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* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* The OpenSearch Contributors require contributions made to
* this file be licensed under the Apache-2.0 license or a
* compatible open source license.
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.opensearch.OpenSearchException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* A record of timings for the various operations that may happen during query execution.
* A node's time may be composed of several internal attributes (rewriting, weighting,
* scoring, etc). The class supports profiling the concurrent search over segments.
* @opensearch.internal
public final class ConcurrentQueryProfileBreakdown extends ContextualProfileBreakdown {
static final String SLICE_END_TIME_SUFFIX = "_slice_end_time";
static final String SLICE_START_TIME_SUFFIX = "_slice_start_time";
static final String MAX_PREFIX = "max_";
static final String MIN_PREFIX = "min_";
static final String AVG_PREFIX = "avg_";
private long queryNodeTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
private long maxSliceNodeTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
private long minSliceNodeTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
private long avgSliceNodeTime = 0L;
// keep track of all breakdown timings per segment. package-private for testing
private final Map> contexts = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// represents slice to leaves mapping as for each slice a unique collector instance is created
private final Map> sliceCollectorsToLeaves = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** Sole constructor. */
public ConcurrentQueryProfileBreakdown() {
public AbstractProfileBreakdown context(Object context) {
// See please
final AbstractProfileBreakdown profile = contexts.get(context);
if (profile != null) {
return profile;
return contexts.computeIfAbsent(context, ctx -> new QueryProfileBreakdown());
public Map toBreakdownMap() {
final Map topLevelBreakdownMapWithWeightTime = super.toBreakdownMap();
final long createWeightStartTime = topLevelBreakdownMapWithWeightTime.get(
final long createWeightTime = topLevelBreakdownMapWithWeightTime.get(QueryTimingType.CREATE_WEIGHT.toString());
if (contexts.isEmpty()) {
// If there are no leaf contexts, then return the default concurrent query level breakdown, which will include the
// create_weight time/count
queryNodeTime = createWeightTime;
maxSliceNodeTime = 0L;
minSliceNodeTime = 0L;
avgSliceNodeTime = 0L;
return buildDefaultQueryBreakdownMap(createWeightTime);
} else if (sliceCollectorsToLeaves.isEmpty()) {
// This will happen when each slice executes search leaf for its leaves and query is rewritten for the leaf being searched. It
// creates a new weight and breakdown map for each rewritten query. This new breakdown map captures the timing information for
// the new rewritten query. The sliceCollectorsToLeaves is empty because this breakdown for rewritten query gets created later
// in search leaf path which doesn't have collector. Also, this is not needed since this breakdown is per leaf and there is no
// concurrency involved.
assert contexts.size() == 1 : "Unexpected size: "
+ contexts.size()
+ " of leaves breakdown in ConcurrentQueryProfileBreakdown of rewritten query for a leaf.";
AbstractProfileBreakdown breakdown = contexts.values().iterator().next();
queryNodeTime = breakdown.toNodeTime() + createWeightTime;
maxSliceNodeTime = 0L;
minSliceNodeTime = 0L;
avgSliceNodeTime = 0L;
Map queryBreakdownMap = new HashMap<>(breakdown.toBreakdownMap());
queryBreakdownMap.put(QueryTimingType.CREATE_WEIGHT.toString(), createWeightTime);
queryBreakdownMap.put(QueryTimingType.CREATE_WEIGHT + TIMING_TYPE_COUNT_SUFFIX, 1L);
return queryBreakdownMap;
// first create the slice level breakdowns
final Map> sliceLevelBreakdowns = buildSliceLevelBreakdown();
return buildQueryBreakdownMap(sliceLevelBreakdowns, createWeightTime, createWeightStartTime);
* @param createWeightTime time for creating weight
* @return default breakdown map for concurrent query which includes the create weight time and all other timing type stats in the
* breakdown has default value of 0. For concurrent search case, the max/min/avg stats for each timing type will also be 0 in this
* default breakdown map.
