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org.parboiled2.CharPredicate.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 * Copyright 2009-2019 Mathias Doenitz
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.parboiled2

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange

sealed abstract class CharPredicate {
  import CharPredicate._
  def apply(char: Char): Boolean

  /** Determines wether this CharPredicate is an instance of the high-performance,
    * constant-time `CharPredicate.MaskBased` implementation.
  def isMaskBased: Boolean = this.isInstanceOf[MaskBased]

  def asMaskBased: MaskBased =
    this match {
      case x: MaskBased => x
      case _            => sys.error("CharPredicate is not MaskBased")

  def ++(that: CharPredicate): CharPredicate
  def ++(chars: Seq[Char]): CharPredicate
  def --(that: CharPredicate): CharPredicate
  def --(chars: Seq[Char]): CharPredicate

  def ++(char: Char): CharPredicate    = this ++ (char :: Nil)
  def --(char: Char): CharPredicate    = this -- (char :: Nil)
  def ++(chars: String): CharPredicate = this ++ chars.toIndexedSeq
  def --(chars: String): CharPredicate = this -- chars.toIndexedSeq

  def intersect(that: CharPredicate): CharPredicate

  def negated: CharPredicate =
    this match {
      case Empty => All
      case All   => Empty
      case x     => from(c => !x(c))

  def matchesAny(string: String): Boolean = {
    @tailrec def rec(ix: Int): Boolean =
      if (ix == string.length) false else if (this(string charAt ix)) true else rec(ix + 1)

  def matchesAll(string: String): Boolean = {
    @tailrec def rec(ix: Int): Boolean =
      if (ix == string.length) true else if (!this(string charAt ix)) false else rec(ix + 1)

  def indexOfFirstMatch(string: String): Int = {
    @tailrec def rec(ix: Int): Int =
      if (ix == string.length) -1 else if (this(string charAt ix)) ix else rec(ix + 1)

  def indexOfFirstMismatch(string: String): Int = {
    @tailrec def rec(ix: Int): Int =
      if (ix == string.length) -1 else if (this(string charAt ix)) rec(ix + 1) else ix

  def firstMatch(string: String): Option[Char] =
    indexOfFirstMatch(string) match {
      case -1 => None
      case ix => Some(string charAt ix)

  def firstMismatch(string: String): Option[Char] =
    indexOfFirstMismatch(string) match {
      case -1 => None
      case ix => Some(string charAt ix)

  protected def or(that: CharPredicate): CharPredicate =
    if (this == Empty) that else from(c => this(c) || that(c))

  protected def and(that: CharPredicate): CharPredicate =
    if (this == Empty) Empty else from(c => this(c) && that(c))

  protected def andNot(that: CharPredicate): CharPredicate =
    if (this == Empty) from(c => !that(c)) else from(c => this(c) && !that(c))

object CharPredicate {
  val Empty: CharPredicate = MaskBased(0L, 0L)
  val All: CharPredicate   = from(_ => true)
  val LowerAlpha           = CharPredicate('a' to 'z')
  val UpperAlpha           = CharPredicate('A' to 'Z')
  val Alpha                = LowerAlpha ++ UpperAlpha
  val Digit                = CharPredicate('0' to '9')
  val Digit19              = CharPredicate('1' to '9')
  val AlphaNum             = Alpha ++ Digit
  val LowerHexLetter       = CharPredicate('a' to 'f')
  val UpperHexLetter       = CharPredicate('A' to 'F')
  val HexLetter            = LowerHexLetter ++ UpperHexLetter
  val HexDigit             = Digit ++ HexLetter
  val Visible              = CharPredicate('\u0021' to '\u007e')
  val Printable            = Visible ++ ' '

  def from(predicate: Char => Boolean): CharPredicate = General(predicate)

  def apply(magnets: ApplyMagnet*): CharPredicate = magnets.foldLeft(Empty)((a, m) => a ++ m.predicate)

