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import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.charset.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.redkale.convert.json.JsonConvert;
import org.redkale.util.*;
import org.redkale.util.AnyValue.DefaultAnyValue;

 * Http请求包 与javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest 基本类似。  
* 同时提供json的解析接口: public Object getJsonParameter(Type type, String name)
* Redkale提倡带简单的参数的GET请求采用类似REST风格, 因此提供了 getRequstURIPath 系列接口。
* 例如简单的翻页查询
* /pipes/record/query/offset:0/limit:20
* 获取页号: int offset = request.getRequstURIPath("offset:", 0);
* 获取行数: int limit = request.getRequstURIPath("limit:", 10);

* 详情见: * * @author zhangjx */ public class HttpRequest extends Request { public static final String SESSIONID_NAME = "JSESSIONID"; @Comment("Method GET/POST/...") private String method; private String protocol; protected String requestURI; private long contentLength = -1; private String contentType; private String host; private String connection; @Comment("原始的cookie字符串,解析后值赋给HttpCookie[] cookies") protected String cookie; private HttpCookie[] cookies; protected String newsessionid; protected final DefaultAnyValue header = new DefaultAnyValue(); protected final DefaultAnyValue params = new DefaultAnyValue(); private final ByteArray array = new ByteArray(); private boolean bodyparsed = false; protected boolean boundary = false; protected int moduleid; protected int actionid; protected Object currentUser; private final String remoteAddrHeader; Object attachment; //仅供HttpServlet传递Entry使用 public HttpRequest(HttpContext context, String remoteAddrHeader) { super(context); this.remoteAddrHeader = remoteAddrHeader; } protected boolean isWebSocket() { return connection != null && connection.contains("Upgrade") && "GET".equalsIgnoreCase(method) && "websocket".equalsIgnoreCase(getHeader("Upgrade")); } protected void setKeepAlive(boolean keepAlive) { this.keepAlive = keepAlive; } protected boolean isKeepAlive() { return this.keepAlive; } protected AsyncConnection getChannel() { return; } protected JsonConvert getJsonConvert() { return this.jsonConvert; } @Override protected int readHeader(final ByteBuffer buffer) { if (!readLine(buffer, array)) return -1; Charset charset = this.context.getCharset(); int index = 0; int offset = array.find(index, ' '); if (offset <= 0) return -1; this.method = array.toString(index, offset, charset).trim(); index = ++offset; offset = array.find(index, ' '); if (offset <= 0) return -1; int off = array.find(index, '#'); if (off > 0) offset = off; int qst = array.find(index, offset, (byte) '?'); if (qst > 0) { this.requestURI = array.toDecodeString(index, qst - index, charset).trim(); addParameter(array, qst + 1, offset - qst - 1); } else { this.requestURI = array.toDecodeString(index, offset - index, charset).trim(); } index = ++offset; this.protocol = array.toString(index, array.size() - index, charset).trim(); while (readLine(buffer, array)) { if (array.size() < 2) break; index = 0; offset = array.find(index, ':'); if (offset <= 0) return -1; String name = array.toString(index, offset, charset).trim(); index = offset + 1; String value = array.toString(index, array.size() - index, charset).trim(); switch (name) { case "Content-Type": case "content-type": this.contentType = value; break; case "Content-Length": case "content-length": this.contentLength = Long.decode(value); break; case "Host": case "host": = value; break; case "Cookie": case "cookie": if (this.cookie == null || this.cookie.isEmpty()) { this.cookie = value; } else { this.cookie += ";" + value; } break; case "Connection": case "connection": this.connection = value; if (context.getAliveTimeoutSeconds() >= 0) { this.setKeepAlive(!"close".equalsIgnoreCase(value)); } break; case "user-agent": header.addValue("User-Agent", value); break; default: header.addValue(name, value); } } if (this.contentType != null && this.contentType.contains("boundary=")) this.boundary = true; if (this.boundary) this.keepAlive = false; //文件上传必须设置keepAlive为false,因为文件过大时用户不一定会skip掉多余的数据 