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io.questdb.griffin.WhereClauseParser Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 *     ___                  _   ____  ____
 *    / _ \ _   _  ___  ___| |_|  _ \| __ )
 *   | | | | | | |/ _ \/ __| __| | | |  _ \
 *   | |_| | |_| |  __/\__ \ |_| |_| | |_) |
 *    \__\_\\__,_|\___||___/\__|____/|____/
 *  Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Appsicle
 *  Copyright (c) 2019-2020 QuestDB
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

package io.questdb.griffin;

import io.questdb.cairo.ColumnType;
import io.questdb.cairo.sql.Function;
import io.questdb.cairo.sql.RecordMetadata;
import io.questdb.griffin.model.AliasTranslator;
import io.questdb.griffin.model.ExpressionNode;
import io.questdb.griffin.model.IntervalUtils;
import io.questdb.griffin.model.IntrinsicModel;
import io.questdb.std.*;
import io.questdb.std.datetime.microtime.TimestampFormatUtils;
import io.questdb.std.str.FlyweightCharSequence;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;

import static io.questdb.griffin.SqlKeywords.*;

final class WhereClauseParser implements Mutable {
    private static final int INTRINSIC_OP_IN = 1;
    private static final int INTRINSIC_OP_GREATER = 2;
    private static final int INTRINSIC_OP_GREATER_EQ = 3;
    private static final int INTRINSIC_OP_LESS = 4;
    private static final int INTRINSIC_OP_LESS_EQ = 5;
    private static final int INTRINSIC_OP_EQUAL = 6;
    private static final int INTRINSIC_OP_NOT_EQ = 7;
    private static final int INTRINSIC_OP_NOT = 8;
    private static final CharSequenceIntHashMap intrinsicOps = new CharSequenceIntHashMap();
    private final ArrayDeque stack = new ArrayDeque<>();
    private final ObjList keyNodes = new ObjList<>();
    private final ObjList keyExclNodes = new ObjList<>();
    private final ObjList tempNodes = new ObjList<>();

    // TODO: configure size
    private final ObjectPool models = new ObjectPool<>(IntrinsicModel.FACTORY, 8);
    private final CharSequenceHashSet tempKeys = new CharSequenceHashSet();
    private final IntList tempPos = new IntList();
    private final CharSequenceHashSet tempK = new CharSequenceHashSet();
    private final IntList tempP = new IntList();

    // TODO: configure size
    private final ObjectPool csPool = new ObjectPool<>(FlyweightCharSequence.FACTORY, 64);
    private CharSequence timestamp;
    private CharSequence preferredKeyColumn;

    public void clear() {

    private static void checkNodeValid(ExpressionNode node) throws SqlException {
        if (node.lhs == null || node.rhs == null) {
            throw SqlException.$(node.position, "Argument expected");

    private static boolean nodesEqual(ExpressionNode left, ExpressionNode right) {
        return (left.type == ExpressionNode.LITERAL || left.type == ExpressionNode.CONSTANT) &&
                (right.type == ExpressionNode.LITERAL || right.type == ExpressionNode.CONSTANT) &&
                Chars.equals(left.token, right.token);

    private boolean analyzeEquals(AliasTranslator translator,
                                  IntrinsicModel model,
                                  ExpressionNode node,
                                  RecordMetadata m,
                                  FunctionParser functionParser,
                                  SqlExecutionContext executionContext) throws SqlException {
        return analyzeEquals0(translator, model, node, node.lhs, node.rhs, m, functionParser, executionContext) ||
                analyzeEquals0(translator, model, node, node.rhs, node.lhs, m, functionParser, executionContext);

    private boolean analyzeEquals0(AliasTranslator translator,
                                   IntrinsicModel model,
                                   ExpressionNode node,
                                   ExpressionNode a,
                                   ExpressionNode b,
                                   RecordMetadata m,
                                   FunctionParser functionParser,
                                   SqlExecutionContext executionContext) throws SqlException {
        if (nodesEqual(a, b)) {
            node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
            return true;

