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package org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.logical.plans.MinMaxOrdering.NullOrdering
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.NonEmptyList
Seek ranges describe intervals. In practice they are used to summarize all inequalities over the
same node and property (n.prop) during planning, esp. for generating index seek by range plans.
sealed trait SeekRange[+V] {
* The [[V]]s that are used to define this [[SeekRange]].
def arguments: Seq[V]
An inequality seek range can either only have lower bounds (RangeGreaterThan),
or upper bounds (RangeLessThan),or both (RangeBetween). Bounds can either be inclusive or exclusive
to differentiate between< and <= or > and >= respectively. Multiple bounds are needed since
it is not known at compile time which ast expression is the maximum lower or the minimum upper bound.
object InequalitySeekRange {
Construct an inequality seek range given either some lower bounds and optionally some upper bounds - or -
optionally some lower bounds and some upper bounds. Such an input may be obtained by partitioning
inequality expressions. See usages of this method for examples.
def fromPartitionedBounds[V](bounds: Either[(Bounds[V], Option[Bounds[V]]), (Option[Bounds[V]], Bounds[V])])
: InequalitySeekRange[V] =
bounds match {
case Left((lefts, None)) => RangeGreaterThan(lefts)
case Left((lefts, Some(rights))) => RangeBetween(RangeGreaterThan(lefts), RangeLessThan(rights))
case Right((None, rights)) => RangeLessThan(rights)
case Right((Some(lefts), rights)) => RangeBetween(RangeGreaterThan(lefts), RangeLessThan(rights))
sealed trait InequalitySeekRange[+V] extends SeekRange[V] {
def mapBounds[P](f: V => P): InequalitySeekRange[P]
def flatMapBounds[P](f: V => Option[P]): Option[InequalitySeekRange[P]]
def groupBy[K](f: Bound[V] => K): Map[K, InequalitySeekRange[V]]
sealed trait HalfOpenSeekRange[+V] extends InequalitySeekRange[V] {
def bounds: Bounds[V]
override def arguments: Seq[V] =
override def mapBounds[P](f: V => P): HalfOpenSeekRange[P]
override def flatMapBounds[P](f: V => Option[P]): Option[HalfOpenSeekRange[P]]
// returns the limit of this half open seek range, i.e.
// the greatest bound if this is a RangeGreaterThan and
// the smallest bound if this is a RangeLessThan
def limit[X >: V](implicit ordering: MinMaxOrdering[X]): Option[Bound[X]] =
protected def boundLimit[X >: V](implicit ordering: Ordering[Bound[X]]): Option[Bound[X]]
protected def boundOrdering[X >: V](implicit ordering: MinMaxOrdering[X]): Ordering[Bound[X]]
final case class RangeBetween[+V](greaterThan: RangeGreaterThan[V], lessThan: RangeLessThan[V])
extends InequalitySeekRange[V] {
override def arguments: Seq[V] = greaterThan.arguments ++ lessThan.arguments
override def mapBounds[P](f: V => P): RangeBetween[P] =
copy(greaterThan = greaterThan.mapBounds(f), lessThan = lessThan.mapBounds(f))
def flatMapBounds[P](f: V => Option[P]): Option[RangeBetween[P]] = {
for (
g <- greaterThan.flatMapBounds(f);
l <- lessThan.flatMapBounds(f)
) yield copy(greaterThan = g, lessThan = l)
override def groupBy[K](f: Bound[V] => K): Map[K, InequalitySeekRange[V]] = {
val greaterThanBounds =
val lessThanBounds =
val allBounds = greaterThanBounds ++ lessThanBounds
val groupedBounds = allBounds.groupBy[Either[Bound[V], Bound[V]], K] {
case Left(bound) => f(bound)
case Right(bound) => f(bound)
groupedBounds.view.mapValues[InequalitySeekRange[V]] { bounds =>
final case class RangeGreaterThan[+V](bounds: Bounds[V]) extends HalfOpenSeekRange[V] {
override def mapBounds[P](f: V => P): RangeGreaterThan[P] =