private Map buildDefaultQueryBreakdownMap(long createWeightTime) {
final Map concurrentQueryBreakdownMap = new HashMap<>();
for (QueryTimingType timingType : QueryTimingType.values()) {
final String timingTypeKey = timingType.toString();
final String timingTypeCountKey = timingTypeKey + TIMING_TYPE_COUNT_SUFFIX;
if (timingType.equals(QueryTimingType.CREATE_WEIGHT)) {
concurrentQueryBreakdownMap.put(timingTypeKey, createWeightTime);
concurrentQueryBreakdownMap.put(timingTypeCountKey, 1L);
final String maxBreakdownTypeTime = MAX_PREFIX + timingTypeKey;
final String minBreakdownTypeTime = MIN_PREFIX + timingTypeKey;
final String avgBreakdownTypeTime = AVG_PREFIX + timingTypeKey;
final String maxBreakdownTypeCount = MAX_PREFIX + timingTypeCountKey;
final String minBreakdownTypeCount = MIN_PREFIX + timingTypeCountKey;
final String avgBreakdownTypeCount = AVG_PREFIX + timingTypeCountKey;
// add time related stats
concurrentQueryBreakdownMap.put(timingTypeKey, 0L);
concurrentQueryBreakdownMap.put(maxBreakdownTypeTime, 0L);
concurrentQueryBreakdownMap.put(minBreakdownTypeTime, 0L);
concurrentQueryBreakdownMap.put(avgBreakdownTypeTime, 0L);
// add count related stats
concurrentQueryBreakdownMap.put(timingTypeCountKey, 0L);
concurrentQueryBreakdownMap.put(maxBreakdownTypeCount, 0L);
concurrentQueryBreakdownMap.put(minBreakdownTypeCount, 0L);
concurrentQueryBreakdownMap.put(avgBreakdownTypeCount, 0L);
return concurrentQueryBreakdownMap;
* Computes the slice level breakdownMap. It uses sliceCollectorsToLeaves to figure out all the leaves or segments part of a slice.
* Then use the breakdown timing stats for each of these leaves to calculate the breakdown stats at slice level.
* @return map of collector (or slice) to breakdown map
Map> buildSliceLevelBreakdown() {
final Map> sliceLevelBreakdowns = new HashMap<>();
long totalSliceNodeTime = 0L;
for (Map.Entry> slice : sliceCollectorsToLeaves.entrySet()) {
final Collector sliceCollector = slice.getKey();
// initialize each slice level breakdown
final Map currentSliceBreakdown = sliceLevelBreakdowns.computeIfAbsent(sliceCollector, k -> new HashMap<>());
// max slice end time across all timing types
long sliceMaxEndTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
long sliceMinStartTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for (QueryTimingType timingType : QueryTimingType.values()) {
if (timingType.equals(QueryTimingType.CREATE_WEIGHT)) {
// do nothing for create weight as that is query level time and not slice level
// for each timing type compute maxSliceEndTime and minSliceStartTime. Also add the counts of timing type to
// compute total count at slice level
final String timingTypeCountKey = timingType + TIMING_TYPE_COUNT_SUFFIX;
final String timingTypeStartKey = timingType + TIMING_TYPE_START_TIME_SUFFIX;
final String timingTypeSliceStartTimeKey = timingType + SLICE_START_TIME_SUFFIX;
final String timingTypeSliceEndTimeKey = timingType + SLICE_END_TIME_SUFFIX;
for (LeafReaderContext sliceLeaf : slice.getValue()) {
if (!contexts.containsKey(sliceLeaf)) {
// In case like early termination, the sliceCollectorToLeave association will be added for a
// leaf, but the leaf level breakdown will not be created in the contexts map.
// This is because before updating the contexts map, the query hits earlyTerminationException.
// To handle such case, we will ignore the leaf that is not present.
// Other than early termination, it can also happen in other cases. For example: there is a must boolean query
// with 2 boolean clauses. While creating scorer for first clause if no docs are found for the field in a leaf
// context then it will return null scorer. Then for 2nd clause weight as well no scorer will be created for this
// leaf context (as it is a must query). Due to this it will end up missing the leaf context in the contexts map
// for second clause weight.
final Map currentSliceLeafBreakdownMap = contexts.get(sliceLeaf).toBreakdownMap();
// get the count for current leaf timing type
final long sliceLeafTimingTypeCount = currentSliceLeafBreakdownMap.get(timingTypeCountKey);
(key, value) -> (value == null) ? sliceLeafTimingTypeCount : value + sliceLeafTimingTypeCount
if (sliceLeafTimingTypeCount == 0L) {
// In case where a slice with multiple leaves, it is possible that any one of the leaves has 0 invocations for a
// specific breakdown type. We should skip the slice start/end time computation for any leaf with 0 invocations on a
// timing type, as 0 does not represent an actual timing.
// For example, a slice has 0 invocations for a breakdown type from its leading leaves. Another example, let's
// consider a slice with three leaves: leaf A with a score count of 5, leaf B with a score count of 0,
// and leaf C with a score count of 4. In this situation, we only compute the timing type slice start/end time based
// on leaf A and leaf C. This is because leaf B has a start time of zero.
