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 * Scala (
 * Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
 * Licensed under Apache License 2.0
 * (
 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
 * additional information regarding copyright ownership.

package nest

import{Console => _, _}
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, StandardOpenOption}, StandardOpenOption.{APPEND, CREATE}

import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.collection.mutable, mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.reflect.internal.FatalError
import scala.reflect.internal.util.ScalaClassLoader, ScalaClassLoader.URLClassLoader
import scala.sys.process.{Process, ProcessLogger}
import{isAvian, isWin, javaSpecVersion, propOrEmpty}
import{CompilerCommand, Global, Settings}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try, Using}
import scala.util.Properties.isJavaAtLeast
import scala.util.chaining._
import scala.util.control.{ControlThrowable, NonFatal}
import scala.util.matching.Regex.quoteReplacement
import ClassPath.join
import FileManager.{compareContents, joinPaths, withTempFile}
import TestState.{Crash, Fail, Pass, Skip, Updated}

/** pos/t1234.scala or pos/t1234 if dir */
case class TestInfo(testFile: File) {
  /** pos/t1234.scala */
  val testIdent: String = testFile.testIdent

  /** pos */
  val kind: String = parentFile.getName

  // inputs

  /** pos/t1234.check */
  val checkFile: File = testFile.changeExtension("check")

  // outputs

  /** pos/t1234-pos.log */
  val logFile: File = new File(parentFile, s"$fileBase-$kind.log")

  /** pos/t1234-pos.obj */
  val outFile: File = logFile.changeExtension("obj")

  // enclosing dir
  def parentFile: File = testFile.getParentFile

  // test file name without extension
  def fileBase: String = basename(testFile.getName)

/** Run a single test. */
class Runner(val testInfo: TestInfo, val suiteRunner: AbstractRunner) {
  private val stopwatch = new Stopwatch()

  import testInfo._
  import suiteRunner.{fileManager => fm, _}
  val fileManager = fm

  import fileManager._

  private val _transcript = new TestTranscript

  // start log event
  def pushTranscript(msg: String) = _transcript.add(msg)

  // append to last log in transcript
  def appendTranscript(log: String) = _transcript.append(log)

  lazy val outDir = { outFile.mkdirs() ; outFile }

  // if there is a checkfile, log message for diff; otherwise log stack trace for post-mortem
  def crashHandler: PartialFunction[Throwable, TestState] = {
    case _: InterruptedException => genTimeout()
    case t: FatalError if checkFile.canRead =>
      logFile.appendAll(s"fatal error: ${t.getMessage}")
    case t: Throwable =>
      if (!suiteRunner.terse) System.err.println(s"Crashed running test $testIdent: " + t)

  def genPass(): TestState        = Pass(testFile)
  def genFail(reason: String)     = Fail(testFile, reason, transcript.toArray)
  def genResult(b: Boolean)       = if (b) genPass() else genFail("predicate failed")
  def genSkip(reason: String)     = Skip(testFile, reason)
  def genTimeout()                = Fail(testFile, "timed out", transcript.toArray)
  def genCrash(caught: Throwable) = Crash(testFile, caught, transcript.toArray)
  def genUpdated()                = Updated(testFile)

  private def workerError(msg: String): Unit = System.err.println("Error: " + msg)

  def javac(files: List[File]): TestState = {
    // compile using command-line javac compiler
    val args = Seq(
      joinPaths(outDir :: testClassPath),
    ) ++ (toolArgsFor(files)(ToolName.javacOpt)
    ) ++ (

    pushTranscript(args mkString " ")
    if (runCommand(args, logFile)) genPass() else {
      genFail("java compilation failed")

  /** Evaluate an action body and judge whether it passed. */
  def nextTestAction[T](body: => T)(eval: PartialFunction[T, TestState]): TestState = eval.applyOrElse(body, (_: T) => genPass())
  /** If the action does not result in true, fail the action. */
  def nextTestActionExpectTrue(reason: String, body: => Boolean): TestState = nextTestAction(body) { case false => genFail(reason) }
  /** Fail the action. */
  def nextTestActionFailing(reason: String): TestState = nextTestActionExpectTrue(reason, body = false)

  private def assembleTestCommand(outDir: File, javaopts: List[String]): List[String] = {
    if (javaopts.nonEmpty)
      suiteRunner.verbose(s"Using java options: '${javaopts.mkString(",")}'")

    val propertyOpts = propertyOptions(fork = true).map { case (k, v) => s"-D$k=$v" }

    val classpath = joinPaths(extraClasspath ++ testClassPath)