copy(bounds =
override def flatMapBounds[P](f: V => Option[P]): Option[RangeGreaterThan[P]] = {
val newBounds =[Option[Seq[Bound[P]]]](Some(Seq.empty[Bound[P]]))({
case (None, _) => None
case (_, None) => None
case (Some(aggregated), Some(item)) => Some(aggregated :+ item)
}) => copy(bounds = NonEmptyList.from(b)))
override def groupBy[K](f: Bound[V] => K): Map[K, RangeGreaterThan[V]] =
bounds.groupBy(f).view.mapValues(bounds => RangeGreaterThan(bounds)).toMap
protected def boundLimit[X >: V](implicit ordering: Ordering[Bound[X]]): Option[Bound[X]] = {
val limit = bounds.max[Bound[X]](ordering)
if (limit.endPoint == null) None else Some(limit)
protected def boundOrdering[X >: V](implicit ordering: MinMaxOrdering[X]): Ordering[Bound[X]] =
final case class RangeLessThan[+V](bounds: Bounds[V]) extends HalfOpenSeekRange[V] {
override def mapBounds[P](f: V => P): RangeLessThan[P] =
copy(bounds =
override def flatMapBounds[P](f: V => Option[P]): Option[RangeLessThan[P]] = {
val newBounds =[Option[Seq[Bound[P]]]](Some(Seq.empty[Bound[P]]))({
case (None, _) => None
case (_, None) => None
case (Some(aggregated), Some(item)) => Some(aggregated :+ item)
}) => copy(bounds = NonEmptyList.from(b)))
override def groupBy[K](f: Bound[V] => K): Map[K, RangeLessThan[V]] =
bounds.groupBy(f).view.mapValues(bounds => RangeLessThan(bounds)).toMap
protected def boundLimit[X >: V](implicit ordering: Ordering[Bound[X]]): Option[Bound[X]] = {
val limit = bounds.min[Bound[X]](ordering)
if (limit.endPoint == null) None else Some(limit)
protected def boundOrdering[X >: V](implicit ordering: MinMaxOrdering[X]): Ordering[Bound[X]] =
PrefixRange is used to describe intervals on string values for prefix search.
This is practical for two reasons:
- It directly maps on prefix queries of index implementations
- It removes the need to construct a proper upper bound value for an interval that
would describe the prefix search (which can be difficult due to unicode issues)
final case class PrefixRange[T](prefix: T) extends SeekRange[T] {
override def arguments: Seq[T] = Seq(prefix)
def map[X](f: T => X): PrefixRange[X] = copy(f(prefix))
override def toString: String = s"STARTS WITH ${if (prefix == null) "null" else prefix.toString}"
final case class PointDistanceRange[T](point: T, distance: T, inclusive: Boolean) extends SeekRange[T] {
override def arguments: Seq[T] = Seq(point, distance)
def map[X](f: T => X): PointDistanceRange[X] = copy(f(point), f(distance), inclusive)
final case class PointBoundingBoxRange[T](lowerLeft: T, upperRight: T) extends SeekRange[T] {
override def arguments: Seq[T] = Seq(lowerLeft, upperRight)
def map[X](f: T => X): PointBoundingBoxRange[X] = copy(f(lowerLeft), f(upperRight))
final case class MinBoundOrdering[T](inner: Ordering[T]) extends Ordering[Bound[T]] {
override def compare(x: Bound[T], y: Bound[T]): Int = {
val cmp =, y.endPoint)
if (cmp == 0), y.isInclusive)
final case class MaxBoundOrdering[T](inner: Ordering[T]) extends Ordering[Bound[T]] {
override def compare(x: Bound[T], y: Bound[T]): Int = {
val cmp =, y.endPoint)
if (cmp == 0), x.isInclusive)
case class MinMaxOrdering[T](ordering: Ordering[T]) {
val forMin: Ordering[T] = ordering.withNullsFirst
val forMax: Ordering[T] = ordering.withNullsLast
object MinMaxOrdering {
implicit class NullOrdering[T](ordering: Ordering[T]) {
def withNullsFirst: Ordering[T] = (x: T, y: T) => {
if (x == null) {
if (y == null) 0 else -1
} else if (y == null) {
} else {, y)
def withNullsLast: Ordering[T] = (x: T, y: T) => {
if (x == null) {
if (y == null) 0 else +1
} else if (y == null) {
} else {, y)