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* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
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* This file is part of Neo4j.
* Neo4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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package org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.prettifier.ExpressionStringifier
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.Expression
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.HasTypes
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.LogicalVariable
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.RelTypeName
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.SemanticDirection
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans.Expand.VariablePredicate
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans.NFA.RelationshipExpansionTransition
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans.NFA.State
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans.NFA.Transition
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.macros.AssertMacros
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.InputPosition
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.Repetition
import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq
object NFA {
case class PathLength(min: Int, maybeMax: Option[Int]) {
def addMin(addition: Int): PathLength = PathLength(min + addition, maybeMax)
def addMax(maybeAddition: Option[Int]): PathLength =
PathLength(min, maybeAddition.flatMap(addition => + addition)))
object PathLength {
val none: PathLength = PathLength(0, None)
def from(nodeConnections: NodeConnections[ExhaustiveNodeConnection]): PathLength =
nodeConnections.connections.foldLeft(PathLength(0, Some(0)): PathLength) {
case (pathLength, nodeConnection) => nodeConnection match {
case PatternRelationship(_, _, _, _, length) =>
length match {
case SimplePatternLength => pathLength.addMin(1).addMax(Some(1))
case VarPatternLength(min, max) => pathLength.addMin(min).addMax(max)
case QuantifiedPathPattern(_, _, _, _, Repetition(qppMin, qppMax), _, relationshipVariableGroupings) =>
val amountOfRelationships = relationshipVariableGroupings.size
val max = * amountOfRelationships)
val min = qppMin.toInt * amountOfRelationships
object State {
private[plans] def expressionStringifier: ExpressionStringifier = ExpressionStringifier(_.asCanonicalStringVal)
* A State is associated with a node (variable) and an ID that must be unique per NFA.
* It may have a predicate on the node which must be satisfied to enter the state.
* E.g., if this predicate is part of a transition from state a to state b, and the pattern looks like this:
* {{{(a) ( (b:B)-->() )*}}}
* then the variablePredicate should contain `b:B`
case class State(id: Int, variable: LogicalVariable, variablePredicate: Option[VariablePredicate]) {
def toDotString: String = {
val nodeWhere = => s" WHERE ${State.expressionStringifier(vp.predicate)}").getOrElse("")
s"\"($id, ${}$nodeWhere)\""
object Transition {
* Extract the endId
def unapply(t: Transition): Some[Int] = Some(t.endId)
* A (potentially conditional) transition between two states.
* The start state is omitted, since it is the map key in the [[NFA.transitions]] map.
sealed trait Transition {
* The end state of this transition.
val endId: Int
* The variable of the predicate, for conditional transitions.
* @return
def predicateVariable: Option[LogicalVariable]
def variablePredicate: Option[VariablePredicate]
def toDotString: String
* A node juxtaposition transition. This transition is unconditional.
case class NodeJuxtapositionTransition(endId: Int) extends Transition {
override def predicateVariable: Option[LogicalVariable] = None
override def variablePredicate: Option[VariablePredicate] = None
override def toDotString: String = ""
* A relationship expansion transition. This transition can be conditional.
* @param predicate the condition under which the transition may be applied.
* @param endId the end state of this transition.
case class RelationshipExpansionTransition(predicate: RelationshipExpansionPredicate, endId: Int) extends Transition {
override def predicateVariable: Option[LogicalVariable] =
override def variablePredicate: Option[VariablePredicate] = predicate.relPred
override def toDotString: String = predicate.toDotString
* This predicate is used for a relationship in a pattern.
* There is an optional variablePredicate (`relPred`) for the relationship of this transition.
* Below, we use this pattern as an example, assuming we're transitioning from a to b.
* {{{(a)-[r:R|Q WHERE r.prop = 5]->(b)}}}
* @param relationshipVariable the relationship. `r` in the example.
* @param relPred the predicate for the relationship `r.prop = 5` in the example.
* @param types the allowed types of the relationship. This is not inlined into relPred because this predicate can be
* executed more efficiently. `Seq(R,Q)` in the example.
* @param dir the direction of the relationship, from the perspective of the start of the transition.
* `OUTGOING` in the example.
case class RelationshipExpansionPredicate(
relationshipVariable: LogicalVariable,
relPred: Option[VariablePredicate],
types: Seq[RelTypeName],
dir: SemanticDirection
) {
def variable: Option[LogicalVariable] =
def toDotString: String = {
val (dirStrA, dirStrB) = LogicalPlanToPlanBuilderString.arrows(dir)
val typeStr = LogicalPlanToPlanBuilderString.relTypeStr(types)
val relWhere = => s" WHERE ${State.expressionStringifier(vp.predicate)}").getOrElse("")
* A predicate expressing the types that this relationship must have.
def relationshipTypePredicate: Option[Expression] = {
Option.when(types.nonEmpty)(HasTypes(relationshipVariable, types)(InputPosition.NONE))
* A non-deterministic finite automaton, used to solve SHORTEST.
* @param states the states of the automaton
* @param transitions a map that maps each state id to its outgoing transitions.
* @param startId the start state id. Must be an element of states.
* @param finalId the final state id. Must be an element of states.
case class NFA(
states: ArraySeq[State],
transitions: Map[Int, Set[Transition]],
startId: Int,
finalId: Int
) {
def startState: State = states(startId)
def finalState: State = states(finalId)
* All predicates in the NFA.
* Note that this contains relationship type predicates (which are not expresses as [[VariablePredicate]]s).
def predicates: Set[Expression] =
(states.iterator.flatMap(_.variablePredicate).map(_.predicate) ++
transitions.values.flatten.iterator.flatMap { t =>
val relTypePredicate = t match {
case _: NFA.NodeJuxtapositionTransition => None
case RelationshipExpansionTransition(predicate, _) => predicate.relationshipTypePredicate
val variablePredicate =
Seq(variablePredicate, relTypePredicate).flatten
* All the variables used in [[VariablePredicate]]s.
* Note that this does not contain relationship type predicates.
def predicateVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] =
++ transitions.values.flatten.iterator.flatMap(_.predicateVariable)).toSet
def nodes: Set[LogicalVariable] = ++ states.flatMap(_.variablePredicate).map(_.variable)
def relationships: Set[LogicalVariable] =
.collect { case t: RelationshipExpansionTransition => t.predicate }
.flatMap(r => Iterator(Some(r.relationshipVariable),
override def toString: String = {
val states = this.states.toList.sortBy(
val transitions = this.transitions.view.mapValues(
_.toList.sortBy(_.endId).mkString("[\n ", "\n ", "\n]")
s"NFA($states,\n$transitions\n, $startState, $finalState)"
* @return a DOT String to generate a graphviz. For example use
def toDotString: String = {
val nodes = states
.map { node =>
val style = if ( == " style=filled" else ""
val shape = if ( == " shape=doublecircle" else ""
s""" ${} [label=${node.toDotString}$style$shape];"""
val edges =
.flatMap { case (start, transitions) => -> _) }
.sortBy {
case (start, Transition(endId)) => (start, endId)
.map {
case (start, t @ Transition(endId)) =>
s""" $start -> $endId [label="${t.toDotString}"];"""
s"digraph G {\n$nodes\n$edges\n}"
states.zipWithIndex.forall { case (s, i) => == i },
"NFA States should be sorted by internal State Id"