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META-INF.resources.primefaces.imagecropper.0-jcrop.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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/*! Jcrop.js v2.0.4 - build: 20151117
 *  @copyright 2008-2015 Tapmodo Interactive LLC
 *  @license Free software under MIT License
 *  @website
  'use strict';

  // Jcrop constructor
  var Jcrop = function(element,opt){
    var _ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

    this.opt = $.extend({},Jcrop.defaults,opt || {});

    this.container = $(element);

    this.opt.is_msie = /msie/.test(_ua);
    this.opt.is_ie_lt9 = /msie [1-8]\./.test(_ua);


    this.ui = {};
    this.state = null;
    this.ui.multi = [];
    this.ui.selection = null;
    this.filter = {};

    // IE<9 doesn't work if mouse events are attached to window
    if (this.opt.is_ie_lt9)
      this.opt.dragEventTarget = document.body;

  // Jcrop static functions
    component: { },
    filter: { },
    stage: { },
    registerComponent: function(name,component){
      Jcrop.component[name] = component;
    registerFilter: function(name,filter){
      Jcrop.filter[name] = filter;
    registerStageType: function(name,stage){
      Jcrop.stage[name] = stage;
    // attach: function(element,opt){{{
    attach: function(element,opt){
      var obj = new $.Jcrop(element,opt);
      return obj;
    // }}}
    // imgCopy: function(imgel){{{
    imgCopy: function(imgel){
      var img = new Image;
      img.src = imgel.src;
      return img;
    // }}}
    // imageClone: function(imgel){{{
    imageClone: function(imgel){
      return $.Jcrop.supportsCanvas?
    // }}}
    // canvasClone: function(imgel){{{
    canvasClone: function(imgel){
      var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
          ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

      canvas.width = imgel.naturalWidth;
      canvas.height = imgel.naturalHeight;
      return canvas;
    // }}}
    // propagate: function(plist,config,obj){{{
    propagate: function(plist,config,obj){
      for(var i=0,l=plist.length;i ratio)
        return [ h * ratio, h ];
          else return [ w, w / ratio ];
    // }}}
    // stageConstructor: function(el,options,callback){{{
    stageConstructor: function(el,options,callback){

      // Get a priority-ordered list of available stages
      var stages = [];
      stages.sort(function(a,b){ return a.priority - b.priority; });

      // Find the first one that supports this element
      for(var i=0,l=stages.length;i').parent();

      obj.imgsrc = el;

      if (typeof callback == 'function'),obj,options);

var CanvasStage = function(){
  this.angle = 0;
  this.scale = 1;
  this.scaleMin = 0.2;
  this.scaleMax = 1.25;
  this.offset = [0,0];

CanvasStage.prototype = new ImageStage();

  isSupported: function(el,o){
    if ($.Jcrop.supportsCanvas && (el.tagName == 'IMG')) return true;
  priority: 60,
  create: function(el,options,callback){
    var $el = $(el);
    var opt = $.extend({},options);
      var obj = new CanvasStage;
      obj.imgsrc = el;
      opt.imgsrc = el;

