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META-INF.resources.primefaces.inputnumber.0-autoNumeric.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * autoNumeric.js
 * @author: Bob Knothe
 * @author: Sokolov Yura
 * @version: 1.9.45 - 2015-06-13 GMT 5:00 PM / 19:00
 * Created by Robert J. Knothe on 2010-10-25. Please report any bugs to
 * Contributor by Sokolov Yura on 2010-11-07
 * Copyright (c) 2011 Robert J. Knothe
 * The MIT License (
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
 * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
 * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
 * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
 * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
 * conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
 * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
(function (factory) {
    if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
        /** AMD. Register as an anonymous module. */
        define(["jquery"], factory);
    } else if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) {
        /** Node/CommonJS */
        module.exports = factory(require("jquery"));
    } else {
        /** Browser globals */
}(function ($) {
    "use strict";
    /*jslint browser: true*/
    /*global jQuery: false*/
    /*Cross browser routine for getting selected range/cursor position

     * Cross browser routine for getting selected range/cursor position

    function getElementSelection(that) {
        var position = {};
        if (that.selectionStart === undefined) {
            var select = document.selection.createRange();
            position.length = select.text.length;
            select.moveStart('character', -that.value.length);
            position.end = select.text.length;
            position.start = position.end - position.length;
        } else {
            position.start = that.selectionStart;
            position.end = that.selectionEnd;
            position.length = position.end - position.start;
        return position;

     * Cross browser routine for setting selected range/cursor position

    function setElementSelection(that, start, end) {
        if (that.selectionStart === undefined) {
            var r = that.createTextRange();
            r.moveEnd('character', end);
            r.moveStart('character', start);
        } else {
            that.selectionStart = start;
            that.selectionEnd = end;

     * run callbacks in parameters if any
     * any parameter could be a callback:
     * - a function, which invoked with jQuery element, parameters and this parameter name and returns parameter value
     * - a name of function, attached to $(selector).autoNumeric.functionName(){} - which was called previously

    function runCallbacks($this, settings) {
         * loops through the settings object (option array) to find the following
         * k = option name example k=aNum
         * val = option value example val=0123456789
        $.each(settings, function (k, val) {
            if (typeof val === 'function') {
                settings[k] = val($this, settings, k);
            } else if (typeof $this.autoNumeric[val] === 'function') {
                 * calls the attached function from the html5 data example: data-a-sign="functionName"
                settings[k] = $this.autoNumeric[val]($this, settings, k);

     * Converts the vMin, vMax & mDec string to numeric value

    function convertKeyToNumber(settings, key) {
        if (typeof(settings[key]) === 'string') {
            settings[key] *= 1;

     * Preparing user defined options for further usage
     * merge them with defaults appropriately

    function autoCode($this, settings) {
        runCallbacks($this, settings);
        settings.tagList = ['b', 'caption', 'cite', 'code', 'dd', 'del', 'div', 'dfn', 'dt', 'em', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'ins', 'kdb', 'label', 'li', 'output', 'p', 'q', 's', 'sample', 'span', 'strong', 'td', 'th', 'u', 'var'];
        var vmax = settings.vMax.toString().split('.'),
            vmin = (!settings.vMin && settings.vMin !== 0) ? [] : settings.vMin.toString().split('.');
        convertKeyToNumber(settings, 'vMax');
        convertKeyToNumber(settings, 'vMin');
        convertKeyToNumber(settings, 'mDec'); /** set mDec if not defined by user */
        settings.mDec = (settings.mRound === 'CHF') ? '2' : settings.mDec;
        settings.allowLeading = true;
        settings.aNeg = settings.vMin < 0 ? '-' : '';
        vmax[0] = vmax[0].replace('-', '');
        vmin[0] = vmin[0].replace('-', '');
        settings.mInt = Math.max(vmax[0].length, vmin[0].length, 1);
        if (settings.mDec === null) {
            var vmaxLength = 0,
                vminLength = 0;
            if (vmax[1]) {
                vmaxLength = vmax[1].length;
            if (vmin[1]) {
                vminLength = vmin[1].length;
            settings.mDec = Math.max(vmaxLength, vminLength);
        } /** set alternative decimal separator key */
        if (settings.altDec === null && settings.mDec > 0) {
            if (settings.aDec === '.' && settings.aSep !== ',') {
                settings.altDec = ',';
            } else if (settings.aDec === ',' && settings.aSep !== '.') {
                settings.altDec = '.';
        /** cache regexps for autoStrip */
        var aNegReg = settings.aNeg ? '([-\\' + settings.aNeg + ']?)' : '(-?)';
        settings.aNegRegAutoStrip = aNegReg;
        settings.skipFirstAutoStrip = new RegExp(aNegReg + '[^-' + (settings.aNeg ? '\\' + settings.aNeg : '') + '\\' + settings.aDec + '\\d]' + '.*?(\\d|\\' + settings.aDec + '\\d)');
        settings.skipLastAutoStrip = new RegExp('(\\d\\' + settings.aDec + '?)[^\\' + settings.aDec + '\\d]\\D*$');
        var allowed = '-' + settings.aNum + '\\' + settings.aDec;
        settings.allowedAutoStrip = new RegExp('[^' + allowed + ']', 'gi');
        settings.numRegAutoStrip = new RegExp(aNegReg + '(?:\\' + settings.aDec + '?(\\d+\\' + settings.aDec + '\\d+)|(\\d*(?:\\' + settings.aDec + '\\d*)?))');
        return settings;

     * strips all unwanted characters and leave only a number alert

    function autoStrip(s, settings, strip_zero) {
        if (settings.aSign) { /** remove currency sign */
            while (s.indexOf(settings.aSign) > -1) {
                s = s.replace(settings.aSign, '');
        s = s.replace(settings.skipFirstAutoStrip, '$1$2'); /** first replace anything before digits */
        s = s.replace(settings.skipLastAutoStrip, '$1'); /** then replace anything after digits */
        s = s.replace(settings.allowedAutoStrip, ''); /** then remove any uninterested characters */
        if (settings.altDec) {
            s = s.replace(settings.altDec, settings.aDec);
        } /** get only number string */
        var m = s.match(settings.numRegAutoStrip);
        s = m ? [m[1], m[2], m[3]].join('') : '';
        if ((settings.lZero === 'allow' || settings.lZero === 'keep') && strip_zero !== 'strip') {
            var parts = [],
                nSign = '';
            parts = s.split(settings.aDec);
            if (parts[0].indexOf('-') !== -1) {
                nSign = '-';
                parts[0] = parts[0].replace('-', '');
            if (parts[0].length > settings.mInt && parts[0].charAt(0) === '0') { /** strip leading zero if need */
                parts[0] = parts[0].slice(1);
            s = nSign + parts.join(settings.aDec);
        if ((strip_zero && settings.lZero === 'deny') || (strip_zero && settings.lZero === 'allow' && settings.allowLeading === false)) {
            var strip_reg = '^' + settings.aNegRegAutoStrip + '0*(\\d' + (strip_zero === 'leading' ? ')' : '|$)');
            strip_reg = new RegExp(strip_reg);
            s = s.replace(strip_reg, '$1$2');
        return s;