array.clear(); if (this.contentLength > 0 && (this.contentType == null || !this.boundary)) { if (this.contentLength > context.getMaxbody()) return -1; array.write(buffer, Math.min((int) this.contentLength, buffer.remaining())); int lr = (int) this.contentLength - array.size(); return lr > 0 ? lr : 0; } if (buffer.hasRemaining() && (this.boundary || !this.keepAlive)) array.write(buffer, buffer.remaining()); //文件上传、HTTP1.0或Connection:close //暂不考虑是keep-alive且存在body却没有指定Content-Length的情况 return 0; } @Override protected int readBody(ByteBuffer buffer) { int len = buffer.remaining(); array.write(buffer, len); return len; } @Override protected void prepare() { } protected void skipBodyParse() { this.bodyparsed = true; } private void parseBody() { if (this.boundary || bodyparsed) return; addParameter(array, 0, array.size()); bodyparsed = true; } private void addParameter(final ByteArray array, final int offset, final int len) { if (len < 1) return; Charset charset = this.context.getCharset(); int limit = offset + len; int keypos = array.find(offset, limit, '='); int valpos = array.find(offset, limit, '&'); if (keypos <= 0 || (valpos >= 0 && valpos < keypos)) { if (valpos > 0) addParameter(array, valpos + 1, limit - valpos - 1); return; } String name = array.toDecodeString(offset, keypos - offset, charset); if (name.charAt(0) == '<') return; //内容可能是xml格式; 如: = 0) { addParameter(array, valpos + 1, limit - valpos - 1); } } private boolean readLine(ByteBuffer buffer, ByteArray bytes) { byte lasted = '\r'; bytes.clear(); for (;;) { if (!buffer.hasRemaining()) { if (lasted != '\r') bytes.write(lasted); return false; } byte b = buffer.get(); if (b == -1 || (lasted == '\r' && b == '\n')) break; if (lasted != '\r') bytes.write(lasted); lasted = b; } return true; } @Override protected T setProperty(String name, T value) { return super.setProperty(name, value); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected T getProperty(String name) { return super.getProperty(name); } @Override protected T removeProperty(String name) { return super.removeProperty(name); } /** * 设置当前用户信息, 通常在HttpServlet.preExecute方法里设置currentUser
* 数据类型由@HttpUserType指定 * * @param 泛型 * @param user 用户信息 * * @return HttpRequest */ public HttpRequest setCurrentUser(T user) { this.currentUser = user; return this; } /** * 获取当前用户信息
* 数据类型由@HttpUserType指定 * * @param @HttpUserType指定的用户信息类型 * * @return 用户信息 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T currentUser() { return (T) this.currentUser; } /** * 获取模块ID,来自@HttpServlet.moduleid() * * @return 模块ID */ public int getModuleid() { return this.moduleid; } /** * 获取操作ID,来自@HttpMapping.actionid() * * @return 模块ID */ public int getActionid() { return this.actionid; } /** * 获取客户端地址IP * * @return 地址 */ public SocketAddress getRemoteAddress() { return == null || ! ? null :; } /** * 获取客户端地址IP, 与getRemoteAddress() 的区别在于:本方法优先取header中指定为RemoteAddress名的值,没有则返回getRemoteAddress()的getHostAddress()。
* 本方法适用于服务前端有如nginx的代理服务器进行中转,通过 getRemoteAddress()是获取不到客户端的真实IP。 * * @return 地址 */ public String getRemoteAddr() { if (remoteAddrHeader != null) { String val = getHeader(remoteAddrHeader); if (val != null) return val; } SocketAddress addr = getRemoteAddress(); if (addr == null) return ""; if (addr instanceof InetSocketAddress) return ((InetSocketAddress) addr).getAddress().getHostAddress(); return String.valueOf(addr); } /** * 获取请求内容指定的编码字符串 * * @param charset 编码 * * @return 内容 */ public String getBody(final Charset charset) { return charset == null ? array.toString() : array.toString(charset); } /** * 获取请求内容的UTF-8编码字符串 * * @return 内容 */ public String getBodyUTF8() { return array.toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } /** * 获取请求内容的JavaBean对象 * * @param 泛型 * @param type 类型 * * @return 内容 */ public T getBodyJson(java.lang.reflect.Type type) { String str = array.toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) return null; return context.getJsonConvert().convertFrom(type, str); } /** * 获取请求内容的JavaBean对象 * * @param 泛型 * @param convert JsonConvert * @param type 类型 * * @return 