org.scalajs.linker.interface.ModuleSplitStyle.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Scala.js (
* Copyright EPFL.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
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* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package org.scalajs.linker.interface
import java.nio.CharBuffer
import java.nio.charset.{StandardCharsets, CharacterCodingException}
/** How to split the output into modules. */
abstract class ModuleSplitStyle private ()
object ModuleSplitStyle {
/** Make as few modules as possible (while not including unnecessary code).
* This is the default and the only style that works with
* [[ModuleKind.NoModule]].
case object FewestModules extends ModuleSplitStyle
/** Make modules as small as possible. */
case object SmallestModules extends ModuleSplitStyle
/** Mix between [[FewestModules]] / [[SmallestModules]]
* * Make modules as small as possible for all classes in any of [[packages]]
* (or subpackages thereof).
* * Make as few modules as possible for everything else (while not including
* unnecessary code).
* @note In order to avoid ambiguity between packages and classes (and keep a
* simple interface), selecting individual classes is not supported.
final case class SmallModulesFor(packages: List[String]) extends ModuleSplitStyle {
require(packages.nonEmpty, "must have at least one package")
packages.foreach(p => require(isValidPackage(p), s"invalid package name $p"))
private[interface] implicit object ModuleSplitStyleFingerprint
extends Fingerprint[ModuleSplitStyle] {
override def fingerprint(moduleSplitStyle: ModuleSplitStyle): String = {
moduleSplitStyle match {
case FewestModules => "FewestModules"
case SmallestModules => "SmallestModules"
case SmallModulesFor(packages) => s"SmallModulesFor($packages)"
private def isValidPackage(pkg: String): Boolean = {
pkg.nonEmpty && isValidUTF16(pkg) &&
List(':', '[', '/').forall(!pkg.contains(_)) &&
pkg.split("\\.", -1).forall(_.nonEmpty)
private def isValidUTF16(str: String): Boolean = {
try {
} catch {
case _: CharacterCodingException => false