      if (typeof callback == 'function'){

  init: function(core){
    this.core = core;
  // setOffset: function(x,y) {{{
  setOffset: function(x,y) {
    this.offset = [x,y];
    return this;
  // }}}
  // setAngle: function(v) {{{
  setAngle: function(v) {
    this.angle = v;
    return this;
  // }}}
  // setScale: function(v) {{{
  setScale: function(v) {
    this.scale = this.boundScale(v);
    return this;
  // }}}
  boundScale: function(v){
    if (vthis.scaleMax) v = this.scaleMax;
    return v;
  createCanvas: function(img,w,h){
    this.width = w;
    this.height = h;
    this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    this.canvas.width = w;
    this.canvas.height = h;
    this.$canvas = $(this.canvas).width('100%').height('100%');
    this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
    this.fillstyle = "rgb(0,0,0)";
    this.element = this.$canvas.wrap('
').parent().width(w).height(h); }, triggerEvent: function(ev){ this.$canvas.trigger(ev); return this; }, // clear: function() {{{ clear: function() { this.context.fillStyle = this.fillstyle; this.context.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); return this; }, // }}} // redraw: function() {{{ redraw: function() { // Save the current context; this.clear(); // Translate to the center point of our image this.context.translate(parseInt(this.width * 0.5), parseInt(this.height * 0.5)); // Perform the rotation and scaling this.context.translate(this.offset[0]/this.core.opt.xscale,this.offset[1]/this.core.opt.yscale); this.context.rotate(this.angle * (Math.PI/180)); this.context.scale(this.scale,this.scale); // Translate back to the top left of our image this.context.translate(-parseInt(this.width * 0.5), -parseInt(this.height * 0.5)); // Finally we draw the image this.context.drawImage(this.imgsrc,0,0,this.width,this.height); // And restore the updated context this.context.restore(); this.$canvas.trigger('cropredraw'); return this; }, // }}} // setFillStyle: function(v) {{{ setFillStyle: function(v) { this.fillstyle = v; return this; } // }}} }); Jcrop.registerStageType('Canvas',CanvasStage); /** * BackoffFilter * move out-of-bounds selection into allowed position at same size */ var BackoffFilter = function(){ this.minw = 40; this.minh = 40; this.maxw = 0; this.maxh = 0; this.core = null; }; $.extend(BackoffFilter.prototype,{ tag: 'backoff', priority: 22, filter: function(b){ var r = this.bound; if (b.x < r.minx) { b.x = r.minx; b.x2 = b.w + b.x; } if (b.y < r.miny) { b.y = r.miny; b.y2 = b.h + b.y; } if (b.x2 > r.maxx) { b.x2 = r.maxx; b.x = b.x2 - b.w; } if (b.y2 > r.maxy) { b.y2 = r.maxy; b.y = b.y2 - b.h; } return b; }, refresh: function(sel){ this.elw = sel.core.container.width(); this.elh = sel.core.container.height(); this.bound = { minx: 0 + sel.edge.w, miny: 0 + sel.edge.n, maxx: this.elw + sel.edge.e, maxy: this.elh + sel.edge.s }; } }); Jcrop.registerFilter('backoff',BackoffFilter); /** * ConstrainFilter * a filter to constrain crop selection to bounding element */ var ConstrainFilter = function(){ this.core = null; }; $.extend(ConstrainFilter.prototype,{ tag: 'constrain', priority: 5, filter: function(b,ord){ if (ord == 'move') { if (b.x < this.minx) { b.x = this.minx; b.x2 = b.w + b.x; } if (b.y < this.miny) { b.y = this.miny; b.y2 = b.h + b.y; } if (b.x2 > this.maxx) { b.x2 = this.maxx; b.x = b.x2 - b.w; } if (b.y2 > this.maxy) { b.y2 = this.maxy; b.y = b.y2 - b.h; } } else { if (b.x < this.minx) { b.x = this.minx; } if (b.y < this.miny) { b.y = this.miny; } if (b.x2 > this.maxx) { b.x2 = this.maxx; } if (b.y2 > this.maxy) { b.y2 = this.maxy; } } b.w = b.x2 - b.x; b.h = b.y2 - b.y; return b; }, refresh: function(sel){ this.elw = sel.core.container.width(); this.elh = sel.core.container.height(); this.minx = 0 + sel.edge.w; this.miny = 0 + sel.edge.n; this.maxx = this.elw + sel.edge.e; this.maxy = this.elh + sel.edge.s; } }); Jcrop.registerFilter('constrain',ConstrainFilter); /** * ExtentFilter * a