内容 */ public T getBodyJson(JsonConvert convert, java.lang.reflect.Type type) { String str = array.toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) return null; return convert.convertFrom(type, str); } /** * 获取请求内容的byte[] * * @return 内容 */ public byte[] getBody() { return array.getBytes(); } /** * 直接获取body对象 * * @return body对象 */ protected ByteArray getDirectBody() { return array; } @Override public String toString() { parseBody(); return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "{\r\n method: " + this.method + ", \r\n requestURI: " + this.requestURI + ", \r\n remoteAddr: " + this.getRemoteAddr() + ", \r\n cookies: " + this.cookie + ", \r\n contentType: " + this.contentType + ", \r\n connection: " + this.connection + ", \r\n protocol: " + this.protocol + ", \r\n host: " + + ", \r\n contentLength: " + this.contentLength + ", \r\n bodyLength: " + this.array.size() + (this.boundary || this.array.isEmpty() ? "" : (", \r\n bodyContent: " + this.getBodyUTF8())) + ", \r\n params: " + this.params.toString(4) + ", \r\n header: " + this.header.toString(4) + "\r\n}"; } /** * 获取文件上传对象 * * @return 文件上传对象 */ public final MultiContext getMultiContext() { return new MultiContext(context.getCharset(), this.getContentType(), this.params, new BufferedInputStream(Channels.newInputStream(, Math.max(array.size(), 8192)) { { array.copyTo(this.buf); this.count = array.size(); } }, null); } /** * 获取文件上传信息列表 * * @return 文件上传对象集合 * * @throws IOException IO异常 */ public final Iterable multiParts() throws IOException { return getMultiContext().parts(); } @Override protected void recycle() { this.cookie = null; this.cookies = null; this.newsessionid = null; this.method = null; this.protocol = null; this.requestURI = null; this.contentType = null; = null; this.connection = null; this.contentLength = -1; this.boundary = false; this.bodyparsed = false; this.moduleid = 0; this.actionid = 0; this.currentUser = null; this.attachment = null; this.header.clear(); this.params.clear(); this.array.clear(); super.recycle(); } /** * 获取sessionid * * @param create 无sessionid是否自动创建 * * @return sessionid */ public String getSessionid(boolean create) { String sessionid = getCookie(SESSIONID_NAME, null); if (create && (sessionid == null || sessionid.isEmpty())) { sessionid = context.createSessionid(); this.newsessionid = sessionid; } return sessionid; } /** * 更新sessionid * * @return 新的sessionid值 */ public String changeSessionid() { this.newsessionid = context.createSessionid(); return newsessionid; } /** * 指定值更新sessionid * * @param newsessionid 新sessionid值 * * @return 新的sessionid值 */ public String changeSessionid(String newsessionid) { this.newsessionid = newsessionid == null ? context.createSessionid() : newsessionid.trim(); return newsessionid; } /** * 使sessionid失效 */ public void invalidateSession() { this.newsessionid = ""; //为空表示删除sessionid } /** * 获取所有Cookie对象 * * @return cookie对象数组 */ public HttpCookie[] getCookies() { if (this.cookies == null) this.cookies = parseCookies(this.cookie); return this.cookies; } /** * 获取Cookie值 * * @param name cookie名 * * @return cookie值 */ public String getCookie(String name) { return getCookie(name, null); } /** * 获取Cookie值, 没有返回默认值 * * @param name cookie名 * @param dfvalue 默认cookie值 * * @return cookie值 */ public String getCookie(String name, String dfvalue) { for (HttpCookie c : getCookies()) { if (name.equals(c.getName())) return c.getValue(); } return dfvalue; } private static HttpCookie[] parseCookies(String cookiestr) { if (cookiestr == null || cookiestr.isEmpty()) return new HttpCookie[0]; String str = cookiestr.replaceAll("(^;)|(;$)", "").replaceAll(";+", ";"); if (str.isEmpty()) return new HttpCookie[0]; String[] strs = str.split(";"); HttpCookie[] cookies = new HttpCookie[strs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) { String s = strs[i]; int pos = s.indexOf('='); String v = (pos < 0 ? "" : s.substring(pos + 1)); if (v.indexOf('"') == 0 && v.lastIndexOf('"') == v.length() - 1) v = v.substring(1, v.length() - 1); cookies[i] = new HttpCookie((pos < 0 ? s : s.substring(0, pos)), v); } return cookies; } /** * 获取协议名 http、https、ws、wss等 * * @return protocol */ public String getProtocol() { return protocol; } /** * 获取请求方法 GET、POST等 * * @return method */ public String getMethod() { return method; } /** * 获取Content-Type的header值 * * @return contentType */ public String getContentType() { return contentType; } /** * 获取请求内容的长度, 为-1表示内容长度不确定 * * @return 内容长度 */ public long getContentLength() { return contentLength; } /** * 获取Connection的Header值 * * @return Connection */ public String getConnection() { return connection; } /** * 获取Host的Header值 * * @return Host */ public String getHost() { return host; } /** * 获取请求的URL * * @return 请求的URL */ public String getRequestURI() { return requestURI; } /** * 截取getRequestURI最后的一个/后面的部分 * * @return String */ public String getRequstURILastPath() { if (requestURI == null) return ""; return requestURI.substring(requestURI.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } /** * 获取请求URL最后的一个/后面的部分的short值
* 例如请求URL /pipes/record/query/2
* 获取type参数: short type = request.getRequstURILastPath((short)0); //type = 2 * * @param defvalue 默认short值 * * @return short值 */ public short getRequstURILastPath(short defvalue) { String val = getRequstURILastPath(); if (val.isEmpty()) return defvalue; try { return Short.parseShort(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defvalue; } } /** * 获取请求URL最后的一个/后面的部分的short值
* 例如请求URL /pipes/record/query/2
* 获取type参数: short type = request.getRequstURILastPath(16, (short)0); //type = 2 * * @param radix 进制数 * @param defvalue 默认short值 * * @return short值 */ public short getRequstURILastPath(int radix, short defvalue) { String val = getRequstURILastPath(); if (val.isEmpty()) return defvalue; try { return Short.parseShort(val, radix); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defvalue; } } /** * 获取请求URL最后的一个/后面的部分的int值
* 例如请求URL /pipes/record/query/2
* 获取type参数: int type = request.getRequstURILastPath(0); //type = 2 * * @param defvalue 默认int值 * * @return int值 */ public int getRequstURILastPath(int defvalue) { String val = getRequstURILastPath(); try { return val.isEmpty() ? defvalue : Integer.parseInt(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defvalue; } } /** * 获取请求URL最后的一个/后面的部分的int值
* 例如请求URL /pipes/record/query/2
* 获取type参数: int type = request.getRequstURILastPath(16, 0); //type = 2 * * @param radix 进制数 * @param defvalue 默认int值 * * @return int值 */ public int getRequstURILastPath(int radix, int defvalue) { String val = getRequstURILastPath(); try { return val.isEmpty() ? defvalue : Integer.parseInt(val, radix); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defvalue; } } /** * 获取请求URL最后的一个/后面的部分的float值
* 例如请求URL /pipes/record/query/2
* 获取type参数: float type = request.getRequstURILastPath(0.0f); //type = 2.0f * * @param defvalue 默认float值 * * @return float值 */ public float getRequstURILastPath(float defvalue) { String val = getRequstURILastPath(); try { return val.isEmpty() ? defvalue : Float.parseFloat(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defvalue; } } /** * 获取请求URL最后的一个/后面的部分的int值
* 例如请求URL /pipes/record/query/2
* 获取type参数: long type = request.getRequstURILastPath(0L); //type = 2 * * @param defvalue 默认long值 * * @return long值 */ public long getRequstURILastPath(long defvalue) { String val = getRequstURILastPath(); try { return val.isEmpty() ? defvalue : Long.parseLong(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defvalue; } } /** * 获取请求URL最后的一个/后面的部分的int值
* 例如请求URL /pipes/record/query/2
* 获取type参数: long type = request.getRequstURILastPath(16, 0L); //type = 2 * * @param radix 进制数 * @param defvalue 默认long值 * * @return long值 */ public long getRequstURILastPath(int radix, long defvalue) { String val = getRequstURILastPath(); try { return val.isEmpty() ? defvalue : Long.parseLong(val, radix); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defvalue; } } /** * 获取请求URL最后的一个/后面的部分的double值
* 例如请求URL /pipes/record/query/2
