quasar.repl.Repl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2014–2017 SlamData Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package quasar.repl
import slamdata.Predef._
import quasar.{Data, DataCodec, Variables, resolveImports, queryPlan}
import quasar.Planner.PlannerError
import quasar.common.{PhaseResult, PhaseResults}
import quasar.connector.{BackendModule, CompileM}
import quasar.contrib.matryoshka._
import quasar.contrib.pathy._
import quasar.csv.CsvWriter
import quasar.effect._
import quasar.ejson.EJson
import quasar.ejson.implicits._
import quasar.frontend.SemanticErrors
import quasar.frontend.logicalplan.LogicalPlan
import quasar.fp._, ski._, numeric.widenPositive
import quasar.fs._
import quasar.fs.mount._
import quasar.main.{analysis, FilesystemQueries, Prettify}
import quasar.qscript.qsu.LPtoQS
import quasar.sql.Sql
import quasar.sql
import argonaut._, Argonaut._
import eu.timepit.refined.refineV
import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined
import eu.timepit.refined.auto._
import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Positive
import matryoshka.data.Fix
import pathy.Path, Path._
import scalaz.{Failure => _, _}, Scalaz._
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import shapeless.nat._0
import spire.std.double._
object Repl {
import Command.{XDir, XFile}
// TODO[scalaz]: Shadow the scalaz.Monad.monadMTMAB SI-2712 workaround
import EitherT.eitherTMonad
val HelpMessage =
"""Quasar REPL, Copyright © 2014–2017 SlamData Inc.
|Available commands:
| exit
| help
| cd [path]
| [query]
| [id] <- [query]
| explain [query]
| compile [query]
| schema [query]
| ls [path]
| save [path] [value]
| append [path] [value]
| rm [path]
| set debug = 0 | 1 | 2
| set phaseFormat = tree | code
| set timingFormat = json | tree | onlytotal | nothing
| set summaryCount = [rows]
| set format = table | precise | readable | csv | nothing
| set [var] = [value]
| env""".stripMargin
final case class RunState(
cwd: ADir,
debugLevel: DebugLevel,
phaseFormat: PhaseFormat,
summaryCount: Option[Int Refined Positive],
format: OutputFormat,
variables: Map[String, String],
timingFormat: TimingFormat) {
def targetDir(path: Option[XDir]): ADir =
path match {
case None => cwd
case Some( \/-(a)) => a
case Some(-\/ (r)) =>
(unsandbox(cwd) > r)
.cata(rootDir > _, rootDir)
def targetFile(path: XFile): AFile =
path match {
case \/-(a) => a
case -\/ (r) =>
(unsandbox(cwd) > r)
.cata(rootDir > _, rootDir > file1(fileName(r)))
type RunStateT[A] = AtomicRef[RunState, A]
def command[S[_], T](cmd: Command, executionIdRef: TaskRef[Long])(
Q: QueryFile.Ops[S],
M: ManageFile.Ops[S],
W: WriteFile.Ops[S],
P: ConsoleIO.Ops[S],
T: Timing.Ops[S],
S0: Mounting :<: S,
S1: RunStateT :<: S,
S2: ReplFail :<: S,
S3: Task :<: S,
S4: FileSystemFailure :<: S,
SE: ScopeExecution[Free[S, ?], T]
): Free[S, Unit] = {
import Command._
val RS = AtomicRef.Ops[RunState, S]
val DF = Failure.Ops[String, S]
val fsQ = new FilesystemQueries[S]
def write(f: (AFile, Vector[Data]) => W.M[Vector[FileSystemError]], dst: XFile, dStr: String): Free[S, Unit] =
for {
state <- RS.get
pres = DataCodec.parse(dStr)(DataCodec.Precise)
errs <- EitherT.fromDisjunction[W.F](pres leftMap (_.message))
.flatMap(d => f(state.targetFile(dst), Vector(d)).leftMap(_.shows))
.bimap(s => Vector(s), _.map(_.shows))
_ <- if (errs.isEmpty) P.println("Data saved.")
else DF.fail(errs.mkString("; "))
} yield ()
def runQuery[A](state: RunState, query: Q.transforms.CompExecM[A])(f: A => Free[S, Unit]): Free[S, Unit] =
for {
t <- T.time(query.run.run.run)
((log, v), elapsed) = t
_ <- printLog[S](state.debugLevel, state.phaseFormat, log)
_ <- v match {
case -\/ (semErr) => DF.fail(semErr.list.map(_.shows).toList.mkString("; "))
case \/-(-\/ (fsErr)) => DF.fail(fsErr.shows)
case \/-( \/-(a)) =>
(state.timingFormat match {
case TimingFormat.OnlyTotal => P.println(f"Query time: ${elapsed.toMillis/1000.0}%.1fs")
case _ => ().point[Free[S, ?]]
