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* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Appsicle
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 QuestDB
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.questdb.griffin.engine.functions.conditional;
import io.questdb.cairo.CairoConfiguration;
import io.questdb.cairo.ColumnType;
import io.questdb.cairo.sql.Function;
import io.questdb.cairo.sql.Record;
import io.questdb.griffin.FunctionFactory;
import io.questdb.griffin.SqlCompiler;
import io.questdb.griffin.SqlException;
import io.questdb.griffin.SqlExecutionContext;
import io.questdb.griffin.engine.functions.constants.Constants;
import io.questdb.std.CharSequenceObjHashMap;
import io.questdb.std.IntObjHashMap;
import io.questdb.std.LongObjHashMap;
import io.questdb.std.ObjList;
public class SwitchFunctionFactory implements FunctionFactory {
private static final LongMethod GET_LONG = SwitchFunctionFactory::getLong;
private static final IntMethod GET_SHORT = SwitchFunctionFactory::getShort;
private static final IntMethod GET_BYTE = SwitchFunctionFactory::getByte;
private static final IntMethod GET_INT = SwitchFunctionFactory::getInt;
private static final IntMethod GET_CHAR = SwitchFunctionFactory::getChar;
private static final LongMethod GET_DATE = SwitchFunctionFactory::getDate;
private static final LongMethod GET_TIMESTAMP = SwitchFunctionFactory::getTimestamp;
private static final CharSequenceMethod GET_STRING = SwitchFunctionFactory::getString;
private static final CharSequenceMethod GET_SYMBOL = SwitchFunctionFactory::getSymbol;
private static char getChar(Function function, Record record) {
return function.getChar(record);
private static int getInt(Function function, Record record) {
return function.getInt(record);
private static byte getByte(Function function, Record record) {
return function.getByte(record);
private static short getShort(Function function, Record record) {
return function.getShort(record);
private static long getLong(Function function, Record record) {
return function.getLong(record);
private static long getDate(Function function, Record record) {
return function.getDate(record);
private static long getTimestamp(Function function, Record record) {
return function.getTimestamp(record);
private static CharSequence getString(Function function, Record record) {
return function.getStr(record);
private static CharSequence getSymbol(Function function, Record record) {
return function.getSymbol(record);
public String getSignature() {
return "switch(V)";
public Function newInstance(ObjList args, int position, CairoConfiguration configuration, SqlExecutionContext sqlExecutionContext) throws SqlException {
int n = args.size();
final Function keyFunction = args.getQuick(0);
final int keyType = keyFunction.getType();
final Function elseBranch;
if (n % 2 == 0) {
elseBranch = args.getLast();
} else {
elseBranch = null;
int returnType = -1;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i += 2) {
final Function keyFunc = args.getQuick(i);
final int keyArgType = keyFunc.getType();
if (!keyFunc.isConstant()) {
throw SqlException.$(keyFunc.getPosition(), "constant expected");
if (!SqlCompiler.isAssignableFrom(keyType, keyArgType)) {
throw SqlException.position(keyFunc.getPosition())
.put("type mismatch [expected=").put(ColumnType.nameOf(keyType))
.put(", actual=").put(ColumnType.nameOf(keyArgType))
// determine common return type
final Function value = args.getQuick(i + 1);
returnType = CaseCommon.getCommonType(returnType, value.getType(), value.getPosition());
// another loop to create cast functions and replace current value function
// start with 2 to avoid offsetting each function position
for (int i = 2; i < n; i += 2) {
switch (keyType) {
case ColumnType.CHAR:
return getIntKeyedFunction(args, position, n, keyFunction, returnType, elseBranch, GET_CHAR);
case ColumnType.INT:
return getIntKeyedFunction(args, position, n, keyFunction, returnType, elseBranch, GET_INT);
case ColumnType.BYTE:
return getIntKeyedFunction(args, position, n, keyFunction, returnType, elseBranch, GET_BYTE);
case ColumnType.SHORT:
return getIntKeyedFunction(args, position, n, keyFunction, returnType, elseBranch, GET_SHORT);
case ColumnType.LONG:
return getLongKeyedFunction(args, position, n, keyFunction, returnType, elseBranch, GET_LONG);
case ColumnType.DATE:
return getLongKeyedFunction(args, position, n, keyFunction, returnType, elseBranch, GET_DATE);
case ColumnType.TIMESTAMP:
return getLongKeyedFunction(args, position, n, keyFunction, returnType, elseBranch, GET_TIMESTAMP);
case ColumnType.BOOLEAN:
return getIfElseFunction(args, position, n, keyFunction, returnType, elseBranch);
case ColumnType.STRING:
return getCharSequenceKeyedFunction(args, position, n, keyFunction, returnType, elseBranch, GET_STRING);
case ColumnType.SYMBOL:
return getCharSequenceKeyedFunction(args, position, n, keyFunction, returnType, elseBranch, GET_SYMBOL);
throw SqlException.