* 获取type参数: double type = request.getRequstURILastPath(0.0); //type = 2.0 * * @param defvalue 默认double值 * * @return double值 */ public double getRequstURILastPath(double defvalue) { String val = getRequstURILastPath(); try { return val.isEmpty() ? defvalue : Double.parseDouble(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defvalue; } } /** * * 从prefix之后截取getRequestURI再对"/"进行分隔 *

* @param prefix 前缀 * * @return String[] */ public String[] getRequstURIPaths(String prefix) { if (requestURI == null || prefix == null) return new String[0]; return requestURI.substring(requestURI.indexOf(prefix) + prefix.length() + (prefix.endsWith("/") ? 0 : 1)).split("/"); } /** * 获取请求URL分段中含prefix段的值
* 例如请求URL /pipes/record/query/name:hello
* 获取name参数: String name = request.getRequstURIPath("name:", "none"); * * @param prefix prefix段前缀 * @param defvalue 默认值 * * @return prefix截断后的值 */ public String getRequstURIPath(String prefix, String defvalue) { if (requestURI == null || prefix == null || prefix.isEmpty()) return defvalue; int pos = requestURI.indexOf(prefix); if (pos < 0) return defvalue; String sub = requestURI.substring(pos + prefix.length()); pos = sub.indexOf('/'); return pos < 0 ? sub : sub.substring(0, pos); } /** * 获取请求URL分段中含prefix段的short值
* 例如请求URL /pipes/record/query/type:10
* 获取type参数: short type = request.getRequstURIPath("type:", (short)0); * * @param prefix prefix段前缀 * @param defvalue 默认short值 * * @return short值 */ public short getRequstURIPath(String prefix, short defvalue) { String val = getRequstURIPath(prefix, null); try { return val == null ? defvalue : Short.parseShort(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defvalue; } } /** * 获取请求URL分段中含prefix段的short值
* 例如请求URL /pipes/record/query/type:a
* 获取type参数: short type = request.getRequstURIPath(16, "type:", (short)0); //type = 10 * * @param radix 进制数 * @param prefix prefix段前缀 * @param defvalue 默认short值 * * @return short值 */ public short getRequstURIPath(int radix, String prefix, short defvalue) { String val = getRequstURIPath(prefix, null); try { return val == null ? defvalue : Short.parseShort(val, radix); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defvalue; } } /** * 获取请求URL分段中含prefix段的int值
* 例如请求URL /pipes/record/query/offset:0/limit:50
* 获取offset参数: int offset = request.getRequstURIPath("offset:", 0);
* 获取limit参数: int limit = request.getRequstURIPath("limit:", 20);
* * @param prefix prefix段前缀 * @param defvalue 默认int值 * * @return int值 */ public int getRequstURIPath(String prefix, int defvalue) { String val = getRequstURIPath(prefix, null); try { return val == null ? defvalue : Integer.parseInt(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defvalue; } } /** * 获取请求URL分段中含prefix段的int值
* 例如请求URL /pipes/record/query/offset:0/limit:50
* 获取offset参数: int offset = request.getRequstURIPath("offset:", 0);
* 获取limit参数: int limit = request.getRequstURIPath(16, "limit:", 20); // limit = 16
* * @param radix 进制数 * @param prefix prefix段前缀 * @param defvalue 默认int值 * * @return int值 */ public int getRequstURIPath(int radix, String prefix, int defvalue) { String val = getRequstURIPath(prefix, null); try { return val == null ? defvalue : Integer.parseInt(val, radix); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defvalue; } } /** * 获取请求URL分段中含prefix段的float值
* 例如请求URL /pipes/record/query/point:40.0
* 获取time参数: float point = request.getRequstURIPath("point:", 0.0f); * * @param prefix prefix段前缀 * @param defvalue 默认float值 * * @return float值 */ public float getRequstURIPath(String prefix, float defvalue) { String val = getRequstURIPath(prefix, null); try { return val == null ? defvalue : Float.parseFloat(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defvalue; } } /** * 获取请求URL分段中含prefix段的long值
* 例如请求URL /pipes/record/query/time:1453104341363/id:40
* 获取time参数: long time = request.getRequstURIPath("time:", 0L); * * @param prefix prefix段前缀 * @param defvalue 默认long值 * * @return long值 */ public long getRequstURIPath(String prefix, long defvalue) { String val = getRequstURIPath(prefix, null); try { return val == null ? defvalue : Long.parseLong(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defvalue; } } /** * 获取请求URL分段中含prefix段的long值
* 例如请求URL /pipes/record/query/time:1453104341363/id:40