    // `javaopts` last; for repeated arguments, the last one wins
    javaCmdPath +: (
      (suiteRunner.javaOpts.split(' ') ++ extraJavaOptions ++ javaopts).filter(_ != "").toList ++ Seq(
        join(outDir.toString, classpath)
      ) ++ propertyOpts ++ Seq(

  def propertyOptions(fork: Boolean): List[(String, String)] = {
    val testFullPath = testFile.getAbsolutePath
    val extras =   if (suiteRunner.debug) List("partest.debug" -> "true") else Nil
    val immutablePropsToCheck = List[(String, String)](
      "file.encoding" -> "UTF-8",
      "user.language" -> "en",
      "" -> "US"
    val immutablePropsForkOnly = List[(String, String)](
      "java.library.path" -> logFile.getParentFile.getAbsolutePath,
    val shared = List(
      "partest.output" -> ("" + outDir.getAbsolutePath),
      "partest.lib" -> ("" + libraryUnderTest.jfile.getAbsolutePath),
      "partest.reflect" -> ("" + reflectUnderTest.jfile.getAbsolutePath),
      "partest.comp" -> ("" + compilerUnderTest.jfile.getAbsolutePath),
      "partest.cwd" -> ("" + outDir.getParent),
      "partest.test-path" -> ("" + testFullPath),
      "partest.testname" -> ("" + fileBase),
      "javacmd" -> ("" + javaCmdPath),
      "javaccmd" -> ("" + javacCmdPath),
    ) ++ extras
    if (fork) {
      immutablePropsToCheck ++ immutablePropsForkOnly ++ shared
    } else {
      for ((k, requiredValue) <- immutablePropsToCheck) {
        val actual = System.getProperty(k)
        assert(actual == requiredValue, s"Unable to run test without forking as the current JVM has an incorrect system property. For $k, found $actual, required $requiredValue")

  /** Runs command redirecting standard out and
   *  error out to output file.
  protected def runCommand(args: Seq[String], outFile: File): Boolean = {
    val nonzero = 17     // rounding down from 17.3
    //(Process(args) #> outFile !) == 0 or (Process(args) ! pl) == 0
    Using.resource(ProcessLogger(outFile)) { pl =>
      def run: Int = {
        val p =
          Try(Process(args).run(pl)) match {
            case Failure(e) => outFile.appendAll(stackTraceString(e)) ; return -1
            case Success(v) => v
        try p.exitValue()
        catch {
          case e: InterruptedException =>
            suiteRunner.verbose(s"Interrupted waiting for command to finish (${args mkString " "})")
          case t: Throwable =>
            suiteRunner.verbose(s"Exception waiting for command to finish: $t (${args mkString " "})")
            throw t
      pl.buffer(run) == 0

  private def execTest(outDir: File, logFile: File, javaopts: List[String]): TestState = {
    val cmd = assembleTestCommand(outDir, javaopts)

    pushTranscript((cmd mkString s" \\$EOL  ") + " > " + logFile.getName)
    nextTestAction(runCommand(cmd, logFile)) {
      case false =>
        appendTranscript(EOL + logFile.fileContents)
        genFail("non-zero exit code")

  def execTestInProcess(classesDir: File, log: File): TestState = {
    suiteRunner.synchronized {
      def run(): Unit = {
        StreamCapture.withExtraProperties(propertyOptions(fork = false).toMap) {
          try {
            val out = Files.newOutputStream(log.toPath, CREATE, APPEND)
            try {
              val loader = new URLClassLoader(classesDir.toURI.toURL :: Nil, getClass.getClassLoader)
              StreamCapture.capturingOutErr(out) {
                val cls = loader.loadClass("Test")
                val main = cls.getDeclaredMethod("main", classOf[Array[String]])
                try main.invoke(null, Array[String]("jvm"))
                catch { case ite: InvocationTargetException => throw ite.getCause }
            finally out.close()
          } catch {
            case t: ControlThrowable => throw t
            case NonFatal(t) =>
              // We'll let the checkfile diffing report this failure
              Files.write(log.toPath, stackTraceString(t).getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset()), CREATE, APPEND)
            case t: Throwable =>
              val data = (if (t.getMessage != null) t.getMessage else t.getClass.getName).getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset())
              Files.write(log.toPath, data, CREATE, APPEND)
              throw t

      pushTranscript(s" > ${logFile.getName}")

