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* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Appsicle
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 QuestDB
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.questdb.std;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import io.questdb.std.str.LPSZ;
import io.questdb.std.str.Path;
public final class Files {
public static final Charset UTF_8;
public static final long PAGE_SIZE;
public static final int DT_DIR = 4;
public static final int MAP_RO = 1;
public static final int MAP_RW = 2;
public static final char SEPARATOR;
static final AtomicLong OPEN_FILE_COUNT = new AtomicLong();
private static LongHashSet openFds;
private Files() {
} // Prevent construction.
public native static boolean allocate(long fd, long size);
public native static long append(long fd, long address, long len);
public static synchronized boolean auditClose(long fd) {
if (fd < 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid fd " + fd);
if (openFds.remove(fd) == -1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("fd " + fd + " is already closed!");
return true;
public static synchronized boolean auditOpen(long fd) {
if (null == openFds) {
openFds = new LongHashSet();
if (fd < 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid fd " + fd);
if (openFds.contains(fd)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("fd " + fd + " is already open");
return true;
public static long bumpFileCount(long fd) {
if (fd != -1) {
//noinspection AssertWithSideEffects
assert auditOpen(fd);
return fd;
public static int close(long fd) {
assert auditClose(fd);
int res = close0(fd);
if (res == 0) {
return res;
public static native int copy(long from, long to);
public static int copy(LPSZ from, LPSZ to) {
return copy(from.address(), to.address());
public static native boolean exists(long fd);
public static boolean exists(LPSZ lpsz) {
return lpsz != null && exists0(lpsz.address());
public native static void findClose(long findPtr);
public static long findFirst(LPSZ lpsz) {
return findFirst(lpsz.address());
public native static long findName(long findPtr);
public native static int findNext(long findPtr);
public native static int findType(long findPtr);
public static native int fsync(long fd);
public static long getLastModified(LPSZ lpsz) {
return getLastModified(lpsz.address());
public static long getOpenFileCount() {
return OPEN_FILE_COUNT.get();
public native static long getStdOutFd();
public static boolean isDots(CharSequence name) {
return Chars.equals(name, '.') || Chars.equals(name, "..");
public static long length(LPSZ lpsz) {
return length0(lpsz.address());
public native static long length(long fd);
public static native int lock(long fd);
public static int mkdir(LPSZ path, int mode) {
return mkdir(path.address(), mode);
public static int mkdirs(LPSZ path, int mode) {
try (Path pp = new Path()) {
for (int i = 0, n = path.length(); i < n; i++) {
char c = path.charAt(i);
if (c == File.separatorChar) {
if (i == 2 && Os.type == Os.WINDOWS && path.charAt(1) == ':') {
if (pp.length() > 0 && !Files.exists(pp)) {
int r = Files.mkdir(pp, mode);
if (r != 0) {
return r;
return 0;
public static long mmap(long fd, long len, long offset, int flags) {
return mmap(fd, len, offset, flags, 0);
public static long mmap(long fd, long len, long offset, int flags, long baseAddress) {
long address = mmap0(fd, len, offset, flags, baseAddress);
if (address != -1) {
return address;
public static long mremap(long fd, long address, long previousSize, long newSize, long offset, int flags) {
address = mremap0(fd, address, previousSize, newSize, offset, flags);
if (address != -1) {
return address;
public static native int msync(long addr, long len, boolean async);
public static void munmap(long address, long len) {
if (address != 0 && munmap0(address, len) != -1) {
public static long openAppend(LPSZ lpsz) {
return bumpFileCount(openAppend(lpsz.address()));
public static long openRO(LPSZ lpsz) {
return bumpFileCount(openRO(lpsz.address()));
public static long openRW(LPSZ lpsz) {
return bumpFileCount(openRW(lpsz.address()));
public native static long read(long fd, long address, long len, long offset);
public static boolean remove(LPSZ lpsz) {
return remove(lpsz.address());
public static boolean rename(LPSZ oldName, LPSZ newName) {
return rename(oldName.address(), newName.address());
public static int rmdir(Path path) {
long p = findFirst(path.address());
int len = path.length();
int errno = -1;
if (p > 0) {
try {
do {
long lpszName = findName(p);
if (findType(p) == DT_DIR) {
if (strcmp(lpszName, "..") || strcmp(lpszName, ".")) {
if ((errno = rmdir(path)) == 0) {
} else {
if ((remove(path.address()))) {
errno = Os.errno();
return errno;
} while (findNext(p) > 0);
} finally {
if (rmdir(path.trimTo(len).$().address())) {
return 0;
return Os.errno();
return errno;
public static boolean setLastModified(LPSZ lpsz, long millis) {
return setLastModified(lpsz.address(), millis);
public static boolean touch(LPSZ lpsz) {
long fd = openRW(lpsz);
boolean result = fd > 0;
if (result) {
return result;
public native static boolean truncate(long fd, long size);
public native static long write(long fd, long address, long len, long offset);
private native static int close0(long fd);
private static native boolean exists0(long lpsz);
private static boolean strcmp(long lpsz, CharSequence s) {
int len = s.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
byte b = Unsafe.getUnsafe().getByte(lpsz + i);
if (b == 0 || b != (byte) s.charAt(i)) {
return false;
return Unsafe.getUnsafe().getByte(lpsz + len) == 0;
private static native int munmap0(long address, long len);
private static native long mremap0(long fd, long address, long previousSize, long newSize, long offset, int flags);
private static native long mmap0(long fd, long len, long offset, int flags, long baseAddress);
private native static long getPageSize();
private native static boolean remove(long lpsz);
private native static boolean rmdir(long lpsz);
private native static long getLastModified(long lpszName);
private native static long length0(long lpszName);
private native static int mkdir(long lpszPath, int mode);
private native static long openRO(long lpszName);
private native static long openRW(long lpszName);
private native static long openAppend(long lpszName);
private native static long findFirst(long lpszName);
private native static boolean setLastModified(long lpszName, long millis);
private static native boolean rename(long lpszOld, long lpszNew);
static {
UTF_8 = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
PAGE_SIZE = getPageSize();
SEPARATOR = Os.type == Os.WINDOWS ? '\\' : '/';