        if (a.type == ExpressionNode.LITERAL && (b.type == ExpressionNode.CONSTANT
                || b.type == ExpressionNode.BIND_VARIABLE
                || b.type == ExpressionNode.FUNCTION
                || b.type == ExpressionNode.OPERATION)) {
            if (isTimestamp(a)) {
                if (b.type == ExpressionNode.CONSTANT) {
                    model.intersectIntervals(b.token, 1, b.token.length() - 1, b.position);
                    node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
                    return true;
                Function function = functionParser.parseFunction(b, m, executionContext);
                checkFunctionCanBeTimestamp(m, executionContext, function);

                if (function.isConstant()) {
                    long value = function.getTimestamp(null);
                    if (value == Numbers.LONG_NaN) {
                        // make it empty set
                    } else {
                        model.intersectIntervals(value, value);
                    node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
                    return true;
                } else if (function.isRuntimeConstant()) {
                    node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
                    return true;
            } else {
                CharSequence column = translator.translateAlias(a.token);
                int index = m.getColumnIndexQuiet(column);
                if (index == -1) {
                    throw SqlException.invalidColumn(a.position, a.token);

                switch (m.getColumnType(index)) {
                    case ColumnType.SYMBOL:
                    case ColumnType.STRING:
                    case ColumnType.LONG:
                    case ColumnType.INT:
                        final boolean preferred = Chars.equalsIgnoreCaseNc(preferredKeyColumn, column);
                        final boolean indexed = m.isColumnIndexed(index);
                        if (preferred || (indexed && preferredKeyColumn == null)) {
                            CharSequence value = isNullKeyword(b.token) ? null : unquote(b.token);
                            if (Chars.equalsIgnoreCaseNc(model.keyColumn, column)) {
                                // compute overlap of values
                                // if values do overlap, keep only our value
                                // otherwise invalidate entire model
                                if (model.keyValues.contains(value)) {
                                    // when we have "x in ('a,'b') and x = 'a')" the x='b' can never happen
                                    // so we have to clear all other key values
                                    if (model.keyValues.size() > 1) {
                                        node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
                                } else {
                                    if (model.keyExcludedValues.contains(value)) {
                                        if (model.keyExcludedValues.size() > 1) {
                                            int removedIndex = model.keyExcludedValues.remove(value);
                                            if (removedIndex > -1) {
                                        } else {
                                        removeNodes(b, keyExclNodes);
                                    node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
                                    model.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.FALSE;
                                    return false;
                            } else if (model.keyColumn == null || m.getIndexValueBlockCapacity(index) > m.getIndexValueBlockCapacity(model.keyColumn)) {
                                model.keyColumn = column;
                                node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
                            return true;
                        //fall through
                        return false;
        return false;

    private boolean analyzeGreater(IntrinsicModel model,
                                   ExpressionNode node,
                                   boolean equalsTo,
                                   FunctionParser functionParser,
                                   RecordMetadata metadata,
                                   SqlExecutionContext executionContext) throws SqlException {

        if (nodesEqual(node.lhs, node.rhs)) {
            model.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.FALSE;
            return false;

        if (timestamp == null) {
            return false;

        if (node.lhs.type == ExpressionNode.LITERAL && Chars.equals(node.lhs.token, timestamp)) {
            return analyzeTimestampGreater(model, node, equalsTo, functionParser, metadata, executionContext, node.rhs);
        } else if (node.rhs.type == ExpressionNode.LITERAL && Chars.equals(node.rhs.token, timestamp)) {
            return analyzeTimestampLess(model, node, equalsTo, functionParser, metadata, executionContext, node.lhs);

        return false;

