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import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.redkale.util.*;


* 详情见: * * @author zhangjx * @param 请求ID的数据类型, 例如HTTP协议请求标识为url,请求ID的数据类型就是String * @param Context * @param Request * @param

Response * @param Servlet */ public abstract class Server, P extends Response, S extends Servlet> { public static final String RESNAME_SERVER_ROOT = "SERVER_ROOT"; public static final String RESNAME_SERVER_EXECUTOR = "SERVER_EXECUTOR"; public static final String RESNAME_SERVER_RESFACTORY = "SERVER_RESFACTORY"; protected final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getSimpleName()); //------------------------------------------------------------- //服务的启动时间 protected final long serverStartTime; //服务的名称 protected String name; //应用层协议名 protected final String protocol; //依赖注入工厂类 protected final ResourceFactory resourceFactory; //服务的根Servlet protected final PrepareServlet prepare; //ClassLoader protected RedkaleClassLoader serverClassLoader; //SSL protected SSLContext sslContext; //服务的上下文对象 protected C context; //服务的配置信息 protected AnyValue config; //服务数据的编解码,null视为UTF-8 protected Charset charset; //服务的监听端口 protected InetSocketAddress address; //连接队列大小 protected int backlog; //传输层协议的服务 protected ProtocolServer serverChannel; //ByteBuffer的容量大小 protected int bufferCapacity; //线程数 protected int threads; //线程池 protected ThreadPoolExecutor executor; //ByteBuffer池大小 protected int bufferPoolSize; //Response池大小 protected int responsePoolSize; //最大连接数, 为0表示没限制 protected int maxconns; //请求包大小的上限,单位:字节 protected int maxbody; //Keep-Alive IO读取的超时秒数,小于1视为不设置 protected int aliveTimeoutSeconds; //IO读取的超时秒数,小于1视为不设置 protected int readTimeoutSeconds; //IO写入 的超时秒数,小于1视为不设置 protected int writeTimeoutSeconds; protected Server(long serverStartTime, String protocol, ResourceFactory resourceFactory, PrepareServlet servlet) { this.serverStartTime = serverStartTime; this.protocol = protocol; this.resourceFactory = resourceFactory; this.prepare = servlet; } public void init(final AnyValue config) throws Exception { Objects.requireNonNull(config); this.config = config; this.address = new InetSocketAddress(config.getValue("host", ""), config.getIntValue("port", 80)); this.charset = Charset.forName(config.getValue("charset", "UTF-8")); this.maxconns = config.getIntValue("maxconns", 0); this.aliveTimeoutSeconds = config.getIntValue("aliveTimeoutSeconds", 30); this.readTimeoutSeconds = config.getIntValue("readTimeoutSeconds", 0); this.writeTimeoutSeconds = config.getIntValue("writeTimeoutSeconds", 0); this.backlog = parseLenth(config.getValue("backlog"), 8 * 1024); this.maxbody = parseLenth(config.getValue("maxbody"), 64 * 1024); int bufCapacity = parseLenth(config.getValue("bufferCapacity"), 32 * 1024); this.bufferCapacity = bufCapacity < 8 * 1024 ? 8 * 1024 : bufCapacity; this.threads = config.getIntValue("threads", Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 32); this.bufferPoolSize = config.getIntValue("bufferPoolSize", this.threads * 4); this.responsePoolSize = config.getIntValue("responsePoolSize", this.threads * 2); = config.getValue("name", "Server-" + protocol + "-" + this.address.getPort()); if (!"^[a-zA-Z][\\w_-]{1,64}$")) throw new RuntimeException(" (" + + ") is illegal"); AnyValue sslConf = config.getAnyValue("ssl"); if (sslConf != null) { String creatorClass = sslConf.getValue("creator", SSLCreator.class.getName()); SSLCreator creator = null; if (SSLCreator.class.getName().equals(creatorClass) || creatorClass.isEmpty()) { creator = new SSLCreator() { }; } else { ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); creator = ((SSLCreator) classLoader.loadClass(creatorClass).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance()); } this.resourceFactory.inject(creator); this.sslContext = creator.create(this, sslConf); } final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(); final Format f = createFormat(); final String n = name; this.executor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads, (Runnable r) -> { Thread t = new WorkThread(executor, r); t.setName(n + "-ServletThread-" + f.format(counter.incrementAndGet())); return t; }); } protected static int parseLenth(String value, int defValue) { return (int) parseLenth(value, defValue + 0L); } protected static long parseLenth(String value, long defValue) { if (value == null) return defValue; value = value.toUpperCase().replace("B", ""); if (value.endsWith("G")) return Long.decode(value.replace("G", "")) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; if (value.endsWith("M")) return Long.decode(value.replace("M", "")) * 1024 * 1024; if (value.endsWith("K")) return Long.decode(value.replace("K", "")) * 1024; return Long.decode(value); } protected static String formatLenth(long value) { if (value < 1) return "" + value; if (value % (1024 * 1024 * 1024) == 0) return value / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) + "G"; if (value % (1024 * 1024) == 0) return value / (1024 * 1024) + "M"; if (value % 1024 == 0) return value / (1024) + "K"; return value + "B"; } public void destroy(final AnyValue config) throws Exception { this.prepare.destroy(context, config); } public ResourceFactory getResourceFactory() { return resourceFactory; } public ThreadPoolExecutor getExecutor() { return