Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# number of worker threads shared across the application. Increasing this number will increase parallelism in the application at the expense of CPU resources
# comma-delimited list of CPU ids, one per thread specified in "shared.worker.count". By default, threads have no CPU affinity
# toggle whether worker should stop on error
################ HTTP settings ##################
# enable HTTP server
# IP address and port of HTTP server
# initial size of the connection pool
# initial size of the string pool shared by HttpHeaderParser and HttpMultipartContentParser
# HeaderParser buffer size in bytes
# how long code accumulates incoming data chunks for column and delimiter analysis
# size of receive buffer
# size of send data buffer
# name of index file
# sets the clock to always return zero
## When you using SSH tunnel you might want to configure
## QuestDB HTTP server to switch to HTTP/1.0
## Set HTTP protocol version to HTTP/1.0
## Set server keep alive to 'false'. This will make server disconnect client after
## completion of each request
## When in HTTP/1.0 mode keep alive values must be 0
# Switch to turn on terminating SQL processing if the HTTP connection is closed,
# the mechanism affects performance so the connection is only checked after calls are made to the check method.
# the mechanism also reads \r\n from the input stream and discards it since some HTTP clients send this as a keep alive in between requests, denotes the size of the buffer for this.
## HTTP MIN settings
## Use this port to health check QuestDB instance when it isn't desired to log these health check requests. This is sort of /dev/null for monitoring
# http.min.enabled=true
################ Cairo settings ##################
# directory for storing db tables and metadata. this directory is inside the server root directory provided at startup
# how changes to table are flushed to disk upon commit - default: nosync. Choices: nosync, async (flush call schedules update, returns immediately), sync (waits for flush to complete)
# number of types table creation or insertion will be attempted
# type of map uses. Options: 1. fast (speed at the expense of storage. this is the default option) 2. compact
# when true, symbol values will be cached on Java heap
# when column type is SYMBOL this parameter specifies approximate capacity for symbol map.
# It should be equal to number of unique symbol values stored in the table and getting this
# value badly wrong will cause performance degradation. Must be power of 2
# number of attempts to open files
# how often the writer maintenance job gets run, in milliseconds
# defines frequency with which the reader pool checks for inactive readers. In milliseconds
# defines frequency with which the writer pool checks for inactive readers. In milliseconds
# approximation of number of rows for single index key, must be power of 2
# number of attempts to open swap file
# file permission for new directories
# minimum number of rows before allowing use of parallel indexation
# number of attempts to get TableReader
# timeout when attempting to get BitmapIndexReaders. In microsecond
# queries are cached. This prop sets the number of rows for the query cache
# sets the number of blcoks for the query cache
# sets size of the CharacterStore
# Sets size of the CharacterSequence pool
# sets size of the Column pool in the SqlCompiler
# load factor for CompactMaps
# size of the ExpressionNode pool in SqlCompiler
# load factor for all FastMaps
# size of the JoinContext pool in SqlCompiler
# size of FloatingSequence pool in GenericLexer
# sets the Key capacity in FastMap and CompactMap * 1024
# number of map resizes in FastMap and CompactMap before a resource limit exception is thrown, each resize doubles the previous size^31
# memory page size for FastMap and CompactMap
# memory max pages for CompactMap^31
# sets the size of the QueryModel pool in the SqlCompiler
# sets the memory page size for storing keys in LongTreeChain
# max number of pages for storing keys in LongTreeChain before a resource limit exception is thrown
# cairo.sql.sort.key.max.pages=2^31
# sets the memory page size and max pages for storing values in LongTreeChain
# sets the memory page size and max pages of the slave chain in full hash joins
# sets the number of rows for latest By ###
# sets the memory page size and max pages of the slave chain in light hash joins
# sets memory page size and max pages of file storing values in SortedRecordCursorFactory
# latch await timeout in nanoseconds for stealing indexing work from other threads
# whether parallel indexation is allowed. Works in conjunction with cairo.parallel.index.threshold
# memory page size for JoinMetadata file
# number of map resizes in JoinMetadata before a resource limit exception is thrown, each resize doubles the previous size
# size of AnalyticColumn pool in SqlParser
# size of CreateTableModel pool in SqlParser
# size of ColumnCastModel pool in SqlParser
# size of RenameTableModel pool in SqlParser
# size of WithClauseModel pool in SqlParser
# size of InsertModel pool in SqlParser
# size of CopyModel pool in SqlParser
# size of buffer used when copying tables
# cairo.sql.double.cast.scale=12
# name of file with user's set of date and timestamp formats
# input root directory for backups
# output root directory for backups
# date format for backup directory
# name of temp directory used during backup
# permission used when creating backup directories
# Maximum number of uncommitted rows in TCP ilp
################ LINE UDP settings ##################
######################### LINE TCP settings ###############################
# TCP message buffer size
# Max measurement size,
# Size of the queue between the IO jobs and the writer jobs, each queue entry represents a measurement
# IO and writer job worker pool settings, 0 indicates the shared pool should be used
# Number of updates (per table) between attempts to rebalance the load between the writer workers
# Maximum load ratio (max loaded worker/min loaded worker) before questdb will attempt to rebalance the load between the writer workers
# Maximum amount of time in between maintenance jobs, these will commit uncommited data
# Minimum amount of idle time before a table writer is released
################ PG Wire settings ##################
################ Telemetry settings ##################