map bad logical plan. LHS and RHS must never be the same: op: $current\nfull plan: $plan"
case (Some(left), Some(_)) if comingFrom eq left =>
val arg1 = resultStack.pop()
val arg2 = resultStack.pop()
val result = mapper.onTwoChildPlan(current, arg1, arg2)
case (Some(left), Some(right)) if comingFrom eq right =>
case (Some(_), Some(_)) =>
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Tried to map bad logical plan. In a two child plan, we must come from either RHS or LHS: op: $current\nfull plan: $plan"
case (None, Some(_)) =>
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Tried to map bad logical plan. We can not have a RHS without having a LHS: op: $current\nfull plan: $plan"
comingFrom = current
val result = resultStack.pop()
assert(resultStack.isEmpty, "Should have emptied the stack of pipes by now!")
* Fold over this logical plan tree in execution order.
* In this fold, the plan tree is visited in execution order, starting from
* the leftmost leaf, and moving towards the root. Unlike a fold over a linear
* structure, the plan is a binary tree, and therefore we need an additional
* function for combining the left and right sides of some operators.
* NOTE: To avoid unpleasant surprises it is important that ACC is immutable,
* unless you really know what you're doing. The same ACC instance might
* be passed into several callback with the expectation of it being unchanged.
* @param f maps (currentAcc, plan) => acc for plan
* @param combineLeftAndRight combines the lhsAcc and rhsAcc of plan
* @param mapArguments maps an accumulator before giving it to the LHS leaves of ApplyPlans.
* Invoked with the accumulator of LHS children of ApplyPlans and the ApplyPlan.
def foldPlan[ACC](initialAcc: ACC)(
root: LogicalPlan,
f: (ACC, LogicalPlan) => ACC,
combineLeftAndRight: (ACC, ACC, LogicalBinaryPlan) => ACC,
mapArguments: (ACC, LogicalPlan) => ACC = (acc: ACC, _: LogicalPlan) => acc
)(cancellation: CancellationChecker): ACC = {
var stack: List[LogicalPlan] = root :: Nil
* @param argumentAcc this is the ACC captured right after processing the LHS of an ApplyPlan.
* It is used as the the first argument to `combineLeftAndRight` after processing the RHS
* @param mappedArgumentAcc this is `mapArguments(argumentAcc, applyPlan)`. It is used while on the RHS of the ApplyPlan.
case class ArgumentStackEntry(argumentAcc: ACC, mappedArgumentAcc: ACC)
// For each ApplyPlan that we are currently nested under there is one element in this stack.
var argumentStack: List[ArgumentStackEntry] = ArgumentStackEntry(initialAcc, initialAcc) :: Nil
var lhsStack: List[ACC] = Nil
var acc: ACC = initialAcc
var comingFrom: LogicalPlan = null
def populate(): Unit = {
while (!stack.head.isLeaf) {
stack = stack.head.lhs.get :: stack
while (stack != Nil) {
val current = stack.head
val newStack = stack.tail
stack = newStack
(current.lhs, current.rhs) match {
case (None, None) =>
acc = f(acc, current)
case (Some(_), None) =>
acc = f(acc, current)
case (Some(lhs), Some(rhs)) if comingFrom eq lhs =>
if (current.isInstanceOf[ApplyPlan]) {
val mappedArgumentAcc = mapArguments(acc, current)
argumentStack = ArgumentStackEntry(acc, mappedArgumentAcc) :: argumentStack
acc = mappedArgumentAcc
} else {
lhsStack = acc :: lhsStack
acc = argumentStack.head.mappedArgumentAcc
stack = rhs :: current :: stack
case (Some(_), Some(rhs)) if comingFrom eq rhs =>
if (current.isInstanceOf[ApplyPlan]) {
val ArgumentStackEntry(lhsAcc, _) = argumentStack.head
argumentStack = argumentStack.tail
acc = combineLeftAndRight(lhsAcc, acc, current.asInstanceOf[LogicalBinaryPlan])
} else {
val lhsAcc = lhsStack.head
lhsStack = lhsStack.tail
acc = combineLeftAndRight(lhsAcc, acc, current.asInstanceOf[LogicalBinaryPlan])
case (Some(_), Some(_)) =>
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Tried to map bad logical plan. In a two child plan, we must come from either RHS or LHS: op: $current"
case (None, Some(_)) =>
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Tried to map bad logical plan. We can not have a RHS without having a LHS: op: $current"
comingFrom = current
* Fold over this logical plan tree in execution order.
* In this fold, the plan tree is visited in execution order, starting from
* the leftmost leaf, and moving towards the root.
* Unlike [[foldPlan()]], this does not treat ApplyPlans and other binary plans differently.
* Instead, a single accumulator gets passed through.
* NOTE: To avoid unpleasant surprises it is important that ACC is immutable,
* unless you really know what you're doing. The same ACC instance might
* be passed into several callback with the expectation of it being unchanged.
* @param f maps (currentAcc, plan) => acc for plan
def simpleFoldPlan[ACC](initialAcc: ACC)(
root: LogicalPlan,
f: (ACC, LogicalPlan) => ACC
)(cancellation: CancellationChecker): ACC = {
var stack: List[LogicalPlan] = root :: Nil
var acc: ACC = initialAcc
var comingFrom: LogicalPlan = null
def populate(): Unit = {
while (!stack.head.isLeaf) {
stack = stack.head.lhs.get :: stack
while (stack != Nil) {
val current = stack.head
val newStack = stack.tail
stack = newStack
(current.lhs, current.rhs) match {
case (None, None) =>
acc = f(acc, current)
case (Some(_), None) =>
acc = f(acc, current)
case (Some(lhs), Some(rhs)) if comingFrom eq lhs =>
stack = rhs :: current :: stack
case (Some(_), Some(rhs)) if comingFrom eq rhs =>
acc = f(acc, current)
case (Some(_), Some(_)) =>
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Tried to map bad logical plan. In a two child plan, we must come from either RHS or LHS: op: $current"
case (None, Some(_)) =>
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Tried to map bad logical plan. We can not have a RHS without having a LHS: op: $current"
comingFrom = current