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org.redkale.source.FilterNodeBean Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.redkale.source;

import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import javax.persistence.Transient;
import static org.redkale.source.FilterExpress.*;
import org.redkale.util.*;


* 详情见: * * @author zhangjx * @param FilterBean泛型 */ public final class FilterNodeBean implements Comparable> { private static final ConcurrentHashMap beanodes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Attribute beanAttr; private String column; private FilterExpress express; private boolean itemand; private boolean or; private FilterNodeBean[] nodeBeans; //-----------------join table-------------------------- private Class joinClass; private String[] joinColumns; //---------------------------------------------------- private long least; private boolean string; private boolean number; public FilterNodeBean(FilterNodeBean bean) { this.beanAttr = bean == null ? null : bean.beanAttr; this.column = bean == null ? null : bean.column; = bean == null ? null :; this.itemand = bean == null ? true : bean.itemand; this.joinClass = bean == null ? null : bean.joinClass; this.joinColumns = bean == null ? null : bean.joinColumns; this.least = bean == null ? 1 : bean.least; this.string = bean == null ? false : bean.string; this.number = bean == null ? false : bean.number; this.or = bean == null ? false : bean.or; this.nodeBeans = bean == null ? null : bean.nodeBeans; } private FilterNodeBean(final FilterJoinColumn joinCol, final FilterColumn filterCol, final Attribute attr, final Type genericType) { this.beanAttr = attr; this.joinClass = joinCol == null ? null : joinCol.table(); this.joinColumns = joinCol == null ? null : joinCol.columns(); final Class type = attr.type(); this.column = (filterCol != null && ! ? : attr.field(); FilterExpress exp = filterCol == null ? null :; Class compType = type.getComponentType(); if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type) && genericType instanceof ParameterizedType) { Type pt = ((ParameterizedType) genericType).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; if (pt instanceof Class) compType = (Class) pt; } if ((exp == null || exp == EQUAL) && (type.isArray() || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type))) { if (compType != null && Range.class.isAssignableFrom(compType)) { if (AND != exp) exp = OR; } else if (NOTIN != exp) { exp = IN; } } else if (Range.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { if (NOTBETWEEN != exp) exp = BETWEEN; } if (exp == null) exp = EQUAL; = exp; this.least = filterCol == null ? 1 : filterCol.least(); this.number = (type.isPrimitive() && type != boolean.class) || Number.class.isAssignableFrom(type); this.string = CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(type); } private FilterNodeBean or(FilterNodeBean node) { return any(node, true); } private FilterNodeBean and(FilterNodeBean node) { return any(node, false); } private FilterNodeBean any(FilterNodeBean node, boolean signor) { Objects.requireNonNull(node); if (this.column == null) { this.beanAttr = node.beanAttr; this.column = node.column; =; this.itemand = node.itemand; this.joinClass = node.joinClass; this.joinColumns = node.joinColumns; this.least = node.least; this.string = node.string; this.number = node.number; return this; } if (this.nodeBeans == null) { this.nodeBeans = new FilterNodeBean[]{node}; this.or = signor; return this; } if (or == signor) { this.nodeBeans = Utility.append(this.nodeBeans, node); return this; } this.nodeBeans = new FilterNodeBean[]{new FilterNodeBean(this), node}; this.column = null; this.or = signor; return this; } public static FilterNode createFilterNode(final FilterBean bean) { if (bean == null) return null; return load(bean.getClass()).create(bean); } private FilterNode create(final T bean) { if (bean == null || beanAttr == null) return null; FilterNode node = null; final Serializable val = beanAttr.get(bean); if (column != null && val != null) { boolean skip = false; if (string && ((CharSequence) val).length() == 0) { //空字符串不需要进行过滤 skip = true; } else if (number && ((Number) val).longValue() < least) { //数值小于过滤下值限则不需要过滤 skip = true; } if (!skip) { if (this.joinClass == null) { node = FilterNode.create(column, express, itemand, val); } else { node = FilterJoinNode.create(joinClass, joinColumns, column, express, itemand, val); } } } if (this.nodeBeans == null) return node; for (final FilterNodeBean fnb : this.nodeBeans) { FilterNode n = fnb.create(bean); if (n == null) continue; node = node == null ? n : ((!(n instanceof FilterJoinNode)) ? n.any(node, or) : node.any(n, or)); } return node; } private static FilterNodeBean createFilterNodeBean(final Class clazz) { final Set fields = new HashSet<>(); final Map nodemap = new LinkedHashMap(); Class cltmp = clazz; do { for (final Field field : cltmp.getDeclaredFields()) { if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) continue; if (fields.contains(field.getName())) continue; if (field.getAnnotation(Transient.class) != null) continue; final boolean pubmod = Modifier.isPublic(field.getModifiers()); char[] chars = field.getName().toCharArray(); chars[0] = Character.toUpperCase(chars[0]); final Class t = field.getType(); Method getter = null; try { getter = cltmp.getMethod(((t == boolean.class || t == Boolean.class) ? "is" : "get") + new String(chars)); } catch (Exception ex) { if (t == Boolean.class) { try { getter = cltmp.getMethod("get" + new