filter to implement minimum or maximum size */ var ExtentFilter = function(){ this.core = null; }; $.extend(ExtentFilter.prototype,{ tag: 'extent', priority: 12, offsetFromCorner: function(corner,box,b){ var w = box[0], h = box[1]; switch(corner){ case 'bl': return [ b.x2 - w, b.y, w, h ]; case 'tl': return [ b.x2 - w , b.y2 - h, w, h ]; case 'br': return [ b.x, b.y, w, h ]; case 'tr': return [ b.x, b.y2 - h, w, h ]; } }, getQuadrant: function(s){ var relx = s.opposite[0]-s.offsetx var rely = s.opposite[1]-s.offsety; if ((relx < 0) && (rely < 0)) return 'br'; else if ((relx >= 0) && (rely >= 0)) return 'tl'; else if ((relx < 0) && (rely >= 0)) return 'tr'; return 'bl'; }, filter: function(b,ord,sel){ if (ord == 'move') return b; var w = b.w, h = b.h, st = sel.state, r = this.limits; var quad = st? this.getQuadrant(st): 'br'; if (r.minw && (w < r.minw)) w = r.minw; if (r.minh && (h < r.minh)) h = r.minh; if (r.maxw && (w > r.maxw)) w = r.maxw; if (r.maxh && (h > r.maxh)) h = r.maxh; if ((w == b.w) && (h == b.h)) return b; return Jcrop.wrapFromXywh(this.offsetFromCorner(quad,[w,h],b)); }, refresh: function(sel){ this.elw = sel.core.container.width(); this.elh = sel.core.container.height(); this.limits = { minw: sel.minSize[0], minh: sel.minSize[1], maxw: sel.maxSize[0], maxh: sel.maxSize[1] }; } }); Jcrop.registerFilter('extent',ExtentFilter); /** * GridFilter * a rudimentary grid effect */ var GridFilter = function(){ this.stepx = 1; this.stepy = 1; this.core = null; }; $.extend(GridFilter.prototype,{ tag: 'grid', priority: 19, filter: function(b){ var n = { x: Math.round(b.x / this.stepx) * this.stepx, y: Math.round(b.y / this.stepy) * this.stepy, x2: Math.round(b.x2 / this.stepx) * this.stepx, y2: Math.round(b.y2 / this.stepy) * this.stepy }; n.w = n.x2 - n.x; n.h = n.y2 - n.y; return n; } }); Jcrop.registerFilter('grid',GridFilter); /** * RatioFilter * implements aspectRatio locking */ var RatioFilter = function(){ this.ratio = 0; this.core = null; }; $.extend(RatioFilter.prototype,{ tag: 'ratio', priority: 15, offsetFromCorner: function(corner,box,b){ var w = box[0], h = box[1]; switch(corner){ case 'bl': return [ b.x2 - w, b.y, w, h ]; case 'tl': return [ b.x2 - w , b.y2 - h, w, h ]; case 'br': return [ b.x, b.y, w, h ]; case 'tr': return [ b.x, b.y2 - h, w, h ]; } }, getBoundRatio: function(b,quad){ var box = Jcrop.getLargestBox(this.ratio,b.w,b.h); return Jcrop.wrapFromXywh(this.offsetFromCorner(quad,box,b)); }, getQuadrant: function(s){ var relx = s.opposite[0]-s.offsetx var rely = s.opposite[1]-s.offsety; if ((relx < 0) && (rely < 0)) return 'br'; else if ((relx >= 0) && (rely >= 0)) return 'tl'; else if ((relx < 0) && (rely >= 0)) return 'tr'; return 'bl'; }, filter: function(b,ord,sel){ if (!this.ratio) return b; var rt = b.w / b.h; var st = sel.state; var quad = st? this.getQuadrant(st): 'br'; ord = ord || 'se'; if (ord == 'move') return b; switch(ord) { case 'n': b.x2 = this.elw; b.w = b.x2 - b.x; quad = 'tr'; break; case 's': b.x2 = this.elw; b.w = b.x2 - b.x; quad = 'br'; break; case 'e': b.y2 = this.elh; b.h = b.y2 - b.y; quad = 'br'; break; case 'w': b.y2 = this.elh; b.h = b.y2 - b.y; quad = 'bl'; break; } return this.getBoundRatio(b,quad); }, refresh: function(sel){ this.ratio = sel.aspectRatio; this.elw = sel.core.container.width(); this.elh = sel.core.container.height(); } }); Jcrop.registerFilter('ratio',RatioFilter); /** * RoundFilter * rounds coordinate values to integers */ var RoundFilter = function(){ this.core = null; }; $.extend(RoundFilter.prototype,{ tag: 'round', priority: 90, filter: function(b){ var n = { x: Math.round(b.x), y: Math.round(b.y), x2: Math.round(b.x2), y2: Math.round(b.y2) }; n.w = n.x2 - n.x; n.h = n.y2 - n.y; return n; } }); Jcrop.registerFilter('round',RoundFilter); /** * ShadeFilter * A filter that implements div-based shading on any element * * The shading you see is actually four semi-opaque divs * positioned inside the container, around the selection */ var ShadeFilter = function(opacity,color){ this.color = color || 'black'; this.opacity = opacity || 0.5; this.core = null; this.shades = {}; }; $.extend(ShadeFilter.prototype,{ tag: 'shader', fade: true, fadeEasing: 'swing', fadeSpeed: 320, priority: 95, init: function(){ var t = this; if (!t.attached) { t.visible = false; t.container = $('
