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package org.opencastproject.adminui.util;
import static org.opencastproject.adminui.endpoint.AbstractEventEndpoint.SCHEDULING_AGENT_ID_KEY;
import static org.opencastproject.adminui.endpoint.AbstractEventEndpoint.SCHEDULING_END_KEY;
import static org.opencastproject.adminui.endpoint.AbstractEventEndpoint.SCHEDULING_START_KEY;
import org.opencastproject.elasticsearch.api.SearchIndexException;
import org.opencastproject.elasticsearch.index.ElasticsearchIndex;
import org.opencastproject.elasticsearch.index.objects.event.Event;
import org.opencastproject.index.service.api.IndexService;
import org.opencastproject.mediapackage.MediaPackageElements;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;
import java.time.DayOfWeek;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
* This class holds utility functions which are related to the bulk update feature for events.
public final class BulkUpdateUtil {
private static final JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
private BulkUpdateUtil() {
* Wraps the IndexService.getEvent() method to convert SearchIndexExceptions into RuntimeExceptions. Useful when
* using Java's functional programming features.
* @param indexSvc The IndexService instance.
* @param index The index to get the event from.
* @param id The id of the event to get.
* @return An optional holding the event or nothing, if not found.
public static Optional getEvent(
final IndexService indexSvc,
final ElasticsearchIndex index,
final String id) {
try {
final Event event = indexSvc.getEvent(id, index).orNull();
return Optional.ofNullable(event);
} catch (SearchIndexException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Takes the given scheduling information and completes the event start and end dates as well as the duration for the
* given event. If the weekday shall be changed, the start and end dates are adjusted accordingly.
* @param event The event to complete the scheduling information for.
* @param scheduling The (yet incomplete) scheduling information to complete.
* @return The completed scheduling information, adjusted for the given event.
public static JSONObject addSchedulingDates(final Event event, final JSONObject scheduling) {
final JSONObject result = deepCopy(scheduling);
ZonedDateTime startDate = ZonedDateTime.parse(event.getRecordingStartDate());
ZonedDateTime endDate = ZonedDateTime.parse(event.getRecordingEndDate());
final InternalDuration oldDuration = InternalDuration.of(startDate.toInstant(), endDate.toInstant());
final ZoneId timezone = ZoneId.of((String) result.get("timezone"));
// The client only sends start time hours and/or minutes. We have to apply this to each event to get a full date.
if (result.containsKey(SCHEDULING_START_KEY)) {
startDate = adjustedSchedulingDate(result, SCHEDULING_START_KEY, startDate, timezone);
// The client only sends end time hours and/or minutes. We have to apply this to each event to get a full date.
if (result.containsKey(SCHEDULING_END_KEY)) {
endDate = adjustedSchedulingDate(result, SCHEDULING_END_KEY, endDate, timezone);
if (endDate.isBefore(startDate)) {
endDate = endDate.plusDays(1);
// If duration is set, we have to adjust the end or start date.
if (result.containsKey("duration")) {
final JSONObject time = (JSONObject) result.get("duration");
final InternalDuration newDuration = new InternalDuration(oldDuration);
if (time.containsKey("hour")) {
newDuration.hours = (Long) time.get("hour");
if (time.containsKey("minute")) {
newDuration.minutes = (Long) time.get("minute");
if (time.containsKey("second")) {
newDuration.seconds = (Long) time.get("second");
if (result.containsKey(SCHEDULING_END_KEY)) {
startDate = endDate.minusHours(newDuration.hours)
} else {
endDate = startDate.plusHours(newDuration.hours)
// Setting the weekday means that the event should be moved to the new weekday within the same week
if (result.containsKey("weekday")) {
final String weekdayAbbrev = ((String) result.get("weekday"));
if (weekdayAbbrev != null) {
final DayOfWeek newWeekDay =
.filter(d ->
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot parse weekday: " + weekdayAbbrev));
final int daysDiff = newWeekDay.getValue() - startDate.getDayOfWeek().getValue();
startDate = startDate.plusDays(daysDiff);
endDate = endDate.plusDays(daysDiff);
result.put(SCHEDULING_START_KEY, startDate.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT));
result.put(SCHEDULING_END_KEY, endDate.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT));
return result;
* Creates a json object containing meta data based on the given scheduling information.
* @param scheduling The scheduling information to extract meta data from.
