io.questdb.griffin.model.IntervalUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Appsicle
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 QuestDB
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.questdb.griffin.model;
import io.questdb.griffin.SqlException;
import io.questdb.std.LongList;
import io.questdb.std.Numbers;
import io.questdb.std.NumericException;
import io.questdb.std.datetime.microtime.TimestampFormatUtils;
import io.questdb.std.datetime.microtime.Timestamps;
public final class IntervalUtils {
public static final int LO_INDEX = 0;
public static final int HI_INDEX = 1;
public static final int PERIOD_COUNT_INDEX = 3;
public static final int STATIC_LONGS_PER_DYNAMIC_INTERVAL = 4;
public static void addHiLoInterval(
long lo,
long hi,
int period,
char periodType,
int periodCount,
short operation,
LongList out) {
addHiLoInterval(lo, hi, period, periodType, periodCount, (short) 0, (short) 0, operation, out);
public static void addHiLoInterval(
long lo,
long hi,
int period,
char periodType,
int periodCount,
short adjustment,
short dynamicIndicator,
short operation,
LongList out) {
Numbers.encodeLowHighShorts(operation, (short) ((int) periodType + Short.MIN_VALUE)),
Numbers.encodeLowHighShorts(adjustment, dynamicIndicator)));
out.add(Numbers.encodeLowHighInts(period, periodCount));
public static void addHiLoInterval(long lo,
long hi,
short adjustment,
short dynamicIndicator,
short operation,
LongList out) {
addHiLoInterval(lo, hi, 0, (char) 0, 1, adjustment, dynamicIndicator, operation, out);
public static void addHiLoInterval(long lo, long hi, short operation, LongList out) {
addHiLoInterval(lo, hi, 0, (char) 0, 1, operation, out);
public static void apply(LongList temp, long lo, long hi, int period, char periodType, int count) {
if (count > 1) {
switch (periodType) {
case 'y':
addYearIntervals(period, count, temp);
case 'M':
addMonthInterval(period, count, temp);
case 'h':
addMillisInterval(period * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS, count, temp);
case 'm':
addMillisInterval(period * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS, count, temp);
case 's':
addMillisInterval(period * Timestamps.SECOND_MICROS, count, temp);
case 'd':
addMillisInterval(period * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS, count, temp);
public static void applyLastEncodedIntervalEx(LongList intervals) {
int index = intervals.size() - 4;
long lo = getEncodedPeriodLo(intervals, index);
long hi = getEncodedPeriodHi(intervals, index);
int period = getEncodedPeriod(intervals, index);
char periodType = getEncodedPeriodType(intervals, index);
int count = getEncodedPeriodCount(intervals, index);
if (periodType == 0) {
intervals.extendAndSet(index + 1, hi);
intervals.setQuick(index, lo);
apply(intervals, lo, hi, period, periodType, count);
public static short getEncodedAdjustment(LongList intervals, int index) {
return Numbers.decodeLowShort(Numbers.decodeHighInt(
public static short getEncodedDynamicIndicator(LongList intervals, int index) {
return Numbers.decodeHighShort(Numbers.decodeHighInt(
public static short getEncodedOperation(LongList intervals, int index) {
return Numbers.decodeLowShort(
public static int getEncodedPeriod(LongList intervals, int index) {
return Numbers.decodeLowInt(
intervals.getQuick(index + PERIOD_COUNT_INDEX)
public static int getEncodedPeriodCount(LongList intervals, int index) {
return Numbers.decodeHighInt(
intervals.getQuick(index + PERIOD_COUNT_INDEX));
public static long getEncodedPeriodHi(LongList out, int index) {
return out.getQuick(index + HI_INDEX);
public static long getEncodedPeriodLo(LongList out, int index) {
return out.getQuick(index + LO_INDEX);
public static char getEncodedPeriodType(LongList intervals, int index) {
int pts = Numbers.decodeHighShort(
return (char) (pts - (int) Short.MIN_VALUE);
public static long parseCCPartialDate(CharSequence seq, final int pos, int lim) throws NumericException {
long ts;
if (lim - pos < 4) {
throw NumericException.INSTANCE;
int p = pos;
int year = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 4);
boolean l = Timestamps.isLeapYear(year);
if (checkLen(p, lim)) {
checkChar(seq, p++, lim, '-');
int month = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 2);
checkRange(month, 1, 12);
if (checkLen(p, lim)) {
checkChar(seq, p++, lim, '-');
int day = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 2);
checkRange(day, 1, Timestamps.getDaysPerMonth(month, l));
if (checkLen(p, lim)) {
checkChar(seq, p++, lim, 'T', ' ');
int hour = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 2);
checkRange(hour, 0, 23);
if (checkLen(p, lim)) {
checkChar(seq, p++, lim, ':');
int min = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 2);
checkRange(min, 0, 59);
if (checkLen(p, lim)) {
checkChar(seq, p++, lim, ':');
int sec = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 2);
checkRange(sec, 0, 59);
if (lim - p > 3 && seq.charAt(p) == '.') {
int ms = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 3);
if (lim - p > 2 && Character.isDigit(seq.charAt(p))) {
// micros
int micr = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 3);
ts = Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ hour * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS
+ min * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS
+ sec * Timestamps.SECOND_MICROS
+ ms * Timestamps.MILLI_MICROS
+ micr
+ checkTimezoneTail(seq, p, lim)
+ 1;
} else {
// millis
ts = Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ hour * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS
+ min * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS
+ sec * Timestamps.SECOND_MICROS
+ (ms + 1) * Timestamps.MILLI_MICROS
+ checkTimezoneTail(seq, p, lim);
} else {
// seconds
ts = Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ hour * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS
+ min * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS
+ (sec + 1) * Timestamps.SECOND_MICROS
+ checkTimezoneTail(seq, p, lim);
} else {
// minute
ts = Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ hour * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS
+ (min + 1) * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS;
} else {
// year + month + day + hour
ts = Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ (hour + 1) * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS;
} else {
// year + month + day
ts = Timestamps.addDays(Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS, 1);
} else {
// year + month
ts = Timestamps.addMonths(Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l) + Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l), 1);
} else {
// year
ts = Timestamps.yearMicros(year + 1, Timestamps.isLeapYear(year + 1));
return ts;
public static long parseCCPartialDate(CharSequence seq) throws NumericException {
return parseCCPartialDate(seq, 0, seq.length());
public static long parseFloorPartialDate(CharSequence seq, final int pos, int lim) throws NumericException {
long ts;
if (lim - pos < 4) {
throw NumericException.INSTANCE;
int p = pos;
int year = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 4);
boolean l = Timestamps.isLeapYear(year);
if (checkLen(p, lim)) {
checkChar(seq, p++, lim, '-');
int month = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 2);
checkRange(month, 1, 12);
if (checkLen(p, lim)) {
checkChar(seq, p++, lim, '-');
int day = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 2);
checkRange(day, 1, Timestamps.getDaysPerMonth(month, l));
if (checkLen(p, lim)) {
checkChar(seq, p++, lim, 'T', ' ');
int hour = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 2);
checkRange(hour, 0, 23);
if (checkLen(p, lim)) {
checkChar(seq, p++, lim, ':');
int min = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 2);
checkRange(min, 0, 59);
if (checkLen(p, lim)) {
checkChar(seq, p++, lim, ':');
int sec = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 2);
checkRange(sec, 0, 59);
if (lim - p > 3 && seq.charAt(p) == '.') {
int ms = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 3);
if (lim - p > 2 && Character.isDigit(seq.charAt(p))) {
int micr = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 3);
// micros
ts = Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ hour * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS
+ min * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS
+ sec * Timestamps.SECOND_MICROS
+ ms * Timestamps.MILLI_MICROS
+ micr
+ checkTimezoneTail(seq, p, lim);
} else {
// millis
ts = Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ hour * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS
+ min * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS
+ sec * Timestamps.SECOND_MICROS
+ ms * Timestamps.MILLI_MICROS
+ checkTimezoneTail(seq, p, lim);
} else {
// seconds
ts = Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ hour * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS
+ min * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS
+ sec * Timestamps.SECOND_MICROS
+ checkTimezoneTail(seq, p, lim);
} else {
// minute
ts = Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ hour * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS
+ min * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS;
} else {
// year + month + day + hour
ts = Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ hour * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS;
} else {
// year + month + day
ts = Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS;
} else {
// year + month
ts = (Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l) + Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l));
} else {
// year
ts = (Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l) + Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(1, l));
return ts;
private static long checkTimezoneTail(CharSequence seq, int p, int lim) throws NumericException {
if (lim - p == 0) {
return 0;
if (lim - p < 2) {
checkChar(seq, p++, lim, 'Z');
return 0;
if (checkLen(p, lim)) {
int tzSign = parseSign(seq, p++);
int hour = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 2);
checkRange(hour, 0, 23);
if (lim - p == 3) {
// Optional : separator between hours and mins in timezone
checkChar(seq, p++, lim, ':');
if (checkLenStrict(p, lim, 2)) {
int min = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p + 2);
checkRange(min, 0, 59);
return tzSign*(hour * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS + min * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS);
} else {
return tzSign*(hour * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS);
throw NumericException.INSTANCE;
private static int parseSign(CharSequence seq, int p) throws NumericException {
int tzSign;
switch (seq.charAt(p)) {
case '+':
tzSign = 1;
case '-':
tzSign = -1;
throw NumericException.INSTANCE;
return tzSign;
public static long parseFloorPartialDate(CharSequence seq) throws NumericException {
return parseFloorPartialDate(seq, 0, seq.length());
public static void subtract(LongList intervals, int divider) {
IntervalUtils.invert(intervals, divider);
IntervalUtils.intersectInplace(intervals, divider);
* Intersects two lists of intervals compacted in one list in place.
