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org.scalacheck.Test.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * ScalaCheck
 * Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Rickard Nilsson. All rights reserved.
 * This software is released under the terms of the Revised BSD License.
 * There is NO WARRANTY. See the file LICENSE for the full text.

package org.scalacheck

import org.scalacheck.util.CmdLineParser
import org.scalacheck.util.ConsoleReporter
import org.scalacheck.util.FreqMap

import java.lang.Math
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success
import scala.util.matching.Regex

import Prop.Arg

object Test {

  /** Test parameters used by the check methods. Default parameters are defined by [[Test.Parameters.default]].
  sealed abstract class Parameters { outer =>

    /** The minimum number of tests that must succeed for ScalaCheck to consider a property passed.
    val minSuccessfulTests: Int

    /** Create a copy of this [[Test.Parameters]] instance with [[Test.Parameters.minSuccessfulTests]] set to the
     *  specified value.
    def withMinSuccessfulTests(minSuccessfulTests: Int): Parameters =
      cpy(minSuccessfulTests0 = minSuccessfulTests)

    /** The starting size given as parameter to the generators. */
    val minSize: Int

    /** Create a copy of this [[Test.Parameters]] instance with [[Test.Parameters.minSize]] set to the specified value.
    def withMinSize(minSize: Int): Parameters =
      cpy(minSize0 = minSize)

    /** The maximum size given as parameter to the generators. */
    val maxSize: Int

    /** Create a copy of this [[Test.Parameters]] instance with [[Test.Parameters.maxSize]] set to the specified value.
    def withMaxSize(maxSize: Int): Parameters =
      cpy(maxSize0 = maxSize)

    /** The number of tests to run in parallel. */
    val workers: Int

    /** Create a copy of this [[Test.Parameters]] instance with [[Test.Parameters.workers]] set to the specified value.
    def withWorkers(workers: Int): Parameters =
      cpy(workers0 = workers)

    /** A callback that ScalaCheck calls each time a test is executed. */
    val testCallback: TestCallback

    /** Create a copy of this [[Test.Parameters]] instance with [[Test.Parameters.testCallback]] set to the specified
     *  value.
    def withTestCallback(testCallback: TestCallback): Parameters =
      cpy(testCallback0 = testCallback)

    /** The maximum ratio between discarded and passed tests allowed before ScalaCheck gives up and discards the whole
     *  property (with status [[Test.Exhausted]]). Additionally, ScalaCheck will always allow at least
     *  `minSuccessfulTests * maxDiscardRatio` discarded tests, so the resulting discard ratio might be higher than
     *  `maxDiscardRatio`.
    val maxDiscardRatio: Float

    /** Create a copy of this [[Test.Parameters]] instance with [[Test.Parameters.maxDiscardRatio]] set to the specified
     *  value.
    def withMaxDiscardRatio(maxDiscardRatio: Float): Parameters =
      cpy(maxDiscardRatio0 = maxDiscardRatio)

    /** A custom class loader that should be used during test execution. */
    val customClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader]

    /** Create a copy of this [[Test.Parameters]] instance with [[Test.Parameters.customClassLoader]] set to the
     *  specified value.
    def withCustomClassLoader(customClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader]): Parameters =
      cpy(customClassLoader0 = customClassLoader)

    /** An optional regular expression to filter properties on. */
    val propFilter: Option[String]

    /** Create a copy of this [[Test.Parameters]] instance with [[Test.Parameters.propFilter]] set to the specified
     *  regular expression filter.
    def withPropFilter(propFilter: Option[String]): Parameters =
      cpy(propFilter0 = propFilter)

    /** Initial seed to use for testing. */
    val initialSeed: Option[rng.Seed]

    /** Set initial seed to use. */
    def withInitialSeed(o: Option[rng.Seed]): Parameters =
      cpy(initialSeed0 = o)

    /** Set initial seed to use. */
    def withInitialSeed(seed: rng.Seed): Parameters =
      cpy(initialSeed0 = Some(seed))

    /** Set initial seed as long integer. */
    def withInitialSeed(n: Long): Parameters =
      cpy(initialSeed0 = Some(rng.Seed(n)))

    /** Don't set an initial seed. */
    def withNoInitialSeed: Parameters =
      cpy(initialSeed0 = None)

    /** Use legacy shrinking. */
    val useLegacyShrinking: Boolean = true

    /** Disable legacy shrinking. */
    def disableLegacyShrinking: Parameters =

    /** Enable legacy shrinking. */
    def enableLegacyShrinking: Parameters =

    /** Set legacy shrinking. */
    def withLegacyShrinking(b: Boolean): Parameters =
      cpy(useLegacyShrinking0 = b)

    /** Maximum number of spins of the RNG to perform between checks. Greater values will reduce reuse of values (with
     *  dimimishing returns) for a given number of arguments to Prop.forAll tests. Greater values will also generally
     *  lead to slower tests, so be careful.
    val maxRNGSpins: Int = 1