}) *> f(a)
} yield ()
def compileQuery(expr: Fix[Sql], vars: Variables, basePath: ADir): (PhaseResults, SemanticErrors \/ (FileSystemError \/ Unit)) = {
import FileSystemError._
type M[A] = FileSystemErrT[CompileM, A]
def logQS(lp: Fix[LogicalPlan]): M[Unit] =
LPtoQS[Fix].apply[EitherT[StateT[CompileM, Long, ?], PlannerError, ?]](lp)
.flatMap(qs => BackendModule.logPhase[M](PhaseResult.tree("QScript (Educated)", qs)))
queryPlan(expr, vars, basePath, 0L, None)
cmd match {
case Help =>
case Debug(level) =>
RS.modify(_.copy(debugLevel = level)) *>
P.println(s"Set debug level: $level")
case SummaryCount(rows) =>
val positive = refineV[Positive](rows).fold(
_ => DF.fail("Rows must be a positive integer or 0 to indicate no limit"),
_.some.point[Free[S, ?]])
for {
newCount <- if (rows === 0) none.point[Free[S, ?]] else positive
_ <- RS.modify(_.copy(summaryCount = newCount))
_ <- P.println(s"Set rows to show in result: $rows")
} yield ()
case Format(fmt) =>
RS.modify(_.copy(format = fmt)) *>
P.println(s"Set output format: $fmt")
case SetPhaseFormat(fmt) =>
RS.modify(_.copy(phaseFormat = fmt)) *>
P.println(s"Set phase format: $fmt")
case SetTimingFormat(fmt) =>
RS.modify(_.copy(timingFormat = fmt)) *>
P.println(s"Set timing format: $fmt")
case SetVar(n, v) =>
RS.modify(state => state.copy(variables = state.variables + (n -> v))).void
case UnsetVar(n) =>
RS.modify(state => state.copy(variables = state.variables - n)).void
case ListVars =>
for {
vars <- RS.get.map(_.variables)
_ <- vars.toList.foldMap { case (name, value) => P.println(s"$name = $value") }
} yield ()
case Cd(d) =>
for {
dir <- RS.get.map(_.targetDir(d.some))
_ <- DF.unattemptT(Q.ls(dir).leftMap(_.shows))
_ <- RS.modify(state => state.copy(cwd = dir))
} yield ()
case Ls(d) =>
for {
path <- RS.get.map(_.targetDir(d))
files <- DF.unattemptT(Q.ls(path).leftMap(_.shows))
names = files.toList.map {
case Node.Data(name) => name.value
case Node.View(name) => name.value + "@ (view)"
case Node.ImplicitDir(name) => name.value + "/"
case Node.Module(name) => name.value + "@ (module)"
case Node.Function(name) => name.value + "@ (function)"
_ <- names.sorted.foldMap(P.println)
} yield ()
case Select(n, q) =>
for {
newExecutionIndex <- Free.liftF(S3(executionIdRef.modify(_ + 1)))
result <- SE.newExecution[Unit](newExecutionIndex, { ST =>
for {
state <- RS.get
expr <- ST.newScope("parse SQL", DF.unattempt_(sql.fixParser.parse(q.value).leftMap(_.message)))
block <- ST.newScope("resolve imports", DF.unattemptT(resolveImports(expr, state.cwd).leftMap(_.message)))
vars = Variables.fromMap(state.variables)
_ <- n.cata(name =>
val out = state.cwd > file(name)
for {
query <- ST.newScope("plan",
fsQ.executeQuery(block, Variables.fromMap(state.variables), state.cwd, out).pure[Free[S, ?]])
results <- ST.newScope("evaluate",
runQuery(state, query)(κ(P.println("Wrote file: " + posixCodec.printPath(out)))))
} yield results
for {
query <- ST.newScope("plan",
fsQ.queryResults(block, vars, state.cwd, 0L, state.summaryCount.map(widenPositive[Refined, _0]))
.map(_.toVector).pure[Free[S, ?]])
