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package org.pmml4s.common
import java.util.Arrays
import org.pmml4s.common.MatrixKind.MatrixKind
import scala.collection.mutable
* Trait for a matrix.
trait Matrix extends PmmlElement {
def apply(i: Int, j: Int): Double
def default: Double = 0.0
def diagDefault: Option[Double]
def offDiagDefault: Option[Double]
def nbRows: Int
def nbCols: Int
def kind: MatrixKind
* The content is just one array of numbers representing the diagonal values.
class DiagonalMatrix(val values: Array[Double], val offDiagDefault: Option[Double]) extends Matrix {
override def apply(i: Int, j: Int): Double = if (i == j) values(i) else offDiagDefault.getOrElse(default)
override def nbRows: Int = values.length
override def nbCols: Int = values.length
override def kind: MatrixKind = MatrixKind.diagonal
override def diagDefault: Option[Double] = None
* The content must be represented by Arrays. The first array contains the matrix element M(0,0), the second array
* contains M(1,0), M(1,1), and so on (that is the lower left triangle). Other elements are defined by symmetry.
class SymmetricMatrix(val values: Array[Array[Double]]) extends Matrix {
override def apply(i: Int, j: Int): Double = if (i > j) values(j)(i) else values(i)(j)
override def nbRows: Int = values.length
override def nbCols: Int = values(nbRows - 1).length
override def kind: MatrixKind = MatrixKind.symmetric
override def diagDefault: Option[Double] = None
override def offDiagDefault: Option[Double] = None
* Dense matrix
class DenseMatrix(val values: Array[Array[Double]]) extends Matrix {
override def apply(i: Int, j: Int): Double = values(i)(j)
override def nbRows: Int = values.length
override def nbCols: Int = values(0).length
override def kind: MatrixKind = MatrixKind.any
override def diagDefault: Option[Double] = None
override def offDiagDefault: Option[Double] = None
* Column-major sparse matrix.
class SparseMatrix(val nbRows: Int,
val nbCols: Int,
val colPtrs: Array[Int],
val rowIndices: Array[Int],
val values: Array[Double],
val diagDefault: Option[Double],
val offDiagDefault: Option[Double]) extends Matrix {
override def apply(i: Int, j: Int): Double = {
val ind = index(i, j)
if (ind < 0) default(i, j) else values(ind)
override def kind: MatrixKind = MatrixKind.any
def index(i: Int, j: Int): Int = {
Arrays.binarySearch(rowIndices, colPtrs(j), colPtrs(j + 1), i)
def default(i: Int, j: Int): Double = if (i == j) diagDefault.getOrElse(default) else offDiagDefault.getOrElse(default)
object SparseMatrix {
def fromCells(nbRows: Int, nbCols: Int, matCells: Array[MatCell], diagDefault: Option[Double], offDiagDefault: Option[Double]): SparseMatrix = {
val sortedEntries = matCells.sortBy(v => (v.col, v.row))
val numEntries = sortedEntries.size
if (sortedEntries.nonEmpty) {
// Since the entries are sorted by column index, we only need to check the first and the last.
for (col <- Seq(sortedEntries.head.col, sortedEntries.last.col)) {
require(col >= 0 && col < nbCols, s"Column index out of range [0, $nbCols): $col.")
val colPtrs = new Array[Int](nbCols + 1)
val rowIndices = mutable.ArrayBuilder.make[Int]
val values = mutable.ArrayBuilder.make[Double]
var nnz = 0
var prevCol = 0
var prevRow = -1
var prevVal = 0.0
// Append a dummy entry to include the last one at the end of the loop.
(sortedEntries.view :+ MatCell(nbRows, nbCols, 1.0)).foreach { case MatCell(i, j, v) =>
if (i == prevRow && j == prevCol) {
prevVal += v
} else {
if (prevVal != 0) {
require(prevRow >= 0 && prevRow < nbRows,
s"Row index out of range [0, $nbRows): $prevRow.")
nnz += 1
rowIndices += prevRow
values += prevVal
prevRow = i
prevVal = v
while (prevCol < j) {
colPtrs(prevCol + 1) = nnz
prevCol += 1
new SparseMatrix(nbRows, nbCols, colPtrs, rowIndices.result(), values.result(), diagDefault, offDiagDefault)
case class MatCell(val row: Int, val col: Int, val value: Double)
object MatrixKind extends Enumeration {
type MatrixKind = Value
val diagonal, symmetric, any = Value