      @nowarn("cat=deprecation")  // JDK 17 deprecates SecurityManager, so TrapExit is deprecated too
      val trapExit = TrapExit

      trapExit(() => run()) match {
        case Left((status, throwable)) if status != 0 =>
          genFail("non-zero exit code")
        case _ =>

  override def toString = s"Test($testIdent)"

  def fail(what: Any) = {
    suiteRunner.verbose("scalac: compilation of "+what+" failed\n")

  /** Filter the check file for conditional blocks.
   *  The check file can contain lines of the form:
   *  `#partest java7`
   *  where the line contains a conventional flag name.
   *  If the flag tests true, succeeding lines are retained
   *  (removed on false) until the next #partest flag.
   *  A missing flag evaluates the same as true.
  def filteredCheck: Seq[String] = {
    // use lines in block with this label?
    def retainOn(expr0: String) = {
      val expr = expr0.trim
      def flagWasSet(f: String) = {
        val allArgs = suiteRunner.scalacExtraArgs ++ suiteRunner.scalacOpts.split(' ')
        allArgs contains f
      val (invert, token) = if (expr startsWith "!") (true, expr drop 1) else (false, expr)
      val javaN = raw"java(\d+)(\+)?".r
      val cond = token.trim match {
        case javaN(v, up) =>
          val required = ScalaVersion(if (v.toInt <= 8) s"1.$v" else v)
          val current  = ScalaVersion(javaSpecVersion)
          if (up != null) current >= required else current == required
        case "avian"  => isAvian
        case "isWin"  => isWin
        case "true"   => true
        case "-optimise" | "-optimize"
                      => flagWasSet("-optimise") || flagWasSet("-optimize")
        case flag if flag startsWith "-"
                      => flagWasSet(flag)
        case rest     => rest.isEmpty
      if (invert) !cond else cond
    val prefix = "#partest"
    val b = new ListBuffer[String]()
    var on = true
    for (line <- checkFile.fileContents.linesIfNonEmpty) {
      if (line startsWith prefix) {
        on = retainOn(line stripPrefix prefix)
      } else if (on) {
        b += line

  // diff logfile checkfile
  def currentDiff = {
    val logged = logFile.fileContents.linesIfNonEmpty.toList
    val (checked, checkname) = if (checkFile.canRead) (filteredCheck, checkFile.getName) else (Nil, "empty")
    compareContents(original = checked, revised = logged, originalName = checkname, revisedName = logFile.getName)

  def gitDiff(f1: File, f2: File): Option[String] = {
    val gitDiffOptions = "--ignore-space-at-eol --no-index " + propOrEmpty("partest.git_diff_options")
      // --color=always --word-diff
    runGit(s"diff $gitDiffOptions $f1 $f2")(_.drop(4).map(_ + "\n").mkString).map("\n" + _)

  /** Normalize the log output by applying test-specific filters
   *  and fixing filesystem-specific paths.
   *  Line filters are picked up from `filter: pattern` at the top of sources.
   *  The filtered line is detected with a simple "contains" test,
   *  and yes, "filter" means "filter out" in this context.
   *  File paths are detected using the absolute path of the test root.
   *  A string that looks like a file path is normalized by replacing
   *  the leading segments (the root) with "\$ROOT" and by replacing
   *  any Windows backslashes with the one true file separator char.
  def normalizeLog(): Unit = {
    // Apply judiciously; there are line comments in the "stub implementations" error output.
    val slashes = """[/\\]+""".r
    def squashSlashes(s: String) = slashes.replaceAllIn(s, "/")

    // this string identifies a path and is also snipped from log output.
    val elided = parentFile.getAbsolutePath

    // something to mark the elision in the log file (disabled)
    val ellipsis = "" //".../"    // using * looks like a comment