results <- ST.newScope("evaluate",
runQuery(state, query)(ds => summarize[S](state.summaryCount.map(_.value), state.format)(ds)))
} yield results
} yield ()
} yield result
case Explain(q) =>
for {
state <- RS.get
expr <- DF.unattempt_(sql.fixParser.parse(q.value).leftMap(_.message))
vars = Variables.fromMap(state.variables)
block <- DF.unattemptT(resolveImports(expr, state.cwd).leftMap(_.message))
t <- fsQ.explainQuery(block, vars, state.cwd).run.run.run
(log, result) = t
_ <- printLog(state.debugLevel, state.phaseFormat, log)
_ <- result.fold(
serr => DF.fail(serr.shows),
perr => DF.fail(perr.shows),
κ(().point[Free[S, ?]])))
} yield ()
case Compile(q) =>
for {
state <- RS.get
expr <- DF.unattempt_(sql.fixParser.parse(q.value).leftMap(_.message))
vars = Variables.fromMap(state.variables)
block <- DF.unattemptT(resolveImports(expr, state.cwd).leftMap(_.message))
(log0, result) = compileQuery(block, vars, state.cwd)
// TODO: This is a bit brittle, it'd be nice if we had a way to refer
// to logical sections directly.
log = if (state.debugLevel === DebugLevel.Verbose) log0
else log0.dropWhile(_.name =/= "Logical Plan")
_ <- printLog(DebugLevel.Verbose, state.phaseFormat, log)
_ <- result.fold(
serr => DF.fail(serr.shows),
perr => DF.fail(perr.shows),
κ(().point[Free[S, ?]])))
} yield ()
case Schema(q) =>
for {
state <- RS.get
expr <- DF.unattempt_(sql.fixParser.parse(q.value).leftMap(_.message))
vars = Variables.fromMap(state.variables)
r <- DF.unattemptT(analysis.querySchema[S, Fix[EJson], Double](
expr, vars, state.cwd, 1000L, analysis.CompressionSettings.Default
sst <- DF.unattempt_(r.leftMap(_.shows))
data = sst.map(analysis.schemaToData[Fix, Double])
js = data >>= DataCodec.Precise.encode
_ <- P.println(js.fold("{}")(_.spaces2))
} yield ()
case Save(f, v) =>
write(W.saveThese(_, _).as(Vector.empty), f, v)
case Append(f, v) =>
write(W.appendThese(_, _), f, v)
case Delete(f) =>
for {
state <- RS.get
res <- M.delete(state.targetFile(f)).run
_ <- res.fold(
err => DF.fail(err.shows),
_ => P.println("File deleted."))
} yield ()
case Exit =>
().point[Free[S, ?]]
def mountType[S[_]](path: APath)(implicit
M: Mounting.Ops[S]
): Free[S, Option[String]] =
M.lookupType(path).run.run.map(_ >>= (_.fold(
MountingError.invalidMount.getOption(_) ∘ (_._1.fold(_.value, "view", "module")),
_.fold(_.value, "view", "module").some)))
def showPhaseResults(phaseFormat: PhaseFormat, results: PhaseResults): String = phaseFormat match {
case PhaseFormat.Tree => results.map(_.showTree).mkString("\n\n")
case PhaseFormat.Code => results.map(_.showCode).mkString("\n\n")
def printLog[S[_]](debugLevel: DebugLevel, phaseFormat: PhaseFormat, log: PhaseResults)(implicit
P: ConsoleIO.Ops[S]
): Free[S, Unit] =
debugLevel match {
case DebugLevel.Silent => ().point[Free[S, ?]]
case DebugLevel.Normal => P.println(showPhaseResults(phaseFormat, log.takeRight(1)) + "\n")
case DebugLevel.Verbose => P.println(showPhaseResults(phaseFormat, log) + "\n")
def summarize[S[_]]
(max: Option[Int], format: OutputFormat)
(rows: IndexedSeq[Data])
(implicit P: ConsoleIO.Ops[S])
: Free[S, Unit] = {
def formatJson(codec: DataCodec)(data: Data): Option[String] =
if (rows.lengthCompare(0) <= 0) P.println("No results found")
else {
val prefix = max.fold(rows)(rows.take).toList
(format match {
case OutputFormat.Table =>
case OutputFormat.Precise =>
case OutputFormat.Readable =>
case OutputFormat.Csv =>
case OutputFormat.Nothing =>
}).foldMap(P.println) *>
(if (max.fold(false)(rows.lengthCompare(_) > 0)) P.println("...")
else ().point[Free[S, ?]])