     * places or removes brackets on negative values
     * works only when with pSign: 'p'

    function negativeBracket(s, settings) {
        if (settings.pSign === 'p') {
            var brackets = settings.nBracket.split(',');
            if (!settings.hasFocus && !settings.removeBrackets) {
                s = s.replace(settings.aNeg, '');
                s = brackets[0] + s + brackets[1];
            } else if ((settings.hasFocus && s.charAt(0) === brackets[0]) || (settings.removeBrackets && s.charAt(0) === brackets[0])) {
                s = s.replace(brackets[0], settings.aNeg);
                s = s.replace(brackets[1], '');
        return s;

     * function to handle numbers less than 0 that are stored in Exponential notation ex: .0000001 stored as 1e-7

    function checkValue(value, settings) {
        if (value) {
            var checkSmall = +value;
            if (checkSmall < 0.000001 && checkSmall > -1) {
                value = +value;
                if (value < 0.000001 && value > 0) {
                    value = (value + 10).toString();
                    value = value.substring(1);
                if (value < 0 && value > -1) {
                    value = (value - 10).toString();
                    value = '-' + value.substring(2);
                value = value.toString();
            } else {
                var parts = value.split('.');
                if (parts[1] !== undefined) {
                    if (+parts[1] === 0) {
                        value = parts[0];
                    } else {
                        parts[1] = parts[1].replace(/0*$/, '');
                        value = parts.join('.');
        return (settings.lZero === 'keep') ? value : value.replace(/^0*(\d)/, '$1');

     * prepare number string to be converted to real number

    function fixNumber(s, aDec, aNeg) {
        if (aDec && aDec !== '.') {
            s = s.replace(aDec, '.');
        if (aNeg && aNeg !== '-') {
            s = s.replace(aNeg, '-');
        if (!s.match(/\d/)) {
            s += '0';
        return s;

     * prepare real number to be converted to our format

    function presentNumber(s, aDec, aNeg) {
        if (aNeg && aNeg !== '-') {
            s = s.replace('-', aNeg);
        if (aDec && aDec !== '.') {
            s = s.replace('.', aDec);
        return s;

     * private function to check for empty value

    function checkEmpty(iv, settings, signOnEmpty) {
        if (iv === '' || iv === settings.aNeg) {
            if (settings.wEmpty === 'zero') {
                return iv + '0';
            if (settings.wEmpty === 'sign' || signOnEmpty) {
                return iv + settings.aSign;
            return iv;
        return null;

     * private function that formats our number

    function autoGroup(iv, settings) {
        iv = autoStrip(iv, settings);
        var testNeg = iv.replace(',', '.'),
            empty = checkEmpty(iv, settings, true);
        if (empty !== null) {
            return empty;
        var digitalGroup = '';
        if (settings.dGroup === 2) {
            digitalGroup = /(\d)((\d)(\d{2}?)+)$/;
        } else if (settings.dGroup === 4) {
            digitalGroup = /(\d)((\d{4}?)+)$/;
        } else {
            digitalGroup = /(\d)((\d{3}?)+)$/;
        } /** splits the string at the decimal string */
        var ivSplit = iv.split(settings.aDec);
        if (settings.altDec && ivSplit.length === 1) {
            ivSplit = iv.split(settings.altDec);
        } /** assigns the whole number to the a variable (s) */
        var s = ivSplit[0];
        if (settings.aSep) {
            while (digitalGroup.test(s)) { /** re-inserts the thousand separator via a regular expression */
                s = s.replace(digitalGroup, '$1' + settings.aSep + '$2');
        if (settings.mDec !== 0 && ivSplit.length > 1) {
            if (ivSplit[1].length > settings.mDec) {
                ivSplit[1] = ivSplit[1].substring(0, settings.mDec);
            } /** joins the whole number with the decimal value */
            iv = s + settings.aDec + ivSplit[1];
        } else { /** if whole numbers only */
            iv = s;
        if (settings.aSign) {
            var has_aNeg = iv.indexOf(settings.aNeg) !== -1;
            iv = iv.replace(settings.aNeg, '');
            iv = settings.pSign === 'p' ? settings.aSign + iv : iv + settings.aSign;
            if (has_aNeg) {
                iv = settings.aNeg + iv;
        if (testNeg < 0 && settings.nBracket !== null) { /** removes the negative sign and places brackets */
            iv = negativeBracket(iv, settings);
        return iv;

     * round number after setting by pasting or $().autoNumericSet()
     * private function for round the number
     * please note this handled as text - JavaScript math function can return inaccurate values
     * also this offers multiple rounding methods that are not easily accomplished in JavaScript

    function autoRound(iv, settings) { /** value to string */
        iv = (iv === '') ? '0' : iv.toString();
        convertKeyToNumber(settings, 'mDec'); /** set mDec to number needed when mDec set by 'update method */
        if (settings.mRound === 'CHF') {
            iv = (Math.round(iv * 20) / 20).toString();
        var ivRounded = '',
            i = 0,
            nSign = '',
            rDec = (typeof(settings.aPad) === 'boolean' || settings.aPad === null) ? (settings.aPad ? settings.mDec : 0) : +settings.aPad;
        var truncateZeros = function (ivRounded) { /** truncate not needed zeros */
            var regex = (rDec === 0) ? (/(\.(?:\d*[1-9])?)0*$/) : rDec === 1 ? (/(\.\d(?:\d*[1-9])?)0*$/) : new RegExp('(\\.\\d{' + rDec + '}(?:\\d*[1-9])?)0*$');
            ivRounded = ivRounded.replace(regex, '$1'); /** If there are no decimal places, we don't need a decimal point at the end */
            if (rDec === 0) {
                ivRounded = ivRounded.replace(/\.$/, '');
            return ivRounded;
        if (iv.charAt(0) === '-') { /** Checks if the iv (input Value)is a negative value */
            nSign = '-';
            iv = iv.replace('-', ''); /** removes the negative sign will be added back later if required */
        if (!iv.match(/^\d/)) { /** append a zero if first character is not a digit (then it is likely to be a dot)*/
            iv = '0' + iv;
        if (nSign === '-' && +iv === 0) { /** determines if the value is zero - if zero no negative sign */
            nSign = '';
        if ((+iv > 0 && settings.lZero !== 'keep') || (iv.length > 0 && settings.lZero === 'allow')) { /** trims leading zero's if needed */
            iv = iv.replace(/^0*(\d)/, '$1');
        var dPos = iv.lastIndexOf('.'),
            /** virtual decimal position */
            vdPos = (dPos === -1) ? iv.length - 1 : dPos,
            /** checks decimal places to determine if rounding is required */
            cDec = (iv.length - 1) - vdPos; /** check if no rounding is required */
        if (cDec <= settings.mDec) {
            ivRounded = iv; /** check if we need to pad with zeros */
            if (cDec < rDec) {
                if (dPos === -1) {
                    ivRounded += settings.aDec;
                var zeros = '000000';
                while (cDec < rDec) {
                    zeros = zeros.substring(0, rDec - cDec);
                    ivRounded += zeros;
                    cDec += zeros.length;
            } else if (cDec > rDec) {
                ivRounded = truncateZeros(ivRounded);
            } else if (cDec === 0 && rDec === 0) {
                ivRounded = ivRounded.replace(/\.$/, '');
            if (settings.mRound !== 'CHF') {
                return (+ivRounded === 0) ? ivRounded : nSign + ivRounded;
            if (settings.mRound === 'CHF') {
                dPos = ivRounded.lastIndexOf('.');
                iv = ivRounded;