    /** Set maximum RNG spins between checks */
    def withMaxRNGSpins(n: Int): Parameters =
      cpy(maxRNGSpins0 = n)

    override def toString: String = {
      val sb = new StringBuilder
      sb.append(s"minSuccessfulTests=$minSuccessfulTests, ")
      sb.append(s"minSize=$minSize, ")
      sb.append(s"maxSize=$maxSize, ")
      sb.append(s"workers=$workers, ")
      sb.append(s"testCallback=$testCallback, ")
      sb.append(s"maxDiscardRatio=$maxDiscardRatio, ")
      sb.append(s"customClassLoader=$customClassLoader, ")
      sb.append(s"propFilter=$propFilter, ")
      sb.append(s"initialSeed=$initialSeed, ")
      sb.append(s"useLegacyShrinking=$useLegacyShrinking, ")

    /** Copy constructor with named default arguments */
    private[this] def cpy(
        minSuccessfulTests0: Int = outer.minSuccessfulTests,
        minSize0: Int = outer.minSize,
        maxSize0: Int = outer.maxSize,
        workers0: Int = outer.workers,
        testCallback0: TestCallback = outer.testCallback,
        maxDiscardRatio0: Float = outer.maxDiscardRatio,
        customClassLoader0: Option[ClassLoader] = outer.customClassLoader,
        propFilter0: Option[String] = outer.propFilter,
        initialSeed0: Option[rng.Seed] = outer.initialSeed,
        useLegacyShrinking0: Boolean = outer.useLegacyShrinking,
        maxRNGSpins0: Int = outer.maxRNGSpins
    ): Parameters =
      new Parameters {
        val minSuccessfulTests: Int = minSuccessfulTests0
        val minSize: Int = minSize0
        val maxSize: Int = maxSize0
        val workers: Int = workers0
        val testCallback: TestCallback = testCallback0
        val maxDiscardRatio: Float = maxDiscardRatio0
        val customClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = customClassLoader0
        val propFilter: Option[String] = propFilter0
        val initialSeed: Option[rng.Seed] = initialSeed0
        override val useLegacyShrinking: Boolean = useLegacyShrinking0
        override val maxRNGSpins: Int = maxRNGSpins0

    // no longer used, but preserved for binary compatibility
    @deprecated("cp is deprecated. use cpy.", "1.14.1")
    private case class cp(
        minSuccessfulTests: Int = minSuccessfulTests,
        minSize: Int = minSize,
        maxSize: Int = maxSize,
        workers: Int = workers,
        testCallback: TestCallback = testCallback,
        maxDiscardRatio: Float = maxDiscardRatio,
        customClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = customClassLoader,
        propFilter: Option[String] = propFilter,
        initialSeed: Option[rng.Seed] = initialSeed
    ) extends Parameters

  /** Test parameters used by the check methods. Default parameters are defined by [[Test.Parameters.default]].
  object Parameters {

    /** Default test parameters. Can be overridden if you need to tweak the parameters:
     *  {{{
     *  val myParams = Parameters.default
     *    .withMinSuccessfulTests(600)
     *    .withMaxDiscardRatio(8)
     *  }}}
    val default: Parameters = new Parameters {
      val minSuccessfulTests: Int = 100
      val minSize: Int = 0
      val maxSize: Int = Gen.Parameters.default.size
      val workers: Int = 1
      val testCallback: TestCallback = new TestCallback {}
      val maxDiscardRatio: Float = 5
      val customClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = None
      val propFilter: Option[String] = None
      val initialSeed: Option[rng.Seed] = None

    /** Verbose console reporter test parameters instance. */
    val defaultVerbose: Parameters = default.withTestCallback(ConsoleReporter(2))

  /** Test statistics */
  final case class Result(
      status: Status,
      succeeded: Int,
      discarded: Int,
      freqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]],
      time: Long = 0
  ) {
    def passed = status match {
      case Passed => true
      case Proved(_) => true
      case _ => false

  /** Test status */
  sealed trait Status

  /** ScalaCheck found enough cases for which the property holds, so the property is considered correct. (It is not
   *  proved correct, though).
  case object Passed extends Status

  /** ScalaCheck managed to prove the property correct */
  sealed case class Proved(args: List[Arg[Any]]) extends Status

  /** The property was proved wrong with the given concrete arguments. */
  sealed case class Failed(args: List[Arg[Any]], labels: Set[String]) extends Status

  /** The property test was exhausted, it wasn't possible to generate enough concrete arguments satisfying the
   *  preconditions to get enough passing property evaluations.
  case object Exhausted extends Status