* Intervals to be chronologically ordered and result list will be ordered as well.
* Treat a as 2 lists,
* a: first from 0 to divider
* b: from divider to the end of list
* @param concatenatedIntervals 2 lists of intervals concatenated in 1
static void intersectInplace(LongList concatenatedIntervals, int dividerIndex) {
final int sizeA = dividerIndex / 2;
final int sizeB = sizeA + (concatenatedIntervals.size() - dividerIndex) / 2;
int aLower = 0;
int intervalB = sizeA;
int writePoint = 0;
int aUpperSize = sizeB;
int aUpper = sizeB;
while ((aLower < sizeA || aUpper < aUpperSize) && intervalB < sizeB) {
int intervalA = aUpper < aUpperSize ? aUpper : aLower;
long aLo = concatenatedIntervals.getQuick(intervalA * 2);
long aHi = concatenatedIntervals.getQuick(intervalA * 2 + 1);
long bLo = concatenatedIntervals.getQuick(intervalB * 2);
long bHi = concatenatedIntervals.getQuick(intervalB * 2 + 1);
if (aHi < bLo) {
// a fully above b
// a loses
if (aUpper < aUpperSize) {
} else {
} else if (aLo > bHi) {
// a fully below b
// b loses
} else {
if (aHi < bHi) {
// b hanging lower than a
// a loses
if (aUpper < aUpperSize) {
} else {
} else {
// otherwise a lower than b
// a loses
assert writePoint <= aLower || writePoint >= sizeA;
if (writePoint == aLower && aLower < sizeA) {
// We cannot keep A position, it will be overwritten, hence intervalB++; is not possible
// Copy a point to A area instead
concatenatedIntervals.add(concatenatedIntervals.getQuick(writePoint * 2));
concatenatedIntervals.add(concatenatedIntervals.getQuick(writePoint * 2 + 1));
aUpperSize = concatenatedIntervals.size() / 2;
writePoint = append(concatenatedIntervals, writePoint, Math.max(aLo, bLo), Math.min(aHi, bHi));
concatenatedIntervals.setPos(2 * writePoint);
static int append(LongList list, int writePoint, long lo, long hi) {
if (writePoint > 0) {
long prevHi = list.getQuick(2 * writePoint - 1) + 1;
if (prevHi >= lo) {
list.setQuick(2 * writePoint - 1, hi);
return writePoint;
list.extendAndSet(2 * writePoint + 1, hi);
list.setQuick(2 * writePoint, lo);
return writePoint + 1;
private static void parseRange(CharSequence seq, int lo, int p, int lim, int position, short operation, LongList out) throws SqlException {
char type = seq.charAt(lim - 1);
int period;
try {
period = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p + 1, lim - 1);
} catch (NumericException e) {
throw SqlException.$(position, "Range not a number");
try {
int index = out.size();
parseInterval(seq, lo, p, operation, out);
long low = getEncodedPeriodLo(out, index);
long hi = getEncodedPeriodHi(out, index);
replaceHiLoInterval(low, Timestamps.addPeriod(hi, type, period), operation, out);
} catch (NumericException ignore) {
// try date instead
try {
long loMillis = TimestampFormatUtils.tryParse(seq, lo, p);
addHiLoInterval(loMillis, Timestamps.addPeriod(loMillis, type, period), operation, out);
} catch (NumericException e) {
throw SqlException.invalidDate(position);
private static void addMillisInterval(long period, int count, LongList out) {
int k = out.size();
long lo = out.getQuick(k - 2);
long hi = out.getQuick(k - 1);
int writePoint = k / 2;
for (int i = 0, n = count - 1; i < n; i++) {
lo += period;
hi += period;
writePoint = append(out, writePoint, lo, hi);
private static void addMonthInterval(int period, int count, LongList out) {
int k = out.size();
long lo = out.getQuick(k - 2);