    private boolean analyzeTimestampGreater(IntrinsicModel model,
                                            ExpressionNode node,
                                            boolean equalsTo,
                                            FunctionParser functionParser,
                                            RecordMetadata metadata,
                                            SqlExecutionContext executionContext,
                                            ExpressionNode compareWithNode) throws SqlException {
        long lo;
        if (compareWithNode.type == ExpressionNode.CONSTANT) {
            try {
                lo = parseFullOrPartialDate(equalsTo, compareWithNode, true);
            } catch (NumericException e) {
                throw SqlException.invalidDate(compareWithNode.position);
            model.intersectIntervals(lo, Long.MAX_VALUE);
            node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
            return true;
        } else if (compareWithNode.type == ExpressionNode.FUNCTION
                || compareWithNode.type == ExpressionNode.BIND_VARIABLE
                || compareWithNode.type == ExpressionNode.OPERATION) {
            Function function = functionParser.parseFunction(compareWithNode, metadata, executionContext);
            checkFunctionCanBeTimestamp(metadata, executionContext, function);

            if (function.isConstant()) {
                lo = function.getTimestamp(null);
                if (lo == Numbers.LONG_NaN) {
                    // make it empty set
                } else {
                    model.intersectIntervals(lo + adjustComparison(equalsTo, true), Long.MAX_VALUE);
                node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
                return true;
            } else if (function.isRuntimeConstant()) {
                model.intersectIntervals(function, Long.MAX_VALUE, adjustComparison(equalsTo, true));
                node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
                return true;

        return false;

    private void checkFunctionCanBeTimestamp(RecordMetadata metadata, SqlExecutionContext executionContext, Function function) throws SqlException {
        if (function.getType() == ColumnType.UNDEFINED) {
            int timestampType = metadata.getColumnType(metadata.getTimestampIndex());
            function.assignType(timestampType, executionContext.getBindVariableService());
        } else if (function.getType() != ColumnType.DATE && function.getType() != ColumnType.TIMESTAMP) {
            throw SqlException.invalidDate(function.getPosition());

    private boolean analyzeIn(AliasTranslator translator, IntrinsicModel model, ExpressionNode node, RecordMetadata metadata) throws SqlException {

        if (node.paramCount < 2) {
            throw SqlException.$(node.position, "Too few arguments for 'in'");

        ExpressionNode col = node.paramCount < 3 ? node.lhs : node.args.getLast();

        if (col.type != ExpressionNode.LITERAL) {
            return false;

        CharSequence column = translator.translateAlias(col.token);

        if (metadata.getColumnIndexQuiet(column) == -1) {
            throw SqlException.invalidColumn(col.position, col.token);
        return analyzeInInterval(model, col, node, false)
                || analyzeListOfValues(model, column, metadata, node)
                || analyzeInLambda(model, column, metadata, node);

    private boolean analyzeInInterval(IntrinsicModel model, ExpressionNode col, ExpressionNode in, boolean isNegated) throws SqlException {
        if (!isTimestamp(col)) {
            return false;

        if (in.paramCount > 3) {
            throw SqlException.$(in.args.getQuick(0).position, "Too many args");

        if (in.paramCount < 3) {
            throw SqlException.$(in.position, "Too few args");

        ExpressionNode lo = in.args.getQuick(1);
        ExpressionNode hi = in.args.getQuick(0);

        if (lo.type == ExpressionNode.CONSTANT && hi.type == ExpressionNode.CONSTANT) {
            long loMillis;
            long hiMillis;

            try {
                loMillis = TimestampFormatUtils.tryParse(lo.token, 1, lo.token.length() - 1);
            } catch (NumericException ignore) {
                throw SqlException.invalidDate(lo.position);

            try {
                hiMillis = TimestampFormatUtils.tryParse(hi.token, 1, hi.token.length() - 1);
            } catch (NumericException ignore) {
                throw SqlException.invalidDate(hi.position);

            if (isNegated) {
                model.subtractIntervals(loMillis, hiMillis);
            } else {
                model.intersectIntervals(loMillis, hiMillis);
            in.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
            return true;
        return false;

    private boolean analyzeInLambda(IntrinsicModel model, CharSequence columnName, RecordMetadata meta, ExpressionNode node) throws SqlException {
        int columnIndex = meta.getColumnIndex(columnName);
        boolean preferred = Chars.equalsIgnoreCaseNc(preferredKeyColumn, columnName);

        if (preferred || (preferredKeyColumn == null && meta.isColumnIndexed(columnIndex))) {
            if (preferredKeyColumn != null && !Chars.equalsIgnoreCase(columnName, preferredKeyColumn)) {
                return false;

            if (node.rhs == null || node.rhs.type != ExpressionNode.QUERY) {
                return false;