  /** An exception was raised when trying to evaluate the property with the given concrete arguments. If an exception
   *  was raised before or during argument generation, the argument list will be empty.
  sealed case class PropException(args: List[Arg[Any]], e: Throwable, labels: Set[String]) extends Status

  trait TestCallback { self =>

    /** Called each time a property is evaluated */
    def onPropEval(name: String, threadIdx: Int, succeeded: Int, discarded: Int): Unit = ()

    /** Called whenever a property has finished testing */
    def onTestResult(name: String, result: Result): Unit = ()

    def chain(testCallback: TestCallback): TestCallback = new TestCallback {
      override def onPropEval(name: String, threadIdx: Int, succeeded: Int, discarded: Int): Unit = {
        self.onPropEval(name, threadIdx, succeeded, discarded)
        testCallback.onPropEval(name, threadIdx, succeeded, discarded)

      override def onTestResult(name: String, result: Result): Unit = {
        self.onTestResult(name, result)
        testCallback.onTestResult(name, result)

  private def assertParams(prms: Parameters) = {
    if (prms.minSuccessfulTests <= 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        s"Invalid test parameter: minSuccessfulTests (${prms.minSuccessfulTests}) <= 0")
    else if (prms.maxDiscardRatio <= 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        s"Invalid test parameter: maxDiscardRatio (${prms.maxDiscardRatio}) <= 0")
    else if (prms.minSize < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        s"Invalid test parameter: minSize (${prms.minSize}) < 0")
    else if (prms.maxSize < prms.minSize)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        s"Invalid test parameter: maxSize (${prms.maxSize}) < minSize (${prms.minSize})")
    else if (prms.workers <= 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        s"Invalid test parameter: workers (${prms.workers}) <= 0")

  private[scalacheck] object CmdLineParser extends CmdLineParser {
    object OptMinSuccess extends IntOpt {
      val default = Parameters.default.minSuccessfulTests
      val names: Set[String] = Set("minSuccessfulTests", "s")
      val help = "Number of tests that must succeed in order to pass a property"
    object OptMaxDiscardRatio extends FloatOpt {
      val default = Parameters.default.maxDiscardRatio
      val names: Set[String] = Set("maxDiscardRatio", "r")
      val help =
        "The maximum ratio between discarded and succeeded tests " +
          "allowed before ScalaCheck stops testing a property. At " +
          "least minSuccessfulTests will always be tested, though."
    object OptMinSize extends IntOpt {
      val default = Parameters.default.minSize
      val names: Set[String] = Set("minSize", "n")
      val help = "Minimum data generation size"
    object OptMaxSize extends IntOpt {
      val default = Parameters.default.maxSize
      val names: Set[String] = Set("maxSize", "x")
      val help = "Maximum data generation size"
    object OptWorkers extends IntOpt {
      val default = Parameters.default.workers
      val names: Set[String] = Set("workers", "w")
      val help = "Number of threads to execute in parallel for testing"
    object OptVerbosity extends IntOpt {
      val default = 1
      val names: Set[String] = Set("verbosity", "v")
      val help = "Verbosity level"

    object OptPropFilter extends OpStrOptCompat {
      override val default = Parameters.default.propFilter
      val names: Set[String] = Set("propFilter", "f")
      val help = "Regular expression to filter properties on"

    object OptInitialSeed extends OpStrOptCompat {
      override val default: None.type = None
      val names: Set[String] = Set("initialSeed")
      val help = "Use Base-64 seed for all properties"

    object OptDisableLegacyShrinking extends Flag {
      val default = ()
      val names: Set[String] = Set("disableLegacyShrinking")
      val help = "Disable legacy shrinking using Shrink instances"

    object OptMaxRNGSpins extends IntOpt {
      val default = 1
      val names: Set[String] = Set("maxRNGSpins")
      val help = "Maximum number of RNG spins to perform between checks"

    val opts: collection.Set[Opt[?]] = Set[Opt[?]](

    def parseParams(args: Array[String]): (Parameters => Parameters, List[String]) = {
      val (optMap, us) = parseArgs(args)
      val minSuccess0: Int = optMap(OptMinSuccess)
      val minSize0: Int = optMap(OptMinSize)
      val maxSize0: Int = optMap(OptMaxSize)
      val workers0: Int = optMap(OptWorkers)
      val verbosity0 = optMap(OptVerbosity)
      val discardRatio0: Float = optMap(OptMaxDiscardRatio)
      val propFilter0: Option[String] = optMap(OptPropFilter)
      val initialSeed0: Option[rng.Seed] =
        optMap(OptInitialSeed).flatMap { str =>
          rng.Seed.fromBase64(str) match {
            case Success(seed) =>
            case Failure(_) =>
              println(s"WARNING: ignoring invalid Base-64 seed ($str)")

      val useLegacyShrinking0: Boolean = !optMap(OptDisableLegacyShrinking)
      val maxRNGSpins: Int = optMap(OptMaxRNGSpins)
      val params = { (p: Parameters) =>
      (params, us)