long hi = out.getQuick(k - 1);
int writePoint = k / 2;
for (int i = 0, n = count - 1; i < n; i++) {
lo = Timestamps.addMonths(lo, period);
hi = Timestamps.addMonths(hi, period);
writePoint = append(out, writePoint, lo, hi);
private static void addYearIntervals(int period, int count, LongList out) {
int k = out.size();
long lo = out.getQuick(k - 2);
long hi = out.getQuick(k - 1);
int writePoint = k / 2;
for (int i = 0, n = count - 1; i < n; i++) {
lo = Timestamps.addYear(lo, period);
hi = Timestamps.addYear(hi, period);
writePoint = append(out, writePoint, lo, hi);
private static boolean checkLen(int p, int lim) throws NumericException {
if (lim - p > 2) {
return true;
if (lim <= p) {
return false;
throw NumericException.INSTANCE;
private static boolean checkLenStrict(int p, int lim, int len) throws NumericException {
if (lim - p == len) {
return true;
if (lim <= p) {
return false;
throw NumericException.INSTANCE;
private static void checkChar(CharSequence s, int p, int lim, char c) throws NumericException {
if (p >= lim || s.charAt(p) != c) {
throw NumericException.INSTANCE;
private static void checkChar(CharSequence s, int p, int lim, char c1, char c2) throws NumericException {
if (p >= lim || (s.charAt(p) != c1 && s.charAt(p) != c2)) {
throw NumericException.INSTANCE;
private static void checkRange(int x, int min, int max) throws NumericException {
if (x < min || x > max) {
throw NumericException.INSTANCE;
* Inverts intervals. This method also produces inclusive edges that differ from source ones by 1 milli.
* @param intervals collection of intervals
static void invert(LongList intervals) {
invert(intervals, 0);
* Inverts intervals. This method also produces inclusive edges that differ from source ones by 1 milli.
* @param intervals collection of intervals
static void invert(LongList intervals, int startIndex) {
long last = Long.MIN_VALUE;
int n = intervals.size();
int writeIndex = startIndex;
for (int i = startIndex; i < n; i += 2) {
final long lo = intervals.getQuick(i);
final long hi = intervals.getQuick(i + 1);
if (lo > last) {
intervals.setQuick(writeIndex, last);
intervals.setQuick(writeIndex + 1, lo - 1);
writeIndex += 2;
last = hi + 1;
// If last hi was Long.MAX_VALUE then last will be Long.MIN_VALUE after +1 overflow
if (last != Long.MIN_VALUE) {
intervals.extendAndSet(writeIndex + 1, Long.MAX_VALUE);
intervals.setQuick(writeIndex, last);
writeIndex += 2;
public static boolean isInIntervals(LongList intervals, long timestamp) {
int left = 0;
int right = intervals.size() / 2 - 1;
while (left <= right) {
int mid = (left + right) / 2;
long lo = getEncodedPeriodLo(intervals, mid * 2);
long hi = getEncodedPeriodHi(intervals, mid * 2);
if (lo > timestamp) {
right = mid - 1;
} else if (hi < timestamp) {
left = mid + 1;
} else {
return true;
return false;
public static void parseIntervalEx(CharSequence seq, int lo, int lim, int position, LongList out, short operation) throws SqlException {
int writeIndex = out.size();
int[] pos = new int[3];
int p = -1;
for (int i = lo; i < lim; i++) {
if (seq.charAt(i) == ';') {
if (p > 1) {
throw SqlException.$(position, "Invalid interval format");
pos[++p] = i;
switch (p) {
case -1:
// no semicolons, just date part, which can be interval in itself
try {
parseInterval(seq, lo, lim, operation, out);
} catch (NumericException ignore) {
// this must be a date then?