        } /** rounded length of the string after rounding */
        var rLength = dPos + settings.mDec,
            tRound = +iv.charAt(rLength + 1),
            ivArray = iv.substring(0, rLength + 1).split(''),
            odd = (iv.charAt(rLength) === '.') ? (iv.charAt(rLength - 1) % 2) : (iv.charAt(rLength) % 2),
            onePass = true;
        if (odd !== 1) {
            odd = (odd === 0 && (iv.substring(rLength + 2, iv.length) > 0)) ? 1 : 0;
        /*jslint white: true*/
        if ((tRound > 4 && settings.mRound === 'S') || /**                      Round half up symmetric */
            (tRound > 4 && settings.mRound === 'A' && nSign === '') || /**      Round half up asymmetric positive values */
            (tRound > 5 && settings.mRound === 'A' && nSign === '-') || /**     Round half up asymmetric negative values */
            (tRound > 5 && settings.mRound === 's') || /**                      Round half down symmetric */
            (tRound > 5 && settings.mRound === 'a' && nSign === '') || /**      Round half down asymmetric positive values */
            (tRound > 4 && settings.mRound === 'a' && nSign === '-') || /**     Round half down asymmetric negative values */
            (tRound > 5 && settings.mRound === 'B') || /**                      Round half even "Banker's Rounding" */
            (tRound === 5 && settings.mRound === 'B' && odd === 1) || /**       Round half even "Banker's Rounding" */
            (tRound > 0 && settings.mRound === 'C' && nSign === '') || /**      Round to ceiling toward positive infinite */
            (tRound > 0 && settings.mRound === 'F' && nSign === '-') || /**     Round to floor toward negative infinite */
            (tRound > 0 && settings.mRound === 'U') || /**                      round up away from zero */
            (settings.mRound === 'CHF')) { /**                                  Round Swiss FRanc */
            /*jslint white: false*/
            for (i = (ivArray.length - 1); i >= 0; i -= 1) { /** Round up the last digit if required, and continue until no more 9's are found */
                if (ivArray[i] !== '.') {
                    if (settings.mRound === 'CHF' && ivArray[i] <= 2 && onePass) {
                        ivArray[i] = 0;
                        onePass = false;
                    if (settings.mRound === 'CHF' && ivArray[i] <= 7 && onePass) {
                        ivArray[i] = 5;
                        onePass = false;
                    if (settings.mRound === 'CHF' && onePass) {
                        ivArray[i] = 10;
                        onePass = false;
                    } else {
                        ivArray[i] = +ivArray[i] + 1;
                    if (ivArray[i] < 10) {
                    if (i > 0) {
                        ivArray[i] = '0';
        ivArray = ivArray.slice(0, rLength + 1); /** Reconstruct the string, converting any 10's to 0's */
        ivRounded = truncateZeros(ivArray.join('')); /** return rounded value */
        return (+ivRounded === 0) ? ivRounded : nSign + ivRounded;

     * truncate decimal part of a number

    function truncateDecimal(s, settings, paste) {
        var aDec = settings.aDec,
            mDec = settings.mDec;
        s = (paste === 'paste') ? autoRound(s, settings) : s;
        if (aDec && mDec) {
            var parts = s.split(aDec);
            /** truncate decimal part to satisfying length
             * cause we would round it anyway */
            if (parts[1] && parts[1].length > mDec) {
                if (mDec > 0) {
                    parts[1] = parts[1].substring(0, mDec);
                    s = parts.join(aDec);
                } else {
                    s = parts[0];
        return s;

     * checking that number satisfy format conditions
     * and lays between settings.vMin and settings.vMax
     * and the string length does not exceed the digits in settings.vMin and settings.vMax

    function autoCheck(s, settings) {
        s = autoStrip(s, settings);
        s = truncateDecimal(s, settings);
        s = fixNumber(s, settings.aDec, settings.aNeg);
        var value = +s;
        return value >= settings.vMin && value <= settings.vMax;

     * Holder object for field properties

    function AutoNumericHolder(that, settings) {
        this.settings = settings;
        this.that = that;
        this.$that = $(that);
        this.formatted = false;
        this.settingsClone = autoCode(this.$that, this.settings);
        this.value = that.value;
    AutoNumericHolder.prototype = {
        init: function (e) {
            this.value = this.that.value;
            this.settingsClone = autoCode(this.$that, this.settings);
            this.ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey;
            this.cmdKey = e.metaKey;
            this.shiftKey = e.shiftKey;
            this.selection = getElementSelection(this.that); /** keypress event overwrites meaningful value of e.keyCode */
            if (e.type === 'keydown' || e.type === 'keyup') {
                this.kdCode = e.keyCode;
            this.which = e.which;
            this.processed = false;
            this.formatted = false;
        setSelection: function (start, end, setReal) {
            start = Math.max(start, 0);
            end = Math.min(end, this.that.value.length);
            this.selection = {
                start: start,
                end: end,
                length: end - start
            if (setReal === undefined || setReal) {
                setElementSelection(this.that, start, end);
        setPosition: function (pos, setReal) {
            this.setSelection(pos, pos, setReal);
        getBeforeAfter: function () {
            var value = this.value,
                left = value.substring(0, this.selection.start),
                right = value.substring(this.selection.end, value.length);
            return [left, right];
        getBeforeAfterStriped: function () {
            var parts = this.getBeforeAfter();
            parts[0] = autoStrip(parts[0], this.settingsClone);
            parts[1] = autoStrip(parts[1], this.settingsClone);
            return parts;