            // check if we already have indexed column and it is of worse selectivity
            if (model.keyColumn != null
                    && (!Chars.equalsIgnoreCase(model.keyColumn, columnName))
                    && meta.getIndexValueBlockCapacity(columnIndex) <= meta.getIndexValueBlockCapacity(model.keyColumn)) {
                return false;

            if ((Chars.equalsIgnoreCaseNc(model.keyColumn, columnName) && model.keySubQuery != null) || node.paramCount > 2) {
                throw SqlException.$(node.position, "Multiple lambda expressions not supported");

            model.keySubQuery = node.rhs.queryModel;

            // revert previously processed nodes
            return revertProcessedNodes(keyNodes, model, columnName, node);
        return false;

    private boolean analyzeLess(IntrinsicModel model,
                                ExpressionNode node,
                                boolean equalsTo,
                                FunctionParser functionParser,
                                RecordMetadata metadata,
                                SqlExecutionContext executionContext) throws SqlException {


        if (nodesEqual(node.lhs, node.rhs)) {
            model.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.FALSE;
            return false;

        if (timestamp == null) {
            return false;

        if (node.lhs.type == ExpressionNode.LITERAL && Chars.equals(node.lhs.token, timestamp)) {
            return analyzeTimestampLess(model, node, equalsTo, functionParser, metadata, executionContext, node.rhs);
        } else if (node.rhs.type == ExpressionNode.LITERAL && Chars.equals(node.rhs.token, timestamp)) {
            return analyzeTimestampGreater(model, node, equalsTo, functionParser, metadata, executionContext, node.lhs);

        return false;

    private boolean analyzeTimestampLess(IntrinsicModel model,
                                         ExpressionNode node,
                                         boolean equalsTo,
                                         FunctionParser functionParser,
                                         RecordMetadata metadata,
                                         SqlExecutionContext executionContext,
                                         ExpressionNode compareWithNode) throws SqlException {
        if (compareWithNode.type == ExpressionNode.CONSTANT) {
            try {
                long hi = parseFullOrPartialDate(equalsTo, compareWithNode, false);
                model.intersectIntervals(Long.MIN_VALUE, hi);
                node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
            } catch (NumericException e) {
                throw SqlException.invalidDate(compareWithNode.position);
            return true;
        } else if (compareWithNode.type == ExpressionNode.FUNCTION
                || compareWithNode.type == ExpressionNode.BIND_VARIABLE
                || compareWithNode.type == ExpressionNode.OPERATION) {
            Function function = functionParser.parseFunction(compareWithNode, metadata, executionContext);
            checkFunctionCanBeTimestamp(metadata, executionContext, function);

            if (function.isConstant()) {
                long hi = function.getTimestamp(null);
                if (hi == Numbers.LONG_NaN) {
                } else {
                    model.intersectIntervals(Long.MIN_VALUE, hi + adjustComparison(equalsTo, false));
                node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
                return true;
            } else if (function.isRuntimeConstant()) {
                model.intersectIntervals(Long.MIN_VALUE, function, adjustComparison(equalsTo, false));
                node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
                return true;

        return false;

    private static short adjustComparison(boolean equalsTo, boolean isLo) {
        return equalsTo ? 0 : isLo ? (short) 1 : (short) -1;

    private boolean analyzeListOfValues(IntrinsicModel model, CharSequence columnName, RecordMetadata meta, ExpressionNode node) {
        final int columnIndex = meta.getColumnIndex(columnName);
        boolean newColumn = true;
        boolean preferred = Chars.equalsIgnoreCaseNc(preferredKeyColumn, columnName);

        if (preferred || (preferredKeyColumn == null && meta.isColumnIndexed(columnIndex))) {

