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* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Appsicle
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 QuestDB
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.questdb.cairo;
import io.questdb.cairo.vm.AppendOnlyVirtualMemory;
import io.questdb.cairo.vm.MappedReadOnlyMemory;
import io.questdb.cairo.vm.SinglePageMappedReadOnlyPageMemory;
import io.questdb.cairo.vm.VmUtils;
import io.questdb.std.*;
import io.questdb.std.str.Path;
public class TableReaderMetadata extends BaseRecordMetadata implements Closeable {
private final MappedReadOnlyMemory metaMem;
private final Path path;
private final FilesFacade ff;
private final CharSequenceIntHashMap tmpValidationMap = new CharSequenceIntHashMap();
private int id;
private MappedReadOnlyMemory transitionMeta;
public TableReaderMetadata(FilesFacade ff) {
this.path = new Path();
this.ff = ff;
this.metaMem = new SinglePageMappedReadOnlyPageMemory();
this.columnMetadata = new ObjList<>(columnCount);
this.columnNameIndexMap = new CharSequenceIntHashMap();
public TableReaderMetadata(FilesFacade ff, Path path) {
public TableReaderMetadata of(Path path) {
try {
this.metaMem.of(ff, path, ff.length(path));
this.columnCount = metaMem.getInt(TableUtils.META_OFFSET_COUNT);
TableUtils.validate(ff, metaMem, this.columnNameIndexMap);
this.timestampIndex = metaMem.getInt(TableUtils.META_OFFSET_TIMESTAMP_INDEX); = metaMem.getInt(TableUtils.META_OFFSET_TABLE_ID);
long offset = TableUtils.getColumnNameOffset(columnCount);
// don't create strings in this loop, we already have them in columnNameIndexMap
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
CharSequence name = metaMem.getStr(offset);
assert name != null;
new TableColumnMetadata(
TableUtils.getColumnType(metaMem, i),
TableUtils.isColumnIndexed(metaMem, i),
TableUtils.getIndexBlockCapacity(metaMem, i),
offset += VmUtils.getStorageLength(name);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw e;
return this;
public static void freeTransitionIndex(long address) {
if (address == 0) {
}, Unsafe.getUnsafe().getInt(address));
public void applyTransitionIndex(long pTransitionIndex) {
// re-open _meta file
this.metaMem.of(ff, path, ff.getPageSize(), ff.length(path));
final int columnCount = Unsafe.getUnsafe().getInt(pTransitionIndex + 4);
final long index = pTransitionIndex + 8;
final long stateAddress = index + columnCount * 8L;
if (columnCount > this.columnCount) {
this.columnCount = columnCount;
Vect.memset(stateAddress, columnCount, 0);
// this is a silly exercise in walking the index
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
// prevent writing same entry once
if (Unsafe.getUnsafe().getByte(stateAddress + i) == -1) {
Unsafe.getUnsafe().putByte(stateAddress + i, (byte) -1);
int copyFrom = Unsafe.getUnsafe().getInt(index + i * 8L);
// don't copy entries to themselves
if (copyFrom == i + 1) {
columnNameIndexMap.put(columnMetadata.getQuick(i).getName(), i);
// check where we source entry:
// 1. from another entry
// 2. create new instance
TableColumnMetadata tmp;
if (copyFrom > 0) {
tmp = moveMetadata(copyFrom - 1, null);
columnNameIndexMap.put(tmp.getName(), i);
tmp = moveMetadata(i, tmp);
int copyTo = Unsafe.getUnsafe().getInt(index + i * 8L + 4);
// now we copied entry, what do we do with value that was already there?
// do we copy it somewhere else?
while (copyTo > 0) {
// Yeah, we do. This can get recursive!
// prevent writing same entry twice
if (Unsafe.getUnsafe().getByte(stateAddress + copyTo - 1) == -1) {
Unsafe.getUnsafe().putByte(stateAddress + copyTo - 1, (byte) -1);
columnNameIndexMap.put(tmp.getName(), copyTo - 1);
tmp = moveMetadata(copyTo - 1, tmp);
copyTo = Unsafe.getUnsafe().getInt(index + (copyTo - 1) * 8L + 4);
} else {
// new instance
TableColumnMetadata m = newInstance(i, columnCount);
moveMetadata(i, m);
columnNameIndexMap.put(m.getName(), i);
// ended up with fewer columns than before?