         * strip parts from excess characters and leading zeroes
        normalizeParts: function (left, right) {
            var settingsClone = this.settingsClone;
            right = autoStrip(right, settingsClone); /** if right is not empty and first character is not aDec, */
            /** we could strip all zeros, otherwise only leading */
            var strip = right.match(/^\d/) ? true : 'leading';
            left = autoStrip(left, settingsClone, strip); /** prevents multiple leading zeros from being entered */
            if ((left === '' || left === settingsClone.aNeg) && settingsClone.lZero === 'deny') {
                if (right > '') {
                    right = right.replace(/^0*(\d)/, '$1');
            var new_value = left + right; /** insert zero if has leading dot */
            if (settingsClone.aDec) {
                var m = new_value.match(new RegExp('^' + settingsClone.aNegRegAutoStrip + '\\' + settingsClone.aDec));
                if (m) {
                    left = left.replace(m[1], m[1] + '0');
                    new_value = left + right;
            } /** insert zero if number is empty and io.wEmpty == 'zero' */
            if (settingsClone.wEmpty === 'zero' && (new_value === settingsClone.aNeg || new_value === '')) {
                left += '0';
            return [left, right];

         * set part of number to value keeping position of cursor
        setValueParts: function (left, right, paste) {
            var settingsClone = this.settingsClone,
                parts = this.normalizeParts(left, right),
                new_value = parts.join(''),
                position = parts[0].length;

            /**** PrimeFaces Github #2973 ****/
                if(settingsClone.vMin > (new_value*1)) {
                    new_value = settingsClone.vMin.toString();
                    position = new_value.length;
            if (autoCheck(new_value, settingsClone)) {
                new_value = truncateDecimal(new_value, settingsClone, paste);
                if (position > new_value.length) {
                    position = new_value.length;
                this.value = new_value;
                this.setPosition(position, false);
                return true;
            return false;

         * helper function for expandSelectionOnSign
         * returns sign position of a formatted value
        signPosition: function () {
            var settingsClone = this.settingsClone,
                aSign = settingsClone.aSign,
                that = this.that;
            if (aSign) {
                var aSignLen = aSign.length;
                if (settingsClone.pSign === 'p') {
                    var hasNeg = settingsClone.aNeg && that.value && that.value.charAt(0) === settingsClone.aNeg;
                    return hasNeg ? [1, aSignLen + 1] : [0, aSignLen];
                var valueLen = that.value.length;
                return [valueLen - aSignLen, valueLen];
            return [1000, -1];

         * expands selection to cover whole sign
         * prevents partial deletion/copying/overwriting of a sign
        expandSelectionOnSign: function (setReal) {
            var sign_position = this.signPosition(),
                selection = this.selection;
            if (selection.start < sign_position[1] && selection.end > sign_position[0]) { /** if selection catches something except sign and catches only space from sign */
                if ((selection.start < sign_position[0] || selection.end > sign_position[1]) && this.value.substring(Math.max(selection.start, sign_position[0]), Math.min(selection.end, sign_position[1])).match(/^\s*$/)) { /** then select without empty space */
                    if (selection.start < sign_position[0]) {
                        this.setSelection(selection.start, sign_position[0], setReal);
                    } else {
                        this.setSelection(sign_position[1], selection.end, setReal);
                } else { /** else select with whole sign */
                    this.setSelection(Math.min(selection.start, sign_position[0]), Math.max(selection.end, sign_position[1]), setReal);

         * try to strip pasted value to digits
        checkPaste: function () {
            if (this.valuePartsBeforePaste !== undefined) {
                var parts = this.getBeforeAfter(),

                    oldParts = this.valuePartsBeforePaste;
                delete this.valuePartsBeforePaste; /** try to strip pasted value first */
                parts[0] = parts[0].substr(0, oldParts[0].length) + autoStrip(parts[0].substr(oldParts[0].length), this.settingsClone);
                if (!this.setValueParts(parts[0], parts[1], 'paste')) {
                    this.value = oldParts.join('');
                    this.setPosition(oldParts[0].length, false);

         * process pasting, cursor moving and skipping of not interesting keys
         * if returns true, further processing is not performed
        skipAllways: function (e) {
            var kdCode = this.kdCode,
                which = this.which,
                ctrlKey = this.ctrlKey,
                cmdKey = this.cmdKey,
                shiftKey = this.shiftKey; /** catch the ctrl up on ctrl-v */
            if (((ctrlKey || cmdKey) && e.type === 'keyup' && this.valuePartsBeforePaste !== undefined) || (shiftKey && kdCode === 45)) {
                return false;
            /** codes are taken from
             * skip Fx keys, windows keys, other special keys
             * Thanks Ney Estrabelli for the FF for Mac meta key support "keycode 224"
            if ((kdCode >= 112 && kdCode <= 123) || (kdCode >= 91 && kdCode <= 93) || (kdCode >= 9 && kdCode <= 31) || (kdCode < 8 && (which === 0 || which === kdCode)) || kdCode === 144 || kdCode === 145 || kdCode === 45 || kdCode === 224) {
                return true;
            if ((ctrlKey || cmdKey) && kdCode === 65) { /** if select all (a=65)*/
                return true;
            if ((ctrlKey || cmdKey) && (kdCode === 67 || kdCode === 86 || kdCode === 88)) { /** if copy (c=67) paste (v=86) or cut (x=88) */
                if (e.type === 'keydown') {
                if (kdCode === 86 || kdCode === 45) { /** try to prevent wrong paste */
                    if (e.type === 'keydown' || e.type === 'keypress') {
                        if (this.valuePartsBeforePaste === undefined) {
                            this.valuePartsBeforePaste = this.getBeforeAfter();
                    } else {
                return e.type === 'keydown' || e.type === 'keypress' || kdCode === 67;
            if (ctrlKey || cmdKey) {
                return true;
            if (kdCode === 37 || kdCode === 39) { /** jump over thousand separator */
                var aSep = this.settingsClone.aSep,
                    start = this.selection.start,
                    value = this.that.value;
                if (e.type === 'keydown' && aSep && !this.shiftKey) {
                    if (kdCode === 37 && value.charAt(start - 2) === aSep) {
                        this.setPosition(start - 1);
                    } else if (kdCode === 39 && value.charAt(start + 1) === aSep) {
                        this.setPosition(start + 1);
                return true;
            if (kdCode >= 34 && kdCode <= 40) {
                return true;
            return false;

         * process deletion of characters
         * returns true if processing performed
        processAllways: function () {
            var parts; /** process backspace or delete */
            if (this.kdCode === 8 || this.kdCode === 46) {
                if (!this.selection.length) {
                    parts = this.getBeforeAfterStriped();
                    if (this.kdCode === 8) {
                        parts[0] = parts[0].substring(0, parts[0].length - 1);
                    } else {
                        parts[1] = parts[1].substring(1, parts[1].length);
                    this.setValueParts(parts[0], parts[1]);
                } else {
                    parts = this.getBeforeAfterStriped();
                    this.setValueParts(parts[0], parts[1]);
                return true;
            return false;

