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org.scalacheck.Cogen.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
** ScalaCheck **
** Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Rickard Nilsson. All rights reserved. **
** **
** **
** This software is released under the terms of the Revised BSD License. **
** There is NO WARRANTY. See the file LICENSE for the full text. **
\*------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
package org.scalacheck
import language.higherKinds
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.BitSet
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, FiniteDuration}
import java.math.BigInteger
import rng.Seed
sealed trait Cogen[T] extends Serializable {
def perturb(seed: Seed, t: T): Seed
def cogen[A](t: T, g: Gen[A]): Gen[A] =
Gen.gen((p, seed) => g.doApply(p, perturb(seed, t)))
def contramap[S](f: S => T): Cogen[S] =
Cogen((seed: Seed, s: S) => perturb(seed, f(s)))
object Cogen extends CogenArities with CogenLowPriority with CogenVersionSpecific with time.JavaTimeCogen {
def apply[T](implicit ev: Cogen[T]): Cogen[T] = ev
def apply[T](f: T => Long): Cogen[T] = new Cogen[T] {
def perturb(seed: Seed, t: T): Seed = seed.reseed(f(t))
def apply[T](f: (Seed, T) => Seed): Cogen[T] =
new Cogen[T] {
def perturb(seed: Seed, t: T): Seed = f(seed, t)
def it[T, U](f: T => Iterator[U])(implicit U: Cogen[U]): Cogen[T] =
new Cogen[T] {
def perturb(seed: Seed, t: T): Seed =
def perturb[T](seed: Seed, t: T)(implicit cg: Cogen[T]): Seed =
cg.perturb(seed, t)
implicit lazy val cogenUnit: Cogen[Unit] = Cogen(_ => 0L)
implicit lazy val cogenBoolean: Cogen[Boolean] =
Cogen(b => if (b) 1L else 0L)
implicit lazy val cogenByte: Cogen[Byte] = Cogen(_.toLong)
implicit lazy val cogenShort: Cogen[Short] = Cogen(_.toLong)
implicit lazy val cogenChar: Cogen[Char] = Cogen(_.toLong)
implicit lazy val cogenInt: Cogen[Int] = Cogen(_.toLong)
implicit lazy val cogenLong: Cogen[Long] = Cogen(n => n)
implicit lazy val cogenFloat: Cogen[Float] =
Cogen(n => java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(n).toLong)
implicit lazy val cogenDouble: Cogen[Double] =
Cogen(n => java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(n))
implicit lazy val bigInt: Cogen[BigInt] =
implicit lazy val bigDecimal: Cogen[BigDecimal] = {
// Normalize unscaled values and scaling factors by moving powers of ten from value to scaling factor.
def normalize(unscaled: BigInteger, scale: Int): (BigInteger, Int) = {
val divideAndRemainder = unscaled.divideAndRemainder(BigInteger.TEN)
val quotient = divideAndRemainder(0)
val remainder = divideAndRemainder(1)
val canNormalize = (unscaled.abs.compareTo(BigInteger.TEN) >= 0) &&
(remainder == BigInteger.ZERO) &&
(scale != Int.MaxValue) &&
(scale != Int.MinValue)
if (canNormalize) normalize(quotient, scale - 1) else (unscaled, scale)
// If the unscaled value is zero then the scaling factor doesn't matter. Otherwise perturb based on both.
Cogen((seed: Seed, n: BigDecimal) =>
if (n.bigDecimal.unscaledValue == BigInteger.ZERO)
Cogen[Int].perturb(seed, 0)
else {
val (unscaled, scale) = normalize(n.bigDecimal.unscaledValue, n.scale)
Cogen[(Int, Array[Byte])].perturb(seed, (scale, unscaled.toByteArray))
implicit lazy val bitSet: Cogen[BitSet] =
implicit def cogenOption[A](implicit A: Cogen[A]): Cogen[Option[A]] =
Cogen((seed, o) => o.fold(seed)(a => A.perturb(, a)))
implicit def cogenEither[A, B](implicit A: Cogen[A], B: Cogen[B]): Cogen[Either[A, B]] =
Cogen((seed, e) => e.fold(a => A.perturb(seed, a), b => B.perturb(, b)))
implicit def cogenArray[A](implicit A: Cogen[A]): Cogen[Array[A]] =
Cogen((seed, as) => perturbArray(seed, as))
implicit def cogenString: Cogen[String] =
implicit def cogenSymbol: Cogen[Symbol] =
implicit def cogenList[A: Cogen]: Cogen[List[A]] =
implicit def cogenVector[A: Cogen]: Cogen[Vector[A]] =
implicit def cogenStream[A: Cogen]: Cogen[Stream[A]] =
implicit def cogenSet[A: Cogen: Ordering]: Cogen[Set[A]] =
implicit def cogenMap[K: Cogen: Ordering, V: Cogen]: Cogen[Map[K, V]] =
implicit def cogenFunction0[Z: Cogen]: Cogen[() => Z] =
Cogen[Z].contramap(f => f())
implicit val cogenException: Cogen[Exception] =
implicit val cogenThrowable: Cogen[Throwable] =
implicit def cogenTry[A: Cogen]: Cogen[Try[A]] =
Cogen((seed: Seed, x: Try[A]) => x match {
case Success(a) => Cogen[A].perturb(, a)
case Failure(e) => Cogen[Throwable].perturb(seed, e)
implicit val cogenFiniteDuration: Cogen[FiniteDuration] =
implicit val cogenDuration: Cogen[Duration] =
Cogen((seed: Seed, x: Duration) => x match {
case d: FiniteDuration => Cogen[FiniteDuration].perturb(seed, d)
// Undefined -> NaN, Inf -> PositiveInfinity, MinusInf -> NegativeInf
// We could just use `toUnit` for finite durations too, but the Long => Double
// conversion is lossy, so this approach may be better.
case d => Cogen[Double].perturb(seed, d.toUnit(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS))
implicit def cogenPartialFunction[A: Arbitrary, B: Cogen]: Cogen[PartialFunction[A, B]] =
Cogen[A => Option[B]].contramap(_.lift)
def perturbPair[A, B](seed: Seed, ab: (A, B))(implicit A: Cogen[A], B: Cogen[B]): Seed =
B.perturb(A.perturb(seed, ab._1), ab._2)
def perturbArray[A](seed: Seed, as: Array[A])(implicit A: Cogen[A]): Seed = {
var s = seed
var i = 0
while (i < as.length) { s = A.perturb(s, as(i)); i += 1 }
def domainOf[A, B](f: A => B)(implicit B: Cogen[B]): Cogen[A] = B.contramap(f)
trait CogenLowPriority {
implicit def cogenSeq[CC[x] <: Seq[x], A: Cogen]: Cogen[CC[A]] =