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package org.scalafmt.cli
import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths}
import java.util.Date
import org.scalafmt.Versions
import scopt.OptionParser
object CliArgParser {
implicit val readPath: scopt.Read[Path] = scopt.Read.reads { Paths.get(_) }
val usageExamples: String =
"""|scalafmt # Format all files in the current project, configuration is determined in this order:
| # 1. .scalafmt.conf file in current directory
| # 2. .scalafmt.conf inside root directory of current git repo
| # 3. no configuration, default style
|scalafmt --test # throw exception on mis-formatted files, won't write to files.
|scalafmt --mode diff # Format all files that were edited in git diff against master branch.
|scalafmt --mode changed # Format files listed in `git status` (latest changes against previous commit.
|scalafmt --diff-branch 2.x # same as --diff, except against branch 2.x
|scalafmt --stdin # read from stdin and print to stdout
|scalafmt --stdin --assume-filename foo.sbt < foo.sbt # required when using --stdin to format .sbt files.
|scalafmt Code1.scala A.scala # write formatted contents to file.
|scalafmt --stdout Code.scala # print formatted contents to stdout.
|scalafmt --exclude target # format all files in directory excluding target
|scalafmt --config .scalafmt.conf # read custom style from file.
|scalafmt --config-str "style=IntelliJ" # define custom style as a flag, must be quoted.""".stripMargin
val scoptParser: OptionParser[CliOptions] =
new scopt.OptionParser[CliOptions]("scalafmt") {
override def showUsageOnError: Option[Boolean] = Some(false)
private def printAndExit(
includeUsage: Boolean
)(ignore: Unit, c: CliOptions): CliOptions = {
if (includeUsage) displayToOut(usage)
else displayToOut(header)
private def readConfig(contents: String, c: CliOptions): CliOptions = {
c.copy(configStr = Some(contents))
head("scalafmt", Versions.nightly)
opt[Unit]('h', "help")
.action(printAndExit(includeUsage = true))
.text("prints this usage text")
opt[Unit]('v', "version")
.action(printAndExit(includeUsage = false))
.text("print version ")
.action((file, c) => c.addFile(file))
"""file, or directory (in which all *.scala files are to be formatted);
|if starts with '@', refers to path listing files to be formatted
|(with "@-" referring to standard input as a special case)""".stripMargin
opt[Seq[Path]]('f', "files")
.action((files, c) => c.withFiles(files))
.hidden() // this option isn't needed anymore. Simply pass the files as
// arguments. Keeping for backwards compatibility
"file or directory, in which case all *.scala files are formatted. Deprecated: pass files as arguments"
opt[Unit]('i', "in-place")
.action((_, c) => writeMode(c, WriteMode.Override))
.hidden() // this option isn't needed anymore. Simply don't pass
// --stdout. Keeping for backwards compatibility
.text("format files in-place (default)")
.action((_, c) => writeMode(c, WriteMode.Stdout))
.text("write formatted files to stdout")
.action((excludes, c) => c.copy(customExcludes = excludes))
"file or directory, when missing all *.scala files are formatted."
.action((_, c) => c.copy(respectProjectFilters = true))
"use project filters even when specific files to format are provided"
opt[Path]('c', "config")
.action((file, c) => c.copy(config = Some(file)))
.text("a file path to .scalafmt.conf.")
.text("configuration defined as a string")
.action((_, c) => c.copy(stdIn = true))
.text("read from stdin and print to stdout")
.action((_, c) => c.copy(noStdErr = true))
.text("don't use strerr for messages, output to stdout")
.action((filename, c) => c.copy(assumeFilename = filename))
"when using --stdin, use --assume-filename to hint to scalafmt that the input is an .sbt file."
.action((_, c) => c.copy(error = true))
.text("exit with status 1 if any mis-formatted code found.")
.action((_, c) => writeMode(c, WriteMode.Test).copy(error = true))
"test for mis-formatted code only, exits with status 1 on failure."
.action((_, c) =>
writeMode(c, WriteMode.Test).copy(error = true, check = true)
"test for mis-formatted code only, exits with status 1 on first failure."
.action((m, c) => c.copy(mode = Option(m)))
s"""Sets the files to be formatted fetching mode.
.action((_, c) => c.copy(mode = Option(DiffFiles("master"))))
s"""Format files listed in `git diff` against master.
|Deprecated: use --mode diff instead""".stripMargin
.action((branch, c) => c.copy(mode = Option(DiffFiles(branch))))
s"""Format files listed in `git diff` against given git ref.
|Deprecated: use --mode diff-ref= instead""".stripMargin
.action((_, _) => { println(buildInfo); sys.exit })
.text("prints build information")
.action((_, c) => c.copy(quiet = true))
.text("don't print out stuff to console.")
.action((_, c) => c.copy(debug = true))
.text("print out diagnostics to console.")
.action((_, c) => c.copy(nonInteractive = true))
.text("disable fancy progress bar, useful in ci or sbt plugin.")
.action((_, c) => writeMode(c, WriteMode.List).copy(error = true))
.text("list files that are different from scalafmt formatting")
opt[(Int, Int)]("range")
.action({ case ((from, to), c) =>
val offset = if (from == to) 0 else -1
c.copy(range = c.range + Range(from - 1, to + offset))
.text("(experimental) only format line range from=to")
|Please file bugs to
checkConfig { c =>
if (c.config.isDefined && c.configStr.isDefined)
failure("may not specify both --config and --config-str")
else success
def buildInfo =
s"""build commit: ${Versions.commit}
|build time: ${new Date(Versions.timestamp.toLong)}""".stripMargin
private def writeMode(c: CliOptions, writeMode: WriteMode): CliOptions =
c.writeModeOpt.fold {
c.copy(writeModeOpt = Some(writeMode))
} { x =>
if (x != writeMode)
throw new Conflict(s"writeMode changing from $x to $writeMode")
class Conflict(err: String) extends Exception(err)