         * process insertion of characters
         * returns true if processing performed
        processKeypress: function () {
            var settingsClone = this.settingsClone,
                cCode = String.fromCharCode(this.which),
                parts = this.getBeforeAfterStriped(),
                left = parts[0],
                right = parts[1]; /** start rules when the decimal character key is pressed */
            /** always use numeric pad dot to insert decimal separator */
            if (cCode === settingsClone.aDec || (settingsClone.altDec && cCode === settingsClone.altDec) || ((cCode === '.' || cCode === ',') && this.kdCode === 110)) { /** do not allow decimal character if no decimal part allowed */
                if (!settingsClone.mDec || !settingsClone.aDec) {
                    return true;
                } /** do not allow decimal character before aNeg character */
                if (settingsClone.aNeg && right.indexOf(settingsClone.aNeg) > -1) {
                    return true;
                } /** do not allow decimal character if other decimal character present */
                if (left.indexOf(settingsClone.aDec) > -1) {
                    return true;
                if (right.indexOf(settingsClone.aDec) > 0) {
                    return true;
                if (right.indexOf(settingsClone.aDec) === 0) {
                    right = right.substr(1);
                this.setValueParts(left + settingsClone.aDec, right);
                return true;
             * start rule on negative sign & prevent minus if not allowed
            if (cCode === '-' || cCode === '+') {
                if (!settingsClone.aNeg) {
                    return true;
                } /** caret is always after minus */
                if (left === '' && right.indexOf(settingsClone.aNeg) > -1) {
                    left = settingsClone.aNeg;
                    right = right.substring(1, right.length);
                } /** change sign of number, remove part if should */
                if (left.charAt(0) === settingsClone.aNeg) {
                    left = left.substring(1, left.length);
                } else {
                    left = (cCode === '-') ? settingsClone.aNeg + left : left;
                this.setValueParts(left, right);
                return true;
            } /** digits */
            if (cCode >= '0' && cCode <= '9') { /** if try to insert digit before minus */
                if (settingsClone.aNeg && left === '' && right.indexOf(settingsClone.aNeg) > -1) {
                    left = settingsClone.aNeg;
                    right = right.substring(1, right.length);
                if (settingsClone.vMax <= 0 && settingsClone.vMin < settingsClone.vMax && this.value.indexOf(settingsClone.aNeg) === -1 && cCode !== '0') {
                    left = settingsClone.aNeg + left;
                this.setValueParts(left + cCode, right);
                return true;
            } /** prevent any other character */
            return true;

         * formatting of just processed value with keeping of cursor position
        formatQuick: function () {
            var settingsClone = this.settingsClone,
                parts = this.getBeforeAfterStriped(),
                leftLength = this.value;
            if ((settingsClone.aSep === '' || (settingsClone.aSep !== '' && leftLength.indexOf(settingsClone.aSep) === -1)) && (settingsClone.aSign === '' || (settingsClone.aSign !== '' && leftLength.indexOf(settingsClone.aSign) === -1))) {
                var subParts = [],
                    nSign = '';
                subParts = leftLength.split(settingsClone.aDec);
                if (subParts[0].indexOf('-') > -1) {
                    nSign = '-';
                    subParts[0] = subParts[0].replace('-', '');
                    parts[0] = parts[0].replace('-', '');
                if (subParts[0].length > settingsClone.mInt && parts[0].charAt(0) === '0') { /** strip leading zero if need */
                    parts[0] = parts[0].slice(1);
                parts[0] = nSign + parts[0];
            var value = autoGroup(this.value, this.settingsClone),
                position = value.length;
            if (value) {
                /** prepare regexp which searches for cursor position from unformatted left part */
                var left_ar = parts[0].split(''),
                    i = 0;
                for (i; i < left_ar.length; i += 1) { /** thanks Peter Kovari */
                    if (!left_ar[i].match('\\d')) {
                        left_ar[i] = '\\' + left_ar[i];
                var leftReg = new RegExp('^.*?' + left_ar.join('.*?'));
                /** search cursor position in formatted value */
                var newLeft = value.match(leftReg);
                if (newLeft) {
                    position = newLeft[0].length;
                    /** if we are just before sign which is in prefix position */
                    if (((position === 0 && value.charAt(0) !== settingsClone.aNeg) || (position === 1 && value.charAt(0) === settingsClone.aNeg)) && settingsClone.aSign && settingsClone.pSign === 'p') {
                        /** place caret after prefix sign */
                        position = this.settingsClone.aSign.length + (value.charAt(0) === '-' ? 1 : 0);
                } else if (settingsClone.aSign && settingsClone.pSign === 's') {
                    /** if we could not find a place for cursor and have a sign as a suffix */
                    /** place carret before suffix currency sign */
                    position -= settingsClone.aSign.length;
            this.that.value = value;
            this.formatted = true;

     * thanks to Anthony & Evan C

    function autoGet(obj) {
        if (typeof obj === 'string') {
            obj = obj.replace(/\[/g, "\\[").replace(/\]/g, "\\]");
            obj = '#' + obj.replace(/(:|\.)/g, '\\$1');
            /** obj = '#' + obj.replace(/([;&,\.\+\*\~':"\!\^#$%@\[\]\(\)=>\|])/g, '\\$1'); */
            /** possible modification to replace the above 2 lines */
        return $(obj);

     * function to attach data to the element
     * and imitate the holder

    function getHolder($that, settings, update) {
        var data = $'autoNumeric');
        if (!data) {
            data = {};
            $'autoNumeric', data);
        var holder = data.holder;
        if ((holder === undefined && settings) || update) {
            holder = new AutoNumericHolder($that.get(0), settings);
            data.holder = holder;
        return holder;

    var methods = {

         * Method to initiate autoNumeric and attached the settings (default and options passed as a parameter
         * $(someSelector).autoNumeric('init'); // initiate autoNumeric with defaults
         * $(someSelector).autoNumeric('init', {option}); // initiate autoNumeric with options
         * $(someSelector).autoNumeric(); // initiate autoNumeric with defaults
         * $(someSelector).autoNumeric({option}); // initiate autoNumeric with options
         * options passes as a parameter example '{aSep: '.', aDec: ',', aSign: '€ '}
        init: function (options) {
            return this.each(function () {
                var $this = $(this),
                    settings = $'autoNumeric'),
                    /** attempt to grab 'autoNumeric' settings, if they don't exist returns "undefined". */
                    tagData = $,
                    /** attempt to grab HTML5 data, if they don't exist we'll get "undefined".*/
                    $input = $'input[type=text], input[type=hidden], input[type=tel], input:not([type])');
                if (typeof settings !== 'object') { /** If we couldn't grab settings, create them from defaults and passed options. */
                    settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.autoNumeric.defaults, tagData, options, {
                        aNum: '0123456789',
                        hasFocus: false,
                        removeBrackets: false,
                        runOnce: false,
                        tagList: ['b', 'caption', 'cite', 'code', 'dd', 'del', 'div', 'dfn', 'dt', 'em', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'ins', 'kdb', 'label', 'li', 'output', 'p', 'q', 's', 'sample', 'span', 'strong', 'td', 'th', 'u', 'var']
                    }); /** Merge defaults, tagData and options */
                    if (settings.aDec === settings.aSep) {
                        $.error("autoNumeric will not function properly when the decimal character aDec: '" + settings.aDec + "' and thousand separator aSep: '" + settings.aSep + "' are the same character");
                    $'autoNumeric', settings); /** Save our new settings */
                } else {
                    return this;
                var holder = getHolder($this, settings);
                if (!$input && $this.prop('tagName').toLowerCase() === 'input') { /** checks for non-supported input types */
                    $.error('The input type "' + $this.prop('type') + '" is not supported by autoNumeric()');