  class ApplyMagnet(val predicate: CharPredicate)

  object ApplyMagnet {
    implicit def fromPredicate(predicate: Char => Boolean): ApplyMagnet = new ApplyMagnet(from(predicate))
    implicit def fromPredicate(predicate: CharPredicate): ApplyMagnet   = new ApplyMagnet(predicate)
    implicit def fromChar(c: Char): ApplyMagnet                         = fromChars(c :: Nil)
    implicit def fromCharArray(array: Array[Char]): ApplyMagnet         = fromChars(array.toIndexedSeq)
    implicit def fromString(chars: String): ApplyMagnet                 = fromChars(chars)

    implicit def fromChars(chars: Seq[Char]): ApplyMagnet =
      chars match {
        case _ if chars.size < 128 & !chars.exists(unmaskable) =>
          @tailrec def rec(ix: Int, result: CharPredicate): CharPredicate =
            if (ix == chars.length) result else rec(ix + 1, result ++ chars(ix))
          new ApplyMagnet(rec(0, Empty))
        case r: NumericRange[Char] => new ApplyMagnet(new RangeBased(r))
        case _                     => new ApplyMagnet(new ArrayBased(chars.toArray))

  ///////////////////////// PRIVATE ////////////////////////////

  private def unmaskable(c: Char) = c >= 128

  // efficient handling of 7bit-ASCII chars
  case class MaskBased private[CharPredicate] (lowMask: Long, highMask: Long) extends CharPredicate {

    def apply(c: Char): Boolean = {
      val mask = if (c < 64) lowMask else highMask
      ((1L << c) & ((c - 128) >> 31) & mask) != 0L // branchless for `(c < 128) && (mask & (1L << c) != 0)`

    def ++(that: CharPredicate): CharPredicate =
      that match {
        case Empty                => this
        case _ if this == Empty   => that
        case MaskBased(low, high) => MaskBased(lowMask | low, highMask | high)
        case _                    => this or that

    def ++(chars: Seq[Char]): CharPredicate =
      chars.foldLeft(this: CharPredicate) {
        case (_: MaskBased, c) if unmaskable(c)  => new ArrayBased(chars.toArray) ++ new ArrayBased(toArray)
        case (MaskBased(low, high), c) if c < 64 => MaskBased(low | 1L << c, high)
        case (MaskBased(low, high), c)           => MaskBased(low, high | 1L << c)
        case (x, _)                              => x // once the fold acc is not a MaskBased we are done

    def --(that: CharPredicate): CharPredicate =
      that match {
        case Empty                => this
        case _ if this == Empty   => this
        case MaskBased(low, high) => MaskBased(lowMask & ~low, highMask & ~high)
        case _                    => this andNot that

    def --(chars: Seq[Char]): CharPredicate =
      if (this != Empty)
        chars.foldLeft(this: CharPredicate) {
          case (_: MaskBased, c) if unmaskable(c)  => this andNot new ArrayBased(chars.toArray)
          case (MaskBased(low, high), c) if c < 64 => MaskBased(low & ~(1L << c), high)
          case (MaskBased(low, high), c)           => MaskBased(low, high & ~(1L << c))
          case (x, _)                              => x // once the fold acc is not a MaskBased we are done
      else this

    def intersect(that: CharPredicate) =
      that match {
        case Empty                => Empty
        case _ if this == Empty   => Empty
        case MaskBased(low, high) => MaskBased(lowMask & low, highMask & high)
        case _                    => this and that

    def size: Int = java.lang.Long.bitCount(lowMask) + java.lang.Long.bitCount(highMask)

    def toArray: Array[Char] = {
      val array = new Array[Char](size)
      getChars(array, 0)

    def getChars(array: Array[Char], startIx: Int): Unit = {
      @tailrec def rec(mask: Long, offset: Int, bit: Int, ix: Int): Int =
        if (bit < 64 && ix < array.length)
          if ((mask & (1L << bit)) > 0) {
            array(ix) = (offset + bit).toChar
            rec(mask, offset, bit + 1, ix + 1)
          } else rec(mask, offset, bit + 1, ix)
        else ix
        rec(lowMask, 0, java.lang.Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(lowMask), startIx)