').addClass(t.core.opt.css_shades) .prependTo(this.core.container).hide(); t.elh = this.core.container.height(); t.elw = this.core.container.width(); t.shades = { top: t.createShade(), right: t.createShade(), left: t.createShade(), bottom: t.createShade() }; t.attached = true; } }, destroy: function(){ this.container.remove(); }, setColor: function(color,instant){ var t = this; if (color == t.color) return t; this.color = color; var colorfade = Jcrop.supportsColorFade(); $.each(t.shades,function(u,i){ if (!t.fade || instant || !colorfade) i.css('backgroundColor',color); else i.animate({backgroundColor:color},{queue:false,duration:t.fadeSpeed,easing:t.fadeEasing}); }); return t; }, setOpacity: function(opacity,instant){ var t = this; if (opacity == t.opacity) return t; t.opacity = opacity; $.each(t.shades,function(u,i){ if (!t.fade || instant) i.css({opacity:opacity}); else i.animate({opacity:opacity},{queue:false,duration:t.fadeSpeed,easing:t.fadeEasing}); }); return t; }, createShade: function(){ return $('
').css({ position: 'absolute', backgroundColor: this.color, opacity: this.opacity }).appendTo(this.container); }, refresh: function(sel){ var m = this.core, s = this.shades; this.setColor(sel.bgColor?sel.bgColor:this.core.opt.bgColor); this.setOpacity(sel.bgOpacity?sel.bgOpacity:this.core.opt.bgOpacity); this.elh = m.container.height(); this.elw = m.container.width(); s.right.css('height',this.elh+'px'); s.left.css('height',this.elh+'px'); }, filter: function(b,ord,sel){ if (! return b; var t = this, s = t.shades;{ left: Math.round(b.x)+'px', width: Math.round(b.w)+'px', height: Math.round(b.y)+'px' }); s.bottom.css({ top: Math.round(b.y2)+'px', left: Math.round(b.x)+'px', width: Math.round(b.w)+'px', height: (t.elh-Math.round(b.y2))+'px' }); s.right.css({ left: Math.round(b.x2)+'px', width: (t.elw-Math.round(b.x2))+'px' }); s.left.css({ width: Math.round(b.x)+'px' }); if (!t.visible) {; t.visible = true; } return b; } }); Jcrop.registerFilter('shader',ShadeFilter); /** * CanvasAnimator * manages smooth cropping animation * * This object is called internally to manage animation. * An in-memory div is animated and a progress callback * is used to update the selection coordinates of the * visible selection in realtime. */ var CanvasAnimator = function(stage){ this.stage = stage; this.core = stage.core; this.cloneStagePosition(); }; CanvasAnimator.prototype = { cloneStagePosition: function(){ var s = this.stage; this.angle = s.angle; this.scale = s.scale; this.offset = s.offset; }, getElement: function(){ var s = this.stage; return $('
') .css({ position: 'absolute', top: s.offset[0]+'px', left: s.offset[1]+'px', width: s.angle+'px', height: s.scale+'px' }); }, animate: function(cb){ var t = this; this.scale = this.stage.boundScale(this.scale); t.stage.triggerEvent('croprotstart'); t.getElement().animate({ top: t.offset[0]+'px', left: t.offset[1]+'px', width: t.angle+'px', height: t.scale+'px' },{ easing: t.core.opt.animEasing, duration: t.core.opt.animDuration, complete: function(){ t.stage.triggerEvent('croprotend'); (typeof cb == 'function') &&; }, progress: function(anim){ var props = {}, i, tw = anim.tweens; for(i=0;i') .css({ position: 'absolute', top: b.y+'px', left: b.x+'px', width: b.w+'px', height: b.h+'px' }); }, animate: function(x,y,w,h,cb){ var t = this; t.selection.allowResize(false); t.getElement().animate({ top: y+'px', left: x+'px', width: w+'px', height: h+'px' },{ easing: t.core.opt.animEasing, duration: t.core.opt.animDuration, complete: function(){ t.selection.allowResize(true); cb &&; }, progress: function(anim){ var props = {}, i, tw = anim.tweens; for(i=0;i 