* @return The meta data, consisting of location, startDate, and duration.
public static JSONObject toNonTechnicalMetadataJson(final JSONObject scheduling) {
final List fields = new ArrayList<>();
if (scheduling.containsKey(SCHEDULING_AGENT_ID_KEY)) {
final JSONObject locationJson = new JSONObject();
locationJson.put("id", "location");
locationJson.put("value", scheduling.get(SCHEDULING_AGENT_ID_KEY));
if (scheduling.containsKey(SCHEDULING_START_KEY) && scheduling.containsKey(SCHEDULING_END_KEY)) {
final JSONObject startDateJson = new JSONObject();
startDateJson.put("id", "startDate");
final String startDate = Instant.parse((String) scheduling.get(SCHEDULING_START_KEY))
.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME) + ".000Z";
startDateJson.put("value", startDate);
final JSONObject durationJson = new JSONObject();
durationJson.put("id", "duration");
final Instant start = Instant.parse((String) scheduling.get(SCHEDULING_START_KEY));
final Instant end = Instant.parse((String) scheduling.get(SCHEDULING_END_KEY));
final InternalDuration duration = InternalDuration.of(start, end);
durationJson.put("value", duration.toString());
final JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
result.put("flavor", MediaPackageElements.EPISODE.toString());
result.put("title", CommonEventCatalogUIAdapter.EPISODE_TITLE);
result.put("fields", fields);
return result;
* Merges all fields of the given meta data json objects into one object.
* @param first The first meta data json object.
* @param second The second meta data json object.
* @return A new json meta data object, containing the field of both input objects.
public static JSONObject mergeMetadataFields(final JSONObject first, final JSONObject second) {
if (first == null) {
return second;
if (second == null) {
return first;
final JSONObject result = deepCopy(first);
final Collection fields = (Collection) result.get("fields");
fields.addAll((Collection) second.get("fields"));
return result;
private static JSONObject deepCopy(final JSONObject o) {
try {
return (JSONObject) parser.parse(o.toJSONString());
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
private static class InternalDuration {
private long hours;
private long minutes;
private long seconds;
InternalDuration() {
InternalDuration(final InternalDuration other) {
this.hours = other.hours;
this.minutes = other.minutes;
this.seconds = other.seconds;
public static InternalDuration of(final Instant start, final Instant end) {
final InternalDuration result = new InternalDuration();
final Duration duration = Duration.between(start, end);
result.hours = duration.toHours();
result.minutes = duration.minusHours(result.hours).toMinutes();
result.seconds = duration.minusHours(result.hours).minusMinutes(result.minutes).getSeconds();
return result;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds);
private static ZonedDateTime adjustedSchedulingDate(
final JSONObject scheduling,
final String dateKey,
final ZonedDateTime date,
final ZoneId timezone) {
final JSONObject time = (JSONObject) scheduling.get(dateKey);
ZonedDateTime result = date.withZoneSameInstant(timezone);
if (time.containsKey("hour")) {
final int hour = Math.toIntExact((Long) time.get("hour"));
result = result.withHour(hour);
if (time.containsKey("minute")) {
final int minute = Math.toIntExact((Long) time.get("minute"));
result = result.withMinute(minute);
return result.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC);
* Model class for one group of update instructions
public static class BulkUpdateInstructionGroup {
private final List eventIds;
private final JSONObject metadata;
private final JSONObject scheduling;
* Create a new group from parsed JSON data
* @param eventIds Event IDs in this group
* @param metadata Metadata for this group
* @param scheduling Scheduling for this group
public BulkUpdateInstructionGroup(final List eventIds, final JSONObject metadata, final JSONObject scheduling) {
this.eventIds = eventIds;
this.metadata = metadata;
this.scheduling = scheduling;
* Get the list of IDs of events to apply the bulk update to.
* @return The list of IDs of the events to apply the bulk update to.
public List getEventIds() {
return eventIds;
* Get the meta data update to apply.
* @return The meta data update to apply.
public JSONObject getMetadata() {
return metadata;
* Get the scheduling information update to apply.
* @return The scheduling information update to apply.
public JSONObject getScheduling() {
return scheduling;
* Model class for the bulk update instructions which are sent by the UI.
public static class BulkUpdateInstructions {
private static final String KEY_EVENTS = "events";
private static final String KEY_METADATA = "metadata";
private static final String KEY_SCHEDULING = "scheduling";
private final List groups;
* Create a new instance by parsing the given json String.
* @param json The json serialized version of the bulk update instructions sent by the UI.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the json string cannot be parsed.
public BulkUpdateInstructions(final String json) throws IllegalArgumentException {
try {
final JSONArray root = (JSONArray) parser.parse(json);
groups = new ArrayList<>(root.size());
for (final Object jsonGroup : root) {
final JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonGroup;
final JSONArray eventIds = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get(KEY_EVENTS);
final JSONObject metadata = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get(KEY_METADATA);
final JSONObject scheduling = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get(KEY_SCHEDULING);
groups.add(new BulkUpdateInstructionGroup(eventIds, metadata, scheduling));
} catch (final ParseException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
public List getGroups() {
return groups;