    override def toString(): String = "CharPredicate.MaskBased(" + new String(toArray) + ')'

  class RangeBased private[CharPredicate] (private val range: NumericRange[Char]) extends CharPredicate {
    def apply(c: Char): Boolean = range contains c

    def ++(that: CharPredicate): CharPredicate =
      that match {
        case Empty => this
        case _     => this or that

    def ++(other: Seq[Char]): CharPredicate = if (other.nonEmpty) this ++ CharPredicate(other) else this

    def --(that: CharPredicate): CharPredicate =
      that match {
        case Empty => this
        case _     => this andNot that

    def --(other: Seq[Char]): CharPredicate = if (other.nonEmpty) this -- CharPredicate(other) else this

    def intersect(that: CharPredicate): CharPredicate =
      that match {
        case Empty => Empty
        case _     => this and that

    override def toString(): String =
      s"CharPredicate.RangeBased(start = ${range.start}, end = ${range.end}, " +
        s"step = ${range.step.toInt}, inclusive = ${range.isInclusive})"

  class ArrayBased private[CharPredicate] (private val chars: Array[Char]) extends CharPredicate {
    import java.util.Arrays._

    // TODO: switch to faster binary search algorithm with an adaptive pivot, e.g.
    def apply(c: Char): Boolean = binarySearch(chars, c) >= 0

    def ++(that: CharPredicate): CharPredicate =
      that match {
        case Empty         => this
        case x: ArrayBased => this ++ x.chars.toIndexedSeq
        case _             => this or that

    def ++(other: Seq[Char]): CharPredicate =
      if (other.nonEmpty) new ArrayBased((this -- other).chars ++ other.toArray[Char])
      else this

    def --(that: CharPredicate): CharPredicate =
      that match {
        case Empty         => this
        case x: ArrayBased => this -- x.chars.toIndexedSeq
        case _             => this andNot that

    def --(other: Seq[Char]): ArrayBased =
      if (other.nonEmpty) {
        val otherChars = other.toArray
        new ArrayBased(chars.filter(binarySearch(otherChars, _) < 0))
      } else this

    def intersect(that: CharPredicate): CharPredicate =
      that match {
        case Empty         => Empty
        case x: ArrayBased => new ArrayBased(chars.intersect(x.chars))
        case _             => this and that

    override def toString(): String = "CharPredicate.ArrayBased(" + new String(chars) + ')'

  case class General private[CharPredicate] (predicate: Char => Boolean) extends CharPredicate {
    def apply(c: Char): Boolean = predicate(c)

    def ++(that: CharPredicate): CharPredicate =
      that match {
        case Empty                  => this
        case General(thatPredicate) => from(c => predicate(c) || thatPredicate(c))
        case _                      => from(c => predicate(c) || that(c))

    def ++(chars: Seq[Char]): CharPredicate =
      if (chars.nonEmpty) {
        val abp = new ArrayBased(chars.toArray)
        from(c => predicate(c) || abp(c))
      } else this

    def --(that: CharPredicate): CharPredicate =
      that match {
        case Empty                  => this
        case General(thatPredicate) => from(c => predicate(c) && !thatPredicate(c))
        case _                      => from(c => predicate(c) && !that(c))

    def --(chars: Seq[Char]): CharPredicate =
      if (chars.nonEmpty) {
        val abp = new ArrayBased(chars.toArray)
        from(c => predicate(c) && !abp(c))
      } else this

    def intersect(that: CharPredicate) =
      that match {
        case Empty                  => Empty
        case General(thatPredicate) => from(c => predicate(c) && that(c))
        case _                      => this and that

    override def toString(): String = "CharPredicate.General@" + System.identityHashCode(this)

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