  /** Tests a property with parameters that are calculated by applying the provided function to
   *  [[Test.Parameters.default]]. Example use:
   *  {{{
   *  Test.check(p) { _.
   *    withMinSuccessfulTests(80000).
   *    withWorkers(4)
   *  }
   *  }}}
  def check(p: Prop)(f: Parameters => Parameters): Result =
    check(f(Parameters.default), p)

  /** Tests a property with the given testing parameters, and returns the test results.
  def check(params: Parameters, p: Prop): Result = {

    val iterations = Math.ceil(params.minSuccessfulTests / params.workers.toDouble)
    val sizeStep = (params.maxSize - params.minSize) / (iterations * params.workers)
    val maxSpinsBetween = params.maxRNGSpins.max(1)
    var stop = false

    def workerFun(workerIdx: Int): Result = {
      var n = 0 // passed tests
      var d = 0 // discarded tests
      var res: Result = null
      var fm = FreqMap.empty[Set[Any]]

      def isExhausted = d > params.minSuccessfulTests * params.maxDiscardRatio

      var seed = {
        val seed0 = params.initialSeed.getOrElse(rng.Seed.random())
        if (workerIdx == 0) seed0 else seed0.reseed(workerIdx.toLong)

      val spinner: () => Unit =
        if (maxSpinsBetween > 1) { () =>
            var slides = 1 + ((n + d) % maxSpinsBetween)

            while (slides > 0) {
              seed = seed.slide
              slides -= 1
        } else { () =>
            seed = seed.slide

      while (!stop && res == null && n < iterations) {

        val count = workerIdx + (params.workers * (n + d))
        val size = params.minSize.toDouble + (sizeStep * count)
        val genPrms = Gen.Parameters.default


        val propRes = p(genPrms)
        if (propRes.collected.nonEmpty) {
          fm = fm + propRes.collected

        propRes.status match {
          case Prop.Undecided =>
            d += 1
            params.testCallback.onPropEval("", workerIdx, n, d)
            if (isExhausted) res = Result(Exhausted, n, d, fm)
          case Prop.True =>
            n += 1
            params.testCallback.onPropEval("", workerIdx, n, d)
          case Prop.Proof =>
            n += 1
            res = Result(Proved(propRes.args), n, d, fm)
            stop = true
          case Prop.False =>
            res = Result(Failed(propRes.args, propRes.labels), n, d, fm)
            stop = true
          case Prop.Exception(e) =>
            res = Result(PropException(propRes.args, e, propRes.labels), n, d, fm)
            stop = true
      if (res == null) {
        if (isExhausted) Result(Exhausted, n, d, fm)
        else Result(Passed, n, d, fm)
      } else res

    val t0 = System.nanoTime()
    val r = Platform.runWorkers(params, workerFun, () => stop = true)
    val millis = (System.nanoTime() - t0) / 1000000L
    val timedRes = r.copy(time = millis)
    params.testCallback.onTestResult("", timedRes)

  /** As `check`, but discards the result. Useful for when you just want to read the console output.
  def check_(params: Parameters, p: Prop): Unit = { check(params, p); () }

  /** As `check`, but discards the result. Useful for when you just want to read the console output.
  def check_(p: Prop)(f: Parameters => Parameters): Unit =
    check_(f(Parameters.default), p)

  /** Returns the result of filtering a property name by a supplied regular expression.
   *  @param propertyName
   *    The name of the property to be filtered.
   *  @param regex
   *    The regular expression to filter the property name by.
   *  @return
   *    true if the regular expression matches the property name, false if not.
  def matchPropFilter(propertyName: String, regex: Regex): Boolean = {

  private def buildPredicate(o: Option[String]): String => Boolean =
    o match {
      case Some(expr) =>
        val regex = expr.r
        (s: String) => matchPropFilter(s, regex)
      case None =>
        (_: String) => true

  /** Check a set of properties. */
  def checkProperties(prms: Parameters, ps: Properties): collection.Seq[(String, Result)] = {
    val params1 = ps.overrideParameters(prms)
    val isMatch = buildPredicate(params1.propFilter)
    val props = { case (name, _) => isMatch(name) } { case (name, prop) =>
      val params2 = params1.withTestCallback(
        new TestCallback {
          override def onPropEval(n: String, t: Int, s: Int, d: Int) =
            params1.testCallback.onPropEval(name, t, s, d)
          override def onTestResult(n: String, r: Result) =
            params1.testCallback.onTestResult(name, r)

      val res = Test.check(params2, prop)
      (name, res)

  /** As `checkProperties`, but discards the result. Useful for when you just want to observe the results on the
   *  console.
  def checkProperties_(prms: Parameters, ps: Properties): Unit = { checkProperties(prms, ps); () }

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