                if ($.inArray($this.prop('tagName').toLowerCase(), settings.tagList) === -1 && $this.prop('tagName').toLowerCase() !== 'input') {
                    $.error("The <" + $this.prop('tagName').toLowerCase() + "> is not supported by autoNumeric()");

                if (settings.runOnce === false && settings.aForm) { /** routine to format default value on page load */
                    if ($input) {
                        var setValue = true;
                        if ($this[0].value === '' && settings.wEmpty === 'empty') {
                            $this[0].value = '';
                            setValue = false;
                        if ($this[0].value === '' && settings.wEmpty === 'sign') {
                            $this[0].value = settings.aSign;
                            setValue = false;
                        /** checks for page reload from back button
                         * also checks for form post back
                         * the following HTML data attribute is REQUIRED (data-an-default="same value as the value attribute")
                         * example: 
                        if (setValue && $this.val() !== '' && ((settings.anDefault === null && $this[0].value === $this.prop('defaultValue')) || (settings.anDefault !== null && settings.anDefault.toString() === $this.val()))) {
                            $this.autoNumeric('set', $this.val());
                    if ($.inArray($this.prop('tagName').toLowerCase(), settings.tagList) !== -1 && $this.text() !== '') {
                        $this.autoNumeric('set', $this.text());
                settings.runOnce = true;
                if ($'input[type=text], input[type=hidden], input[type=tel], input:not([type])')) { /**added hidden type */
                    $this.on('keydown.autoNumeric', function (e) {
                        holder = getHolder($this);
                        if (holder.settings.aDec === holder.settings.aSep) {
                            $.error("autoNumeric will not function properly when the decimal character aDec: '" + holder.settings.aDec + "' and thousand separator aSep: '" + holder.settings.aSep + "' are the same character");
                        if (holder.that.readOnly) {
                            holder.processed = true;
                            return true;
                        /** The below streamed code / comment allows the "enter" keydown to throw a change() event */
                        /** if (e.keyCode === 13 && holder.inVal !== $this.val()){
                            holder.inVal = $this.val();
                        if (holder.skipAllways(e)) {
                            holder.processed = true;
                            return true;
                        if (holder.processAllways()) {
                            holder.processed = true;
                            return false;
                        holder.formatted = false;
                        return true;
                    $this.on('keypress.autoNumeric', function (e) {
                        holder = getHolder($this);
                        var processed = holder.processed;
                        if (holder.skipAllways(e)) {
                            return true;
                        if (processed) {
                            return false;
                        if (holder.processAllways() || holder.processKeypress()) {
                            return false;
                        holder.formatted = false;
                    $this.on('keyup.autoNumeric', function (e) {
                        holder = getHolder($this);
                        var skip = holder.skipAllways(e);
                        holder.kdCode = 0;
                        delete holder.valuePartsBeforePaste;
                        if ($this[0].value === holder.settings.aSign) { /** added to properly place the caret when only the currency is present */
                            if (holder.settings.pSign === 's') {
                                setElementSelection(this, 0, 0);
                            } else {
                                setElementSelection(this, holder.settings.aSign.length, holder.settings.aSign.length);
                        if (skip) {
                            return true;
                        if (this.value === '') {
                            return true;
                        if (!holder.formatted) {
                    $this.on('focusin.autoNumeric', function () {
                        holder = getHolder($this);
                        var $settings = holder.settingsClone;
                        $settings.hasFocus = true;
                        if ($settings.nBracket !== null) {
                            var checkVal = $this.val();
                            $this.val(negativeBracket(checkVal, $settings));
                        holder.inVal = $this.val();
                        var onEmpty = checkEmpty(holder.inVal, $settings, true);
                        if (onEmpty !== null && onEmpty !== '') {
                    $this.on('focusout.autoNumeric', function () {
                        holder = getHolder($this);
                        var $settings = holder.settingsClone,
                            value = $this.val(),
                            origValue = value;
                        $settings.hasFocus = false;
                        var strip_zero = ''; /** added to control leading zero */
                        if ($settings.lZero === 'allow') { /** added to control leading zero */
                            $settings.allowLeading = false;
                            strip_zero = 'leading';
                        if (value !== '') {
                            value = autoStrip(value, $settings, strip_zero);
                            if (checkEmpty(value, $settings) === null && autoCheck(value, $settings, $this[0])) {
                                value = fixNumber(value, $settings.aDec, $settings.aNeg);
                                value = autoRound(value, $settings);
                                value = presentNumber(value, $settings.aDec, $settings.aNeg);
                            } else {
                                value = '';
                        var groupedValue = checkEmpty(value, $settings, false);
                        if (groupedValue === null) {
                            groupedValue = autoGroup(value, $settings);
                        if (groupedValue !== holder.inVal || groupedValue !== origValue) {
                            delete holder.inVal;

         * method to remove settings and stop autoNumeric() - does not remove the formatting
         * $(someSelector).autoNumeric('destroy'); // destroy autoNumeric
         * no parameters accepted
        destroy: function () {
            return $(this).each(function () {
                var $this = $(this);

         * method to update settings - can be call as many times
         * $(someSelector).autoNumeric('update', {options}); // updates the settings
         * options passes as a parameter example '{aSep: '.', aDec: ',', aSign: '€ '}
        update: function (options) {
            return $(this).each(function () {
                var $this = autoGet($(this)),
                    settings = $'autoNumeric');
                if (typeof settings !== 'object') {
                    $.error("You must initialize autoNumeric('init', {options}) prior to calling the 'update' method");
                var strip = $this.autoNumeric('get');
                settings = $.extend(settings, options);
                getHolder($this, settings, true);
                if (settings.aDec === settings.aSep) {
                    $.error("autoNumeric will not function properly when the decimal character aDec: '" + settings.aDec + "' and thousand separator aSep: '" + settings.aSep + "' are the same character");
                $'autoNumeric', settings);
                if ($this.val() !== '' || $this.text() !== '') {
                    return $this.autoNumeric('set', strip);