    // no spaces in test file paths below root, because otherwise how to detect end of path string?
    val pathFinder = raw"""(?i)\Q${elided}${File.separator}\E([\${File.separator}\S]*)""".r
    def canonicalize: String => String =
      s => pathFinder.replaceAllIn(s, m => quoteReplacement(ellipsis + squashSlashes(

    def masters = {
      val files = List(new File(parentFile, "filters"), new File(suiteRunner.pathSettings.srcDir.path, "filters"))
    val filters = toolArgs(ToolName.filter) ++ masters
    lazy val elisions = ListBuffer[String]()
    def lineFilter(s: String): Boolean = { r =>
        val unfiltered = r.findFirstIn(s).isEmpty
        if (!unfiltered && suiteRunner.verbose) elisions += s

    if (suiteRunner.verbose && elisions.nonEmpty) {
      import suiteRunner.log._
      val emdash = bold(yellow("--"))
      pushTranscript(s"filtering ${logFile.getName}$EOL${elisions.mkString(emdash, EOL + emdash, EOL)}")

  def diffIsOk: TestState = {
    // always normalize the log first
    pushTranscript(s"diff $checkFile $logFile")
    currentDiff match {
      case "" => genPass()
      case diff if config.optUpdateCheck =>
        suiteRunner.verbose("Updating checkfile " + checkFile)
      case diff =>
        // Get a word-highlighted diff from git if we can find it
        val bestDiff =
          if (!checkFile.canRead) diff
            gitRunner.flatMap(_ => withTempFile(outDir, fileBase, filteredCheck)(f =>
                gitDiff(f, logFile))).getOrElse(diff)
        genFail("output differs")

  /** Grouped files in group order, and lex order within each group. */
  def groupedFiles(sources: List[File]): List[List[File]] =
    if (sources.sizeIs > 1) {
      val grouped = sources.groupBy(
    else List(sources)

  /** Source files for the given test file. */
  def sources(file: File): List[File] = if (file.isDirectory) file.listFiles.toList.filter(_.isJavaOrScala) else List(file)

  def newCompiler = new DirectCompiler(this)

  def attemptCompile(sources: List[File], extraFlags: List[String] = Nil): TestState =
    newCompiler.compile(flagsForCompilation(sources) ::: extraFlags, sources).tap { state =>
      if (!state.isOk) appendTranscript(EOL + logFile.fileContents)

  // all sources in a round may contribute flags via // scalac: -flags
  // under --realeasy, if a jvm isn't specified, require the minimum viable using -release 8
  // to avoid accidentally committing a test that requires a later JVM.
  def flagsForCompilation(sources: List[File]): List[String] = {
    var perFile = toolArgsFor(sources)(ToolName.scalac)
    if (parentFile.getParentFile.getName == "macro-annot")
      perFile ::= "-Ymacro-annotations"
    if (realeasy && isJavaAtLeast(9) && !perFile.exists(releaseFlag.matches) && toolArgsFor(sources)(ToolName.jvm).isEmpty)
      perFile ::= "-release:8"
  private val releaseFlag = raw"--?release(?::\d+)?".r

  // inspect sources for tool args
  def toolArgs(tool: ToolName): List[String] = toolArgsFor(sources(testFile))(tool)

  // for each file, cache the args for each tool
  private val fileToolArgs = new mutable.HashMap[Path, Map[ToolName, List[String]]]
  //private val optionsPattern = raw"\s*//>\s*using\s+(?:([^.]+)\.)?option(s)?\s+(.*)".r
  private val optionsPattern = raw"\s*//>\s*using\s+(${ToolName.alts})\s+(.*)".r

  // Inspect given files for tool args in header line comments of the form `// tool: args`.
  // If the line comment starts `//>`, accept `using option` or `using options` pragmas
  // to define options to`scalac`. Or take `using test.options`, where test scope is used for test options.
  // (`test` scope is not used that way by scala-cli, where framework args are passed on command line.)
  // (One could imagine `using test.testOpt` for framework args.)
  // If `filter:`, return entire line as if quoted, else parse the args string as command line.
  // Currently, we look for scalac, javac, java, jvm, filter, test.
  def toolArgsFor(files: List[File])(tool: ToolName): List[String] = {
    def argsFor(f: File): List[String] = fileToolArgs.getOrElseUpdate(f.toPath, readToolArgs(f)).apply(tool)
    def readToolArgs(f: File): Map[ToolName, List[String]] = optionsFromHeader(readHeaderFrom(f))
    def optionsFromHeader(header: List[String]) = {
      import scala.sys.process.Parser.tokenize
      def matchLine(line: String): List[(ToolName, List[String])] = line match {
        case optionsPattern(scope, rest) =>
          val named = Try {
            if (scope == null) ToolName.scalac
            else ToolName.named(scope)
          named match {
            case None =>
              suiteRunner.verbose(s"ignoring pragma with unknown scope '$scope': $line")
            case Some(name) =>
              val settings = tokenize(rest).filter(_ != ",").map(_.stripSuffix(","))
              if (settings.isEmpty) Nil
              else (name, settings) :: Nil
        case _ => Nil
        .map { case (k, kvs) => (k, kvs.flatMap(_._2)) }
    def readHeaderFrom(f: File): List[String] =
      Using.resource(Files.lines(f.toPath, codec.charSet))(_.limit(10).toArray())