            // check if we already have indexed column and it is of worse selectivity
            // "preferred" is an unfortunate name, this column is from "latest by" clause, I should name it better
            if (model.keyColumn != null
                    && (newColumn = !Chars.equals(model.keyColumn, columnName))
                    && meta.getIndexValueBlockCapacity(columnIndex) <= meta.getIndexValueBlockCapacity(model.keyColumn)) {
                return false;

            int i = node.paramCount - 1;

            // collect and analyze values of indexed field
            // if any of values is not an indexed constant - bail out
            if (i == 1) {
                if (node.rhs == null || (node.rhs.type != ExpressionNode.CONSTANT && node.rhs.type != ExpressionNode.BIND_VARIABLE)) {
                    return false;
                if (tempKeys.add(unquote(node.rhs.token))) {
            } else {
                for (i--; i > -1; i--) {
                    ExpressionNode c = node.args.getQuick(i);
                    if (c.type != ExpressionNode.CONSTANT && c.type != ExpressionNode.BIND_VARIABLE) {
                        return false;

                    if (isNullKeyword(c.token)) {
                        if (tempKeys.add(null)) {
                    } else {
                        if (tempKeys.add(unquote(c.token))) {

            // clear values if this is new column
            // and reset intrinsic values on nodes associated with old column
            if (newColumn) {
                return revertProcessedNodes(keyNodes, model, columnName, node);
            } else {
                if (model.keyValues.size() == 0) {

            if (model.keySubQuery == null) {
                // calculate overlap of values
                replaceAllWithOverlap(model, true);

                node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
                return true;
        return false;

    private boolean analyzeNotEquals(AliasTranslator translator, IntrinsicModel model, ExpressionNode node, RecordMetadata m) throws SqlException {
        return analyzeNotEquals0(translator, model, node, node.lhs, node.rhs, m)
                || analyzeNotEquals0(translator, model, node, node.rhs, node.lhs, m);

    private boolean analyzeNotEquals0(AliasTranslator translator, IntrinsicModel model, ExpressionNode node, ExpressionNode a, ExpressionNode b, RecordMetadata m) throws SqlException {
        if (Chars.equals(a.token, b.token)) {
            model.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.FALSE;
            return true;

        if (a.type == ExpressionNode.LITERAL && b.type == ExpressionNode.CONSTANT) {
            if (isTimestamp(a)) {
                model.subtractIntervals(b.token, 1, b.token.length() - 1, b.position);
                node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
                return true;
            } else {
                CharSequence column = translator.translateAlias(a.token);
                int index = m.getColumnIndexQuiet(column);
                if (index == -1) {
                    throw SqlException.invalidColumn(a.position, a.token);

                switch (m.getColumnType(index)) {
                    case ColumnType.SYMBOL:
                    case ColumnType.STRING:
                    case ColumnType.LONG:
                    case ColumnType.INT:
                        if (m.isColumnIndexed(index)) {
                            final boolean preferred = Chars.equalsIgnoreCaseNc(preferredKeyColumn, column);
                            final boolean indexed = m.isColumnIndexed(index);
                            if (indexed && preferredKeyColumn == null) {
                                CharSequence value = isNullKeyword(b.token) ? null : unquote(b.token);
                                if (Chars.equalsIgnoreCaseNc(model.keyColumn, column)) {
                                    if (model.keyExcludedValues.contains(value)) {
                                        // when we have "x not in ('a,'b') and x != 'a')" the x='b' can never happen
                                        // so we have to clear all other key values
                                        if (model.keyExcludedValues.size() > 1) {
                                            node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
                                            return true;
                                    } else {
                                        if (model.keyValues.contains(value)) {
                                            if (model.keyValues.size() > 1) {
                                                int removedIndex = model.keyValues.remove(value);
                                                if (removedIndex > -1) {
                                            } else {
                                            removeNodes(b, keyNodes);
                                        node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
                                        model.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.FALSE;
                                        return false;
                                } else if (model.keyColumn == null || m.getIndexValueBlockCapacity(index) > m.getIndexValueBlockCapacity(model.keyColumn)) {
                                    model.keyColumn = column;
                                    node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
                                return true;
                            } else if (preferred) {
                                return false;
                        return false;
        return false;