         * method to format value sent as a parameter ""
         * $(someSelector).autoNumeric('set', 'value'}); // formats the value being passed
         * value passed as a string - can be a integer '1234' or double '1234.56789'
         * must contain only numbers and one decimal (period) character
        set: function (valueIn) {
            if (valueIn === null || isNaN(valueIn)) {
            return $(this).each(function () {
                var $this = autoGet($(this)),
                    settings = $'autoNumeric'),
                    value = valueIn.toString(),
                    testValue = valueIn.toString(),
                    $input = $'input[type=text], input[type=hidden], input[type=tel], input:not([type])');
                if (typeof settings !== 'object') {
                    $.error("You must initialize autoNumeric('init', {options}) prior to calling the 'set' method");
                /**** PrimeFaces Github #2973 ****/
                    if(settings.vMin > valueIn) {
                        value = settings.vMin.toString();
                /** allows locale decimal separator to be a comma */
                if ((testValue === $this.attr('value') || testValue === $this.text()) && settings.runOnce === false) {
                    value = value.replace(',', '.');
                if (!$.isNumeric(+value)) {
                    $.error("The value (" + value + ") being 'set' is not numeric and has caused a error to be thrown");
                value = checkValue(value, settings);
                settings.setEvent = true;
                if (value !== '') {
                    value = autoRound(value, settings);
                value = presentNumber(value, settings.aDec, settings.aNeg);
                if (!autoCheck(value, settings)) {
                    value = autoRound('', settings);
                value = autoGroup(value, settings);
                if ($input) {
                    return $this.val(value);
                if ($.inArray($this.prop('tagName').toLowerCase(), settings.tagList) !== -1) {
                    return $this.text(value);
                return false;

         * method to get the unformatted that accepts up to one parameter
         * $(someSelector).autoNumeric('get'); no parameters accepted
         * values returned as ISO numeric string "1234.56" where the decimal character is a period
         * only the first element in the selector is returned
        get: function () {
            var $this = autoGet($(this)),
                settings = $'autoNumeric');
            if (typeof settings !== 'object') {
                $.error("You must initialize autoNumeric('init', {options}) prior to calling the 'get' method");
            var getValue = '';
            /** determine the element type then use .eq(0) selector to grab the value of the first element in selector */
            if ($'input[type=text], input[type=hidden], input[type=tel], input:not([type])')) { /**added hidden type */
                getValue = $this.eq(0).val();
            } else if ($.inArray($this.prop('tagName').toLowerCase(), settings.tagList) !== -1) {
                getValue = $this.eq(0).text();
            } else {
                $.error("The <" + $this.prop('tagName').toLowerCase() + "> is not supported by autoNumeric()");
            if ((getValue === '' && settings.wEmpty === 'empty') || (getValue === settings.aSign && (settings.wEmpty === 'sign' || settings.wEmpty === 'empty'))) {
                return '';
            if (getValue !== '' && settings.nBracket !== null) {
                settings.removeBrackets = true;
                getValue = negativeBracket(getValue, settings);
                settings.removeBrackets = false;
            if (settings.runOnce || settings.aForm === false) {
                getValue = autoStrip(getValue, settings);
            getValue = fixNumber(getValue, settings.aDec, settings.aNeg);
            if (+getValue === 0 && settings.lZero !== 'keep') {
                getValue = '0';
            if (settings.lZero === 'keep') {
                return getValue;
            getValue = checkValue(getValue, settings);
            return getValue; /** returned Numeric String */

         * The 'getString' method used jQuerys .serialize() method that creates a text string in standard URL-encoded notation
         * it then loops through the string and un-formats the inputs with autoNumeric
         * $(someSelector).autoNumeric('getString'); no parameter accepted
         * values returned as ISO numeric string "1234.56" where the decimal character is a period
        getString: function () {
            var isAutoNumeric = false,
                $this = autoGet($(this)),
                formFields = $this.serialize(),
                formParts = formFields.split('&'),
                formIndex = $('form').index($this),
                allFormElements = $('form:eq(' + formIndex + ')'),
                aiIndex = [],
                /* all input index */
                scIndex = [],
                /* successful control index */
                rsubmitterTypes = /^(?:submit|button|image|reset|file)$/i,
                /* from jQuery serialize method */
                rsubmittable = /^(?:input|select|textarea|keygen)/i,
                /* from jQuery serialize method */
                rcheckableType = /^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i,
                rnonAutoNumericTypes = /^(?:button|checkbox|color|date|datetime|datetime-local|email|file|image|month|number|password|radio|range|reset|search|submit|time|url|week)/i,
                count = 0;
            /*jslint unparam: true*/
            /* index of successful elements */
            $.each(allFormElements[0], function (i, field) {
                if ( !== '' && rsubmittable.test(field.localName) && !rsubmitterTypes.test(field.type) && !field.disabled && (field.checked || !rcheckableType.test(field.type))) {
                    count = count + 1;
                } else {
            /* index of all inputs tags except checkbox */
            count = 0;
            $.each(allFormElements[0], function (i, field) {
                if (field.localName === 'input' && (field.type === '' || field.type === 'text' || field.type === 'hidden' || field.type === 'tel')) {
                    count = count + 1;
                } else {
                    if (field.localName === 'input' && rnonAutoNumericTypes.test(field.type)) {
                        count = count + 1;
            $.each(formParts, function (i, miniParts) {
                miniParts = formParts[i].split('=');
                var scElement = $.inArray(i, scIndex);
                if (scElement > -1 && aiIndex[scElement] > -1) {
                    var testInput = $('form:eq(' + formIndex + ') input:eq(' + aiIndex[scElement] + ')'),
                        settings ='autoNumeric');
                    if (typeof settings === 'object') {
                        if (miniParts[1] !== null) {
                            miniParts[1] = $('form:eq(' + formIndex + ') input:eq(' + aiIndex[scElement] + ')').autoNumeric('get').toString();
                            formParts[i] = miniParts.join('=');
                            isAutoNumeric = true;
            /*jslint unparam: false*/
            if (!isAutoNumeric) {
                $.error("You must initialize autoNumeric('init', {options}) prior to calling the 'getString' method");
            return formParts.join('&');