* 获取time参数: long time = request.getRequstURIPath(16, "time:", 0L); * * @param radix 进制数 * @param prefix prefix段前缀 * @param defvalue 默认long值 * * @return long值 */ public long getRequstURIPath(int radix, String prefix, long defvalue) { String val = getRequstURIPath(prefix, null); try { return val == null ? defvalue : Long.parseLong(val, radix); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defvalue; } } /** * 获取请求URL分段中含prefix段的double值
* 例如请求URL /pipes/record/query/point:40.0
* 获取time参数: double point = request.getRequstURIPath("point:", 0.0); * * @param prefix prefix段前缀 * @param defvalue 默认double值 * * @return double值 */ public double getRequstURIPath(String prefix, double defvalue) { String val = getRequstURIPath(prefix, null); try { return val == null ? defvalue : Double.parseDouble(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defvalue; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * 获取请求Header总对象 * * @return AnyValue */ public AnyValue getHeaders() { return header; } /** * 将请求Header转换成Map * * @param map Map * * @return Map */ public Map getHeadersToMap(Map map) { if (map == null) map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final Map map0 = map; header.forEach((k, v) -> map0.put(k, v)); return map0; } /** * 获取所有的header名 * * @return header名数组 */ public String[] getHeaderNames() { return header.getNames(); } /** * 获取指定的header值 * * @param name header名 * * @return header值 */ public String getHeader(String name) { return header.getValue(name); } /** * 获取指定的header值, 没有返回默认值 * * @param name header名 * @param defaultValue 默认值 * * @return header值 */ public String getHeader(String name, String defaultValue) { return header.getValue(name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的header的json值 * * @param 泛型 * @param type 反序列化的类名 * @param name header名 * * @return header值 */ public T getJsonHeader(java.lang.reflect.Type type, String name) { String v = getHeader(name); return v == null || v.isEmpty() ? null : jsonConvert.convertFrom(type, v); } /** * 获取指定的header的json值 * * @param 泛型 * @param convert JsonConvert对象 * @param type 反序列化的类名 * @param name header名 * * @return header值 */ public T getJsonHeader(JsonConvert convert, java.lang.reflect.Type type, String name) { String v = getHeader(name); return v == null || v.isEmpty() ? null : convert.convertFrom(type, v); } /** * 获取指定的header的boolean值, 没有返回默认boolean值 * * @param name header名 * @param defaultValue 默认boolean值 * * @return header值 */ public boolean getBooleanHeader(String name, boolean defaultValue) { return header.getBoolValue(name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的header的short值, 没有返回默认short值 * * @param name header名 * @param defaultValue 默认short值 * * @return header值 */ public short getShortHeader(String name, short defaultValue) { return header.getShortValue(name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的header的short值, 没有返回默认short值 * * @param radix 进制数 * @param name header名 * @param defaultValue 默认short值 * * @return header值 */ public short getShortHeader(int radix, String name, short defaultValue) { return header.getShortValue(name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的header的short值, 没有返回默认short值 * * @param name header名 * @param defaultValue 默认short值 * * @return header值 */ public short getShortHeader(String name, int defaultValue) { return header.getShortValue(name, (short) defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的header的short值, 没有返回默认short值 * * @param radix 进制数 * @param name header名 * @param defaultValue 默认short值 * * @return header值 */ public short getShortHeader(int radix, String name, int defaultValue) { return header.getShortValue(radix, name, (short) defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的header的int值, 没有返回默认int值 * * @param name header名 * @param defaultValue 默认int值 * * @return header值 */ public int getIntHeader(String name, int defaultValue) { return header.getIntValue(name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的header的int值, 没有返回默认int值 * * @param radix 进制数 * @param name header名 * @param defaultValue 