    private boolean analyzeNotIn(AliasTranslator translator, IntrinsicModel model, ExpressionNode notNode, RecordMetadata m) throws SqlException {

        ExpressionNode node = notNode.rhs;

        if (node.paramCount < 2) {
            throw SqlException.$(node.position, "Too few arguments for 'in'");

        ExpressionNode col = node.paramCount < 3 ? node.lhs : node.args.getLast();

        if (col.type != ExpressionNode.LITERAL) {
            throw SqlException.$(col.position, "Column name expected");

        CharSequence column = translator.translateAlias(col.token);

        if (m.getColumnIndexQuiet(column) == -1) {
            throw SqlException.invalidColumn(col.position, col.token);

        boolean ok = analyzeInInterval(model, col, node, true);
        if (ok) {
            notNode.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
        } else {
            analyzeNotListOfValues(model, column, m, node, notNode);

        return ok;

    private void analyzeNotListOfValues(IntrinsicModel model, CharSequence columnName, RecordMetadata meta, ExpressionNode node, ExpressionNode notNode) {
        final int columnIndex = meta.getColumnIndex(columnName);
        boolean newColumn = true;
        boolean preferred = Chars.equalsIgnoreCaseNc(preferredKeyColumn, columnName);

        if (preferred || (preferredKeyColumn == null && meta.isColumnIndexed(columnIndex))) {

            if (model.keyColumn != null
                    && (newColumn = !Chars.equals(model.keyColumn, columnName))
                    && meta.getIndexValueBlockCapacity(columnIndex) <= meta.getIndexValueBlockCapacity(model.keyColumn)) {

            int i = node.paramCount - 1;

            // collect and analyze values of indexed field
            // if any of values is not an indexed constant - bail out
            if (i == 1) {
                if (node.rhs == null || node.rhs.type != ExpressionNode.CONSTANT) {
                if (tempKeys.add(unquote(node.rhs.token))) {
            } else {
                for (i--; i > -1; i--) {
                    ExpressionNode c = node.args.getQuick(i);
                    if (c.type != ExpressionNode.CONSTANT) {

                    if (isNullKeyword(c.token)) {
                        if (tempKeys.add(null)) {
                    } else {
                        if (tempKeys.add(unquote(c.token))) {

            // clear values if this is new column
            // and reset intrinsic values on nodes associated with old column
            if (newColumn) {
                revertProcessedNodes(keyExclNodes, model, columnName, notNode);
            } else {
                if (model.keyExcludedValues.size() == 0) {

            if (model.keySubQuery == null) {
                // calculate overlap of values
                replaceAllWithOverlap(model, false);

                notNode.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;

    private void applyKeyExclusions(AliasTranslator translator, IntrinsicModel model) {
        if (model.keyColumn != null && model.keyValues.size() > 0 && keyExclNodes.size() > 0) {
            for (int i = 0, n = keyExclNodes.size(); i < n; i++) {
                ExpressionNode parent = keyExclNodes.getQuick(i);