try {
long millis = TimestampFormatUtils.tryParse(seq, lo, lim);
addHiLoInterval(millis, millis, operation, out);
} catch (NumericException e) {
throw SqlException.$(position, "Not a date");
case 0:
// single semicolon, expect period format after date
parseRange(seq, lo, pos[0], lim, position, operation, out);
case 2:
// 2018-01-10T10:30:00.000Z;30m;2d;2
// means 10:30-11:00 every second day starting 2018-01-10
int period;
try {
period = Numbers.parseInt(seq, pos[1] + 1, pos[2] - 1);
} catch (NumericException e) {
throw SqlException.$(position, "Period not a number");
int count;
try {
count = Numbers.parseInt(seq, pos[2] + 1, lim);
} catch (NumericException e) {
throw SqlException.$(position, "Count not a number");
parseRange(seq, lo, pos[0], pos[1], position, operation, out);
char type = seq.charAt(pos[2] - 1);
long low = getEncodedPeriodLo(out, writeIndex);
long hi = getEncodedPeriodHi(out, writeIndex);
replaceHiLoInterval(low, hi, period, type, count, operation, out);
switch (type) {
case 'y':
case 'M':
case 'h':
case 'm':
case 's':
case 'd':
throw SqlException.$(position, "Unknown period: " + type + " at " + (p - 1));
throw SqlException.$(position, "Invalid interval format");
private static void replaceHiLoInterval(long lo, long hi, int period, char periodType, int periodCount, short operation, LongList out) {
int lastIndex = out.size() - 4;
out.setQuick(lastIndex, lo);
out.setQuick(lastIndex + HI_INDEX, hi);
out.setQuick(lastIndex + OPERATION_PERIOD_TYPE_ADJUSTMENT_INDEX, Numbers.encodeLowHighInts(
Numbers.encodeLowHighShorts(operation, (short) ((int) periodType + Short.MIN_VALUE)),
out.setQuick(lastIndex + PERIOD_COUNT_INDEX, Numbers.encodeLowHighInts(period, periodCount));
private static void replaceHiLoInterval(long lo, long hi, short operation, LongList out) {
replaceHiLoInterval(lo, hi, 0, (char) 0, 1, operation, out);
public static void parseInterval(CharSequence seq, int pos, int lim, short operation, LongList out) throws NumericException {
if (lim - pos < 4) {
throw NumericException.INSTANCE;
int p = pos;
int year = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 4);
boolean l = Timestamps.isLeapYear(year);
if (checkLen(p, lim)) {
checkChar(seq, p++, lim, '-');
int month = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 2);
checkRange(month, 1, 12);
if (checkLen(p, lim)) {
checkChar(seq, p++, lim, '-');
int day = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 2);
checkRange(day, 1, Timestamps.getDaysPerMonth(month, l));
if (checkLen(p, lim)) {
checkChar(seq, p++, lim, 'T');
int hour = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 2);
checkRange(hour, 0, 23);
if (checkLen(p, lim)) {
checkChar(seq, p++, lim, ':');
int min = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 2);
checkRange(min, 0, 59);
if (checkLen(p, lim)) {
checkChar(seq, p++, lim, ':');
int sec = Numbers.parseInt(seq, p, p += 2);
checkRange(sec, 0, 59);
if (p < lim) {
throw NumericException.INSTANCE;
} else {
// seconds
addHiLoInterval(Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ hour * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS
+ min * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS
+ sec * Timestamps.SECOND_MICROS,
Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ hour * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS
+ min * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS
+ sec * Timestamps.SECOND_MICROS
+ 999999,
} else {
// minute
addHiLoInterval(Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ hour * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS
+ min * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS,
Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ hour * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS
+ min * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS
+ 59 * Timestamps.SECOND_MICROS
+ 999999,
} else {
// year + month + day + hour
addHiLoInterval(Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ hour * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS,
Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ hour * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS
+ 59 * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS
+ 59 * Timestamps.SECOND_MICROS
+ 999999,
} else {
// year + month + day
addHiLoInterval(Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS,
Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ +(day - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ 23 * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS
+ 59 * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS
+ 59 * Timestamps.SECOND_MICROS
+ 999999,
} else {
// year + month
addHiLoInterval(Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l) + Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l),
Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(month, l)
+ (Timestamps.getDaysPerMonth(month, l) - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ 23 * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS
+ 59 * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS
+ 59 * Timestamps.SECOND_MICROS
+ 999999,
} else {
// year
addHiLoInterval(Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l) + Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(1, l),
Timestamps.yearMicros(year, l)
+ Timestamps.monthOfYearMicros(12, l)
+ (Timestamps.getDaysPerMonth(12, l) - 1) * Timestamps.DAY_MICROS
+ 23 * Timestamps.HOUR_MICROS
+ 59 * Timestamps.MINUTE_MICROS
+ 59 * Timestamps.SECOND_MICROS
+ 999999,