// compute the sliceStartTime for timingType using min of startTime across slice leaves
final long sliceLeafTimingTypeStartTime = currentSliceLeafBreakdownMap.get(timingTypeStartKey);
(key, value) -> (value == null) ? sliceLeafTimingTypeStartTime : Math.min(value, sliceLeafTimingTypeStartTime)
// compute the sliceEndTime for timingType using max of endTime across slice leaves
final long sliceLeafTimingTypeEndTime = sliceLeafTimingTypeStartTime + currentSliceLeafBreakdownMap.get(
(key, value) -> (value == null) ? sliceLeafTimingTypeEndTime : Math.max(value, sliceLeafTimingTypeEndTime)
// Only when we've checked all leaves in a slice and still find no invocations, then we should set the slice start/end time
// to the default 0L. This is because buildQueryBreakdownMap expects timingTypeSliceStartTimeKey and
// timingTypeSliceEndTimeKey in the slice level breakdowns.
if (currentSliceBreakdown.get(timingTypeCountKey) != null && currentSliceBreakdown.get(timingTypeCountKey) == 0L) {
currentSliceBreakdown.put(timingTypeSliceStartTimeKey, 0L);
currentSliceBreakdown.put(timingTypeSliceEndTimeKey, 0L);
// compute sliceMaxEndTime as max of sliceEndTime across all timing types
sliceMaxEndTime = Math.max(sliceMaxEndTime, currentSliceBreakdown.getOrDefault(timingTypeSliceEndTimeKey, Long.MIN_VALUE));
long currentSliceStartTime = currentSliceBreakdown.getOrDefault(timingTypeSliceStartTimeKey, Long.MAX_VALUE);
if (currentSliceStartTime == 0L) {
// The timer for the current timing type never starts, so we continue here
sliceMinStartTime = Math.min(sliceMinStartTime, currentSliceStartTime);
// compute total time for each timing type at slice level using sliceEndTime and sliceStartTime
currentSliceBreakdown.getOrDefault(timingTypeSliceEndTimeKey, 0L) - currentSliceBreakdown.getOrDefault(
// currentSliceNodeTime does not include the create weight time, as that is computed in non-concurrent part
long currentSliceNodeTime;
if (sliceMinStartTime == Long.MAX_VALUE && sliceMaxEndTime == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
currentSliceNodeTime = 0L;
} else if (sliceMinStartTime == Long.MAX_VALUE || sliceMaxEndTime == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
throw new OpenSearchException(
"Unexpected value of sliceMinStartTime ["
+ sliceMinStartTime
+ "] or sliceMaxEndTime ["
+ sliceMaxEndTime
+ "] while computing the slice level timing profile breakdowns"
} else {
currentSliceNodeTime = sliceMaxEndTime - sliceMinStartTime;
// compute max/min slice times
maxSliceNodeTime = Math.max(maxSliceNodeTime, currentSliceNodeTime);
minSliceNodeTime = Math.min(minSliceNodeTime, currentSliceNodeTime);
// total time at query level
totalSliceNodeTime += currentSliceNodeTime;
avgSliceNodeTime = totalSliceNodeTime / sliceCollectorsToLeaves.size();
return sliceLevelBreakdowns;
* Computes the query level breakdownMap using the breakdown maps of all the slices. In query level breakdown map, it has the
* time/count stats for each breakdown type. Total time per breakdown type at query level is computed by subtracting the max of slice
* end time with min of slice start time for that type. Count for each breakdown type at query level is sum of count of that type
* across slices. Other than these, there are max/min/avg stats across slices for each breakdown type
* @param sliceLevelBreakdowns breakdown map for all the slices
* @param createWeightTime time for create weight
* @param createWeightStartTime start time for create weight
* @return breakdown map for entire query
public Map buildQueryBreakdownMap(
Map> sliceLevelBreakdowns,
long createWeightTime,
long createWeightStartTime
) {
final Map queryBreakdownMap = new HashMap<>();
long queryEndTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
for (QueryTimingType queryTimingType : QueryTimingType.values()) {
final String timingTypeKey = queryTimingType.toString();
final String timingTypeCountKey = timingTypeKey + TIMING_TYPE_COUNT_SUFFIX;
final String sliceEndTimeForTimingType = timingTypeKey + SLICE_END_TIME_SUFFIX;
final String sliceStartTimeForTimingType = timingTypeKey + SLICE_START_TIME_SUFFIX;
final String maxBreakdownTypeTime = MAX_PREFIX + timingTypeKey;