                ExpressionNode node = isNotKeyword(parent.token) ? parent.rhs : parent;
                // this could either be '=' or 'in'

                if (node.paramCount == 2) {
                    ExpressionNode col;
                    ExpressionNode val;

                    if (node.lhs.type == ExpressionNode.LITERAL) {
                        col = node.lhs;
                        val = node.rhs;
                    } else {
                        col = node.rhs;
                        val = node.lhs;

                    final CharSequence column = translator.translateAlias(col.token);
                    if (Chars.equals(column, model.keyColumn)) {
                        parent.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
                        if (model.intrinsicValue == IntrinsicModel.FALSE) {

                if (node.paramCount > 2) {
                    ExpressionNode col = node.args.getQuick(node.paramCount - 1);
                    final CharSequence column = translator.translateAlias(col.token);
                    if (Chars.equals(column, model.keyColumn)) {
                        for (int j = node.paramCount - 2; j > -1; j--) {
                            ExpressionNode val = node.args.getQuick(j);
                            if (model.intrinsicValue == IntrinsicModel.FALSE) {
                                break OUT;
                        parent.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;

    private ExpressionNode collapseIntrinsicNodes(ExpressionNode node) {
        if (node == null || node.intrinsicValue == IntrinsicModel.TRUE) {
            return null;
        node.lhs = collapseIntrinsicNodes(collapseNulls0(node.lhs));
        node.rhs = collapseIntrinsicNodes(collapseNulls0(node.rhs));
        return collapseNulls0(node);

    private ExpressionNode collapseNulls0(ExpressionNode node) {
        if (node == null || node.intrinsicValue == IntrinsicModel.TRUE) {
            return null;
        if (node.queryModel == null && isAndKeyword(node.token)) {
            if (node.lhs == null || node.lhs.intrinsicValue == IntrinsicModel.TRUE) {
                return node.rhs;
            if (node.rhs == null || node.rhs.intrinsicValue == IntrinsicModel.TRUE) {
                return node.lhs;
        return node;

    IntrinsicModel extract(
            AliasTranslator translator,
            ExpressionNode node,
            RecordMetadata m,
            CharSequence preferredKeyColumn,
            int timestampIndex,
            FunctionParser functionParser,
            RecordMetadata metadata,
            SqlExecutionContext executionContext
    ) throws SqlException {
        this.timestamp = timestampIndex < 0 ? null : m.getColumnName(timestampIndex);
        this.preferredKeyColumn = preferredKeyColumn;

        IntrinsicModel model =;

        // pre-order iterative tree traversal
        // see:

        if (removeAndIntrinsics(translator, model, node, m, functionParser, metadata, executionContext)) {
            return model;
        ExpressionNode root = node;

        while (!stack.isEmpty() || node != null) {
            if (node != null) {
                if (isAndKeyword(node.token)) {
                    if (!removeAndIntrinsics(translator, model, node.rhs, m, functionParser, metadata, executionContext)) {
                    node = removeAndIntrinsics(translator, model, node.lhs, m, functionParser, metadata, executionContext) ? null : node.lhs;
                } else {
                    node = stack.poll();
            } else {
                node = stack.poll();
        applyKeyExclusions(translator, model);
        model.filter = collapseIntrinsicNodes(root);
        return model;

    private boolean isTimestamp(ExpressionNode n) {
        return Chars.equalsNc(n.token, timestamp);

    private long parseFullOrPartialDate(boolean equalsTo, ExpressionNode node, boolean isLo) throws NumericException {
        long ts;
        final int len = node.token.length();
        if (len - 2 < 20) {
            if (isLo) {
                if (equalsTo) {
                    ts = IntervalUtils.parseFloorPartialDate(node.token, 1, len - 1);
                } else {
                    ts = IntervalUtils.parseCCPartialDate(node.token, 1, len - 1);
            } else {
                if (equalsTo) {
                    ts = IntervalUtils.parseCCPartialDate(node.token, 1, len - 1) - 1;
                } else {
                    ts = IntervalUtils.parseFloorPartialDate(node.token, 1, len - 1) - 1;
        } else {
            long inc = equalsTo ? 0 : isLo ? 1 : -1;
            ts = TimestampFormatUtils.tryParse(node.token, 1, node.token.length() - 1) + inc;
        return ts;