0 || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch) return true; }, // }}} prototype: { // init: function(){{{ init: function(){ var t = this, p = $.Jcrop.component.DragState.prototype; // A bit of an ugly hack to make sure we modify prototype // only once, store a key on the prototype if (!p.touch) { t.initEvents(); t.shimDragState(); t.shimStageDrag(); p.touch = true; } }, // }}} // shimDragState: function(){{{ shimDragState: function(){ var t = this; $.Jcrop.component.DragState.prototype.initEvents = function(e){ // Attach subsequent drag event handlers based on initial // event type - avoids collecting "pseudo-mouse" events // generated by some mobile browsers in some circumstances if (e.type.substr(0,5) == 'touch') { $(this.eventTarget) .on('touchmove.jcrop.jcrop-touch',t.dragWrap(this.createDragHandler())) .on('touchend.jcrop.jcrop-touch',this.createStopHandler()); } // For other events, use the mouse handlers that // the default DragState.initEvents() method sets... else { $(this.eventTarget) .on('mousemove.jcrop',this.createDragHandler()) .on('mouseup.jcrop',this.createStopHandler()); } }; }, // }}} // shimStageDrag: function(){{{ shimStageDrag: function(){ this.core.container .addClass('jcrop-touch') .on('touchstart.jcrop.jcrop-stage',this.dragWrap(this.core.ui.manager.startDragHandler())); }, // }}} // dragWrap: function(cb){{{ dragWrap: function(cb){ return function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (e.type.substr(0,5) == 'touch') { e.pageX = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX; e.pageY = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY; return cb(e); } return false; }; }, // }}} // initEvents: function(){{{ initEvents: function(){ var t = this, c = t.core; c.container.on( 'touchstart.jcrop.jcrop-touch', '.'+c.opt.css_drag, t.dragWrap(c.startDrag()) ); } // }}} } }); Jcrop.registerComponent('Touch',JcropTouch); /** * KeyWatcher * provides keyboard support */ // var KeyWatcher = function(core){{{ var KeyWatcher = function(core){ this.core = core; this.init(); }; // }}} $.extend(KeyWatcher,{ // defaults: {{{ defaults: { eventName: 'keydown.jcrop', passthru: [ 9 ], debug: false }, // }}} prototype: { // init: function(){{{ init: function(){ $.extend(this,KeyWatcher.defaults); this.enable(); }, // }}} // disable: function(){{{ disable: function(){; }, // }}} // enable: function(){{{ enable: function(){ var t = this, m = t.core; m.container.on(t.eventName,function(e){ var nudge = e.shiftKey? 16: 2; if ($.inArray(e.keyCode,t.passthru) >= 0) return true; switch(e.keyCode){ case 37: m.nudge(-nudge,0); break; case 38: m.nudge(0,-nudge); break; case 39: m.nudge(nudge,0); break; case 40: m.nudge(0,nudge); break; case 46: case 8: m.requestDelete(); return false; break; default: if (t.debug) console.log('keycode: ' + e.keyCode); break; } if (!e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey) e.preventDefault(); }); } // }}} } }); Jcrop.registerComponent('Keyboard',KeyWatcher); /** * Selection * Built-in selection object */ var Selection = function(){}; $.extend(Selection,{ // defaults: {{{ defaults: { minSize: [ 8, 8 ], maxSize: [ 0, 0 ], aspectRatio: 0, edge: { n: 0, s: 0, e: 0, w: 0 }, bgColor: null, bgOpacity: null, last: null, state: null, active: true, linked: true, canDelete: true, canDrag: true, canResize: true, canSelect: true }, // }}} prototype: { // init: function(core){{{ init: function(core){ this.core = core; this.startup(); this.linked = this.core.opt.linked; this.attach(); this.setOptions(this.core.opt); core.container.trigger('cropcreate',[this]); }, // }}} // attach: function(){{{ attach: function(){ // For extending init() sequence }, // }}} // startup: function(){{{ startup: function(){ var t = this, o = t.core.opt; $.extend(t,Selection.defaults); t.filter = t.core.getDefaultFilters(); t.element = $('
').addClass(o.css_selection).data({ selection: t }); t.frame = $('

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