final String minBreakdownTypeTime = MIN_PREFIX + timingTypeKey;
final String avgBreakdownTypeTime = AVG_PREFIX + timingTypeKey;
final String maxBreakdownTypeCount = MAX_PREFIX + timingTypeCountKey;
final String minBreakdownTypeCount = MIN_PREFIX + timingTypeCountKey;
final String avgBreakdownTypeCount = AVG_PREFIX + timingTypeCountKey;
long queryTimingTypeEndTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
long queryTimingTypeStartTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
long queryTimingTypeCount = 0L;
// the create weight time is computed at the query level and is called only once per query
if (queryTimingType == QueryTimingType.CREATE_WEIGHT) {
queryBreakdownMap.put(timingTypeCountKey, 1L);
queryBreakdownMap.put(timingTypeKey, createWeightTime);
// for all other timing types, we will compute min/max/avg/total across slices
for (Map.Entry> sliceBreakdown : sliceLevelBreakdowns.entrySet()) {
long sliceBreakdownTypeTime = sliceBreakdown.getValue().getOrDefault(timingTypeKey, 0L);
long sliceBreakdownTypeCount = sliceBreakdown.getValue().getOrDefault(timingTypeCountKey, 0L);
// compute max/min/avg TimingType time across slices
(key, value) -> (value == null) ? sliceBreakdownTypeTime : Math.max(sliceBreakdownTypeTime, value)
(key, value) -> (value == null) ? sliceBreakdownTypeTime : Math.min(sliceBreakdownTypeTime, value)
(key, value) -> (value == null) ? sliceBreakdownTypeTime : sliceBreakdownTypeTime + value
// compute max/min/avg TimingType count across slices
(key, value) -> (value == null) ? sliceBreakdownTypeCount : Math.max(sliceBreakdownTypeCount, value)
(key, value) -> (value == null) ? sliceBreakdownTypeCount : Math.min(sliceBreakdownTypeCount, value)
(key, value) -> (value == null) ? sliceBreakdownTypeCount : sliceBreakdownTypeCount + value
// query start/end time for a TimingType is min/max of start/end time across slices for that TimingType
queryTimingTypeEndTime = Math.max(
sliceBreakdown.getValue().getOrDefault(sliceEndTimeForTimingType, Long.MIN_VALUE)
queryTimingTypeStartTime = Math.min(
sliceBreakdown.getValue().getOrDefault(sliceStartTimeForTimingType, Long.MAX_VALUE)
queryTimingTypeCount += sliceBreakdownTypeCount;
if (queryTimingTypeStartTime == Long.MAX_VALUE || queryTimingTypeEndTime == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
throw new OpenSearchException(
"Unexpected timing type ["
+ timingTypeKey
+ "] start ["
+ queryTimingTypeStartTime
+ "] or end time ["
+ queryTimingTypeEndTime
+ "] computed across slices for profile results"
queryBreakdownMap.put(timingTypeKey, queryTimingTypeEndTime - queryTimingTypeStartTime);
queryBreakdownMap.put(timingTypeCountKey, queryTimingTypeCount);
queryBreakdownMap.compute(avgBreakdownTypeTime, (key, value) -> (value == null) ? 0L : value / sliceLevelBreakdowns.size());
queryBreakdownMap.compute(avgBreakdownTypeCount, (key, value) -> (value == null) ? 0L : value / sliceLevelBreakdowns.size());
// compute query end time using max of query end time across all timing types
queryEndTime = Math.max(queryEndTime, queryTimingTypeEndTime);
if (queryEndTime == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
throw new OpenSearchException("Unexpected error while computing the query end time across slices in profile result");
queryNodeTime = queryEndTime - createWeightStartTime;
return queryBreakdownMap;
public long toNodeTime() {
return queryNodeTime;
public void associateCollectorToLeaves(Collector collector, LeafReaderContext leaf) {
// Each slice (or collector) is executed by single thread. So the list for a key will always be updated by a single thread only
sliceCollectorsToLeaves.computeIfAbsent(collector, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(leaf);
public void associateCollectorsToLeaves(Map> collectorsToLeaves) {
Map> getSliceCollectorsToLeaves() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(sliceCollectorsToLeaves);
// used by tests
Map> getContexts() {
return contexts;
long getMaxSliceNodeTime() {
return maxSliceNodeTime;
long getMinSliceNodeTime() {
return minSliceNodeTime;
long getAvgSliceNodeTime() {
return avgSliceNodeTime;