// good idea to resize array and may be drop timestamp index
if (columnCount < this.columnCount) {
// there is assertion further in the code that
// new metadata does not suddenly displace non-null object
// to make sure all fine and dandy we need to remove
// all metadata objects from tail of the list
columnMetadata.set(columnCount, this.columnCount, null);
// and set metadata list to correct length
// we are done
this.columnCount = columnCount;
this.timestampIndex = metaMem.getInt(TableUtils.META_OFFSET_TIMESTAMP_INDEX);
public void cloneTo(AppendOnlyVirtualMemory mem) {
long len = ff.length(metaMem.getFd());
for (long p = 0; p < len; p++) {
public void close() {;;
public long createTransitionIndex() {
if (transitionMeta == null) {
transitionMeta = new SinglePageMappedReadOnlyPageMemory();
transitionMeta.of(ff, path, ff.getPageSize(), ff.length(path));
try (MappedReadOnlyMemory metaMem = transitionMeta) {
TableUtils.validate(ff, metaMem, tmpValidationMap);
int columnCount = metaMem.getInt(TableUtils.META_OFFSET_COUNT);
int n = Math.max(this.columnCount, columnCount);
final long pTransitionIndex;
final int size = n * 16;
long index = pTransitionIndex = Unsafe.calloc(size);
Unsafe.getUnsafe().putInt(index, size);
Unsafe.getUnsafe().putInt(index + 4, columnCount);
index += 8;
// index structure is
// [copy from, copy to] int tuples, each of which is index into original column metadata
// the number of these tuples is DOUBLE of maximum of old and new column count.
// Tuples are separated into two areas, one is immutable, which drives how metadata should be moved,
// the other is the state of moving algo. Moving algo will start with copy of immutable area and will
// continue to zero out tuple values in mutable area when metadata is moved. Mutable area is
// "copy from" == 0 indicates that column is newly added, similarly
// "copy to" == 0 indicates that old column has been deleted
long offset = TableUtils.getColumnNameOffset(columnCount);
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
CharSequence name = metaMem.getStr(offset);
offset += VmUtils.getStorageLength(name);
int oldPosition = columnNameIndexMap.get(name);
// write primary (immutable) index
if (oldPosition > -1
&& TableUtils.getColumnType(metaMem, i) == TableUtils.getColumnType(this.metaMem, oldPosition)
&& TableUtils.isColumnIndexed(metaMem, i) == TableUtils.isColumnIndexed(this.metaMem, oldPosition)) {
Unsafe.getUnsafe().putInt(index + i * 8L, oldPosition + 1);
Unsafe.getUnsafe().putInt(index + oldPosition * 8L + 4, i + 1);
} else {
Unsafe.getUnsafe().putLong(index + i * 8L, 0);
return pTransitionIndex;
public int getColumnCount() {
return columnCount;
public int getId() {
return id;
public int getPartitionBy() {
return metaMem.getInt(TableUtils.META_OFFSET_PARTITION_BY);
public int getVersion() {
return metaMem.getInt(TableUtils.META_OFFSET_VERSION);
public int getMaxUncommittedRows() {
return metaMem.getInt(TableUtils.META_OFFSET_O3_MAX_UNCOMMITTED_ROWS);
public long getO3CommitHysteresisMicros() {
return metaMem.getLong(TableUtils.META_OFFSET_O3_COMMIT_HYSTERESIS_IN_MICROS);
private TableColumnMetadata moveMetadata(int index, TableColumnMetadata metadata) {
return columnMetadata.getAndSetQuick(index, metadata);
private TableColumnMetadata newInstance(int index, int columnCount) {
long offset = TableUtils.getColumnNameOffset(columnCount);
CharSequence name = null;
for (int i = 0; i <= index; i++) {
name = metaMem.getStr(offset);
offset += VmUtils.getStorageLength(name);
assert name != null;
return new TableColumnMetadata(
TableUtils.getColumnType(metaMem, index),
TableUtils.isColumnIndexed(metaMem, index),
TableUtils.getIndexBlockCapacity(metaMem, index),