[email protected] Maven / Gradle / Ivy
module vbridge-topology {
// vi: set et smarttab sw=4 tabstop=4:
yang-version 1;
namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:vbridge:topology";
prefix "vbridge";
organization "Cisco Systems, Inc.";
contact "Robert Varga ";
"Base model describing a virtual bridge domain mapped expressed
as a network topology. Implementations of this model are expected
to map this topology onto an underlay transport/management topology,
such as a NETCONF topology talking to forwarding boxes
Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html";
revision "2016-01-29" {
description "Initial cut";
import network-topology { prefix nt; revision-date 2013-10-21; }
import odl-external-reference { prefix extref; }
import v3po { prefix "v3po"; revision-date "2017-06-07"; }
import yang-ext { prefix ext; revision-date "2013-07-09"; }
identity tunnel-type {
description "Type of tunneling technology";
typedef tunnel-type-ref {
description "Reference to a tunneling technology";
type identityref {
base tunnel-type;
augment "/nt:network-topology/nt:topology/nt:topology-types" {
ext:augment-identifier "topology-types-vbridge-augment";
container vbridge-topology {
presence "Indicates that this topology is a virtual bridge domain topology";
augment "/nt:network-topology/nt:topology" {
ext:augment-identifier "topology-vbridge-augment";
when "./nt:topology-types/vbridge-topology";
// Pointer to the NETCONF topology which supports this bridge domain
// FIXME: must "../../nt:underlay-topology";
leaf tunnel-type {
description "Tunnel technology to use for encapsulation";
type tunnel-type-ref;
choice tunnel-parameters {
description "Empty container which will be augmented with
parameters specific to a particular underlay
tunnel technology";
uses v3po:bridge-domain-attributes;
augment "/nt:network-topology/nt:topology/nt:node" {
ext:augment-identifier "node-vbridge-augment";
when "../nt:topology-types/vbridge-topology";
container bridge-member {
presence "Indicates this node is part of the bridge domain";
// Pointer to the NETCONF node which supports this bridge member
must "../../nt:supporting-node";
// FIXME: this is implementation specific, depends on whether
// the underlay has an a concept of a bridge domain.
leaf supporting-bridge-domain {
"Reference to the network element bridge domain, which has
been configured to support this virtual bridge domain on
this bridge member.
This reference needs to be resolved against the supporting
node's configuration data store.";
config false;
type extref:external-reference;
augment "/nt:network-topology/nt:topology/nt:node/nt:termination-point" {
ext:augment-identifier "termination-point-vbridge-augment";
when "../bridge-member";
choice interface-type {
leaf user-interface {
"Reference to the network element interface, which is
configured to be a member of this virtual bridge domain.
This reference needs to be resolved against the supporting
node's configuration data store.";
type extref:external-reference;
mandatory true;
leaf tunnel-interface {
"Reference to the network element interface, which is
configured to on the member to support exchange of packet
passing through this virtual bridge domain towards other
domain members.
This reference needs to be resolved against the supporting
node's configuration data store.";
config false;
type extref:external-reference;
mandatory true;
augment "/nt:network-topology/nt:topology" {
ext:augment-identifier "topology-vbridge-cfg-augment";
when "class = 'vbridge-startup-config'";
container vbridge-startup-config {
presence "Label for startup config.";
description "Topology used for displaying startup
VBridge nodes configuration defined in ODL.";
augment "/nt:network-topology/nt:topology/nt:node/nt:termination-point" {
ext:augment-identifier "termination-point-vbridge-cfg-augment";
when "../../vbridge-startup-config";
choice interface-type-cfg {
case virtual-domain-carrier-case {
container virtual-domain-carrier {
presence "Label for startup config.";
"Reference to the physical network element interface, which
can be used as a super interface for VLAN sub-interfaces
or which IP address can be specified as a source or destination
of encapsulated VXLAN traffic.";
config false;
augment "/nt:network-topology/nt:topology/nt:link" {
when "../nt:topology-types/vbridge-topology";
ext:augment-identifier "link-vbridge-augment";
leaf tunnel {
"Reference to the network element tunnel interface supporting
cross-connect between two bridge members.
This reference needs to be resolved against the supporting
node's operational data store.";
config false;
type extref:external-reference;