Download refcodes-interceptor JAR file with all dependencies
refcodes-interceptor from group org.refcodes (version 3.0.8)
With the refcodes-interceptor artifact you can build up assembly lines of
any structure; digesting and refining messages (objects) you pass in. In
its most basic form, the refcodes-interceptor acts as an interceptor (as
of the interceptor pattern).
Artifact refcodes-interceptor
Group org.refcodes
Version 3.0.8
Last update 01. December 2022
Tags: digesting refcodes pass objects pattern interceptor acts structure refining artifact most with form build assembly messages lines basic
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies refcodes-component,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.refcodes
Version 3.0.8
Last update 01. December 2022
Tags: digesting refcodes pass objects pattern interceptor acts structure refining artifact most with form build assembly messages lines basic
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies refcodes-component,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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