  sealed abstract class CompileRound {
    def files: List[File]
    def description: String
    protected def computeResult: TestState

    final lazy val result: TestState = { pushTranscript(description); computeResult }

    final protected def fsString ="$parentFile/")).mkString(" ")
    final override def toString = description + ( if (result.isOk) "" else "\n" + result.status )
  final case class OnlyJava(files: List[File]) extends CompileRound {
    def description = s"""javac $fsString"""
    override protected def computeResult = javac(files)
  final case class OnlyScala(files: List[File]) extends CompileRound {
    def description = s"""scalac $fsString"""
    override protected def computeResult = attemptCompile(files)
  final case class ScalaAndJava(files: List[File]) extends CompileRound {
    def description = s"""scalac $fsString"""
    override protected def computeResult = attemptCompile(files)
  final case class SkipRound(files: List[File], state: TestState) extends CompileRound {
    def description: String = state.status
    override protected def computeResult = state

  def compilationRounds(file: File): List[CompileRound] = {
    import scala.util.Properties.javaSpecVersion
    val Range = """(\d+)(?:(\+)|(?:-(\d+)))?""".r
    lazy val currentJavaVersion = javaSpecVersion.stripPrefix("1.").toInt
    val allFiles = sources(file)
    val skipStates = toolArgsFor(allFiles)(ToolName.jvm).flatMap {
      case v @ Range(from, plus, to) =>
        val ok =
          if (plus == null)
            if (to == null) currentJavaVersion == from.toInt
            else from.toInt <= currentJavaVersion && currentJavaVersion <= to.toInt
            currentJavaVersion >= from.toInt
        if (ok && suiteRunner.realeasy && from.toInt > 8) Some(genSkip(s"skipped on Java $javaSpecVersion, compiling against JDK8 but must run on $v"))
        else if (ok) None
        else Some(genSkip(s"skipped on Java $javaSpecVersion, only running on $v"))
      case v =>
        Some(genFail(s"invalid jvm range in test comment: $v"))
    skipStates.headOption match {
      case Some(state) => List(SkipRound(List(file), state))
      case _ => groupedFiles(allFiles).flatMap(mixedCompileGroup)

  def mixedCompileGroup(allFiles: List[File]): List[CompileRound] = {
    val (scalaFiles, javaFiles) = allFiles.partition(_.isScala)
    val round1                  = if (scalaFiles.isEmpty) None else Some(ScalaAndJava(allFiles))
    val round2                  = if (javaFiles.isEmpty) None else Some(OnlyJava(javaFiles))

    List(round1, round2).flatten

  def runPosTest(): TestState =
    if (checkFile.exists) genFail("unexpected check file for pos test (use -Werror with neg test to verify warnings)")
    else runTestCommon()()

  def runNegTest(): TestState = {
    // a "crash test" passes if the error is not FatalError and there is a check file to compare.
    // a neg test passes if the log compares same to check file.
    // under "//> using retest.option -some-flags", also check pos compilation after adding the extra flags.
    def checked(r: TestState) = r match {
      case s: Skip => s
      case crash @ Crash(_, t, _) if !checkFile.canRead || !t.isInstanceOf[FatalError] => crash
      case _ =>
        val negRes = diffIsOk
        toolArgs(ToolName.retest) match {
          case extraFlags if extraFlags.nonEmpty && !negRes.isSkipped && negRes.isOk =>
            // transcript visible under partest --verbose or after failure
            val debug = s"recompile $testIdent with extra flags ${extraFlags.mkString(" ")}"
            suiteRunner.verbose(s"% $debug")
            attemptCompile(sources(testFile), extraFlags = extraFlags)
          case _ => negRes
    runTestCommon(checked, expectCompile = false)(identity)