默认int值 * * @return header值 */ public int getIntHeader(int radix, String name, int defaultValue) { return header.getIntValue(radix, name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的header的long值, 没有返回默认long值 * * @param name header名 * @param defaultValue 默认long值 * * @return header值 */ public long getLongHeader(String name, long defaultValue) { return header.getLongValue(name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的header的long值, 没有返回默认long值 * * @param radix 进制数 * @param name header名 * @param defaultValue 默认long值 * * @return header值 */ public long getLongHeader(int radix, String name, long defaultValue) { return header.getLongValue(radix, name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的header的float值, 没有返回默认float值 * * @param name header名 * @param defaultValue 默认float值 * * @return header值 */ public float getFloatHeader(String name, float defaultValue) { return header.getFloatValue(name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的header的double值, 没有返回默认double值 * * @param name header名 * @param defaultValue 默认double值 * * @return header值 */ public double getDoubleHeader(String name, double defaultValue) { return header.getDoubleValue(name, defaultValue); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * 获取请求参数总对象 * * @return AnyValue */ public AnyValue getParameters() { parseBody(); return params; } /** * 将请求参数转换成Map * * @param map Map * * @return Map */ public Map getParametersToMap(Map map) { if (map == null) map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final Map map0 = map; getParameters().forEach((k, v) -> map0.put(k, v)); return map0; } /** * 将请求参数转换成String, 字符串格式为: bean1={}&id=13&name=xxx
* 不会返回null,没有参数返回空字符串 * * * @return String */ public String getParametersToString() { return getParametersToString(null); } /** * 将请求参数转换成String, 字符串格式为: bean1={}&id=13&name=xxx
* 不会返回null,没有参数返回空字符串 * * @param prefix 拼接前缀, 如果无参数,返回的字符串不会含有拼接前缀 * * @return String */ public String getParametersToString(String prefix) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); getParameters().forEach((k, v) -> { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append('&'); try { sb.append(k).append('=').append(URLEncoder.encode(v, "UTF-8")); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } }); return (sb.length() > 0 && prefix != null) ? (prefix + sb) : sb.toString(); } /** * 获取所有参数名 * * @return 参数名数组 */ public String[] getParameterNames() { parseBody(); return params.getNames(); } /** * 获取指定的参数值 * * @param name 参数名 * * @return 参数值 */ public String getParameter(String name) { parseBody(); return params.getValue(name); } /** * 获取指定的参数值, 没有返回默认值 * * @param name 参数名 * @param defaultValue 默认值 * * @return 参数值 */ public String getParameter(String name, String defaultValue) { parseBody(); return params.getValue(name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的参数json值 * * @param 泛型 * @param type 反序列化的类名 * @param name 参数名 * * @return 参数值 */ public T getJsonParameter(java.lang.reflect.Type type, String name) { String v = getParameter(name); return v == null || v.isEmpty() ? null : jsonConvert.convertFrom(type, v); } /** * 获取指定的参数json值 * * @param 泛型 * @param convert JsonConvert对象 * @param type 反序列化的类名 * @param name 参数名 * * @return 参数值 */ public T getJsonParameter(JsonConvert convert, java.lang.reflect.Type type, String name) { String v = getParameter(name); return v == null || v.isEmpty() ? null : convert.convertFrom(type, v); } /** * 获取指定的参数boolean值, 没有返回默认boolean值 * * @param name 参数名 * @param defaultValue 默认boolean值 * * @return 参数值 */ public boolean getBooleanParameter(String name, boolean defaultValue) { parseBody(); return params.getBoolValue(name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的参数short值, 没有返回默认short值 * * @param name 参数名 * @param defaultValue 默认short值 * * @return 参数值 */ public short getShortParameter(String name, short defaultValue) { parseBody(); return params.getShortValue(name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的参数short值, 没有返回默认short值 * * @param radix 进制数 * @param name 参数名 * @param defaultValue 默认short值 * * @return 参数值 */ public short getShortParameter(int radix, String name, short defaultValue) { parseBody(); return params.getShortValue(radix, name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的参数short值, 没有返回默认short值 * * @param name 参数名 * @param defaultValue 默认short值 * * @return 参数值 */ public short getShortParameter(String name, int defaultValue) { parseBody(); return params.getShortValue(name, (short) defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的参数int值, 没有返回默认int值 * * @param name 参数名 * @param defaultValue 默认int值 * * @return 参数值 */ public int getIntParameter(String name, int defaultValue) { parseBody(); return params.getIntValue(name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的参数int值, 没有返回默认int值 * * @param radix 进制数 * @param name 参数名 * @param defaultValue 默认int值 * * @return 参数值 */ public int getIntParameter(int radix, String name, int defaultValue) { parseBody(); return params.getIntValue(radix, name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的参数long值, 没有返回默认long值 * * @param name 参数名 * @param defaultValue 默认long值 * * @return 参数值 */ public long getLongParameter(String name, long defaultValue) { parseBody(); return params.getLongValue(name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的参数long值, 没有返回默认long值 * * @param radix 进制数 * @param name 参数名 * @param defaultValue 默认long值 * * @return 参数值 */ public long getLongParameter(int radix, String name, long defaultValue) { parseBody(); return params.getLongValue(radix, name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的参数float值, 没有返回默认float值 * * @param name 参数名 * @param defaultValue 默认float值 * * @return 参数值 */ public float getFloatParameter(String name, float defaultValue) { parseBody(); return params.getFloatValue(name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取指定的参数double值, 没有返回默认double值 * * @param name 参数名 * @param defaultValue 默认double值 * * @return 参数值 */ public double getDoubleParameter(String name, double defaultValue) { parseBody(); return params.getDoubleValue(name, defaultValue); } /** * 获取翻页对象 同 getFlipper("flipper", false, 0); * * @return Flipper翻页对象 */ public org.redkale.source.Flipper getFlipper() { return getFlipper(false, 0); } /** * 获取翻页对象 同 getFlipper("flipper", needcreate, 0); * * @param needcreate 无参数时是否创建新Flipper对象 * * @return Flipper翻页对象 */ public org.redkale.source.Flipper getFlipper(boolean needcreate) { return getFlipper(needcreate, 0); } /** * 获取翻页对象 同 getFlipper("flipper", false, maxLimit); * * @param maxLimit 最大行数, 小于1则值为Flipper.DEFAULT_LIMIT * * @return Flipper翻页对象 */ public org.redkale.source.Flipper getFlipper(int maxLimit) { return getFlipper(false, maxLimit); } /** * 获取翻页对象 同 getFlipper("flipper", needcreate, maxLimit) * * @param needcreate 无参数时是否创建新Flipper对象 * @param maxLimit 最大行数, 小于1则值为Flipper.DEFAULT_LIMIT * * @return Flipper翻页对象 */ public org.redkale.source.Flipper getFlipper(boolean needcreate, int maxLimit) { return getFlipper("flipper", needcreate, maxLimit); } /** * 获取翻页对象
*{'offset':0,'limit':20, 'sort':'createtime ASC'}
* 以上两种接口都可以获取到翻页对象 * * * @param name Flipper对象的参数名,默认为 "flipper" * @param needcreate 无参数时是否创建新Flipper对象 * @param maxLimit 最大行数, 小于1则值为Flipper.DEFAULT_LIMIT * * @return Flipper翻页对象 */ public org.redkale.source.Flipper getFlipper(String name, boolean needcreate, int maxLimit) { org.redkale.source.Flipper flipper = getJsonParameter(org.redkale.source.Flipper.class, name); if (flipper == null) { if (maxLimit < 1) maxLimit = org.redkale.source.Flipper.DEFAULT_LIMIT; int limit = getRequstURIPath("limit:", 0); int offset = getRequstURIPath("offset:", 0); String sort = getRequstURIPath("sort:", ""); if (limit > 0) { if (limit > maxLimit) limit = maxLimit; flipper = new org.redkale.source.Flipper(limit, offset, sort); } } else if (flipper.getLimit() < 1 || (maxLimit > 0 && flipper.getLimit() > maxLimit)) { flipper.setLimit(maxLimit); } if (flipper != null || !needcreate) return flipper; if (maxLimit < 1) maxLimit = org.redkale.source.Flipper.DEFAULT_LIMIT; return new org.redkale.source.Flipper(maxLimit); } }

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