String(chars)); } catch (Exception ex2) { if (!pubmod) continue; } } else if (!pubmod) continue; } fields.add(field.getName()); final Attribute beanAttr = pubmod ? Attribute.create(field) : Attribute.create(getter, null); FilterNodeBean nodeBean = new FilterNodeBean(field.getAnnotation(FilterJoinColumn.class), field.getAnnotation(FilterColumn.class), beanAttr, field.getGenericType()); //------------------------------------ { FilterGroup[] refs = field.getAnnotationsByType(FilterGroup.class); String[] groups = new String[refs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) { groups[i] = refs[i].value(); } if (groups.length == 0) groups = new String[]{"[AND]"}; for (String key : groups) { if (!key.startsWith("[AND]") && !key.startsWith("[OR]")) { throw new RuntimeException(field + "'s FilterGroup.value(" + key + ") illegal, must be [AND] or [OR] startsWith"); } FilterNodeBean node = nodemap.get(key); if (node == null) { nodemap.put(key, nodeBean); } else if (nodeBean.joinClass == null && node.joinClass != null) { //非joinNode 关联 joinNode nodemap.put(key, nodeBean.any(node, key.substring(key.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).contains("[OR]"))); } else { node.any(nodeBean, key.substring(key.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).contains("[OR]")); } } } } } while ((cltmp = cltmp.getSuperclass()) != Object.class); final Map linkes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); nodemap.forEach((k, v) -> { String[] keys = k.split("\\."); LinkNode link = linkes.get(keys[0]); if (link == null) { linkes.put(keys[0], new LinkNode(k, v)); } else { link.put(keys, 0, v); } }); FilterNodeBean rs = null; for (LinkNode link : linkes.values()) { FilterNodeBean f = link.createFilterNodeBean(); if (f == null) continue; rs = rs == null ? f : rs.and(f); } if (rs != null && rs.nodeBeans != null) Arrays.sort(rs.nodeBeans); return rs == null ? new FilterNodeBean(null) : rs; } @Override public int compareTo(FilterNodeBean o) { if (this.joinClass == null && o.joinClass == null) return 0; if (this.joinClass != null && o.joinClass != null) return 0; return this.joinClass == null ? -1 : 1; } private static class LinkNode { public final boolean or; public final String key; public final List beans = new ArrayList<>(); public final Map nexts = new LinkedHashMap<>(); public LinkNode(String keyString, FilterNodeBean node) { String[] keys = keyString.split("\\."); this.key = keys[0]; this.or = this.key.contains("[OR]"); put(keys, 0, node); } public LinkNode(String[] keyStrings, int pos, FilterNodeBean node) { this.key = keyStrings[pos]; this.or = this.key.contains("[OR]"); put(keyStrings, pos, node); } public FilterNodeBean createFilterNodeBean() { FilterNodeBean node = null; for (FilterNodeBean bean : beans) { node = node == null ? bean : node.any(bean, or); } for (LinkNode link : nexts.values()) { FilterNodeBean f = link.createFilterNodeBean(); if (f == null) continue; node = node == null ? f : node.any(f, or); } return node; } public final void put(final String[] keys, int pos, final FilterNodeBean node) { if (keys.length == pos + 1 && this.key.equals(keys[pos])) { this.beans.add(node); return; } LinkNode link = nexts.get(keys[pos + 1]); if (link == null) { nexts.put(keys[pos + 1], new LinkNode(keys, pos + 1, node)); } else { link.put(keys, pos + 1, node); } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{key = '").append(key).append("', or = ").append(or); if (!beans.isEmpty()) { sb.append(", beans = [\r\n"); for (FilterNodeBean bean : this.beans) { sb.append(" ").append(bean).append("\r\n"); } sb.append("]"); } if (!nexts.isEmpty()) { sb.append(", nexts = [\r\n"); for (LinkNode link : this.nexts.values()) { sb.append(" ").append(link).append("\r\n"); } sb.append("]"); } sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } } private static FilterNodeBean load(Class clazz) { FilterNodeBean rs = beanodes.get(clazz); if (rs != null) return rs; synchronized (beanodes) { rs = beanodes.get(clazz); if (rs == null) { rs = createFilterNodeBean(clazz); beanodes.put(clazz, rs); } return rs; } } @Override public String toString() { return toString(joinClass == null ? null : joinClass.getSimpleName()).toString(); } protected StringBuilder toString(final String prefix) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder element = toElementString(prefix); boolean more = element.length() > 0 && this.nodeBeans != null; if (more) sb.append('('); sb.append(element); if (this.nodeBeans != null) { for (FilterNodeBean node : this.nodeBeans) { String s = node.toString(); if (s.length() < 1) continue; if (sb.length() > 1) sb.append(or ? " OR " : " AND "); sb.append(s); } } if (more) sb.append(')'); return sb; } protected final StringBuilder toElementString(final String prefix) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (column != null) { String col = prefix == null ? column : (prefix + "." + column); if (express == ISNULL || express == ISNOTNULL) { sb.append(col).append(' ').append(express.value()); } else if (express == ISEMPTY || express == ISNOTEMPTY) { sb.append(col).append(' ').append(express.value()).append(" ''"); } else { boolean lower = (express == IGNORECASEEQUAL || express == IGNORECASENOTEQUAL || express == IGNORECASELIKE || express == IGNORECASENOTLIKE || express == IGNORECASECONTAIN || express == IGNORECASENOTCONTAIN); sb.append(lower ? ("LOWER(" + col + ')') : col).append(' ').append(express.value()).append(" ?"); } } return sb; } }

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