  // run compilation until failure, evaluate `andAlso` on success
  def runTestCommon(inspector: TestState => TestState = identity, expectCompile: Boolean = true)(andAlso: TestState => TestState = _ => genPass()): TestState = {
    val rnds = compilationRounds(testFile)
    if (rnds.isEmpty) genFail("nothing to compile")
      rnds.find(r => !r.result.isOk || r.result.isSkipped).map(r => inspector(r.result)) match {
        case Some(res) => res.andAlso(andAlso(res))
        case None if !expectCompile => genFail("expected compilation failure")
        case None => andAlso(null)

  def extraClasspath = kind match {
    case "specialized"  => List(suiteRunner.pathSettings.srcSpecLib.fold(sys.error, identity))
    case _              => Nil
  def extraJavaOptions = kind match {
    case "instrumented" => ("-javaagent:"+agentLib).split(' ')
    case _              => Array.empty[String]

  def runResidentTest(): TestState = {
    // simulate resident compiler loop
    val prompt = "\nnsc> "

    suiteRunner.verbose(s"$this running test $fileBase")
    val dir = parentFile
    val resFile = new File(dir, fileBase + ".res")

    // run compiler in resident mode
    // $SCALAC -d "$os_dstbase".obj -Xresident -sourcepath . "$@"
    val sourcedir  = logFile.getParentFile.getAbsoluteFile
    val sourcepath = sourcedir.getAbsolutePath+File.separator
    suiteRunner.verbose("sourcepath: "+sourcepath)

    val argList = List(
      "-d", outDir.getAbsoluteFile.getPath,
      "-sourcepath", sourcepath)

    // configure input/output files
    val logOut    = new FileOutputStream(logFile)
    val logWriter = new PrintStream(logOut, true)
    val resReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(resFile))
    val logConsoleWriter = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(logOut), true)

    // create compiler
    val settings = new Settings(workerError)
    settings.sourcepath.value = sourcepath
    settings.classpath.value = joinPaths(fileManager.testClassPath)
    val reporter = new ConsoleReporter(settings,, logConsoleWriter)
    val command = new CompilerCommand(argList, settings)
    object compiler extends Global(command.settings, reporter)

    def resCompile(line: String): TestState = {
      // suiteRunner.verbose("compiling "+line)
      val cmdArgs = (line split ' ').toList map (fs => new File(dir, fs).getAbsolutePath)
      // suiteRunner.verbose("cmdArgs: "+cmdArgs)
      val sett = new Settings(workerError)
      sett.sourcepath.value = sourcepath
      val command = new CompilerCommand(cmdArgs, sett)
      // "scalac " + command.files.mkString(" ")
      pushTranscript("scalac " + command.files.mkString(" "))
        "compilation failed",
        command.ok && {
          (new compiler.Run) compile command.files
    def loop(): TestState = {
      resReader.readLine() match {
        case null | ""  => logWriter.close() ; genPass()
        case line       => resCompile(line) andAlso loop()
    // res/t687.res depends on ignoring its compilation failure
    // and just looking at the diff, so I made them all do that
    // because this is long enough.
    /*val res =*/ Output.withRedirected(logWriter)(try loop() finally resReader.close())

    /*res andAlso*/ diffIsOk

  def run(): (TestState, Long) = {
    // javac runner, for one, would merely append to an existing log file, so just delete it before we start

    val state =  kind match {
      case "pos"          => runPosTest()
      case "neg"          => runNegTest()
      case "res"          => runResidentTest()
      case "scalap"       => runScalapTest()
      case "script"       => runScriptTest()
      case k if k.endsWith("-neg") => runNegTest()
      case _              => runRunTest()
    (state, stopwatch.stop())

  private def runRunTest(): TestState = {
    val javaopts = toolArgs(ToolName.javaOpt)
    val execInProcess = PartestDefaults.execInProcess && javaopts.isEmpty && !Set("specialized", "instrumented").contains(testFile.getParentFile.getName)
    def exec() = if (execInProcess) execTestInProcess(outDir, logFile) else execTest(outDir, logFile, javaopts)
    def noexec() = genSkip("no-exec: tests compiled but not run")
    runTestCommon()(_ => if (suiteRunner.config.optNoExec) noexec() else exec().andAlso(diffIsOk))