$(keyFunction.getPosition(), "type ")
.put(" is not supported in 'switch' type of 'case' statement");
private Function getIntKeyedFunction(
ObjList args,
int position, int n,
Function keyFunction,
int valueType,
Function elseBranch,
IntMethod intMethod
) throws SqlException {
final IntObjHashMap map = new IntObjHashMap<>();
final ObjList argsToPoke = new ObjList<>();
for (int i = 1; i < n; i += 2) {
final Function fun = args.getQuick(i);
final int key = intMethod.getKey(fun, null);
final int index = map.keyIndex(key);
if (index < 0) {
throw SqlException.$(fun.getPosition(), "duplicate branch");
map.putAt(index, key, args.getQuick(i + 1));
argsToPoke.add(args.getQuick(i + 1));
final Function elseB = getElseFunction(valueType, elseBranch);
final CaseFunctionPicker picker = record -> {
final int index = map.keyIndex(intMethod.getKey(keyFunction, record));
if (index < 0) {
return map.valueAtQuick(index);
return elseB;
return CaseCommon.getCaseFunction(position, valueType, picker, argsToPoke);
private Function getElseFunction(int valueType, Function elseBranch) {
return elseBranch != null ? elseBranch : Constants.getNullConstant(valueType);
private Function getIfElseFunction(
ObjList args,
int position, int n,
Function keyFunction,
int returnType,
Function elseBranch
) throws SqlException {
final CaseFunctionPicker picker;
final ObjList argsToPoke;
if (n == 3) {
// only one conditional branch
boolean value = args.getQuick(1).getBool(null);
final Function branch = args.getQuick(2);
final Function elseB = getElseFunction(returnType, elseBranch);
if (value) {
picker = record -> keyFunction.getBool(record) ? branch : elseB;
} else {
picker = record -> keyFunction.getBool(record) ? elseB : branch;
argsToPoke = new ObjList<>();
} else if (n == 5) {
final boolean a = args.getQuick(1).getBool(null);
final Function branchA = args.getQuick(2);
final boolean b = args.getQuick(3).getBool(null);
final Function branchB = args.getQuick(4);
if (a && b || !a && !b) {
throw SqlException.$(args.getQuick(3).getPosition(), "duplicate branch");
if (a) {
picker = record -> keyFunction.getBool(record) ? branchA : branchB;
} else {
picker = record -> keyFunction.getBool(record) ? branchB : branchA;
argsToPoke = new ObjList<>();
} else {
throw SqlException.$(args.getQuick(5).getPosition(), "too many branches");
return CaseCommon.getCaseFunction(position, returnType, picker, argsToPoke);
private Function getLongKeyedFunction(
ObjList args,
int position,
int n,
Function keyFunction,
int valueType,
Function elseBranch,
LongMethod longMethod
) throws SqlException {
final LongObjHashMap map = new LongObjHashMap<>();
final ObjList argsToPoke = new ObjList<>();
for (int i = 1; i < n; i += 2) {
final Function fun = args.getQuick(i);
final long key = longMethod.getKey(fun, null);
final int index = map.keyIndex(key);
if (index < 0) {
throw SqlException.$(fun.getPosition(), "duplicate branch");
map.putAt(index, key, args.getQuick(i + 1));
argsToPoke.add(args.getQuick(i + 1));
final Function elseB = getElseFunction(valueType, elseBranch);
final CaseFunctionPicker picker = record -> {
final int index = map.keyIndex(longMethod.getKey(keyFunction, record));
if (index < 0) {
return map.valueAtQuick(index);
return elseB;
return CaseCommon.getCaseFunction(position, valueType, picker, argsToPoke);
private Function getCharSequenceKeyedFunction(
ObjList args,
int position,
int n,
Function keyFunction,
int valueType,
Function elseBranch,
CharSequenceMethod method
) throws SqlException {
final CharSequenceObjHashMap map = new CharSequenceObjHashMap<>();
final ObjList argsToPoke = new ObjList<>();
Function nullFunc = null;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i += 2) {
final Function fun = args.getQuick(i);
final CharSequence key = method.getKey(fun, null);
if (key == null) {
nullFunc = args.getQuick(i + 1);
} else {
final int index = map.keyIndex(key);
if (index < 0) {
throw SqlException.$(fun.getPosition(), "duplicate branch");
map.putAt(index, key, args.getQuick(i + 1));
argsToPoke.add(args.getQuick(i + 1));
final Function elseB = getElseFunction(valueType, elseBranch);
final CaseFunctionPicker picker;
if (nullFunc == null) {
picker = record -> {
final CharSequence value = method.getKey(keyFunction, record);
if (value != null) {
final int index = map.keyIndex(value);
if (index < 0) {
return map.valueAtQuick(index);
return elseB;
} else {
final Function nullFuncRef = nullFunc;
picker = record -> {
final CharSequence value = method.getKey(keyFunction, record);
if (value == null) {
return nullFuncRef;
final int index = map.keyIndex(value);
if (index < 0) {
return map.valueAtQuick(index);
return elseB;
return CaseCommon.getCaseFunction(position, valueType, picker, argsToPoke);
private interface IntMethod {
int getKey(Function function, Record record);
private interface LongMethod {
long getKey(Function function, Record record);
private interface CharSequenceMethod {
CharSequence getKey(Function function, Record record);