executor; } public InetSocketAddress getSocketAddress() { return address; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getProtocol() { return protocol; } public Logger getLogger() { return this.logger; } public PrepareServlet getPrepareServlet() { return this.prepare; } public C getContext() { return this.context; } public long getServerStartTime() { return serverStartTime; } public Charset getCharset() { return charset; } public int getBacklog() { return backlog; } public int getBufferCapacity() { return bufferCapacity; } public int getThreads() { return threads; } public int getBufferPoolSize() { return bufferPoolSize; } public int getResponsePoolSize() { return responsePoolSize; } public int getMaxbody() { return maxbody; } public int getAliveTimeoutSeconds() { return aliveTimeoutSeconds; } public int getReadTimeoutSeconds() { return readTimeoutSeconds; } public int getWriteTimeoutSeconds() { return writeTimeoutSeconds; } public int getMaxconns() { return maxconns; } public void setThreads(int threads) { int oldthreads = this.threads; this.context.executor.setCorePoolSize(threads); this.threads = threads;"[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " change threads from " + oldthreads + " to " + threads); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void addServlet(S servlet, final Object attachment, AnyValue conf, K... mappings) { this.prepare.addServlet(servlet, attachment, conf, mappings); } public void start() throws IOException { this.context = this.createContext(); this.prepare.init(this.context, config); this.serverChannel = ProtocolServer.create(this.protocol, context, this.serverClassLoader, config == null ? null : config.getValue("netimpl"));; serverChannel.bind(address, backlog); serverChannel.accept(); final String threadName = "[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] "; + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ("TCP".equalsIgnoreCase(protocol) ? "" : ("." + protocol)) + " listen: " + address + ", threads: " + threads + ", maxbody: " + formatLenth(context.maxbody) + ", bufferCapacity: " + formatLenth(bufferCapacity) + ", bufferPoolSize: " + bufferPoolSize + ", responsePoolSize: " + responsePoolSize + ", started in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - context.getServerStartTime()) + " ms"); } protected abstract C createContext(); public void shutdown() throws IOException { long s = System.currentTimeMillis(); + "-" + this.protocol + " shutdowning"); try { this.serverChannel.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } + "-" + this.protocol + " shutdow prepare servlet"); this.prepare.destroy(this.context, config); long e = System.currentTimeMillis() - s; + " shutdown in " + e + " ms"); } public RedkaleClassLoader getServerClassLoader() { return serverClassLoader; } public void setServerClassLoader(RedkaleClassLoader serverClassLoader) { this.serverClassLoader = serverClassLoader; } /** * 判断是否存在Filter * * @param 泛型 * @param filterClass Filter类 * * @return boolean */ public boolean containsFilter(Class filterClass) { return this.prepare.containsFilter(filterClass); } /** * 判断是否存在Filter * * @param 泛型 * @param filterClassName Filter类 * * @return boolean */ public boolean containsFilter(String filterClassName) { return this.prepare.containsFilter(filterClassName); } /** * 判断是否存在Servlet * * @param servletClass Servlet类 * * @return boolean */ public boolean containsServlet(Class servletClass) { return this.prepare.containsServlet(servletClass); } /** * 判断是否存在Servlet * * @param servletClassName Servlet类 * * @return boolean */ public boolean containsServlet(String servletClassName) { return this.prepare.containsServlet(servletClassName); } /** * 销毁Servlet * * @param servlet Servlet */ public void destroyServlet(S servlet) { servlet.destroy(context, this.prepare.getServletConf(servlet)); } //创建数 public long getCreateConnectionCount() { return serverChannel == null ? -1 : serverChannel.getCreateCount(); } //关闭数 public long getClosedConnectionCount() { return serverChannel == null ? -1 : serverChannel.getClosedCount(); } //在线数 public long getLivingConnectionCount() { return serverChannel == null ? -1 : serverChannel.getLivingCount(); } protected Format createFormat() { String sf = "0"; if (this.threads > 10) sf = "00"; if (this.threads > 100) sf = "000"; if (this.threads > 1000) sf = "0000"; return new DecimalFormat(sf); } public static URL[] loadLib(final RedkaleClassLoader classLoader, final Logger logger, final String lib) throws Exception { if (lib == null || lib.isEmpty()) return new URL[0]; final Set set = new HashSet<>(); for (String s : lib.split(";")) { if (s.isEmpty()) continue; if (s.endsWith("*")) { File root = new File(s.substring(0, s.length() - 1)); if (root.isDirectory()) { File[] lfs = root.listFiles(); if (lfs == null) throw new RuntimeException("File(" + root + ") cannot listFiles()"); for (File f : lfs) { set.add(f.toURI().toURL()); } } } else { File f = new File(s); if (f.canRead()) set.add(f.toURI().toURL()); } } if (set.isEmpty()) return new URL[0]; for (URL url : set) { classLoader.addURL(url); } List list = new ArrayList<>(set); Collections.sort(list, (URL o1, URL o2) -> o1.getFile().compareTo(o2.getFile())); return list.toArray(new URL[list.size()]); } }

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