  def runScalapTest(): TestState = runTestCommon() { _ =>
    import, scalap.scalax.rules.scalasig.ByteCode, scalap.Main.decompileScala
    val isPackageObject = testFile.getName.startsWith("package")
    val className       = testFile.getName.stripSuffix(".scala").capitalize + (if (!isPackageObject) "" else ".package")
    val loader          = ScalaClassLoader.fromURLs(List(outDir.toURI.toURL), this.getClass.getClassLoader)
    def decompileClass(clazz: Class[_]): String = decompileScala(ByteCode.forClass(clazz).bytes, isPackageObject)

  def runScriptTest(): TestState = {
    import scala.sys.process._

    val args = testFile.changeExtension("args").fileContents
    val cmdFile = if (isWin) testFile changeExtension "bat" else testFile
    val succeeded = (((s"$cmdFile $args" #> logFile).!) == 0)

    val result = if (succeeded) genPass() else genFail(s"script $cmdFile failed to run")

    result andAlso diffIsOk

  def cleanup(state: TestState): Unit = {
    if (state.isOk) logFile.delete()
    if (!suiteRunner.debug) Directory(outDir).deleteRecursively()

  // Colorize prompts according to pass/fail
  def transcript: List[String] = {
    import suiteRunner.log._
    def pass(s: String) = bold(green("% ")) + s
    def fail(s: String) = bold(red("% ")) + s
    _transcript.toList match {
      case init :+ last => :+ fail(last)
      case _            => Nil

/** Loads `` from the jar. */
object Properties extends scala.util.PropertiesTrait {
  protected def propCategory    = "partest"
  protected def pickJarBasedOn  = classOf[AbstractRunner]

case class TimeoutException(duration: Duration) extends RuntimeException

class LogContext(val file: File, val writers: Option[(StringWriter, PrintWriter)])

object LogContext {
  def apply(file: File, swr: StringWriter, wr: PrintWriter): LogContext = {
    require (file != null)
    new LogContext(file, Some((swr, wr)))
  def apply(file: File): LogContext = new LogContext(file, None)

object Output {
  object outRedirect extends Redirecter(out)
  object errRedirect extends Redirecter(err)


  import scala.util.DynamicVariable
  private def out = java.lang.System.out
  private def err = java.lang.System.err
  private val redirVar = new DynamicVariable[Option[PrintStream]](None)

  class Redirecter(stream: PrintStream) extends PrintStream(new OutputStream {
    def write(b: Int) = withStream(_ write b)

    private def withStream(f: PrintStream => Unit) = f(redirVar.value getOrElse stream)

    override def write(b: Array[Byte]) = withStream(_ write b)
    override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int) = withStream(_.write(b, off, len))
    override def flush = withStream(_.flush)
    override def close = withStream(_.close)

  // this supports thread-safe nested output redirects
  def withRedirected[T](newstream: PrintStream)(func: => T): T = {
    // note down old redirect destination
    // this may be None in which case outRedirect and errRedirect print to stdout and stderr
    val saved = redirVar.value
    // set new redirecter
    // this one will redirect both out and err to newstream
    redirVar.value = Some(newstream)

    try func
    finally {
      redirVar.value = saved

final class TestTranscript {
  private[this] val buf = ListBuffer[String]()

  def add(action: String): this.type = { buf += action ; this }
  def append(text: String): Unit = { val s = buf.last ; buf.dropRightInPlace(1) ; buf += (s + text) }
  def toList = buf.toList

// Tool names in test file header: scalac, javacOpt, javaOpt, jvm, filter, test, retest.
sealed trait ToolName
object ToolName {
  case object scalac extends ToolName
  case object javacOpt extends ToolName
  case object javaOpt extends ToolName
  case object jvm extends ToolName
  case object test extends ToolName
  case object retest extends ToolName
  case object filter extends ToolName
  val values = Array(scalac, javacOpt, javaOpt, jvm, test, retest, filter)
  def named(s: String): ToolName = s match {
    case "options"        => scalac
    case "test.options"   => test
    case "retest.options" => retest
    case _ => values.find(_.toString == s).getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s))
  def option(toolName: ToolName): String = toolName match {
    case `scalac`          => "options"
    case `test` | `retest` => s"$toolName.options"
    case _                 => toolName.toString
  val alts ="|")

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