         * The 'getString' method used jQuerys .serializeArray() method that creates array or objects that can be encoded as a JSON string
         * it then loops through the string and un-formats the inputs with autoNumeric
         * $(someSelector).autoNumeric('getArray'); no parameter accepted
         * values returned as ISO numeric string "1234.56" where the decimal character is a period
        getArray: function () {
            var isAutoNumeric = false,
                $this = autoGet($(this)),
                formFields = $this.serializeArray(),
                formIndex = $('form').index($this),
                allFormElements = $('form:eq(' + formIndex + ')'),
                aiIndex = [],
                /* all input index */
                scIndex = [],
                /* successful control index */
                rsubmitterTypes = /^(?:submit|button|image|reset|file)$/i,
                /* from jQuery serialize method */
                rsubmittable = /^(?:input|select|textarea|keygen)/i,
                /* from jQuery serialize method */
                rcheckableType = /^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i,
                rnonAutoNumericTypes = /^(?:button|checkbox|color|date|datetime|datetime-local|email|file|image|month|number|password|radio|range|reset|search|submit|time|url|week)/i,
                count = 0;
            /*jslint unparam: true*/
            /* index of successful elements */
            $.each(allFormElements[0], function (i, field) {
                if ( !== '' && rsubmittable.test(field.localName) && !rsubmitterTypes.test(field.type) && !field.disabled && (field.checked || !rcheckableType.test(field.type))) {
                    count = count + 1;
                } else {
            /* index of all inputs tags */
            count = 0;
            $.each(allFormElements[0], function (i, field) {
                if (field.localName === 'input' && (field.type === '' || field.type === 'text' || field.type === 'hidden' || field.type === 'tel')) {
                    count = count + 1;
                } else {
                    if (field.localName === 'input' && rnonAutoNumericTypes.test(field.type)) {
                        count = count + 1;
            $.each(formFields, function (i, field) {
                var scElement = $.inArray(i, scIndex);
                if (scElement > -1 && aiIndex[scElement] > -1) {
                    var testInput = $('form:eq(' + formIndex + ') input:eq(' + aiIndex[scElement] + ')'),
                        settings ='autoNumeric');
                    if (typeof settings === 'object') {
                        field.value = $('form:eq(' + formIndex + ') input:eq(' + aiIndex[scElement] + ')').autoNumeric('get').toString();
                        isAutoNumeric = true;
            /*jslint unparam: false*/
            if (!isAutoNumeric) {
                $.error("None of the successful form inputs are initialized by autoNumeric.");
            return formFields;

         * The 'getSteetings returns the object with autoNumeric settings for those who need to look under the hood
         * $(someSelector).autoNumeric('getSettings'); // no parameters accepted
         * $(someSelector).autoNumeric('getSettings').aDec; // return the aDec setting as a string - ant valid setting can be used
        getSettings: function () {
            var $this = autoGet($(this));
            return $this.eq(0).data('autoNumeric');

     * autoNumeric function
    $.fn.autoNumeric = function (method) {
        if (methods[method]) {
            return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
        if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
            return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
        $.error('Method "' + method + '" is not supported by autoNumeric()');

     * Defaults are public - these can be overridden by the following:
     * HTML5 data attributes
     * Options passed by the 'init' or 'update' methods
     * Use jQuery's $.extend method - great way to pass ASP.NET current culture settings
    $.fn.autoNumeric.defaults = {
        /** allowed thousand separator characters
         * comma = ','
         * period "full stop" = '.'
         * apostrophe is escaped = '\''
         * space = ' '
         * none = ''
         * NOTE: do not use numeric characters
        aSep: ',',
        /** digital grouping for the thousand separator used in Format
         * dGroup: '2', results in 99,99,99,999 common in India for values less than 1 billion and greater than -1 billion
         * dGroup: '3', results in 999,999,999 default
         * dGroup: '4', results in 9999,9999,9999 used in some Asian countries
        dGroup: '3',
        /** allowed decimal separator characters
         * period "full stop" = '.'
         * comma = ','
        aDec: '.',
        /** allow to declare alternative decimal separator which is automatically replaced by aDec
         * developed for countries the use a comma ',' as the decimal character
         * and have keyboards\numeric pads that have a period 'full stop' as the decimal characters (Spain is an example)
        altDec: null,
        /** allowed currency symbol
         * Must be in quotes aSign: '$', a space is allowed aSign: '$ '
        aSign: '',
        /** placement of currency sign
         * for prefix pSign: 'p',
         * for suffix pSign: 's',
        pSign: 'p',
        /** maximum possible value
         * value must be enclosed in quotes and use the period for the decimal point
         * value must be larger than vMin
        vMax: '9999999999999.99',
        /** minimum possible value
         * value must be enclosed in quotes and use the period for the decimal point
         * value must be smaller than vMax
        vMin: '-9999999999999.99',
        /** max number of decimal places = used to override decimal places set by the vMin & vMax values
         * value must be enclosed in quotes example mDec: '3',
         * This can also set the value via a call back function mDec: 'css:#
        mDec: null,
        /** method used for rounding
         * mRound: 'S', Round-Half-Up Symmetric (default)
         * mRound: 'A', Round-Half-Up Asymmetric
         * mRound: 's', Round-Half-Down Symmetric (lower case s)
         * mRound: 'a', Round-Half-Down Asymmetric (lower case a)
         * mRound: 'B', Round-Half-Even "Bankers Rounding"
         * mRound: 'U', Round Up "Round-Away-From-Zero"
         * mRound: 'D', Round Down "Round-Toward-Zero" - same as truncate
         * mRound: 'C', Round to Ceiling "Toward Positive Infinity"
         * mRound: 'F', Round to Floor "Toward Negative Infinity"
        mRound: 'S',
        /** controls decimal padding
         * aPad: true - always Pad decimals with zeros
         * aPad: false - does not pad with zeros.
         * aPad: `some number` - pad decimals with zero to number different from mDec
         * thanks to Jonas Johansson for the suggestion
        aPad: true,
        /** places brackets on negative value -$ 999.99 to (999.99)
         * visible only when the field does NOT have focus the left and right symbols should be enclosed in quotes and seperated by a comma
         * nBracket: null, nBracket: '(,)', nBracket: '[,]', nBracket: '<,>' or nBracket: '{,}'
        nBracket: null,
        /** Displayed on empty string
         * wEmpty: 'empty', - input can be blank
         * wEmpty: 'zero', - displays zero
         * wEmpty: 'sign', - displays the currency sign
        wEmpty: 'empty',
        /** controls leading zero behavior
         * lZero: 'allow', - allows leading zeros to be entered. Zeros will be truncated when entering additional digits. On focusout zeros will be deleted.
         * lZero: 'deny', - allows only one leading zero on values less than one
         * lZero: 'keep', - allows leading zeros to be entered. on fousout zeros will be retained.
        lZero: 'allow',
        /** determine if the select all keyboard command will select
         * the complete input text or only the input numeric value
         * if the currency symbol is between the numeric value and the negative sign only the numeric value will sellected
        sNumber: true,
        /** determine if the default value will be formatted on page ready.
         * true = automatically formats the default value on page ready
         * false = will not format the default value
        aForm: true,
        /** helper option for ASP.NET postback
         * should be the value of the unformatted default value
         * examples:
         * no default value='' {anDefault: ''}
         * value=1234.56 {anDefault: '1234.56'}
        anDefault: null

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