    private boolean removeAndIntrinsics(AliasTranslator translator, IntrinsicModel model, ExpressionNode node, RecordMetadata m, FunctionParser functionParser, RecordMetadata metadata, SqlExecutionContext executionContext) throws SqlException {
        switch (intrinsicOps.get(node.token)) {
            case INTRINSIC_OP_IN:
                return analyzeIn(translator, model, node, m);
            case INTRINSIC_OP_GREATER:
                return analyzeGreater(model, node, false, functionParser, metadata, executionContext);
            case INTRINSIC_OP_GREATER_EQ:
                return analyzeGreater(model, node, true, functionParser, metadata, executionContext);
            case INTRINSIC_OP_LESS:
                return analyzeLess(model, node, false, functionParser, metadata, executionContext);
            case INTRINSIC_OP_LESS_EQ:
                return analyzeLess(model, node, true, functionParser, metadata, executionContext);
            case INTRINSIC_OP_EQUAL:
                return analyzeEquals(translator, model, node, m, functionParser, executionContext);
            case INTRINSIC_OP_NOT_EQ:
                return analyzeNotEquals(translator, model, node, m);
            case INTRINSIC_OP_NOT:
                return isInKeyword(node.rhs.token) && analyzeNotIn(translator, model, node, m);
                return false;

    private void removeNodes(ExpressionNode b, ObjList nodes) {
        for (int i = 0, size = nodes.size(); i < size; i++) {
            ExpressionNode expressionNode = nodes.get(i);
            if ((expressionNode.lhs != null && Chars.equals(expressionNode.lhs.token, b.token)) || (expressionNode.rhs != null && Chars.equals(expressionNode.rhs.token, b.token))) {
                expressionNode.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
        for (int i = 0, size = tempNodes.size(); i < size; i++) {

    private void replaceAllWithOverlap(IntrinsicModel model, boolean includedValues) {
        CharSequenceHashSet values;
        IntList positions;
        if (includedValues) {
            values = model.keyValues;
            positions = model.keyValuePositions;
        } else {
            values = model.keyExcludedValues;
            positions = model.keyExcludedValuePositions;
        for (int i = 0, k = tempKeys.size(); i < k; i++) {
            if (values.contains(tempKeys.get(i)) && tempK.add(tempKeys.get(i))) {

        if (tempK.size() > 0) {
        } else {
            model.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.FALSE;

    private void resetNodes() {
        for (int n = 0, k = keyNodes.size(); n < k; n++) {
            keyNodes.getQuick(n).intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.UNDEFINED;
        for (int n = 0, k = keyExclNodes.size(); n < k; n++) {
            keyExclNodes.getQuick(n).intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.UNDEFINED;

    private boolean revertProcessedNodes(ObjList nodes, IntrinsicModel model, CharSequence columnName, ExpressionNode node) {
        for (int n = 0, k = nodes.size(); n < k; n++) {
            nodes.getQuick(n).intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.UNDEFINED;
        model.keyColumn = columnName;
        node.intrinsicValue = IntrinsicModel.TRUE;
        return true;

     * Removes quotes and creates immutable char sequence. When value is not quoted it is returned verbatim.
     * @param value immutable character sequence.
     * @return immutable character sequence without surrounding quote marks.
    private CharSequence unquote(CharSequence value) {
        if (Chars.isQuoted(value)) {
            return, 1, value.length() - 2);
        return value;

    static {
        intrinsicOps.put("in", INTRINSIC_OP_IN);
        intrinsicOps.put(">", INTRINSIC_OP_GREATER);
        intrinsicOps.put(">=", INTRINSIC_OP_GREATER_EQ);
        intrinsicOps.put("<", INTRINSIC_OP_LESS);
        intrinsicOps.put("<=", INTRINSIC_OP_LESS_EQ);
        intrinsicOps.put("=", INTRINSIC_OP_EQUAL);
        intrinsicOps.put("!=", INTRINSIC_OP_NOT_EQ);
        intrinsicOps.put("not", INTRINSIC_OP_NOT);
        intrinsicOps.put("between", INTRINSIC_OP_IN);

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